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Everything posted by chakaru11
If the new Glass textures you downloaded overwrite the old ones and it doesn't work you might need to update your ini file. OBMM has a nice little feature to do that for you.
I know xD I downloaded the male version back when it was released. It was never really clear though if it was just a female version of this or if other parts from that game were added. Sadly, it doesn't really matter if it was ripped or not, the download is on a site that does indeed offer rips, so no linkage.
You CAN post it, but if it is ripped content from other games it is not allowed to link to it here. A lot of pretty armors lately are ripped from AION or Lineage 2 for example. Posting download links to those is forbidden here because it's basically copyright infringement. The Dragon Princess armor is also ripped from another game.
Actually I am pretty sure that's a hair that was released after Stephen had to close his website. So there isn't really much we can do for you :( O.o Errr... Now that's a first XD Like I said, I am working on this thing whenever I feel like it, so there are a dozen versions by now. The two versions I am actually using are these: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=77757 The problem here are not the pauldrons, those can be swapped easily for other ones. The only thing that is not from a freely downloadable armor is the skirt/belt/scroll thingy over the long skirt from Spellsword. THAT thing is from Tsanm011's Aisha armor and that's private I think so I am pretty sure I shouldn't even have it XD And since the entire armor was kind of constructed around that thing, replacing it will be hard O.o
Oh whoa XD Ziiiitch XD you know you could have PM'ed me xD The hair on the far right is also a SKS Ren hair, I admit that it's a bit hard to see here. Let me check which O.o ah. It's 44. That's an armor mash-up and retexture by me, consisting parts from the HS - armor, Eyren's spell sword and many more XD I am constantly working on that thing and it keeps changing every time I use it ^^
Dynasty warriors strike force armor.
chakaru11 replied to shinigami18186's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
You know, mesh wise this isn't anything new, it's all out there. You could start out with the "saint" armor from Romuska Fantasy Store (which is based on Tona's white squall amor" and slosh the thing together in nifskope, using parts from other armors. It's a win-win situation: you get a unique armor for your character that no one else has and on top of that running amok with Nifskope and armors is a lot of fun to do. -
That is the "Saint armor" from Romuska Fantasy Store. If you open the meshes in the "Meshes ->Romuska Fantasy Store->Armors->Tona" folder in your Oblivion directory, you should stumble opon this armor. It's the only "male only" armor in the entire mod. You can go the easy way and simply open the Romuska Fantasy Store esp in the Construction set and simply add the armor pieces of the "saint" armor to the "apple merchant" NPC. He will sell it to then the next time you meet him. If you don't want to cheat and actually get it ingame... The reason why you can not find it in the shop is because it is not buyable, you have to fight for it. How to get it: (SPOILER !!! This is the only warning.) Attention: this requires the latest version of Romuska Fantasy Store to work. I your version is outdated, you need to do this the old fashioned way and play through the entire mod to get to that particular boss fight. Once you arrive at Romuska Fantasy Store, walk into the shop and go straight for the green super mario teleportation tube. This will take you to a backroom. Go for the next tube, use it. Once you are in the Christmas Chappel, open all the gift boxes under the tree and collect the magic stones. This can be repeated, whenever you want, the boxes respawn. Anyway. Once you have all the stones, go back into the store, up the stairs and click on the Aetheryte crystal. It will now give you several teleportation dstinations like "save point 1" or "save point 2". ONE of the choices will catch your eye, since it has the name of a Vanilla quest NPC you should recognize. That is an extra boss in the mod and a challenging, nice fight. Stock up on healing potions, grab a companion or 2 and go get your armor :D Attention the second: If you win this fight and kill the boss, this will also kill the Vanilla quest connected to this particular NPC. So make sure you have already finished that quest first! Resurrecting the NPC won't work.
I guess almost everything has already been answered for the moment but one thing I just want to get out there. Would it kill some of you people to write complete, proper sentenses/requests/questions? We all love to help, that's what we are here for. But three word demands or one word orders are a tiny bit rude. >.< I mean come on. "The mod that does this." Eh?
Whoops, didn't see the second page.
Mhm... But there ARE mods out there that use custom races for quest NPCs and their races are not playable. So how does that work then?
If I am not completely mistaken, that is and edit of the outfit the companion Ramy Enfant wears when you first meet her. She is here on the Nexus. About the ears: I have those, give me a few minutes.
Sounds like some modder forgot to set the NPC races to unplayable ^^ I can not confirm it since I don't have Elsweyr. But you can find out yourself pretty easily. Just boot up the construction set, load the esp you think is responsible, go to characters->race and check the race list. If there is indeed a slew of Kajiit there, click on them, go to the "text data" tap and unckeck the little box called "playable". Save the esp. Done. Now the races in question should no longer spam your race selection.
Actually that hair does exist as a real hair file too. If I remember correctly, it's part of the 2ch hair pack and can be found as part of the "beautiful people 2ch" racepack. That's a huge file, but it should be rather easy to find using google.
Just an edit to my above post directed at guyvermk: The second picture you posted is from the image share here ( just saw that) -.- it was posted by mktsang and he even says in his screenshot description: Meaning that HE made the outfit and HE will be the one to release it as soon as it's no longer a WIP. Please people, don't just stare at the pretty but start reading the screenshot descriptions too. It saves you a lot of trouble.
First picture: The armor is the white version of the heavy Lancer Dread armor. It's a private mod that has been leaked in a lot of places, but the download links have pretty much disappeared. I had it once, but lost it after a vista reinstall. The sword is from a ripped Lineage 2 weapon pack. This particular weapon is called HeavenDivider. Second picture: Oh come on people. Pictures of this armor have been released what? Two weeks ago? And they are spammed everywhere. I know they are on MoM and everything, but that is clearly a work in progress. @Ladylionhart: Both hairs are from SKS Ren's hairpack, which you can still find somewhere on google if you are very, very lucky. The races however seem to be sloshed together by the respective owners of the characters. The first one for example is using Ren's original Mystic Elf texture (it was recolored a bit darker, but still) and most likely an edited head mesh, while the second one is using textures I have not seen before, but a headmesh that looks very familiar. I don't think they are races per se, but things the creators threw together tehmselves.
Battlehorn: Private Quarters bug
chakaru11 replied to akazik's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Mhm, there is nothing much we can do with that little information. All you are telling us is that you have Battlehorn Castle and The Lost Spires. But clearly those are not the only mods you have? Please post a complete list of your mods so that maybe we can find the mod conflict that needs to be sorted out. And I would advice you to maybe check the Lost Spires download thread and website for any possible mod conflicts. -
That's one of my own pics, so here goes: The armor is a very old one by ancient_laws. It's a rip from another game, so it's not downloadable here. But a little google-fu should get you to his mods that are still around. The sword is an AION rip from a set that is called "aion dragon weapons". Again I can not link you, since I downloaded that a while ago, but I think Google can help here, too. But BE AWARE that I heavily recolored it (like, completely) to match the armor. The original weapons have a red/orange/flame color theme.
Drakes Dragon Race's wings go to 0,0,0(guess)
chakaru11 replied to FelixWolf's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
hi there :) I would advice you to go back to the download thread you linked and read the description the mod creator provides. All your problems are listed there with downloadable solutions. Example: The purple feet. From the mod description: Attention! There's a bug in the 0.0.7 release. The NIF file for the male footwraps has wrong texture paths. This causes the meshes to go pitch black and loose their rigging, so you'll have static black footwraps which won't move along when walking! To fix this download and install the Cloth Wraps Complete package and copy the file "meshes/clothes/DrakeDragon/male/DragonFootWraps_dcpart.nif" to replace "meshes/clothes/DrakeDragon/DragonFootWraps_dcpart.nif". He also provides several links to forum topics especially about this mod. -
Your Most Frustrating Oblivion Moments
chakaru11 replied to Spl1nt3rC3ll's topic in Oblivion's Spoilers
Now that you mention it: Knights of the Nine was one huge, neverending frustrating Oblivion moment. 1.) The wayshrine bug. Isn't it wonderful that there are several shrines named after the same deity, so that there is a 50% chance that at the end of your pilgrimage one shrine does not count and you are basically screwed? 2.) The fact that KOTN conflicts with almost everything, so that there is a VERY HIGH chance that as soon as your pilgrimage ends and you are teleported into the sky, you are stuck there? I can not count how many times that happened to me even when there were no mod conflicts detected. 3.) The "knight follows you to the end of the world and beyond" bug. Taking into consideration that this is one huge, almost unavoidable bug (unless you read online tutorials on how to work around it) in an official Bethesda mod, I am SO glad that those guys never included real companions in Oblivion. Would have been one hell of a bug fest >.< -
I did not want to imply that you do not google search, but you did not mention which files you already know of / found on your own either, so I could only assume. Aside from that I do remember Burmecians work from Morrowind and the first versions of his work for Oblivion, but as far as I know it is no longer out there.
Two minutes in google and I think I found what you are looking for :P It's called "Final Fantasy Moogles" by Burmecian. Google that and you should get there in no time. But be aware that that file is outdated, Burmecian said so himself in the comments there. He talks about a later download link on the Nexus, but it's not here as far as I know.
There are health bars for companions in a mod here on the nexus (which is called status bars) or something like that. But I like the "HUDcompanion0.1.1" better. Google it, it should be the first link you get. It uses OBSE and Pluggy and is scripted to list up to 4 companions (hence I have 4 of them xD). It's a neat little thing and you get used to it in no time. It is an asian mod so the readme is useless, but if you follow the readme Pluggy provides you can't do anything wrong. :D That's what it looks like: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1711501-1285397615.jpg (I know I know, the cuteness probably burned your retinas, but it was the only picture I had XD)
That is one of SK Ren's hairs, 07 if I remember correctly. You might still get it via Google.
I am absolutely "pro" companion, since I am an RPG player at heart and love teamplay. I do not care if my companions walk into walls or get lost along the way. I take that in stride because I love them. One of my favorite PCs is Ljus, an archer, who has a custom class so that she specialises in Restoration too. That means she is not really a monster in a fight and needs companions. Since I use the Companion Health Hud, which gives Companion play a ton of immersion imho, I take up to 4 companions along for the ride whenever I play Ljus. Alba - The Warrior. She is one of the oldest "romance" mods around, she is actually a really old German mod, but an EV is available on the Nexus. She can not ride horses, her AI is somewhat rusty, she suffers from the double face glitch after fast travelling and her "romance" part isn't much more than putting strawberries into your inventory. But she packs a punch in a fight, can teleport to the PC from anywhere so she does not get stuck and does everything a good companion should. Aside from that she is just adorable. Pym - The Battlemage She is a CM partner based on one of my PCs and is the second melee fighter/tank of the team. As every basic CM partner she tends to get stuck in doors and her path finding leaves a lot to be desired, but ranged spells and good close combat is always a plus. Neeshka - The second archer of the team (ranged AOE) She is also available on the Nexus and imho one of the best Non CM partners around. I use the archer version and usually take every sword she has away from her so that she is forced to use her bow. Combine that with enchanted arrows that have a nice area of effect and you have great backup. But don't let her out of your sight: she steals! Preferably shiny silverware. Ramy (enfant) - the mage She is one of the most adorable companions around and despite a lot of reviews about her saying that she is usless in a fight, I can assure you that is not the case! Make her a mage, give her good equiptment and her summons pack a punch! Aside from that I love her snarky, no-nonsense attitude. From her point of view you are lucky to have her around. Of corse so many companions tend to kill each other in bigger battles, but if you give them equipment with good magic defence, it works out in the end. Organizing and keeping tabs on 4 companions is really hard and repairing their stuff is a pain in the butt, but in my oppinion it is worth it. As an archer I can keep in the back and do what an archer does: ranged attacks. And I am so used to the companion health hud by now that I can't live without it anymore.
The second outfit (the elven archer) is a Poser rip and therefore also unavailable for linkage.