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Everything posted by chakaru11

  1. What the heck >.< I out - smarted myself. I knew I had seen that rozen maiden headmesh on a site that also hosted the momomo outfit aka the healer dress and since looking for rozen maiden stuff did not help I googled "Oblivion momomo outfit healer dress". And it lead me to... a screenshot of LJUS >.< NOOOOO! *headdesk of doom*
  2. Ack, that's the Rozen Maiden suigintou replica, isn't it? I've seen it around, but don't really remember where. The headpiece, hair and the actual head are indeed one mesh, I remember that much. Need to investigate. *twitches*
  3. What the heck? Was that really necessary? Believe it or not, I was a member of an X box service hotline team expecially for HALO when it was released here in Germany so believe me, I know a LOT about it and can sing your "history of Halo" backwards, thank you. But I still don't like it nor care about this game, because I do not think it is the Holy Grail of video games like try to make it out to be here. Some people might not know the Halo armor because they do not CARE about Halo and prever other games. That has nothing to do with living under a rock.
  4. Errr... guys? Not to be nitpicky or anything, but that looks more like one of desuchan's dolls than a moonshadow elf to me. Or at least the face textures were kind of mashed together. The armor is the "Omoi Set" by Q-Ta. I took that thing apart several times, so I'd recognize those shoulder parts anywhere XD Here you go: http://ihavenogreeting.blog100.fc2.com/blog-entry-24.html Eeek xD Yes, that would be me. *hides*
  5. WEll I know I am getting off topic here since I have not released anything for THIS game, but as a long time modder for other games, let me tell you this: If you are not comfortable with what other people do with your stuff., do not release it, period. Because in the end, everything you create rightfully belongs to the original owner/creator of the game and not to you. So it is not "yours" to begin with. And once you upload it ANYWHERE, you opened Pandora's box and sign away any right or say you had in the matter. Even your "terms of use" are nothing more than a polite request to respect your wishes, but that's it. People can be cruel when they want to get their hands on something and a lot of them do not respect what you had in mind at all. That's how it goes, deal with it or don't release stuff. I know I am harsh now, but it is a lesson I had to learn years ago. The way users/players respect the wishes of the original creator (or not) can make or break a community, but in the end you have no say in the matter.
  6. Actually the others are right, Pym is using all textures and meshes from the moonshadow elves, but I reset the face preset so that it was basically just the headmesh. After that I spammed the "random face" button ingame. And that's how Pym happened XDD Sometimes getting rid of face presets does wonders. Not that I don't like the preset of the MS elves, but yeah. It was an accident, but I loved it :)
  7. Eeep, you are right, all of slof's stuff is gone from the Nexus, so the website is the best bet.
  8. Yup, that armor is a rip. I'd advice you to get Slofs "Even more male stuff" mod (eek O.o I hope the name is right XD) because they did a wonderful job recreating some of that stuff. The wings lone are a thing of beauty. Lehcar: Is it this? http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34905
  9. You know what? There is no reason to imply that I lied about the armor rip just because YOU guys have not seen it yet. Do you honestly think I posted that because I need attention? The game is not out HERE. But have you ever heard of BETAs? Geez. I can and will not post links since the armor WAS clearly RIPPED from a game (that is not out yet, haha, sure), but screenshots, that might be possible. Give me a minute. http://img1.3dmgame.com:8080/2010/08/01/197/124942944819611.jpg http://img1.3dmgame.com:8080/2010/08/01/197/124938191416635.jpg This clearly IS the armor above (with a ridiculous cup size, as I mentioned above) and it has been around for quite some time. I have it myself and took a good look at it in Nifskope so believe me, IT IS REAL. If you want further proof: I used parts of it for an armor mash up months ago. The screenshot is here: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=72941 Look at the shoulder parts, the legs, yadda yadda. Notice when this screeshot was posted? November 2010. And now tell me how this is possible if the "game is not out yet blah blah". So please, do a little research before implying that someone made somthing up. I really love to help. but being called a liar? Way to go to make people help you.
  10. Err... not to barge in on the whole "edited moonshadow elf textures that no one wants to share", but I found those once and they were OPENLY DOWNLOADABLE. Not a private mod. I can try and find those again. Please guys, don't get all mad over something that might not even be true.
  11. Wheee Midas Magic :D Useful outside of a fight: - Midas chest - Midas Astral Recall - Midas Luminous ( a lot more handy than the vanilla light spells) - Midas Mass Restore (great for healing companions, your horse or random Vanilla quest NPCs that follow you around) - Midas Ghost Swarm (triggers fear in possible enemies and makes them run for their money. Useful if you don't want to fight atm.) - Midas Purify (cures every desease, including the unnerving vampire deseases so that you won't wake up with a new set of fangs after you sleep in a bed.) Useful in a fight with a small group of enemies or inside small cramped places: - Midas Healing Force (health + enemy knockback) - Midas Ring of Blades (makes a lot of damage combined with physical attacks) - Midas Mage Shield (reduces lightning, fire and ice dmg) - Midas Stone Wall (Name?) blocks the road wherever you cast it and holds off enemies Useful in a fight in open space and against a horde of enemies: - Midas Glyphs (whichever you prefer, I like Ice and Fire) - Midas Fire Burst (not too much damage, but a wide area of enemy knockback and honestly? It looks badass.) - Midas collumn of fire - Midas Holy Judgement (exactely what it sounds like) And finally: Midas Phoenix. Kicks ass against everything evil, looks badass and is unbeatable as a finishing move in a fight.
  12. Actually.. *hides in a corner*.. there actually is a ripped version of this armor around, but the cup size is ridiculous. Just sayin' >.<
  13. Mhm, I don't know if this has been done before. Sims3 hairs use a totally different file format than sims2 hairs. Sims 3 hairs already have transparency, that's a plus. But this would require SimPE for the sims3 and that thing is still reeeeally buggy. Does this hair maybe exist in a sims2 version? I am sure that would get your request done a lot faster.
  14. Wasn't the queens armory the base for all the Dancing Shadow Rose edits? I never really understood why everybody gets all "WANT!" about this armor, but there sure are a lot of good edits around.
  15. We really have to coordinate better who answers to which post XD The poor guy XDDD
  16. That it is actually a mesh from another game that was edited to work in Oblivion. It's against copyright law, so on the Nexus posting links to mods like that is a bannable offense. Lehcar: The hair looks like an XM sims conversion, but I am not sure. The sword is the two hand sword from the AION Heranas set.
  17. Hair in the first pic is one of SKS Ren'S hairs. They are ripped sims2 hairs, so you'll not find them here. Mediafire helps. Outfit in the last shot is also a rip, this time from Resident Evil 5.
  18. Thanks again Greenwarden ^^ I think Google translator was the reason it did not work before, since it greyed every possible link out or made them invisible. This blog was the first one I stumbled on on my search and the links I actually COULD click on lead me around in circles. Good times.
  19. Err... yeah XD And this is exactely the result I got and was talking about when I said "dead end", because that blog is dead as far as I can see and all the possible download links have been removed. And here I go again and put a foot in my mouth because HERE, on University computers with ridiculous restrictions, the download works. It never did from my computer at home. INSANITY.
  20. The armor ins one of the mage dresses, I know that ^^ And the scroll only looks like a sword if you have no other weapon equipped. Sigh. Usually you at least find a hint where to find it, but I come up with nothing xD *wants* Yup I found the name of the SpellCard mod too, but this, too, is a dead end.
  21. OK, I have a tough one for you and I doubt anyone has it and I chose this not only because I want it but because I am an evil, evil person. http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj192/burningangelic/Oblivion2010-07-1612-01-00-46.jpg These floating scrolls are animated and can even turn into a sword. All I found out is that they are from a mod called HGEC THarmors. I tink the actual file name is HGEC_BBB_ThArmor_v5_06.7z, but I still come up blank. And somehow connected to another mod called SLSC (SpellLikeSpellCard) and argh. One way street. I got nothing.
  22. I don't know which one exactely it is, I only have 1-8 though and I think the menu point is called "crescent".
  23. That would be one of the Goma Pose mods I'm afraid. And the armor is KURESE's Eisenplatte Armor, it was released her on the Nexus yesterday. :D
  24. Ziitch your screenshot doesn't show, it gives an error message :( mastermadman: That's not a real weapon, it's from a Pose Mod. But there is a weapon similar to it here on the nexus, I think it's called daedric crescent blade.
  25. Ack! xDD Biyu's my character, so all her stuff was revamped by me. I can't use any custom content without abusing it. The armor is the "chilian" armor from Mystery of Mausoleum and the Sword is the two hand sword from the Aion dragon weapon set. Both recolored and a bit retextured of corse. I know, I add glowmaps in every possible color to almost every weapon I use xD and armors O.o it'S so much fun I don't even. I replaced all the horses in the "personal portable paradise" mod with the tricorns and the deer with the glowing magic deer from Midas magic XD Walking around that tiny island in the dark is so funny now :D Glowing animals everywhere.
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