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Everything posted by chakaru11

  1. Romuska Fantasy Store has a ton of weapons that are scripted for dual weild use. The thing is that you have to find those weapons since they are random drops in a really hard dungeon. But combined with DMC stylish sword dancer those are the best dual weild weapons around imho.
  2. Well the b/w strategy depends on the textures you work with. If you want the entire thing to have just one color, go for it. Playing around with the contrast settings helps too. But eeek, the Tricorn? O.o What color do intent to use for that thing O.o I mean - even the glow maps are blue. *imagins yellow tricorn*
  3. Actually, that recolor was done by me xD I sent it to Trebor. But the entire thing is totally easy to recolor, just open the textures in any picture editing program that supports the DDS format and set it to b/w. A little bit of fine tuning and your done.
  4. The different outfits for the pixie are in the "kigae" folder that comes with the download. Just rename the one you want into "fairy01" and drop it into the creature folder of the pixie. Although... the textures for that school uniform thing are missing.
  5. Mhm. 90 % of my brain scream "RIP!", the other 10 % are unsure and point out that the head seems a little too small for the rest of the body and the arms look a bit out of proportion too. Still... mhm.
  6. Oh woah, I totally agree on Matron. I encountered her when my difficulty slider was at 100 % and my current character was level 42 >.< It was a massacre. The fight was totally messy, I missed a lot of the times, my health potions were gone, my armor was ruined and the sword I usually use with this character was broken too. It felt like a total failure, so I thought "screw it" and jumped off dive rock. And while I was falling I saw Matron falling too, because she jumped after me. Great times. Next time I ran into her I immedately lured Matron to dive rock, ran around her and Finger-of-the-mountianed her off the cliff. No idea where her body hit the ground, but it was a spectacular sight.
  7. Ok, starting the link delivery now. I't will be the original windows live account link, but as long as you right click save on the white little file icon in the top left corner, you should be fine. Sending them out now.
  8. Guys. From where are you downloading the shendai claws? Is it the windows live account? Because I was perfectly fine downloading those with Firefox. All you need to do is click on the thumbnail of the open file and use "save as". If you still get an error, I'll bring the file tomorrow (i am at a university computer right now) and give you a link.
  9. For that you would have to find the particular magic texture it came with and change the hue there to. I've been retexturing and recoloring particle textures a lot lately, it works just like normal textures.
  10. @chainy: I've looked into the Lolita race folders but there is nothing in there except for a vanilla kajiit textures. Looks like you really need the 2ch mod :(
  11. Ack, I have the Lolita race at home, although it mostly consists of the miquote ears and a black cat tail. The rest is obviously dependant on the 2ch mod. I could package it though and send it to you tomorrow?
  12. Obviously, my timing sucks. *shakes fist*
  13. Links, shiny, whatever, I'll take anything XD Being cut off from the internet totally blows. *sigh* And sitting in a public university libary blows even more. I do not have a poker face. I laugh. I smile. I snort. Everyone is staring at me.
  14. Damn. It totally sucks not having internet at home at the moment and having to rely on university computers. I want in on all the shiny too! *cries*
  15. Actually that dress is a rip from the game Sword of Excellence, so I guess your level naturally has to be rather high to get it. I've seen a few of these dresses around, but it's another exclusive thing I'm afraid.
  16. Well sadly there are certain restrictions to the Oblivion engine so that a lot of weather immersion was lost. I remember playing Morrowind for the first time and how the characters protected their face with their hand when facing the wind. If you want the NPCs and your character reacting to the rain, I'd advice you to try out "Personal Idles 4", it's here on the nexus. If you activate the idles for all NPCs, they shudder when it's cold and hug themselves when it rains to keep warm. It's not much, but it's a start, right?
  17. You are still juggeling with the idea of sharing memory data from savegames. But the game world itself, meaning the vanilla status quo if things NEVER changes. The game world is always the same, only the conditions change - and that is character data. Meaning that whenever you load a save, the game reads exactely that data file, checks the conditions and boots up the character. Tools like OBSE are great, but they can only do so much. Creating a character within another save out of thin air will most likely never be possible. I know that you are going for more immersion here and that actually finding "footprints" of an older character in the game world would be totally awesome. But what you want is not some added function or nifty tool, it would require a total overhaul of the way Oblivion writes and handles savegames.
  18. Bahaha, I KNEW it XD No wonder this was so confusing.
  19. http://cid-f6636f997c1a0df0.office.live.com/self.aspx/zeoblivion/06BadGuyCos.7z This is a complete Sol Badguy outfit, which of corse iis, as we all know, Ky's outfit in red. It even has the headband, the sword and the hair. It's from Zeoblivion, so totally legal since there are only custom meshes on that site, no ripped content.
  20. Yeah, the second one looks like the tiara Stephen made for one of the SK ren hairs. But I never downloaded that one, not a fan of tiaras ^^
  21. Damnit, I knew I was confusing the two XDD Because there actually IS an outfit called Glorious mage dress which might even be from the same creator. Confusing, this.
  22. If you were talking to me, yeah, why not XD Deliveries are always nice :) And the armor in the middle should be the Glorious Mage Dress if I am not mistaken, which can also be found on Rembrandt. Or at least a link to it.
  23. Nope, getting a "page not found" error here. No pics :( But the Rembrandt Oblivion Room might be a good place to start looking.
  24. Oh god that is the dancing shadow rose/white rose whatever the heck all the edits are called. There are dozens of versions around, I wouldn't even know where to start looking.
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