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Everything posted by kayinv

  1. Is this a fresh install? I just reinstalled my cursed D2D copy and it was constantly crashing at launch (whether I launched through FOSE, the fallout.exe, or the launcher.) You know what the issue ended up being (well, so far anyway)? The default "high" resolution setting the game automatically applies when you do a new install. Dumbest thing ever, but I only found that I could launch the game after I changed the game resolution to the native resolution of my monitor (1920x1080). After that the game finally started launching without a crash. Hopefully the FOSE 1.2 rumors are true for my D2D copy of the game. So far it seems to launch the game, but now I need to see if the FOSE-required mods will work.
  2. Use the fov command in console mode. IE: fov 10 fov 20 In conjunction with TFC, you can swing the camera around to where you want to zoom, then use fov # (# being a number) to zoom in. It tends to go back to normal when you close the console, however, so open up a menu while the console is open (hitting escape to bring up the normal menu works), then type TM to get rid of menu's (it'll hide the options menu), then close the console and move your mouse off screen and take a picture. :) Well, I think I figured it out for the most part. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1717900-1287296054.jpg Before anyone asks, yes, I plan on making a texture release for all my eyes and tattoos once I feel I have enough for a solid release. Anyway, one issue I'm still having is getting rid of the console text. The mouse pointer is easy, I don't even have to bring up a menu for that. But when I use the TM command after bringing the main menu up and hit the ` button to release the console, the frozen shot doesn't stick for some reason. Is there a particular order this has to be done with?
  3. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/457645-1287012403.jpg This is more of a question then anything else, but how do I zoom in super close like this without going through the character's face (and seeing their eyeballs, jaws, etc.) I use the Flying Camera mod and whenever I get too close, I go through the face. :(
  4. Detectives, I need locations or mods that have cool graveyards. I'm looking for graveyards around ruins - preferably human ruins or graveyards that look old and abandoned. Also, is there any pose mods that show emotional outbursts? I already have the Emotion mods for facial expressions, but what I really need are poses that look highly emotional (like the character is about to cry, is in pain, or anguish).
  5. And these people probably don't work on weekends?
  6. Is there a way to disable ALL the adds until you have convinced Google, Firefox, etc. that the problem has been resolved? I'm guessing that you probably can't since it would probably violate the terms with the ad providers who aren't causing the problems. Still, some kind of emergency suspension would be nice if the source of the malicious code is hard to track down.
  7. Does anyone know how to tell Firefox to ignore the threat so I can go about looking at the site without WARNING WHITE TEXT IN BIG RED SQUARE OF DOOM page I get every single time I move to a new page on the nexus? I can't even use the mod search function because that damn page pops up and makes every search turn up blank (and I know that if I put in "sword", I'll get results.) EDIT by LHammonds: This was covered on page 4 by HugePinball
  8. That would be greatly appreciated. If you need any cover work for your new armor sets (logos, display images, etc.), let me know. Need specialized logos for an armor set or the store - sign me up, because I'll need to feel good about something while I'm bumbling around in 3D land. :P
  9. No offence, but that's what I was trying to steer away from with the Demon Huntress outfit... Clearly I failed. Also, it's better to do it in Blender. Import everything, delete stuff you don't want as well as the numerous pieces of skeleton that will show up, select everything, import a skeleton and parent everything to it, and export. Then you've the fun job of getting all the textures together! If you want a more detailed explanation, let me know and I'll get onto it after I finish work. I think I need to learn some basic Blender first, which I'm doing slowly. I wouldn't turn down tips or more detailed explanations though. :) As with my version...it's a bit more then just a darker version. First of all, I want to call it Dragon Huntress and not have anything to do with demons really. The game overflows with demon themes, so I'm going with a dragon theme. I already have some custom dragon body tattoos in place for the DK Imperial race, and probably another version for the Xenius races (although this will involve some adjustments since DK Imperials use high-res skins and Xenius doesn't). It's sort of like Vampire Hunter D, but with dragons instead of vampires and demons. Your demon huntress is almost classical and romantic in it's style - which I think is a great contrast to it's namesake. It's sexy, but not overly sexy. As with most designs, I tend to go crazy and try to do everything in the beginning, but then cut it back and simplify. Still, I got to learn blender first. Some work I did for Dragon Age: http://dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/images/1717900-1281901473.jpg http://dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/images/1717900-1279512410.jpg
  10. One would hope they are taking notes from Bioware and Dragon Age - for voice acting and cut scenes of course. I don't think the style in Oblivion will work after Bioware made PC RPG cutscenes an alternate to Hollywood movies.
  11. I'm trying to patch together some armors to make a darker, more sexy variation of the Huntress armor. Two major changes are that I'm using the Witch Hunter hat and the Void armor corset. Well, I'm trying to do this anyway. Putting the parts together in NifSkope works well until I get to the point where it needs to become a new armor. I'm trying to avoid working with Blender for now since I don't know the software at all and come from a 2D design background. Can anyone here offer advice on mixing armors together into a new armor with NifSkope?
  12. It looks like Jill's Valentine costume from Resident Evil 5. Maybe it will help you find it. I think I've seen that armor posted before for an elf character. Pretty sure its a private armor, but I would love to have it.
  13. Hey, I'm looking for the most compatible vampire mods for the Xenius races like Daywalkers, Nightwalkers, Xenius Vampires, etc. I had A LOT of problems with DK Imperials when I used these mods and turned into a vampire, so I was hoping the Xenius races were more friendly with at least one of the major vampire mods. I recently tried StarX's mod but that really screwed up my character's head when I tried to use the Character Generate Amulet to do some tweaking. DK Imperials just had some really freaky eye issues with being a vampire, and crashed on LTD and a few of the other vampire mods. Any Xenius players found a vampire mod that works well with his races and the Character Generate Amulet?
  14. 1) I liked the resolution for the Warden and Morrigan, but didn't like the new mystery it threw at you. 2) Story-wise, yes, money-wise - no. I had some extra points saved up so I only had to pay 5 bucks for another 400, but I don't think the actual content was long enough to justify the price. Maybe 350 to 400 points max.
  15. Fixed. Learn to use spoiler tags please.
  16. Ya, I had to resort to god-mode accessories so I could fight all the enemies by myself. The dog would fight too, but he died - a lot.
  17. Ok, well I just finished it (yes, it's that fast). I played a Warden in full romance with Morrigan, but had not gotten to Red Cliff and well...you know. Non-spoiler opinions? Well, it's really short, and I mean really short. There are maybe four areas you go to total, and the only real boss fight is with the new creature you see in the trailer. The creature is certainly interesting, but anything beyond that is more spoilers. Do you get some answers? Yes. Do you get more questions? Most definitely - now go back to your chair and wait impatiently for DA2. Oh yes, I had one little bug - my NPCs didn't attack any monsters. I don't know if this is a conflict with a mod, but resetting the game didn't seem to fix it and I have too many mods to sift through to find out with one could be causing problems. Maybe it was a fluke for me, but be on the look out for it.
  18. My main rogue female character - Rai. Human: http://dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/images/1717900-1283823568.jpg Elven: http://dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/images/1717900-1283823626.jpg I think I've made so many pretty female wardens that I really need to make a collage of all of them together. I make dudes too, and will post Tyr once I get a shot I like.
  19. With removing the branches, do I keep the body portion, or do I delete the body and only leave the chest armor hanging in space? I guess these are some of the details I get confused on. Deleting the boots and arm pieces is obvious, but what about the body underneath the armor in NifSkope? Do I just keep the body portion that's attached to the chest piece and get rid of the legs and arms? Also, I take it the CS is where I relink the model portions to the textures and whatnot? Sort of like a website that needs links to the images so they can be seen? This is where I get confused in NifSkope. I get to that part of the tutorial and I'm like...okay, I guess this where I need to learn Blender - because I have no idea how to mess with the skeleton or how to even turn it properly in the scene. Don't even know where edit mode is...or what it is.
  20. This is a process I'm trying to learn step by step, so I figured splitting one piece armors would be a good first step. I want to eventually get into editing the armors and making my own meshes, but that's a lot of steps down the road. I also want to learn Blender, since I really need too. Can't stay with Adobe software forever. Anyway, I'm sure many of you know all of Hentai's armors are one-piece covers all sets. I'm just trying to take the Void armor and making it into a chest piece, arm piece, leg piece, etc. instead of the one unified piece Hentai made. Also, this is all for private use and knowledge on my part. The re-texture process is very easy for me since I know Photoshop so well, but the modeling part - not so much.
  21. I've been trying to learn how to do this because of all the single-piece armors that drive me absolutely crazy. I like to mix sets up, it's fun, but a lot of the best armors are single pieces and therefore are of no use to me. :( I've read some of the basic tutorials for NifSkope and the one for Blender that I found on this forum through a Google search. Basically I've learned what to install and how to import the NIF files, but I have no idea how to actually manipulate them. The tutorials pretty much just say "remove skeleton and pieces you want to remove" and don't tell me how to do it. I have managed to split Hentai's Void armor into the chest piece by deleting block branches, but the game still sees it as a whole set piece and the character just has invisible body parts. I don't need a tutorial for someone who already knows Blender. That's good for them, but I need help with every single step because my background is strictly 2D graphic design and I have no knowledge of 3D software. Am I really going to have to spend a ton of time learning Blender just to split these silly armors up? Or is there more detailed tutorials for beginners that I'm not aware of?
  22. I wouldn't suppose there is anyone that has already split the Void armor by Hentai and the Ambassador of Darkness armor? I'm trying to mix the chest and skirt of those two armors and, well, they're one piece sets (which drive me crazy). I also need to figure out how to make a boot turn into a necklace or helmet so I can put them over the boots which seem to be pretty integrated with the AoD armor. Finding the DDS and NIF files for AoD should be pretty easy, but I dunno about the Void armor, since it's a boss drop. Can anyone tell me what files I need to go after so I can split these armors up for re-texturing? I already have DK Imperial full-body dragon tattoos in place for what I have in mind, so it will look pretty cool when I'm done with it.
  23. You can use NifSkope to split it to seperated pieces(Sometimes you need Blender or 3DS to do that). However, if the armor uses specially tweaked body as base, mixing and matching with other armors can cause body seams and other anomalies(like clipping). I've already seen that with other armors that are split apart (like with Sinblood's Vampire outfits before they got converted to HGEC for the Goddess Store). Still, experimenting is the fun part, right? Thanks for the tip.
  24. Is there any place I can go so I can split these beautiful, but annoying one-piece armor sets? I like mixing up my armors, but sooooo many of the best armors are one piece instead of arms, leggings, shoulders, chest, etc. I know the authors do it for a reason, but how do I split the armors into seperate pieces? Is there some reference thread I can go to get some tips on this? I'm already familar with how to retexture armor, but I need to learn how to split up all these single piece armors.
  25. In the way they're used in WoW - no. If they we're "redesigned" to better fit different body parts, then yes. WoW armors would have to be done from scratch, and ripping them from the game would just look terrible. If someone wanted to re-create the armors, they would need some good character designs of the armor as the reference source. The in game models would be no good for seeing details.
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