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Everything posted by NexBeth

  1. Has there been lots of people saying that in this topic? I don't think I've seen any really, but I have not read through every word here. I for one have no problem with adult content and I don't use the filters. I only wince when I see a very limited amt of questionable content as I've voiced here. Maybe its just my own moral code bleeding out on someone else's website, but a lot of women would likely be in the boat with me.
  2. Uh...hate to burst the bubble of people who were expecting us to do something about it, but no it hasn't. None of the staff have touched that file. You can check yourself by looking at the action log on the file page. My mistake then. The description page looked different than I remember it and I thought some changes were mentioned somewhere in this discussion. No bubbles burst for me.
  3. beth to beth :) The mod presentation and description has changed since this discussion due to site owner intervention. The big-eyed/busted picture you see was first seen on the skyrim front-page "hot files". It was there for several days with a more detailed description describing the abuse, gang rape, etc. That is what gave rise to this topic. Farvet, really there are not that many participants in this topic, especially at this point. Likely if the topic was publicized to the community you'd see a lot more people here arguing both sides and it would probably turn pretty ugly. Those participating have put in their 2cents, including some well-known authors who feel similar to the way I do, but ultimately we just can voice an opinion and the owner is gracious enough to allow us that opportunity. Dark0ne has the right to make decisions about his website, period.
  4. Do any of those movies portray woman in a cavalier way as unwilling sex toys to be kidnapped, gang raped, physically scarred, and then paraded around naked? I know of movies that do this type of stuff but its usually the low-caliber "cult" movie that appeals to a very limited audience. If the woman in a video game was an African American and portrayed as such, I wonder what would be the result? I seriously doubt the majority of women on this site are ok with mods that portray women as such....but, like me, will respect the owner's decision to run his site as he sees best. Afterall, if something is intolerable enough, then there's always the door out.
  5. budrick, no one is claiming that the mod author does not have the right to create the mod. S/He does. The choice is does Nexus want to host the mod? Nexus owner does want to host the mod so it and other mods like it will remain on the Nexus. In terms of the guidelines of the videogame and movie industry, I am certainly no expert on this whatsoever, but I do feel that even though you can do it, doesn't necessarily equate to you should do it. Movie makers and even (to a lesser extend) game developer frequently choose not to mainstream content that demoralize women or hint at child predation. By and large, most mainstream movies/shows with adult sexual themes portray consensual sex situations, and are very careful what they do when they start portraying women as abused sex slaves. Granted, adult video games may be more liberal about what they will do. The modders, however, are free to create with little limitations as long as there is an audience and place to make their work available to the public. Its up to the sites hosting mods to decide what the limits (if any are) as long as they are within the min. legal boundaries.
  6. http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again This should get you on you way.
  7. Lisnpuppy, you are thinking of an ideal world, which we don't live in. As to this kind of topic, it is pretty controversial so you are going to get people who try to bang heads, cloud the discussion with their own moral perspectives and, overpower opposing views. The best scenario is hopefully to allow people a voice even if the final outcome is not what is hoped for. While they may not win the argument, at least they are allowed a voice. This site has an owner, and that owner had final say just like any business.
  8. WurSWaldo, constantly and derisively pinning members here with labels such as social activist, doesn't exactly exclude you from being an activist yourself because you are certainly coming across as one--a political activist who wants to make assumptions about others motivations and political affiliations based on an open discussion here on Nexus that YOU don't agree with. The concern with the mod in question is valid. The Mango follower is depicted as someone who has been sexually exploited, yet is dressed up and presented in the pictures as a playboy bunny. Rape in entertainment media is touchy business, and even the motion picture and video game industry acknowledges that. However, a woman who is a victim of imprisonment and gang raping and then portrayed as a sex kitten is extremely offensive to most women (and thankfully to most men as well). The only ones that do that are in the porn industry where many videos are not suitable or in many cases not legal either. As for placing kids faces on voluptuous and sexually provocative female bodies, well, that's pushing it to the limits too. I'm not a prude, nor do I have a social agenda. I'm not religious, nor am I a liberal. I'm not a feminist either. So you may want to check your accusatory tone and guesswork at the door.
  9. I'm not one to oppose the adult content mods, as the site provides the filters to block these and I'm ok with the level of filters they provide as explained here (especially since doing more will cost considerably more money as explained here). However, I have seen a trend here and there creeping in that includes more explicitly sexually oriented materials taking up space on the Skyrim front page (hot files-such as the pin-up desktop pictures phonograpy that ran for nearly a week recently---which actually had nothing to do with a mod in a modding website). In and of itself, I could just ignore this because, again we have the filters and the cost of adding additional filtering, but, what I don't like is some mods we are seeing more and more coming out of the woodwork that are clearly themed for the abuse of women and many more mods that showcase females with very much adult-content body types and garb, yet they have adolescent faces, or even look like pre-adolescents. Its not just animations and polygons. This is a something that has to be taken seriously, I feel at least. This is not about filters, or setting up a separate page for adult content. Its about decency accepted in our society and how Nex handles such content on its website. Filters are not needed, nor more money spent. Just a tiny step up and willingness to put the lid on this type of content showing up here. The Nex is not my website, so I make no demands, nor do I wish to insult anyone. I love Nexus and only want the very best for the site and its awesome community.
  10. That is a typical problem in skyrim and I'm not sure why it happens. However, most of those items are moveable items. I believe when they are packed close together so they are touching each other the havoc just goes crazy. Are you attempting to make all those items as pickups for the player? Or, are they just for displaying and no pickup?
  11. Not sure how you make an item in game, but you do need to use the CK to create esp. Here a good basic tutorial to get started. http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/6838-ck-basics-lesson-1/&do=findComment&comment=108126
  12. This is pretty old topic, but I wanted to update just in case someone else out there wanted to know the same exact thing that is discussed here. The procedure outlined by Jack here is correct and worked perfectly for me.
  13. Be be sure to check that no other packages are interfering, such as you've set two packages within the same timeframe. Also, set the time up so your npc has enough time to walk to the destination. If that checks out, then try just using the Travel template.
  14. If all you are doing is attempting to use this mod, then why not just use the mod manager to download and install it?
  15. That is the Dark Face Bug. http://www.creationkit.com/Dark_Face_Bug
  16. Is there a particular spot where this happens? Also, a shot of the house looking down, because the view you have doesn't help much.
  17. Does the sky viewed through an opening in an interior cell change from night to day in-game? I have a vented wall that shows sky but the sky never changes in-game (bright day even though its midnight). Sorry if I hijacked this topic.
  18. Hi, I have a completed mod located in the area shown in the picture. The issue is that the location is right on the boarders between Eastmarch and the Rift. I want to set up the Location in the CD so I'd like to be exact. I've looked at countless maps and even looked up resources found in the two holds, etc., to nail this down. I believe this mod is in the Rift but if someone can confirm this for me, I'd appreciate it. Probably the official map could ID this, but I don't have that map and it looks like its a paid for map only available for Apple owners (which I'm not). It is in the foothills to the east of the Throat, just northeast of Ivarstead taking a dirt path out of town. http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k467/TRBeth/LocationDpng.png
  19. I just had that happen to me as I approached Markarth. Have no idea what set them off. Funny thing was, as I was defending myself the guards who were trying to kill me would complain, "I'm on you side!" or "Hey, watch out!" as I defended myself. LOL Not sure what was going on but when I killed off all of them on the outside of Markarth, I went inside and everything was calm. Rode over to Riften next, and no problem.
  20. I'm starting to work on navmesh in my ext mod. I read on a tutorial that existing vanilla navmesh should be left in tact as much as possible and simply moved around to suit due to vanilla deletions can have adverse effects on other mods made in that area. (I'm not really understand that since those manipulations are only applicable when my mod is active?) But, anyway, I have a huge estate. Due my landscaping manipulation and building, most of the vanilla navmesh is way below the ground level. Its impossible to move this around to suit my mod. Should I just leave it there and navmesh above it, or can I delete it? Thanks!
  21. No kidding modding is not easy. Just started to mod in Dec., and I am at it almost every day and still there is a boatload I need to learn to accomplish what I want to do. And while there is a great deal of modder resources, all of them are again limited to what the exp modder wants to share in the form of a tutorial or whatever advise you can beg to get from modders who know more than you do. Not easy I can say. Non-modders would be surprised the investment it takes to learn how to use the tools in the CK to put something together. Every step turns into something else new you have to learn and a quest for "how to do it". It is far from just using your imagination and plopping down kit pieces and there you have a cool mod.
  22. Nexus does have a filtering system, but in my exp., it does not work all that well. I can filter out to look for a very specific mod, yet a bunch of other mods that don't have anything to do with what I am looking for show up. This is an older game, great though it is, so you're just not going to see the enthusiasm that existed during the first year or two following release, as thesniperdevil pointed out. Modders create what they are interested in really, not what others are interested in (because it is a hobby to mod and they are not getting paid to produce what gamers want). Also, the Nexus community can be a bit rough on modders when it come to griping about mods that they feel were not what they expected (so some mods never get released--the mod is only for personal use then). Also, most modders work within the confines of what skyrim has to offer to stay lore-friendly so going way out of that bounds to create new things is self-limiting. I started playing skyrim for the first time last Fall. Since then its become a big part of my recreational life since I too started to work on a mod. The demands and expectations for new and more exciting things expected of mods, makes me feel that I'll probably keep my mods to myself unless I become highly skilled and can deliver professional quality mods....so you see why that may contribute to the dry spell you see? The Nexus community want free mods that are professional quality....but don't want to pay for them.
  23. So the NPCs have nothing to do with a in-game NPC working soil plots? They are there to activate the soil plot and prevent the plot from resetting (thereby preventing loosing your garden)? Thanks for the info, Xander9009.
  24. Sorry for raising up an old topic but its relevant to what I need. I'm just getting started learning about the "farming" aspect in the CK. I was surprised to learn (and saw in the ck) utility cells with NPCS (I believe linked with the soil plots? ) Its confusing to me. Can someone explain the concept a bit? I did look at the link provided in this topic and will work around with it.
  25. I lot of help given, sLoPPpYdOtBiGHoLE, thanks! Last night I actually got gold out of that mine, but then later when I tried, I was not even able to get the signal for a mine in-game. I'm going to work on your suggestions, starting with testing with clean save. I've never used TESSEDIT but its time to get to it. So many things to do and learn (and I've learned a lot in the past few mos since I started modding.) It was very good of you to go through all the test trouble on my behalf and I appreciated it greatly.
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