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Everything posted by NexBeth

  1. That did actually work, thanks for the tip. But it does make for a nightmare trying to work with this if you have a lot of ice pieces. Wow, bethesda.
  2. Losing hope on this one and it seems pretty strange that it's not addressed since half the items in the CK have this.
  3. Every item in the CK on my end that has an ice shader is not moveable in the CK once it is placed in the render window. This makes for impossible use of many items such as cave pieces, rocks, buildings, structures, mts.--anything that has the ice shader on it. Are other people experiencing this and, if so, anybody have a fix or know anything about this problem? You can imagine that this really puts a major dent in modding a lot of stuff if you can't use pieces with ice shaders.
  4. Also, I can't seem to set the path for the 2.0 Alpha 6 version to any directory other than the default. Anybody else encounter this?
  5. That worked, Di0nysys, thanks! Actually did this once before but completely drew a blank until you posted the vid. Now, trying to get the wispmom to float a bit above ground level. I tried moving the marker as well as navmesh up to the area I'd like her to float patrol, but she still stayed at ground level.
  6. I'm trying to get WispMother to move back and forth and set up an AI package for Travel Back and Forth which allows you to set up back and forth points which I set up between xmarkerheadings. Set the time for 24 a day, even did a navmesh, but the Wespmother still won't move. I know this is not how these normally work, but I was hoping to be able to set this up to work like this so that she can be seen from a distance pacing. I did create my own actor so as not to disturb the vanilla. Any ideas?
  7. Wow, just encountered this myself after foolishly loading the Beth launcher and updating. Thank goodness for the suggestions here that will at least get this annoyance hidden way off the render window. For goodness sakes, is there anyone at Beth that knows what their doing? <Forgive my venting :nuke: >
  8. Welcome to the club! I pretty much did the exact same thing with my mod Dragonia. Boy, massive work done on interior cells then went to start the exterior and hit the panic button. Fortunately, I was able to use existing ext. meshes, but you need to get creative and build upon it. If you look at a few of my ext pics on my page you will see that I did a massive build just using the Hjerim house mesh as well as adding pieces going through all of architectural statics in the CK to embellish. You can mix things up a bit with a little help from nifskope, or just using texture sets in the CK Here is what I'm working on now (not finished at all and this is a terrible CK pic I took just so I can ref. it while working on interior) I used a Solitude House and farm houses and additional pieces from CK, mixed up textures a bit so that the house does not look so Solitude-ish. http://i.imgur.com/DpFoVTF.png
  9. Well, you don't have to use room markers. You also don't have to have every area in your work optimized either. I wouldn't necessarily dismantle an area to accommodate optimization. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Bethsoft_Tutorial_Optimization
  10. If everything is just in your esp., then that is all you need to back up. No need to for the other files you listed above. If you also have meshes, textures, scripts, sounds, quest, then you will have to go through those folders and back up those files as well, but only YOUR files, not the whole folder. Retaining the file structure.
  11. Well, I just posted the problem at Beth.net. Not sure that will matter but there is a thread started up there and GStaff has looked at it at least once. Here
  12. I think ice pieces are causing general problems as revealed in yesterday's discussion starting here
  13. Yep, I think I jumped the gun wading waist deep in to this too soon. A lot of problems with trying to work with this new (old) system. Have you noticed that a lot of items don't even render in the Preview Object window? Probably best to check to see the side effects of any latest update before launching the beth launcher. Sorry I seemed to have gotten you into a bit of a mess checking on things. Also F to drop objects to the surface doesn't work! :geek:
  14. I even turned off trees outdoors and still pick up trees. LOL But, I can live with that hassle because eventually I'll be able to latch on to what I need. The other problem is different. I'd appreciate knowing if you have the same problem as I do with icy kit pieces. CaveIShelf01_Ice and CaveGWallCorner01ice are just a couple of many I tried. Update: Seems that pieces with the Directional Material listing IceShader01 has the problem, so something wrong with that shader?
  15. I know how to hide pieces. Have you done this in the SE CK? That doesn't work for me with the new CK. Even though the items are hidden, they are still "in the way" and clickable, or perhaps I am picking up on far distant trees because bounds are huge now with items in the new CK. Also, the problem with not being able to grab interior ice or snowy pieces is a major problem. I've tried several ice or snowy kit pieces today and was not able to grab any of them. However, no problem grabbing their non-snow counterparts.
  16. Common problem Zooming in as close as you can and even looking dead on at the floor, not from above, can help. .......Looks like its any pieces with ice.
  17. I've now encountered interior cave kit pieces that are impossible to even grab hold of? The ice wall pieces. I have turned the pieces every which way and they can't be grabbed. Anyone else?
  18. You are welcome friend! I am also planning a very detail video guide on modding covering almost everything one need to know about nifskope, shaders and 3d custom model import+collision. I have work 20 years in the gaming industry as 3d&2D artist and 7 years as a teacher in various gaming colleges in my area so i think it is time for me to give back to the community. That is exactly what I've been looking for. Where will you publish this as I want to be sure find it when you start. Hi NexBeth, I will announce it here when i start the video series so stay tuned. If you mean this topic, then I have it subscribed and won't miss it. Thanks.
  19. You are welcome friend! I am also planning a very detail video guide on modding covering almost everything one need to know about nifskope, shaders and 3d custom model import+collision. I have work 20 years in the gaming industry as 3d&2D artist and 7 years as a teacher in various gaming colleges in my area so i think it is time for me to give back to the community. That is exactly what I've been looking for. Where will you publish this as I want to be sure find it when you start.
  20. Well thank you for sticking with me on this. I have spent forever trying to figure out how to work out furniture marker oddities. Do you know of way to actually get the actor to face outwards (in the right direction of course LOL}?
  21. Well, something is still wrong. Feel like I'm searching for a needle in a hay stack. LOL Here is what appears in nifskope now. http://i.imgur.com/PknqqtH.png CK http://i.imgur.com/tw7LpoC.png Note that the nifscope marker is showing the head position where the feet should be. The reason I did that is because the CK-2nd pic-does not show the marker in the proper place (at the head). However, ingame, the head is at the feet so what the CK displays is actually wrong. Also the actor is still floating even though the marker in nifscope appears correct height as bed. Ingame http://i.imgur.com/du1x3wF.png Ingame also shows actor way off to the side, even though the marker is aligned in nifskope. However, I can keep playing around with it to see if I can get it positioned right. Could have easily used an invisible marker, but, what the heck, wouldn't have learned. Thanks so much for your help!
  22. Very detailed, Hoamii. I will attempt to address this with the info you provide. The reason I rotated the bed rather than the furniture marker was because I couldn't figure out how rotate the marker. I can try doing what you suggested above and will update the results here. Thanks very much!
  23. Well, I tried changing everything I could change in the bhkridgetbody...adding the T to effect changes but could not get it to rotate. http://i.imgur.com/bd1r9Af.png
  24. I'm thinking that this is actually the issue. I've spent a lot of time already trying to figure this issue and nifskope out (totally beginner) and I believe I actually did try lowing the marker with no result. However, the bed itself had to be moved around to accommodate the new marker I placed, but I didn't think about collision. Update: It's definitely collision. I found the collision button and turned it on, and it is 90 deg off. Thanks!!
  25. Thanks you for your comments. I was thinking about lowering the actual marker to see if that helps. Didn't think about the collision. New to nifskope. Will take a look at those issues and hopefully this can be resolved.
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