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Everything posted by NexBeth

  1. This is an old topic, but its spot on to what I need to refer to so I'd like to resurrect it hoping that someone can help. I have Win. 8.1 and followed the above instructions modifying the skyrimeditor.ini. However, it did not work. I was able to open up CK but all the render window would show are a few outlines of would should have been a sizable house. I then tried opening up an official house and had the same problem. Reverted back to my original skyrimeditor.ini and all was well as long as I did not try to open with dlc. Now I did see on the internet that some experienced this issue using Win8, but I didn't see a solution anywhere. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. I use the 360 controller for pc wo problems. I've also played on xbox. Feels much the same to me. Since you are exp lag, you may want to assess your rig's resources and its ability to handle skyrim and the added mods you've installed. Was skyrim running well before you installed mods? You may need to tweek the sensitivity of your controller. Check setting/sensitivity in-game.
  3. Please help. New to forum and nexus and love being here. But, for the life of me, I can't seem to view quoted messages NOR reply with a quote. Quoted messages normally appear with a In response to post #222222222. This is a link which logically, when clicked, should take you to the original post being quoted. Its doesn't do that when I click. Now, attempting to respond to someone else's post. Hit reply with quotes, no quoted material appears in my post. Please help me figure this out. Thanks!
  4. There are guides to the CK, but a complete guide like your undertaking, should reference the CK and at least provide links to it. Its not bad to have every aspect of modding at your fingertips in one reference location, even if its just links to other good sources. I'm new to skyrim (began playing in Sept) and already feeling the allure of modding for myself . Looking for guides and stumped into this topic. Wish it was done. Good luck!
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