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Everything posted by nosisab

  1. I would just: ...4, 3, 2, 1 shiny object KABOOM wolf parties to a vast area but I think ice flea is even better :D when I saw your former post I saw in big letters 'BAIT"
  2. Nosisab looks at the arena as he knows there are so much things, so much places and so much times yet to go. The goddess has grow strong and wise. Everyone you do so too, The young old one is already far in the path, The Old mage knows soon he will be forgotten. Just the way things are. For many this is just for good, He and his old ways way are nothing more than a boring and oppressive nonsense. Well, repeats the mage - Life follows its course once more, like it aways did.
  3. Will history repeat itself again and again? will the serpent t swallow itself from the tail once more? those thingalings mayhem doombringer hyper-weapons are so cheap at their senseless destruction power. The real power is at the brain, that power that transform the most seeming insignificant object at your surroundings into a 'lethal' weapon. Remember the lesson from aikido (what strangely sounds in my ancient native idiom like "ai, What a pain!!"): Care your own strength is not turned against yourself. All the while Nosisab conjures a perfectly reflective snow parabolic mirror and calmly assists the Manta like starship being split as a banana by its own Bio-relay laser and its own inertia,,, a spectacle that lasted until the beam reaching the power house brought to the arena a firework not even my friend Gandalf bested ever. Yet Nosisab teleported Gman021, at cinematographic last second, to the snow arena near NewtC. A bit purposefully some centimeters under the ground. The overwhelming telepathic message sounded once more. Not perfectly focused, somewhat broadcasted: Don't dare to spoil my fun trying to kill yourself again. PS. off topic: To all, we must aways remember this is a game, We shall not take things as personal. If just one fail at this, the fun of everyone is gone. I'll laugh together with anyone that manages to place a well aimed snowball at my chest, or something like this by the way... Such a waste of a good ship. Better the next will be used for more glorious things that vaporizes a poor old ... very old mage that think his molecules are better as they are now.
  4. Even while the delighted Nosisab claps the wonderful bowling performance his thoughts (cursed curse of everthinkinglittlethinks that dreadful gray lady, or whatever gray more appropriate she can be named, gave him times ago) was at the disturbances of the fabric he could sense, even not needing to resort to tantric going into-out holes. These are reserved now just for holes worth exploring. Oh no... some sub-reptilian (and here Nosisab indeed gave up the thought of trying to imagine the whereabouts) are definitely unworthy, And now the old old mage is really upset. Old ones, even young old ones, can't be dealt with just a casual snowball (and Nosisab was certain the goddess would refrain to use her most dreadful ones... she is somewhat fond this juvenile Shamanleonic old perv to correctly measure the danger) And this one had already earned the prized kudos of interpretation and,,,ahh, yeah, everyone already knows the drill. So, perceiving the corroding jealousy of the hormonal juvenile, Nosisab tickles the goddess at the neck so to bring another of her gorgeous laugh, and can't avoid thinking he is doing so very much for himself. Her laugh is simple delightful.
  5. Nosisab claps with real pleasure... you grew strong goddess, and these snowballs of yours aren't to be taken lightly (literally)... this is worth a commemoration, and so saying banish the summoned trolls (useful to nothing anyway, since they didn't nothing more than the endless quarrel about first to lunch), the betelgeusian robots that returned the hot philosophical discussion, now about if undeads were life form. The bugs gave some more troubles as they became scattered around... and retired the paralyze spell from M Wolfe. Well, things will heat around there, he thought
  6. caring to take the exactly half of zombies, as to not* deprive all fun from Lisnpuppy, Nosisab trows the ball to the snow arena ground... and gaining mass while rolling caught that half horde and making the near impossible curve, sent it against the Betelgeuse robots, that after the nanoseconds of perplexity began the slaughtering. your turn now, my goddess, I dare you to do better :) *some more split infinitives meant to make sparkling and harsh sounds so to enhance the effect
  7. enjoying the super quick gamebryo engine alchemy capacity, and some resin he took at the Morrowind last visit and some troll fat, Nosisab prepares an extra potent glue and begins to think a good way to deliver it to the accordion bellows... a fit penalty for such a awful music player (yet feeling a bit of headache)
  8. Ahh, seems just perfect to me, care you to give those betelgeusean robots something practical to do about war?
  9. uchh, such a headache, I'll take care of that accordeon later, hmmm, that iPod thing seems nice too... for now we have a newt forgetting some bugs I think are very hungry for now. that massive snow-powered executer destroyer seems a threat worth to deal with... we will see. Since the trolls seems entertained at deciding the most qualified to lunch first (a somber crossed the mage front, no it can't be a tactic to eliminate then...) and those robotized morons seems lost at high philosophic discussion about the better way to make war, Nosisab place himself at the goddess side as to say... let some of those freak zombies to me, would you?
  10. The world never changes at the bases, but it changes in the ways. I'm not at easy, the war yet is the same but the warriors aren't the same anymore. So much of the newer weapons have misguided then. FPS, a dreaded one. It is intended to kill and it does so much well, it kills invention. Yet there is something I can't understand, why someone think it can be translated to P&P (or its equivalent of nowadays computerized world). What leads someone to think there is any fun at the statement "I consecruch the astrondling and stragonof all, and everyone is dead", I missed something that don't miss, better this way. To the ones that think I kill ideas I answer: You are wrong, you did this first if you think this way. The old way is yet a good one and this new one lacks something, something very important. Some will recall this, some will learn this, most will never know this. To the ones that think they can dictate the life and death by just stating this. I will be here to say: not so easy, you will need to show you can. And if you learn how, so maybe you can, and we will laugh together.
  11. brother, aunque yo hable espanõl solo uno poquito.. it's somewhat a surprise you think Brazil speak spanish
  12. I feel I used above all French I knew :) yet the accords of the old song of my childhood echoes on my mind. brother Jack, brother jack, asleep you? asleep you? toll the morning bell ... (free translation, one of why Frenchmen are right to call treason) next time, maybe, I'll allow the powerful megaloss..ops carnuk fry me alive, maybe not :D
  13. En fait je ne parle pas français, mais je lis un peau. indeed I even know the music of Frère Jacques, hehe
  14. We need to find a way to decide who will gain the right to be the next to scalp a wolf :)
  15. Hmm, this little M Wolfe have a lot of nerve I must admit, said Nosisab looking around as to assure the quick snowshield dome he raised would sustain enough to give the goddess time to restore the moon. The shamanleon was quiet, seeming absorbed at some secret and unspeakable thought. Nosisab so went to the table and cleared one of the trays, this one seems the correct size, he thought. Grabbing a nearby apple he teleported MWofe with the mouth yet dripping puppy seal blood and bound him to the tray. Open your mouth said Nosisab to MWolfe, and not even was at command voice, as he knew MWolfe was unable to maintain the mouth closed anyway. And so shove the apple into it. At least this poor beast spared us the trouble of roasting him. The squirrel, that now was fond to the mage, sniffed the air in disgust by the burned furhair stink. I know, little friend, it's not for us... and so saying the ancient old one sent the tray with the disgusting dish of a paralyzed wolf to amidst the trolls. And was sad, what a waste of a good apple (by Meriadock)
  16. Little wolves are smart, they learn new tricks, grew ones will repeat history of failure. Nosisab thought at reviving the same "cutoff of wiring connections" shutting down the combustible flux of the ICBM letting it fall over the blindfolded Marcus Wolfe... but, this would deprive the Lisnpuppy goddess from her deflecting shields redirecting the ICBM against the not so smart and already feeling cold wolf. Post edit: parodying Chesto's signature, Marcus one shall be: I am my own worst enemy. Oh... right
  17. Hey, this is the spirit!! you must actually turns your fur coat not easy turning up anyone other coat :) but we all will get more if you show how you will win. For now you will need to do this later, since you are a lot busy with 3 enhanced primeval trolls, a myriad of tinny bug like critters, 12 Betelgeuse robotized life form (and born to war), and NewtC and Bob, while having the same problem will not lose opportunity to try making some holes to the next year goddess coat. Repeating, don't waste then all at once, they are a lot hard to summon. While we are at the paper moon having a party and cheering then. hehe
  18. Nosisab bows to the wise words from the old one. We are here to have fun, and if to one fun means beheading all surroundings, fine. The worse will be have the own 'strength' turned against himself, aikido style. But even if consistently and lethally attacking a player character is already disgusting, one mustn't resort to personal (the own user) attacks, actually we mustn't tolerate this behavior. Those summoned creatures were indeed a bounty. One that know the old school (says pre-FPS all for weapons games) would make real fun for it. As one take down a nameless NPC we can make the others close to massacre, but if the 'player' is at risk of an unfair death, this old D&D GM would care to make the attackers mess the things, if need even fighting among then selves for the honor of the kill. "This is funny", sometimes can render hilarious situations to everyone. The real point here is recalling the very start of this arena. Who didn't got a clue yet can read the firsts pages. Anyway it can be summarized as: if attacking a player character one don't says: - I took the chainsaw from my pocket and tore playerX into strips instead he must says: - I took the chainsaw from my pocket and headed toward the helpless playerX already seeing his body tored in strips. Subtle difference, but one that will enhance the fun for everyone and avoid bitter feelings among the players (playerX maybe is not so helpless, anyway :) ) PS: Confucious says - We mustn't kill anyone, mainly if someone is prone to kill himself, but we can place a snowball directly at his chest and laugh a lot (at least I hope he said this, hehe) Have anyone question himself why this is called She Snow Arena?
  19. Once you threatened me with a childish menace of reporting my double posts. Meanwhile you did nothing more than try trolling the thread. I really think this wasn't your purpose and is just you don't know yet how to interact with others. Try to play the game, there is no fun at just "I press the red button and you all are doomed, and me too by the way". For sure at some point you will get myself and others here, and I will be laughing with you if or when this happens. For this is a game and creativity is welcomed. But you are going beyond the acceptable, your post is a clear attack directed to another user. And you are being completely vulgar, unacceptable way to treat a woman that behaved so nice until now. You can try and play, even being insane if you prefer this way. But this time is me to advise you to mend your ways or will be I that will report you.
  20. Suddenly nosisab was struck by realizing he forgot to warn the presents he had replicated the party field again on the snow arena, as the papier moon seemed not secure enough against the insane self destroying fury of M Wolfe. No wonder the young old one was yet confused. Looking up to the remnants of the moon Nosisab felt a bit of guilt and thought at offering to lend some strength to rebuild it. No, was sure the mage, the Old one will care this when all this mess is over. At least this moon have proved to be useful at allowing uncommon and funny wolves rain. The old old one, that played D&D before it being D&D again, though about this new and fascinating language that was one of the most if not just the most prominent of the nowadays world, and was sure he would do good being used with it. Well, since this doesn't meant the dreaded "English Grammar for Beginners and Morons" he would give it a try. But yet he couldn't understand why the world seemed, more and more, to have difficulties at understanding more complex than direct and short statements, when the communication was even and ever more easier. Maybe this is actually the reason, he thought and drove away his attention.
  21. Big mistake, indeed. Oh my gosh, says MWolfe as the strange mix begin to liberate amazing amount of gases into the poor sod's belly. The big inflated balloon godzilla like monster almost succeed this time at killing everyone from laugh, as Nosisab conjures a minor whirlpool and send it (wolfe together) at the midst of the myriad of buglike critters that immediately got to work covering almost instantly the immense body. Once the first succeeded at piercing the over extended skin, the rocket like effect sent the wolfie spinning up to the high heights beyond the clouds, until the again just tall as a he was before and somewhat more beaten incorrigible figure splats the ground, this time with a disappointing lacking of firework effects. But not before falling first over the pointed headlike upper extremity of one of the Betelgeuse robots, that seemed not pleased. Even one the primeval trolls failed to maintain balance and slides the snow hill, curling and gaggling out of control, unable to stop the laugh. Enjoy yourself the gift I gave you M Wolfe, Stop trying to worn the goddess coat. the not so subliminal this time, telepathic message sounds in the Marcus mind.
  22. With real relief Nosisab thinks fantasy is not gone at all, as he remember the new old ones that constructed the arena so many eons...ehrr, pages ago. No wonder they left. When and where creative interaction was replaced by nonsensical destructive impulses? have the predators gone mad? was nature totally forgotten? How can't they see there is no glory reigning over nothing? just a sample of the irrationality only almost rational beings can nourish, he concludes. Slapping away these thoughts Nosisab wisely knows is wiser accepting the gently and generous offer from the goddess, if not for it being just irresistible (and the squirrel seems to think the same way). Cursing the curse of not being able to stop thinking little thoughts, he so thinks in weeks or so M wolfe's fur will grow flurry again enough to be a goddess worth coat. This would be a pleasure second only to seeing the scalped shivering wolf rethinking its ways. The show must go on, Nosisab says fully original as he conjures 3 enhanced primeval trolls, a myriad of bug like critters, a dozen robotized and wardriven creatures he saw once in the mechanized 9th planet of Betelgeuse system. Caring to place then opposing the party field and near M Wolfe's bloodlush and caring to send a subliminal message "don't waste then all at once, you don't want trying to destroy the universe again for a mere annoyance". So his thought goes to NewtC and Bob, hmmm, will be fun to behold how they will behave once the common threat is gone, and teleport then just at the midway MW and the summoned ones (hoping the goddess is happy enough to forgive him mingling with her affairs). Well, maybe we all can really have a party we like at least. Now Nosisab look at the Shaman and is pleased he and the goddess earned the kudos token of appraise for interpretation. And again Nosisab look yet more pleased at the deliciously inviting dishes and says: -What are we waiting? Goddess, please take your place of right and let the party begin (and this time there is no doubts the squirrel have no doubts at this too). ...................................... Edit in off: Now Nosisab look at the Shaman and is pleased he/him and the goddess earned the kudos token of appraise for interpretation... I'm really on doubt here about the use of the 3rd person meaning the second referred from the view point of a narrator (without resorting to the English grammar for beginners and morons).
  23. The rules are clear, We don't mingles the affairs of life where life come at any shape. We honor the ghostly life, but mean and meaningless parody of life we found disgusting. Yet these are life affairs, and where life can care itself it is free to follow its way. When the oppressive non spoked words cease reverberating at the minds of all sentient creatures, Nosisab is not at sight anymore, and everyone feels like wakening from a strange mix of nightmarish dream, about ending of the universe, self destructive megalomania and an overwhelming yet caressing voice that seemed to have the whisper of the wind and the deep bass from the earth. To almost everyone this was actually something they barely remember only as shards of a dream. A dream they can't say was bad or good, a dream they can't even be certain they dreamed. Life follows its course again. off: NewtC, the 'other Nosisab', where he is saw as a forgettable old man, is somewhat more easily dealt with. I need to go for a short time, soon I'll be here again and will try to interact with the plot. See ya
  24. have you ever thought what "everything in the universe has been destroyed" means? and remember NO HUMAN CAN UNMAKE WHAT THE OLD ONES GAVE TO THEN (wolves counts yet less in this capacity). I was thinkamancing some way to recover your 'life' from a drug bad trip nightmare, more and more this seems a real bad idea. "Know" my name is the name men have given to me across the eons. It means "The one no one knows" or "He who is unknown to everyone" in an ancient language (and there are the ones that tend to think of me as more than Who, they are promptly discouraged at this). "Know" I shape reality at my leisure. "Know" I grew a loving for the fragility and beauty of life, and all life. But, he who dares to menace life beyond limits is likely to be found unworthy of it from me. Finally: "know" I actually have "Time Stop" and even 'Reverse Time" Spells I use very sparingly, and don't seems to be needed at this moment.
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