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Everything posted by hoshi23

  1. Yup. When the nonsense by the military industrial complex down here is over and the wheel has been broken this guys can go build up the moon so they wont get stinky. A unified space program in that respective could be like therapy and bring everyone together. I dont know tho, what could you produce on the moon, if its gotten a self sufficient colony? Of course much is left to projections. Stil im interested. I simply dont know. What makes this place cool? For me it would be having an amazing nightsky and playing golf i guess and just trying every thing thats there to try in low gravity.
  2. Well yes. Siva just pad you on the back, didnt ya see? x)
  3. Well then poeple hit the toilet flush button! Why wont you hit it? :woot: Poeple let themself dance upon by this clown shoes.... we are living in a democratic system! If we forget to flush this is what happens. This guys turn up and take it away from us. I mean they are goin as far as turning you into a criminal for their own gain and some poeple just stand by without flushing. :wacko:
  4. aslong as you think you are the doer there will be suffering involved silence is golden
  5. Wanted to say thats one amazing video. The earth is so beautifull.
  6. That we do it this way in the first place. It sounds so half done, bound together with a huge effort for what goal. There are yet so many things to be discovered down here on earth.
  7. Thats a pretty fruitless activity hence it did no appear in my mind. My apologies. Also i was not bashing religion (lat. ligere=understanding, universal understanding), but shaking poeple that are stuck in politics thinking themself to be religious. Pople are mixing that up all the time not even looking for the very definition of the word itself.
  8. I'd hardly expect a 'Chinese man in the Moon'. Teflon is btw not the product of a voyage to the moon, but the consequent use of an earlier discovery from 1938 for a successful reentry into the atmosphere, thus reflecting orbital aerospace. Though I guess since Amstrong' s Hollywood-style step the age of expensive manned long range space exploration (the modern conquista for the sake of a national or political glory) is over, the time of crisis management at home has come - this includes the orbit and will consume all our financial and technological capabilities. You won't find any drinking water within range in space to satisfy the thirst of mankind. The threatening empty teflon-coated cup is awaiting us ... Hehe. Basicly i was just answering Mahargs comment above. Anyway i agree. Open your heart. Mix with the wise.
  9. Might be true, but I think that largely it only exist on a political level. Simple poeple are not that disconnected from each other. Lets take Isreal and Palestina. There are many down to earth Isreali that are anyhting but hardliners and also Palestina, which now would live very well together just as any other human beings, if there would not be that stupid border. The hindu and muslim. Well HAHAHA. BOTH SIDE CLAIMED SAI .........oops forgot his name... anyway both sides claimed him after death as their own dumb heads.......whoever poepel do that are not hindu nor islamic.......they are simply extremist... and claiming a satguru after his death your own and making a statue well where have i seen this aswell hahahaha only there they made him at a cross .............. what they all have togehter is they not understand a single thing........... my solution: put em all on an island where they have to work together in order to survive now that would be my kinda therapy accalerated personal growth.......ofc only with those who would not resort to knifes and stuff because someone looked strange at them which would kinda end that whole alchemical soup reather quickly in a way not intended.......
  10. Hindu is largely misunderstood. The word itself means non violence, but as it happened here some poeple turned it into something that is the opposite from the wisdom that has been imparted into humanity. Humanity and that doesnt exist anyway thats the whole trouble right there but yeah nvm. Popele are so cool in their knoweldge. I know i have been cool. Yet at the same time somewhere you wonder a slight feeling why i dont get anywhere. That is very good sign to wake up from apathy and things goin somewhere. Otherwise a culture is morally degraded. Hollow like a bubble of mutli trillion dollars. :sick: Yet some poeple still act im so cool. :wink:
  11. I like space, but what do you want on mars or the moon, if you do not even have a real plan and hardly can manage below. All in good time id say. All in good time.
  12. A storyline that one can identify with. Unusual gameplay, creative , fresh ideas sourrounding it and cute graphics. Oh wait its Super Mario and Yoshi on Snes. :biggrin:
  13. Not impressed by this card nor am i impressed by the new cards from ATI. I dont know what poeple are looking at. The video on the other hand is funny tho. :biggrin:
  14. In looks of the high price SSD is something i am gonna have to ditch until it is more widespread and evolved, but the thought of having no moving parts anymore it just makes you feel good doesnt it. Btw whats the life time on these things anyway? :wink:
  15. I see, but is it in anyway mysterious not to find a plane anymore that crashed into the ocean years ago which lost radar contact with? I think not. The area must be huge and things they get lost. Took em long enough to find the Titanic and that was a giant.
  16. All i can say is you are even before that choice thing itself and with that where falls the rest?
  17. Einstein: God does not calculate. Nothings complicated here. Although there is endless possibilities in that nowness of here: yes. Yad be suprised how much energy starts flowing through the body how much feeling and recognition happens if one follow that admission in daily life to simply look at what is. So if anythings an entry point into another dimension maybe then its that. Altho id be lying if ther would be any other in it. Mind is to funny. The moment of responsiblility that blows out life is gonna be a joy. Tenth dimension right there. Who cares about the other nine? It is economical madness. :laugh: http://hackadaycom.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/worst-video-transmission.jpg
  18. Plain simple Human error? People can get lost finding their car and what not. They can forget to dress. It is a dangerous world. :teehee:
  19. Aion, because i can be a big hero killing alot of macro botters. Seriously. I am no longer interested in any kind of this games and i never even touched warcraft.
  20. oh this is like asking what is your favorite food. i like lots of food. :tongue: atm it gotta be nathan vargas from fallout. :smile:
  21. Without unconscious surrender you could not even digest. :turned: Life still has meaning, and possibility? Who said that? The end is near 2012 ! Emerrich forseen it cleary in his vision! I am from ACTA comitee and as such this paper is copyrighted as of Law twenty one seven eight alpha gamme omega three paragraph thirteen twelve one slash in the secret treaty of no one knows.
  22. only with surrender things become clear. that silence is regardless of what show you make. everything changes yet stays very much the same. thats you. you become ordinary. no ten dimensions. if its not humble it is not real and cannot be filled. simple as that. when something happen it happen it happen. be very honest.
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