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Everything posted by hoshi23

  1. doublepost nvm me. it basicly is a joke. :sweat:
  2. you dont find it . you go through a radical perception change. whatever is found can be gone again no?
  3. capitalsim is simply put a sort of spiritual materialism. poeple firmly believing into a sort santa within themself. before anyone ask: yeah i do too. yesterday he was in my backyard.
  4. universal mind works best. silence. whoever fight it must loose. only maybe some poeple dont like to loose. they refuse to grow up. :laugh: i dont know. :blush: ps: john kennedy! very good! hahaha.the guys he talked about are a good example of how not to do it. evolution gonna flush this out. if vibration even get higher by a bit this simply gonna fly out.
  5. inside: combat shotgun up close so i feel atleast i do *some* sort of damage. outside: any sort of rifles. chinese or plasma. havent had the chance to really try the big guns yet.
  6. i think the indians werent so mad strucken with killing each other. as i recall it they did not need prisons either.
  7. well i hope pople are not forgetting about fun. there is always a positive light in which things can bee seen in. :biggrin: dont want to know about the rest. inside outside is no secret. if poeple fail to enjoy then thats on their part.
  8. yes. if poeple would let that devine in the whole planet would transform. also not to long ago i red a nice statement from indians about prisons and how they did not need them at all. hahaha. i agree we are just mad and there is alot of apathy regarding that. fear. devine has no fear takes action immediatelly without knowing simply is. if you understand it is all produced by mind. a minor force holding up whole joy at bay. hahaha. even if just by a bit. just stupid. hahahaha. but you cannot talk with this poeple in that moment. hahahha. it has to come of their own inner self. hahahahaha. knowledge is the most dangerous thing ever. hahahaha. you see. go give up already humanity !°!!!! hahaha. ps. also WHATS THE HUMANITY? pls stop blinding yourselfs as if you would know anything. you the ones choosing illusion to put yourselfs in. whod have it any other way? is that to be found? you constantly search and what you find is nothing. one moment the cloud it was a train and then again a fat woman. who cares. it is all writte in the skies plants trees animals stones. dont notice then you lost in what you think to be knowledge whence in 1 sec it all can be removed. http://forum.wellensittich.de/upload/newyearhat_troete_1_205.jpg so halleluja that and also halleluja but i would not even know what that ment. im with stupid and happy at last. greetings and happy easter to all.
  9. i can confirm that yetis live with us during summer at the lake. they drive car too. somehow i dont understand wether they exist or not how poeple still want to find this creatures. as if nature is not exciting enough already. :wacko: for instance the big jellyfish to me are more exciting then anything. have you looked at that for once? it is like spaceships! they got this fluroscent thing goin on for them you know. quite spectacular and totally out of this world yet right infront our door steps inside the oceans.
  10. do whatever you love to do in eve except to never fly a ship that is to expensive to loose. :wink:
  11. make sure you install oblivion somewhere else then the official programs folder, because of the write protection. other then that you should be good to go. everythings quite compatible.
  12. That someone is probably not yet born - http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_unknownauthor_lady.gif The Ultimate Face correct :D more i have not to say get in a presence of such a one the simplicity is striking lol
  13. practical is to consult someone who passed through the whole god realm and stuff having come out realised.
  14. simple but effective: type disable in the console. more complicated: replace the items manually by hand in the tes construction set or you could even optimise the .nif files in question itself. otherwise i dont know. maybe someone else has a better solution avaible. ps: now that i can think of there is also a tool called streamline and of that type there is also a similar tool. one that does not let your fps fall lower then specified. eventually it might be able to compensate if you not already have it running in the first place that is. i dunno.
  15. On the contrary, I am not suggesting anything so rash nor assuming. I am merely stating that there has to have been some precedence somewhere which gives form to the way these things are interpreted. Even in madness, what is seen must be interpreted by means of the concepts that are already present. Unfortunately, one cannot argue for the existence of life from outside the earth without intruding on beliefs which insist that such life absolutely cannot exist. If the universe is empty of intelligent life, it sure as heck seems like a rather large waste of space just for the benefit of providing a nice image to look at. And it sure as heck seems like a rather big waste of effort to continue fighting over territory on this one tiny speck of a world when there are billions of other ones out there just sitting empty. Meaning that this discussion should probably not be approached by those with any serious theological hangups as we all know how that will end. When you really get down to it, none of us really have any answers on either subject, which is probably why the very notion has existed for as long as it has. Don't get me wrong, most of those "I've been abducted, repeatedly" crowd are probably total wackjobs, and most of the "science" on the subject has degraded to about the consistency of tabloid trash and 1950's sci-fi cheese, but that doesn't mean that there isn't some substance to it once you move beyond the crazies and conventions. The same, arguably, can be said of most religions. :thumbsup:
  16. ive just got me another dell 2407wfp from ebay. dont know of anything better out there for the price. http://monitortest.blogspot.com/
  17. ram and hdd can be easily upgraded. the first time it took me 30mins. now knowing all the steps i do it in 10. i would say if you can do your bike you can easily pull this off. should you choose to upgrade the hdd remember to check for details like height.
  18. no expert here but i believe you can do it manually via the construction set. make an esm via gecko from what mod you want to add, load it up in the editor and add the various styles to the custom races under races tab. lastly save it as your esp. otherwise it most certainly might be also an issue with your load order. i heard custom eyes tend to go not to well with the mystic races. maybe thats it. :smile:
  19. outcast.... i faintly remember it had something to do with voxels
  20. That might be just Kundalini Phenomena desribed in theses scriptures. If poeple dont have it they wont be able to refer. Rocking or light. All this things described like fire in the house is kundalini most certainly. Angel beings and so forth. This stuff can pass by but must not. Even today poeple dont know that it is all by mind. Mind can be very diverse in the illusion it produces. So when it goes what kundalini in essence is then all this stuff passes by. Spring cleaning. :thumbsup: One can also find it in aboriginies culture as rainbow snake and dreamtime or in the maya and egyptian traditions and of course in asia. Simply self there is no alien.
  21. stop entertaining anything as alien and there be no alien. blackholes will seem like a mind fart.
  22. the european union is fine. who would want to go back into the middle ages? surely theres are things that always can be made better and that ever will be so. personally am quite content aslong poeple retain their own style adding to the whole. a healthy mix is what makes run the show. now as far as world politics go. devine love is the only way. anything else is ment to break apart once again. i dont choose to know anything else. may the force be with you. :wink:
  23. New to gaming I take it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ea_games#Criticism Hm... anyway the point that i basicly ment was how can a company annoy the user with copy protection to such an extent when folks still seem to pirate anyway as if nothing ever happened? A continued course as such over several years doesnt seem very bright to me and customer friendly in anyway. Personally if i buy a game i am not gonna pay for something with only limited activation and must have internet connectivity to solo play. Or the requirment to deinstall Nero.... :laugh: In that case i am simply gonna stay with what is already there and that is almost likewise as good minus the whole graphics effect show. Otherwise Ea might be decent. I dont know. Never been there in person. :laugh: Surely one cannot judge the whole company and everyone who works there by that one thing. There be alot of diverse minds to produce so much diverse games.
  24. How do we build an under water utopia? Easy. Fly to Dubai with Emirates and talk them into your idea. I figure they are the only folks crazy enough to realise such a project. No offence of course. Dubai is insane place to be i am sure. :biggrin:
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