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Everything posted by AstroGazer

  1. Can not understand why the Premium Servers are slower than the regular server downloads. I downloaded the same file on "Premium" link it takes 3 hours.. The same file on regular is 3 minites.. Don't figure.. I thought it should be other way around.
  2. Was wondering if anyone knows if when i install any the texture mods from nexus like "Skyrim HD" as well as other meshes and textures, Does the 2 steam DLC High Resolution Texture Packs over write my new installs?? Seems I had the HD rocks and they looked good then upon restart those textures returned to the old textures. Is there any easy way to keep these texture packs from re-downloading again?
  3. For a movie to succeed after a game it has to follow the game. The people interested in seeing these kind of movies are the gamers and friends. For a movie of skyrim it needs to follow the game quest effect. It needs to refer back to what happened in the game. It would probably be in 3 parts to tell the whole story. Most important the character has to be almost indestructable. Viewers are tired of seeing dumb actors that seem to not be able to think and get their toes stepped on and coward away. Face it - when you play the game you never run from a fight, always look for the best weapons, best armour, and the scariest dungeons. Perhaps a movie to finally show what really happened to the Dwarves or the Dragon Priests.
  4. Some Spoilers: 1-Quest = Mages Guild, Finding the copy of Hanging Gardens Book, given to you by Urag gro-Shub in Athe Arcanaeum. Seems I freelanced and picked this book up in a chest ad when I finally got the note from Urag to go get it -- it will not complete. The book can not be dropped or placed back in the chest it was found in. I do not know the code or code line to put something back into the chest. I tried duplicating (0001AD08) book but now I have 2 Hanging Gardens books stuck in my inventory and still can not drop, place, or give either away. Quest does not continue and still asks to get book from the now empty chest. == Any idea of how t put item duplicate back into a chest (Need Code) and or reset this particular chest. 2-While in Bthardamz Arcanex, the PC locks up every time in the part where you pass / fight the Big Centurion Robot and run up stairs, then the bats take off flying - it freezes. So I suggest saving game right before the Robot, then run pass him up stairs and run fast around the bend left to next hallway - seems to let game continue. But if you stop to look at the great archetecture - you done it freezes up every time. 3-Daedric Quest = Boethiah's Calling. Seems that if you joined the Legion and get someone to the post it keeps repeating "Boethiah keeps repeating line. Fix seems to be run down to lower pit and then run back killing all the followers of Boethiah lets quest continue on. There were others but after playing for 130 hours, tired.
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