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Everything posted by Arocide

  1. Did you ensure you selected a Leveled Item Base Object for the Dummy Reference? (Hit Edit on the reference and Head to the Leveled Item tab) Dummies themselves don't have a in-game model, they use a leveled list to dynamically spawn references on themselves when first loaded.
  2. In order to reuse textures bethesda used vertex colors for the color of potions, so most potions use the same base texture and they are blended with a models vertex colors to get the final color you see in skyrim, you'll have to change the color of the vertices of the potion (Which should be in the NiTriShapeData node and then under the Vertex Colors Property in nifskope)
  3. Zartar managed to do that to a certain extent in Character Behaviors Enhanced you can shoot and attack mid air but that is still in a sorta experimental stage. I reckon a lot of what is shown in the video 'could' be done within the confines of the engine. Definitely possible animation and behavior wise, but I see a lot of work needing to go into the behavior part, and even then the animations and behavior might work.. but that doesn't mean the shooting mechanics will work the same that's pretty un-moddable as far as I know. Still, I would be glad to be wrong with that because this looks real nice.
  4. Very Promising work Ishara ;D, I would love to see a release on this once those kinks are worked out!
  5. I see... but couldn't you use on changed to clear the offset? or does that not fire when you need it to? I always assumed that fired whenever the active package was changed, and then use a blank package above it which is conditioned only for while in combat which is just a wait or something so it would change into that for combat clearing the offset, well that is off the top of my head so doubt it would work like that but hey... ideas!
  6. Why did it have to be placed into two packages on followers though? Is there something specific that it does? Couldn't it be placed at the top but just conditioned to run when you required it to or is that not something that seems possible to you?
  7. I haven't played ESO in a long, long (since a few months after release) while but if I remember how fishing worked in that then yes it is entirely possible to make a mod with animations, an animated fishing rod, and fishing spots. Although I think something like this has been done have you checked out Fishing in Skyrim? It has rods, nets and other ways of catching fish. I haven't used it personally though so I don't know how closely it represents ESO fishing.
  8. Objects inside inventories as far as I know don't have a sense of self (or as least as far as papyrus is concerned) when it comes to object references unless a quest is referencing them in an alias. If this is for just a single specific instance of an item you could probably use a quest alias to allow this to work, if it's for all objects of that base type you will have to place this on that specific form and use a property pointing to the armor form.
  9. Very nice, looking forward to this in a full release :D
  10. It's possible to create 1st person animations if you wanted to, it's just a pain in the ass. Mainly due to it using a different set of behavior/Character files that FNIS doesn't currently support so you can't easily add new ones and well, there is also a special 1st person skeleton which has to be used while producing the animations. Beyond that it's probably pretty similar to what you've already done :wink:.
  11. Does it work outside of the menu? Maybe you'll have to collect it before entering the menu. Have a look at your Papyrus Trace log it might say why it's failing.
  12. The reason for papyrus being slow is due to how Papyrus and the engine differ. Papyrus is Real-Time, The Engine it communicates with is per-Frame. Sadly Papyrus doesn't stack function calls so it can only perform a single 'Delayed' Function call per stack (Script Instance) per frame. So Papyrus itself runs at a 'ok' speed for what you need most of the time, it's just how it interfaces with the engine that is slow. For that reason and well a few others it's recommended you multi-thread and cache (as cdcooley suggested) where you can.
  13. Interesting idea, never thought about how dragon souls could potentially affect the player. Does sound like a fair amount of work, good luck :woot: . GetName is an SKSE Function so it means either you don't have SKSE installed or the source files that come with it were overridden / never placed properly. How did you install SKSE? Zip or Setup? I've heard the setup doesn't have the papyrus source files. Papyrus isn't case-sensitive so it should work even if it was 'pc' over 'pC' but pays to be consistent so fair point and correction. :thumbsup:
  14. I see, that is fairly wordy for what I think you are trying to do but I don't see any logical errors though so that's good :wink: You might be able to condense it into something like this just to make life easier for debugging (Haven't tested it): ScriptName DBEScript Extends SKI_ConfigBase ; should auto fill correctly. Actor Property PlayerRef Auto KeyWord Property Vampire Auto event OnPageReset(string page) {Called when a new page is selected, including the initial empty page} if (page == "Actor Details") ;Declarations string childSuffix = " Adult" string vampireSuffix string PlayerSex Race playerRace = PlayerRef.GetRace() String pCRaceName = playerRace.GetName() ;Check to see if the player is a child if PlayerRef.IsChild() childSuffix = " Child" EndIf ;Check to see if race has Keyword of vampire ;This might work on the actor... actually it probably does. if playerRace.HasKeyword(Vampire) vampireSuffix = " [Vampire]" EndIf ;Check the sex of the player - since actors never have a -1 you can just check once. ;(Single Gendered races such as Dragons are considered default aka 0) afaik anyway. if (PlayerRef.GetActorBase().GetSex()) PlayerSex = "Female" else PlayerSex = "Male" endIf AddTextOptionST("PLAYERRACE_T", "Race", PlayerSex + " " + pcRaceName + childSuffix + vampireSuffix) endIf endEvent event OnConfigInit() Pages = new string[2] Pages[0] = "Actor Details" endEvent So what exactly happens in game? The whole Control doesn't show or just the Race text now?
  15. Yes, but in the edit properties window you must link the Property with a Form. Select the Property and use the drop down menu on the right to select the form to associate with it. You will know it's been edited by a Pencil and Plus icon (As opposed to just a Plus icon) appearing next to the property in the list. Are you also able to perhaps provide what you have now? Just to see there isn't any logic errors.
  16. Did you assign them values in the Edit Properties window?
  17. The line: Race TargetActor PlayerBaseRace.GetRace() Is missing a assign. It should be: Race <VariableName> = PlayerBaseRace.GetRace() You could condense all that into: Race playerRace = Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() As GetRace can also be used directly on ActorReferences.
  18. You have to declare it as a Property on the script and hook that property up to the Form within the Creation kit (Right click the script and hit Properties) The syntax looks like this: Race Property BretonRace Auto http://www.creationkit.com/Property_Reference for more info. EDIT: In case you are wondering where to place the syntax. Properties are usually placed near the top of a script outside of any events or functions.
  19. If you have no issue using SKSE you can perform this line to get an Actors Races Name: <ActorRef>.GetRace().GetName()
  20. Animations are only part of it, animations are driven by behavior. You can have the most beautifully crafted animations but they aren't much good if you can't include them within the behavior graph properly and I believe that's what Fore is getting at (in part at least), there's even less people who know how to modify the behavior files then there are animators. It's a shame too so much of the potential is lost there...
  21. It's seeing container as a type, papyrus is case-insensitive hence the error, the actual type script for Container doesn't have any Functions or Properties but it does derive from Form. The second is a consequence of the first I believe... since it would be none.
  22. Just to give you my take, if you want to pursue this look at both the forge.hkx and .nif files The may help you as well sharpeningwheel files as well, those could be a starting point for your animated furniture. Beyond that I can't really say what else for you to do at this time, that would be up to you to find out and well to be honest I only understand the relationship (Between Animated Furniture and Character) in theory, based on what I've seen so far. So, I could be pretty far off the mark.
  23. Then there's the issue of all the middle ware Bethesda uses, they can't let that go open source so it would have to be taken out wouldn't be much of a game to mod left once that happens ;)
  24. Hey, I am kinda new. I chatted to you a bit in your comments section about, FNIS triggers if I remember right. One thing led to another and while i've been working on a project with another modder i've been researching the behaviour files. I have you to thank for learning the general layout pretty quick (and of course those who made trawling the files possible). That and i've worked with Unity 3d and UE3 locomotion systems at one point, not professionally I just found it interesting (Terrible with 3ds MAX though, just terrible). Anyway that's enough about me :wink:. I'm not really sure either why they did it. Perhaps it was to save time? or maybe it is something to do with how it interacts with the grindstones graph. If I am reading the behaviour file for it right though, it actually blends the havok animation files with the nifs embedded GameBryo animation. It also seems to implement events that are from the MT_behaviour tree / Master (or they just named them the same to remember). As for what I am doing :D, I am working with foster on a new version of Fully Animated Meals and Potions. After that I am not really sure. EDIT: It seems the animation is blended for triggers and sounds, so I am guessing KF didn't support either?
  25. It can be redone, the blending construct can be used on any Clip, states or even behavior tree references (Anything it refers to as a Generator), The blend Fore is referring to uses BlacksmithSharpeningWheelSpin.HKX with only the Bone weight for the Camera3rd [Cam3] Bone set, so it practically controls the 3rd person camera for the duration of the behaviour and leaves the movement upto the actual behaviour state (It does this by sending a StartAnimatedCamera event with "Camera3rd [Cam3]" as a 'payload' which seems to be for the engine to tell it should bind the camera to the bone...At least that's my guess). You might want to look into the forge.hkx behaviour file, forge is a little funny it's one of the only furnitures that has a havok skeleton and behaviour file, KF animations are used though.
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