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Everything posted by quicksilverva

  1. Yes, overwriting the save is what I meant. If that save is corrupt you'll (probably) get a CTD. youre are actually very likely to CTD when overwriting a save if its corrupt. if that happens, go to your saves folder and look for anything with a .tmp extension. the .tmp indicates a corrupted save. you would then need to delete all three files (save.fos, save.fos.bak, save.tmp) and load the previous save at least, in my experience anyway
  2. unless your screen fades to white and a crash message pops up when you click, let the geck be when it loads. it just appears to crash. abd as for upgrading 1.4 to 1.5, roll back to 1.4. the 1.5 version is for Fallout 3, not New Vegas
  3. whenever they release the combo pack. and they got them through piracy, which is a big no-no
  4. the P4 (im assuming to be Pentium 4), should be up to snuff, albeit a bit slow. the biggest killer would probably lie in the memory (or lack thereof with 2gb being the mininum required) if you havent tried it already, try using Fallout Stutter Remover and/or updating your vid drivers
  5. correct. any changes made to an .esm will be saved as a plugin (.esp), and saved to the Data folder. only time you will need to go into fomm will be to activate the plugin and to set your load order when your done with your plugin, and to launch the game
  6. the file you are looking for is Fallout3.esm As the above posts mention, you will save as a new plugin to load multiple masters: -my documents/my games/fallout3/geckcustom.ini -find bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=0 -change 0 to 1 -save in the gecks object window, expand the collapsed column to the left of the column "count". that will give you the form ids
  7. i do not believe FOSE is compatible with the international versions of Fallout 3
  8. search the nexus for the unofficial fallout 3 patch rivet city fix
  9. i agree. FO3 is better. bigger, not as linear, and nor as predictable as FNV
  10. when you delete those, verify the integrity of the game files. steam will reacquire the missing files the way to do it eludes me at the moment. maybe somebody else can be ao kind to post it
  11. instead of rolling back, use a cleaning program such as Driver Sweeper to completely clean out any trace of your current driver. then either reinstall the new driver or the previous driver. installing video drivers ontop of one another can cause issues if that doesnt help, then i am all out of ideas until i get back home to my computer
  12. only thing i cqn think of right now would be to try rolling back your graphics card driver
  13. if youre not sure about the Nexus' stance on porting, read this thread: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/377405-porting-content-from-other-games/
  14. move it from the file you found it in and into your Data folder. open up FOMM and it should be at the bottom of the list (if FOMM is looking in ths right folder)
  15. i use both FOOK and Project Nevada , and dont have very many issues with them. then again, i have fook loading after project nevada and im not using the rebalanced plugins ( dont think im running the equipment plugin either)
  16. when you reinstalled, did you delete the fallout bew vegas folder from mydocuments/mygames?? also, have you tried verifying the integrity of game cache? if you are using any mods, please post your load order
  17. an APPHang is exactly what it says: the application has hanged. it just sits there and does nothing (effectively frozen). many causes of this, and many fixes. like sir Azrael said, please post your load order if you are using mods (in spoiler tags), dxdiag (in spoiler tags), NVSE version, and computer specs
  18. do that after you have deleted the .bsa file the ead suit texture is in
  19. the game is unable to process the sound for all those shots. i have a Creative XFi Titanium sound card Fatality edition, and i get it too which is why i dont use big guns
  20. yeah, thats better. that beats the crap outta me. post load order and somebody probably can help you better
  21. dude. take a chill pill. we all dont like steam, but its the future for pc gaming, so get used to it. granted it makes life a PITA at times to work with, all in all, it also makes life easier. no more manually updating games, steam does it for you. and games get cheaper quicker on it too in the long run, games will be cheaper overall since steam requires verification of their products in order to use them (one code per game per account), which SHOULD reduce piracy please, correct me if im wrong sorry to have derailed this thread quick
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