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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. Starfield Community Patch is very good and very clear about their objectives and changelogs - if no one knew about the mod! Honestly, I just started my third character recently. My other two were broke beyond repair before any bug fixes were made. I am casually doing going to get all the achievements I don't have yet; and hey, maybe reach NG 10.

    Honestly, Starfield is a work of art in my opinion. Mods have only made it better. When the expansion releases and the mod kit comes out, Starfield will be the game everyone thought it would be. IMO

  2. Tease from something epic (in my mind)!


    "Blood pressure is dropping. Pulse is weak and thready."
    "How is his breathing? Is he breathing?"
    "Yes! but very rapid"

    "We must get a blood transfusion started immediately," the doctor declared as he began preparing his patient. "Get a crash cart ready also!"
    "The bleeding has stopped doctor," the head nurse said. Not a minute later, the patient began seizing violently and had to be restrained. Suddenly the convulsions stopped. "There is not pulse . . . we need to start CPR!"

    The night had its ups and downs, but the crew of medical professionals at Greater Northside Trauma Center and Hospital managed to revive and sustain the life . . . for now.


    'I used to be powerful political figure. Not only that I had a thriving law firm where thousands of people came to bask in my wisdom. Everything was perfect. A beautiful wife, three wonderful kids, and a multi-million dollar house on 200+ acres of land, this was nothing short of the American Dream.


    'The law firm had just won the biggest battle of the century in the Supreme Court, and this success prompted me to seek out State office. With the masses behind me, not to mention the money I had acquired, achieving State Senator was easier than melting butter. I was a super star. No political obligations to anyone but those I wanted to enrich and help promote me to the level of my grand idea . . . becoming President. This is everyone's dream. Be the highest man to make or break the rules. I am Bartholomew Kyle O'Mallie. This is my American dream, and I am on my way there.'


    "How does that sound for a start to my autobiography?"

    "Well," Sandra said, "you really sound bold and unstoppable trying become someone."

    "But . . ." he said.

    "You sound too cocky and prideful. Maybe a little arrogant."

    "Do you not like the strength and power of it? I feel like I can conquer the world. Beside I am always cocky . . . especially right now!"

    "Bart! You don't know when to stop to you," Bart's wife blushingly said. "Let me see exactly how strong and powerful you really are."


    But all of this is about to change! While campaigning for the U.S. Senate, Mr. O'Mallie surged in polls and conquered his opponents quickly and with a flourish. Upon receiving his nomination and sitting in his Senate seat for the first time, fate came and began its work. As Bartholomew O'Mallie stood to take his oath of office, a strange feeling came over him., not one of anxiousness, or fear, or excitement, but weakness and mortality. When asked to repeat the words, nothing but gargled and smashed together words came out. A stroke had set in, but he fought it. The next set of words came out better but with great pain. Now the last few sentences said in a nearly dis-understandable voice came and with it a shaking of hands. Silence and darkness followed.




    "Will he be alright Dr. Ryan? He just started his Senate term," Sandra O'Mallie asked anxiously.

    "I have done everything we can do for him. All that can happen now is . . . he wakes up"


    Mrs. O'Mallie began to cry as she sat next to her husband Senator Bart O'Mallie. She stayed by his side praying to god he would come back to her and the children. Four days this went on. Crying and cursing with blaming everyone and everything seemed her only release. But her grief turned to despair on the fourth day. Mrs O'Mallie went home for the first time leaving her husband to wake. And wake he did.


    At first it seemed like a beautiful dream turned nightmare, but now he saw it was all reality. He could hear all that went on, but could not remember what had happened. Senator O'Mallie was alone as he opened his eyes. The light blurred his vision, and the sound of the TV blared painfully in his ears. No one was around as he finally gained clear vision. His room door was shut and everything seemed to be freshly cleaned and organized. As he looked around and took in the sight, something caught the corner of his left eye. He turned his head quickly with a slight jump as if being surprised, but nothing was there but the window with light streaming through.




    "Must have been a bird," Bart thought to himself. " I need to call the doctor and tell him I am alright. I need to get back to the Senate."


    Fumbling around for the TV remote that dangled toward the floor, another gleam of dark light blasted Bart's peripheral vision. It hit him like a ton of bricks as he sprawled out over the floor in hysteria. A near by nurse heard the commotion and rushed in to find Senator O'Mallie huddled over himself as if in terror of someone - something he saw.


    "Mr. O'Mallie are you okay?" the nurse exclaimed helping him back to his bed. "What happened to you? Why were you in the corner?"


    Bart O'Mallie was silent for a long moment, not realizing the nurse was there and had helped him. "I SAW MY SPECTER!"

  3. Though I am not seen

    I dwell in your shadow

    Beyond the expanse of life . . . of time


    I come where things have been

    Where thing will be and so

    I bring the answer long sought . . . but it is mine


    Fear not I come again

    Or not at all for some

    Shadow dweller fears the light . . . but will it stay

  4. Is it right or is it wrong

    To fill that need of loneliness

    To forsake everyone around you

    And Have a time for myself


    And even though I try real hard

    To supress the feeling deep inside

    I can only hold it for a while

    Until it violently explodes


    No one can stop it now

    You all are doomed already

    Leave before you get hurt

    My my need of loneliness


    I took it too far this time

    I pushed you all away to much

    Now paying the penalty myself

    Loneliness that lasts forever


    No one can stop it now

    You all are doomed already

    Leave before you get hurt

    By my need of loneliness


    Why was I to ambixious

    If you look into my eyes

    You will find

    That this disease has just begun


    Leave, leave, leave

    Before you get hurt

    Leave, leave, leave

    Me to dwell in my loneliness

  5. That is a really good short one. It takes me sometime to do some like for the last couple months.


    The pain I felt when I lost you

    I thought I could not recover

    Never to see your face again

    Always to dream where we've been


    The pain I felt when you left me

    I could not bare the thought

    That you never cared for me

    Look at this monster you made me be


    What did we have that was so special

    You and I, together, forever

    What a crazy notion you made it seem

    Cause now I am alone, in pain


    That pain I feel when I see your face

    Turns my gut and churns my anger

    Knowing your out there finding happiness

    While I'm swallowed by my hatefulness


    One day you will come back and find me waiting

    Silently waiting for your return

    Then I will have been complete

    When I say,


    What did we have that was so special

    You and I, together, forever

    What a crazy notion you made it seem

    Cause now I am better off, alone

  6. Why are you still here

    Why are you still bothering me

    I don't want you around

    I never wanted it like this


    There's to many people all around

    I just want to be alone

    With all these stupid idiots

    It's time for me, to be, alone


    Never a moment

    Where I can think for myself

    All I want is freedom

    Someplace to rest in peace and quiet


    There's to many people all around

    I just want to be alone

    With all these stupid idiots

    It's time for me, to be, alone


    Fight the system

    Pass on the pain

    Find that place

    Where silence dwells

  7. My brothers hand

    Helping me to my feet again

    Facing the fight together

    In this brotherhood of warriors


    We are elite, unparalleled athletes

    Nameless and unnoticed

    More powerful than you think

    We strive in your pain and fear


    With night as our friend

    We bring war, and its end

    Never fear the foe again

    Cause the Brotherhood will win


    My brothers hand

    Helping you to your feet again

    We face the fight for you

    In this brotherhood of warriors


    Fight and die for you

    Fight to survive, for each other

  8. Now is the day

    When all will pay

    For all the pain I felt

    And the knees I knelt

    Not revenge that is beneath me

    I just want to be free


    Now I go to fight

    Do it all with might

    Never a warning yet

    They will know we met

    They will never see it coming

    The Nightstalker is coming!

  9. Every now and then

    I go off and do secret stuff

    Never to tell what I do

    But only work


    Sweet it is to be home

    Always where you are loved

    Or hated by others

    Ignoring them most


    Come and enjoy the freedom

    It seems to last for a time

    Yet it will go away

    Just like me in due time

  10. I do apologize for not posting for a while, busy life right now!


    Open your heart and let me in

    Have one last hope

    Never worry with pain


    Be the best and you won't fail

    Yourself and others

    Do great things and prosper

  11. "Fear Is The Weakness"

    At least you could've tried
    It is way past time and we're scattering ashes
    You take everything inside, please hear me out
    You, you are leaving me with scars

    Fear is the weakness in all our thoughts
    It's sad to see you go
    It's not meant to be easy but you drag us down
    Burning of the evidence close

    A world, do you perceive
    All turn cold, and no one cares for anyone
    Waiting for the final blow
    Do you have faith at all?
    One more day, then we fade away


    The same road for far too long
    It's not meant to be
    We are losing identity
    Faith has been denied, let's not pretend
    This is the first time, we just don't belong

  12. In the dark of night

    Silent as the grave

    I stalk the prey


    Throughout the shadows

    Dark and deep as hell

    I stalk the prey


    None shall miss this one

    Swallowed by silence

    I stalk the prey


    Till light shows its face

    As the beams show where

    I stalked my prey

  13. Oh why is it like this

    No way out or in

    Apart from the loved ones

    And neither can move


    Angry at all and none

    Just tired of mess ups

    Hunger is closing in

    Cold is freezing over


    Help to the helpless

    Power to the weak

    Strength to the faithless

    Hope for the lonely

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