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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. PART 4 - The Long Walk to Somewhere


    I woke feeling well rested and found some food at the bar to eat before I set out on my walk. A sweet roll later I left Whiterun behind and joined up with the river I met earlier. The water was cool and refreshing. The little fishes were swimming merrily along, then suddenly something pinched me from behind. A mudcrab of all creatures decided he would pick a fight, and tho he fought valiantly and gathered to him some allies, they all perished and became quite delicious snacks along my way. The river became a swift current, and I had hardly enough time to get to shore before I found a sizable waterfall approaching a little further downstream. I continued on the path that followed the river, which traveled north, the direction I was told Azura's Shrine was in.


    As I walked along admiring the views and gathering numerous flowers and plants, I came across an Orc. She demanded I pay the toll in order to cross this bridge I had come to. Tho she was not build as if to do fighting, I submitted and gave her 50 coin and continued on. Outraged by this, I began to rethink my disposition in the world. I was being robbed of more coins than I had lost in my entire life. This was not acceptable. Next time I would protest. As I finished crossing the bridge I came to a crossroad where I met another Dunmer sojourning to the Shrine like myself. He was weary of his walk and was taking a rest. He said he would get there if it would be the last thing he ever did.


    So continuing on, I eventually came to the city called Windhelm. This city was another capital in Skyrim, home of the Stormcloak. Walls made of brick and stone made it seem indestructible an impenetrable. I entered the city in search of rest and food. Upon gaining access to the city, some drunken Nords were speaking hostilely toward a Dunmer, accusing her of being an Imperial spy. She was obviously upset by this accusation, and after the Nords left, she told me how Windhelm was the new home of many Dunmer that crossed the mountains into Skyrim from Morrowind. I found the place of which she talked, the "New Gnisis CornerClub." We talked and drank and told tales from our past, and late into the night I departed and finding the inn rested till the late morning.


    Almost jumping out of the bed, the sound of horrible singing and drums rang out. The minstrel was unapologetic in her ways, after all everyone but myself was awake. I left the inn and took a right. Finding the blacksmiths and market area, I made some leather out of the wolves and deers I killed and bartered with the blacksmith for some decent coin and a katana and a bow with arrows.


    I left Windhelm with a disturbing piece of news, a BOY was trying to summon the Dark Brotherhood. I left remembering the tales told of how the Dark Brotherhood attempted to kill the Nerevar many hundred years earlier. traveled on following the river, which was now turning into ice. I crossed the freezing cold waters to find myself face to face with what I now know as a Horker. It also thought it could kill me, but I easily out ran it and escaped its mind. As I turned my back on the Horker and Windhelm, I saw a most glorious sight. I city or fort, and it seemed as if it was suspended in mid air above the sea. I journeyed toward this marvelous sight and eventually found a path that led me to the town of Winterhold.


    At first I did not know where I remembered that name from, till I realized the College of Winterhold or Mage's College was here. I quickly entered the town and run straight up to the gatekeeper, a high elf - as if I expected anything less.


    "What is you business here, Dark Elf!" she said.


    "I desire to enter the college and learn," I replied.


    "First you must show me if you are worthy. Summon a Fire Atronach and then enter."


    "I do not know the spell," I said feeling cast down.


    "Very well!" she said, "I will sell you a tome to learn it for 30 coins if you can buy it."


    Needless to say, I spent all the rest of my money on a spell that granted me access to the College. I did feel and home here, especially since I found that I was not the only new Apprentice to recently come in. A very attractive female Dunmer caught my eyes, and I stayed at the College, telling myself that I needed the brush up in my magic skills. After the first class lesson in Warding spells, we were released, and I went to my living quarters and slept till the morning where I would begin the next lesson in a ruin called Saarthal.

  2. PART 3 - Beauty in Life


    The light shone through the cave exit blinding my sight, till the beauty of Skyrim was fully impacting my very soul. It took my breath away. Then suddenly the dragon, flying high in sky, passed over not taking any notice of us. Yet, we hide behind a bush and rock just in case. When finally out of view, we began to tread down the path, which my friend said lead to a town called Riverwood. He told me it would be great if joined the Imperial Legion, but I held my tongue in response knowing he was ignorant of my family views and traditions. As we continued on, we came to what are called Guardian Stones, magical stones that give the individual a blessing from the stars. I looked and studied what each would do and choose the Mage's Stone. Hadavar, my Legionnaire friend, was remarkably surprised of my decision; yet, he did not offer any rethinking of the choice. We continued, running into a pack of wolves, which we overcame quite easily, and then slowing to a walk as entered the little village.


    Hadavar had family here, and we entered into his uncles house after a few short, quiet words of explanation for the sudden appearance there. Just as I was about to enter after the other two, I overheard an elderly woman yelling that she had seen a dragon, doubtless the one we encountered. She was quickly silenced as a crazy. Once inside we began to recount the events leading to our arrival to Riverwood. Hadavar's uncle, undoubtedly the village's overseer, ask if I would ask the Jarl or ruler of the city Whiterun to send troops to come protect against a possible attack on them. I thought for a second and agreed as I did believe in the protection of people and fruitless deaths. I rose from the table, said my farewell, and departed from the house.


    I looked and saw a traders post across the street and entered the store, brutally disturbing a heated discussion between a brother and sister, the owners of the store. Apparently they were robbed of a valuable golden claw. After trading my Imperial light armor for something less conspicuous, I put on common mage robes and saw I had hardly enough money for it. I looked at this unfortunate condition and used it to earn some coin from the store owner, who I told that I would retrieve their stolen claw if I came across it. The sister took me to a bridge just outside the settlement and gave me directions to the city Whiterun, and from there I walked admiring the majestic sights along the road.


    A few wolves and a moose fell dead by my hand, and countless flowers were picked and tried in order to discover the alchemical qualities behind them - after all my family is steeped in agriculture to say the least. Tho my House or family heritage is not known for its warriors or magicians, we are known as some magnificent and cruel farmers and taskmasters, thus our natural hatred of Argonians and Khajiits and the Imperial rule. As I went along the path, the river to my right seemed to call my name and bide me follow; but as a drew near, Whiterun came to full view. Not a big city and not a small town. All the essentials were there, and as I entered the city, a sense of coming home came to my mind. Yet it did not deter me from my objective. I reached the Jarl's "Dragonreach" as I came to find out, and found another Dunmer there. She was a captain of the city guard and demanded why I came near uninvited.


    "I come from Helgen, which has been attacked." I thought she would never believe me if I told her by what it was attacked by.


    "Alright," she said, " Talk to the Jarl, but make it quick."


    I came up and the Jarl asked what my business was. I told him of the dragon attack, and how I escaped and was told to tell him so guards could be posted at the Riverwood settlement. He sought counsel from his assistant and captain of the guard and finally decided to send a small group of solders. The Jarl was pleased with my helpfulness and thought I might be of further use to him - well his court wizard, Farengar. Farengar said he had a small task of retrieval in a ruin for me if I would venture there. He wanted what he called a "dragon stone" for his dragon research, of which he seemed to be grossly intimate with. I accepted the invitation thinking of the coin I might earn from it, but knowing full well that I would not do it for awhile, after all I do have other things I need to accomplish first before delving into an ancient Nord burial site looking for something that might not even be there. I might need some refreshing on my sword and magic skills that I learned in my past time as a growing Dunmer.


    Departing the Dragonreach, evening was upon the world, and I sought out a place to stay. "The Bannered Mare" the sign said, and I entered the inn. It was a lively place much different than any inn i had been in so far. I sat at the bar and asked for a drink of "mead." Nothing like Morrowind mead tho. I listened to the minstrel sing and play, then asked for rumors. The inn keeper then reminded me of my original thoughts of why I came to Skyrim, Azura's Shrine. She said it was glorious to look at from what she heard; but I remembered my plans and then asked for a room to stay in. After being shown to my room, I laid down and dreamed of nothing but the Void.

  3. Thanks Maharg! In this installment we see why.



    PART 2 - In Dangerous Paths


    I jolted awake! The sun in my eyes. All was blurred and disconnected. My head ached and my limbs were numb. I was in a carriage. With two, no, three others, and one was the Stormcloak leader. One of the men suddenly started to speak with me. I heard only muffled sounds as his lips moved at me. When I came to my full senses, I understood the situation we all were in. Death as traitors to the Empire. But I was no traitor, even tho my people have disliked the Empire before these Nords ever did. As our carriage came around the final bend, we saw it, the head man's axe - and boy did it glisten.


    We finally came to a stop and was told to dismount the carriage. A list was read from and individuals of the Stormcloak rebellion were muster next to the executioner. When it came to my fellow prisoner and I, he had the smart idea that he could out run Imperial Legion arrows. He fell dead within seconds giving us all a reason not to try escape. As I was summoned forward, the guard taking muster ask who I was.


    "I am Glorvindor of House Dres," I answered, as if someone of importance.


    "You are not on the list!" He said in a low voice. "Captain!" he cried, "This one is not on the list."


    "Forget the list."


    "Aye. I am sorry, Dark Elf."


    Astonished at what had just taken place, I walking over to the others where the general in charge started to speak to the Stormcloak leader. From what I gather, this Ulfric Stormcloak,supposed king of the Nords, killed the High King of Skyrim with his voice. Intrigued I tried to list better than I could, but there was no more. All of us were going to die as traitors and conspirators. Finally, the blessings on our souls were begun; however, they were interrupted by an individual impatient for death. He walked up to the captain, was thrust down onto the block, and departed this world in shameless fear. No hope was in sight now. I just wished I had never started on the journey.


    "Next prisoner. The Dark Elf!" the captain declared. I was sure she did not like my kind at all.


    I slowly made my way up to her, the captain. Then I was pushed down, which seemed to me to be harder than the last person. Suddenly, a strange sound caught our ears. Many started asking what it was, while others replied that it was nothing. I saw my doom lifted up ready to sever my head from the rest of my body. But again the sound echoed, but this time a strange creature came behind it and landed straight on top of one of the towers.


    "Dragon!" was the screams and cryings of all the men.


    It sounded a strange noise, and as sudden and powerful as it sounded, fire and brimstone rained from the heavens. Another cry from the dragon directed right at me pushed me to the ground several feet away from where I had just been. In a daze I got to my feet at the beckon of a Stormcloak and followed him into another tower not yet attacked by the flying creature. Inside the tower, Ulfric was there, and the one who talked to me led me up the stairs to try and find an escape.Just before we reached the first platform the dragon blasted the wall open and breathed fire on a poor individual just trying to stay safe. At least it was not me. I decide to jump through the hole in the wall to the next building and shortly reached the ground. Running out of the building straight towards the guard, I followed the guard that who showed a sort of kindness to me while reading the list. He safely brought me to in keep of the fort.


    Upon entering he asked to have my hands, and as I gave them to him, he cut my ropes and told me to find some armor and a sword to help him if it came to it. I did find some light armor, tho it was imperial, and a sword also. He told me I might need a shield, but I told him I do better "sword in right hand and magic in the other." He look surprised at me as if I was crazy or something. Whatever, we fought several Stormcloaks in our quest to get to safety, and several time almost got crushed by the stone the dragon made to collapse. When we came to the torture chamber, they would not listen to us and trust us in the fact of the dragon attacking. So we continued on running into more Stormcloaks, and then suddenly a cave. Not just any cave but a cave filled with spiders that were grossly huge and dangerous. They did make good poisons tho, and after gather them up, we ran into a bear. My friend, as I call him now, said he would rather sneak by than attack it. Sneaking had not been my past time that I worked on, yet we managed to get by unnoticed. After all this adventure and horror, we came at last to the end of the cave. The sunlight was shining through the entrance. I took a deep breath and entered into my continuing adventure in Skyrim.

  4. Together Forever


    I never thought the day would come

    When I saw her face and fell in love

    Not like when you look and like

    But true love and connection


    Now we are together everyday and night

    Only sleep and work have us departed

    But just as soon as one of us leaves

    We are right back together again


    So forever I could go on like this with you

    But with the most minor of adjustments

    I will not have night or work or anything

    Get in the way - being Together Forever with you!

  5. PART 1 - The Beginning


    Morrowind had been my home for many long years. But even from my youth I wanted to travel to other worlds and lands. I was always wanting to learn everything about anything my eyes could see and hands would grasp. And it was at this time in my long life that I decided to travel all of Nirn and visit the most sacred Daedric Shrines. Had it not been for Vivec and the destruction and takeover of Morrowind by the Argonians, Azura and her shrine would have been my first stop on the road. Alas, I despaired and sought for other information about shrines I would be able to visit. At last it came to my attention that another Shrine to Azura had been made, and from the description of it, it was most majestic and wonderful than even the one that had been here in Morrowind.


    So I determined to travel to this Shrine, which of all places, was in Skyrim - and the Nords. Yet I thought it better than being so close to Argonians and their hatred of us Dunmer. I departed, bidding farewell to the few people I knew, to see what life will bring in my traveling of Skyrim. As I journeyed, I made it a point also to behold sights of nature that I might remember for tales to the young. In this new resolve I decided to take the less easy road and travel through the Velothi Mountains.


    Walking along, I was filled with the wonder and joy of the snow - reminding me of Solstheim my place of birth. Yet as I followed the Mountain path I came to a southern bend and was astonished to find a camp or blockade really. I was immediately captured and asked what I was doing and where I was going. I told the truth for I had nothing to hide.


    "I am journeying to Azura's Shrine in your land of Skyrim," I answered to their questions.


    "Well," said the leader of the bandits, as I presumed, "The borders are shut to all outsides, especially you, Dark Elf."


    Not the warmest greeting I would have liked. "And how is it closed? By whose authority?" I ventured to ask knowing full well that they meant to steal, plunder, and kill.


    "By my authority!" the real leader of the group said coming out of the shadows. "Skyrim was taken away from us and we do not like any who join themselves with the enemy - the Empire and its Legions."


    This was a great surprise as I had never heard of any problems or rebellions in or around Skyrim. I was then asked - and not to be the last time - if I was for or against the Stormcloaks as they called themselves. Yet, every time I ventured to say I was for neither side, swift blow to the temple or the ribs was made. It dawned on me that they must have thought I was a spy of some kind, and in my stupidity I told them I was no spy, which only made the beatings longer and harsher. Never had I felt pain like what they gave me mixed with the icy cold breeze of the mountain pass. Even in all my years of practicing magic and sword play, I felt unable to do anything and escape. But escape was never to come to me. Not yet!


    After many days of the same routine, the Stormcloaks decided it was in my best interest to move camp south, going into the Jerall Mountains. I walked all the way shivering as I went. Many times I feel and got beat for it; but I got back up and continued on. In what seemed a lifetime or two, we decided to setup camp and rest. At last a warm fire and dark dreams of which I thought were wrong and lunatic. As I was abruptly awakened to continue in my torture, a shrill cry came out from a sentry. Imperials were near! Hearing this a slight hope of freedom crossed my mind, till it was crushed later that day by them not coming. The Imperial Mountain Guard did not see the camp, and neither did the Stormcloaks decide to stop in getting out of their view. So we traveled west in the Jerall Mountains. Long days and short nights filled my memory. In fact the day and month was lost to me, everything was lost except my resolve to escape and continue my journey to the Shrine. Now camp was set again and this time scouts claimed to not see any Imperials for miles. As down heartened as I was I thought we were in a bad area to be in. I let my friend, or more like cell mate, know my concern. Yet he did not care to hear. I tried to tell our guard, but I got no food in response. So I awaited patiently the fate to come, tho I did not even know what it was.


    Once we were settled the Stormcloaks seemingly had a change of heart. Instead of beatings and torture, they resorted to asking us if we would join them in their cause against the Imperials and the Empire. I did not know what to think, literally and mentally. Days went by, woken in the morning to be offered friendship, then the rest of the day and night in a single cell not even large enough to lay down in. Nevertheless, my mind told me still of great danger to come, and it did come. Shortly after being shut up in my cell for the day, a cry went up and I heard swords and saw arrows. In the mist of the fighting, we the prisoners were in our cells unable to even defend ourselves if it came to it. Finally our guard comes in all bloody and arrow pierced.


    Coming to my cell he said, "You! You knew they were coming. Imperials are attacking and have capture our leader. But you spies will never get your rewards." And with that he unlocked our cells and swung his sword up in the air.


    But as sudden as he came, he was on the ground struck by an arrow to the back of the head. Under these conditions, an Imperial Legionnaire walked in to see his kill. He must have thought us deserters or cowards in league with the Stormcloaks for he did not kill us instantly. Rounding us all up, prisoners and Stormcloaks, we were put onto carriages and escorted to who knew where.

  6. In this night sky I see

    Many stars and dreams

    Wonderful, beautiful, and wild


    In this forest dense with trees

    I hearing and smell is refreshed

    Sunlight's dancing off the water


    Now on the peak of the mountain

    Feeling as a bird or astronaut

    See the world in its splendor


    But none have been so inspiring

    As the sight and sound of my lover

    I will never see beauty the same again

  7. P.S. - I have thought about starting a story topic thread about my character in Skyrim from the beginning. I will write what happened and what he/she does whenever I play and remember to write. It will be in the form of a novel or story. Not quite like a journal, tho that is close to what it will be.


    I would love to get input about this. Would you like to have it, tho I am not that great with words like this?

  8. Only once in a lifetime does one live to love

    Another person so fair to behold

    Beyond the words any can say or put to music

    The joy of you with me is too great

    Words pause on the lips and fall to the ground

    I stumble to know what to do often

    Action change soon show the difference you make

    As one who is enamored by the beauty

    Now forever it seems we will be together always

    Yet I would have it no other way

  9. Oblivion was a great game in its own respect, yet as I put in another topic thread, Skyrim is not Oblivion 2.0, it is Morrowind 2.0! I put close to if not more than 1000 hours into Morrowind and I still am playing and modding it. Oblivion has been uninstalled from my computer since 2009 - and I do not own a xbox or ps3 or such. Skyrim is much better on so many levels to me it is mind boggling. Oblivion was a great game, had and still has great mods from what I read about them and see on youtube.


    But those of us who started on MW think this way. Generally people who started in the middle of the Elder Scrolls series on Oblivion think differently. So I don't hate because of it, I say for the record Skyrim is better than Morrowind, which is better than Oblivion.

  10. I like the fact how people used to say, "Skyrim is Oblivion 2.0," but in reality it is Morrowind 2.0 seasoned with a little Oblivion. If you go back and play MW then play Oblivion, then Skyrim, you will see what I mean. Others can say the same - I went to Markarth and was immediately hit in the face with Morrowind as it would be today.


    Oblivion has it good point, be it few; yet Skyrim, as a Beth tradition, has new stuff that expanded on Oblivion. Dual wield and magic! This is why I love Beth and the Elder Scrolls series, every game is improved upon the other.

  11. I am not bored yet! I rest and do some random stuff to keep me going in the game and out side the game. Lately I have been looking at all the sights in Skyrim and taking screenshots as much as possible . . . not ready to post any yet tho, maybe after some more graphic enhancing mods come. But, I am particularly looking for areas that would be awesome for an epic LOTR mod I want to do - I will add nothing to the game as much as possible, except for changes to items and minor landscaping. Anyways Skyrim is on the border of getting boring with me, all the different quest lines and plot all turn out the same, so it is getting more repetitive.
  12. There's a special place in my heart that only you can touch -

    a place where I can go and feel you near.

    Throughout the day I think of you.

    I see your smile, hear your voice and in my thoughts you lovingly appear.

    The way we love each other makes it hard to be apart

    so when I can't hold you in my arms, I hold you in my heart.

  13. Oh I do love that one Maharg. Anabaxis that was an exceptional piece, Bravo Zulu and Kudos!


    To My Girl


    When it comes to lovin' couples,

    don't we make the perfect pair-

    There's romance, love, and laughter

    in the friendship that we share.

    We care enough to listen,

    to trust and understand.

    To build a life together,

    side by side and hand in hand.

    We both know that we're lucky

    and we've got a good thing going.

    Through ups and downs

    and give and take,

    our love just keeps on growing...

    'Cause I bring out the best in you,

    and you the best in me-

    I guess it takes the two of us

    to make the perfect "we."


    - Author Unknown -


    Fanuilos heryn aglar

    Rîn athar annún-aearath,

    Calad ammen i reniar

    Mi 'aladhremmin ennorath!


    A Elbereth Gilthoniel

    I chîn a thûl lin míriel

    Fanuilos le linnathon

    Ne ndor haer thar i aearon.


    A elin na gaim eglerib

    Ned în ben-anor trerennin

    Si silivrin ne pherth 'waewib

    Cenim lyth thílyn thuiennin.


    A Elbereth Gilthoniel

    Men echenim sí derthiel

    Ne chaered hen nu 'aladhath

    Ngilith or annún-aearath.

  15. Yes, that is right! I love the music in Skyrim, just like I love the Morrowind music and Oblivion music. They fit together so well. BUT, I cannot find the music file under Skyrim. I want to add the music form the other games and some other music to Skyrim, but I cannot find a file. Unless I have to make one, I wanted to ask before I went on ahead.
  16. I have wandered the weary paths

    Of hopefulness and love

    Desiring what many others hath


    Never tho I felt it so right

    I feel an overwhelming joy

    Sleep will not come easy tonight


    Nevertheless, I have faith and courage

    To conquer whatever comes

    Face my Thu'um and my rage!


    Shower the doubts with envy

    Burn them with desire

    And destroy by vying


    meleth nín


    Gerich veleth nín

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