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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. Only those who know will win

    Earn the things that gods have

    Power, love, fear, awe

    Welcome to the battle

    Find the pot of gold

    But not under a rainbow

    Down in the deeps of hell

    Without light and hope

    Darkness that consumes the soul

    No way to have light within again

    Push it deep inside yourself

    Continue to do

    Keep searching

    Find the prize

  2. Hope is lost and unforgiving

    Faith is strong and kind

    My eyes see what they want

    Not the reality of life


    Too often they stray

    Off into the distance wondering

    Will they ever come back?

    Will I ever see the way I want again?


    “Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

    –Calvin Coolidge


  4. Then and Now! I truly believe they are trying to do their best to make Elder Scroll fans happy and MMO players happy. I have to agree with Vagrant0, I play MMOs mostly for the story, like LOTRO. Most quest they have on there is go kill this and that but do not have anything really substantial for the epic quest line. If my level is to low for the main quest, I will grind a dungeon or some random quests. If I remember TESO is using something similar to the LOTRO Riders of Rohan quest givers, by actually allowing you to kill an enemy and then give you the option about if you what to finish killing x amount of enemies. In my opinion I really liked this.
  5. I have high hopes that it will come together nicely. In the articles they say it is still only in pre-alpha production. Lots more to work on. Just reading about the differences it has compared to others like combat and this "mega server" thing sound good and unique. I hope they pull this off.
  6. The first Elder Scroll Online hands-on just happened apparently. Here you can read all about it. My opinion is that it seems to be better and majorly different than the other MMOs out there. What do you all think?


    P.s. Tamriel Foundry has a better one Here.


    "History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats."

    Bertie C. Forbes


  8. Life is full of mystery and sadness

    Working till the bones ache

    And muscles seize up

    Yet I will continue


    Pain! Ha I know pain

    I fuels my intent

    And strengthens my resolve

    Give all and get none in return

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