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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. The fire of life

    Strength of your knife

    Pain of my torture

    Potent and pure

    Fear of the darkness

    Facing the harmless


    No mercy of death

    Only love beneath

    This is all fun

    Or I would have none

    Game of living

    All in loving

  2. Through the rain and cold wind I tread. Weak in the knees, pain in the upper back. 65lb of weight, not including my weapons. Yet the enemies try to take advantage, thinking I am spent. One shot, one kill. Again! And again. Now none stand before me. They fear my eyes. The flame and soul put into my wrath. Flee before I run after you. 3 miles in 18 minutes. 500 yards in a fraction of that.


    I know no true pain and cold, though fingers are numb and toes are tingling. This weight is but a ramp to launch myself. My weapons are but extensions of my arm. Potent and quick I will be. No mercy! For I will not be shown any. Nothing but suffering for you. It is my job!


    Crawling in the ankle deep water, one inch at a time. Yet none can find me yet. You did not even know till to late. Forgive me not for not being fair. That is war. You bring it. But end it!

  3. I am great

    I am powerful

    Filling vast, endless space


    My far reaching hand

    Pulls the mightiest

    Restraining the "great"


    I am power

    Although I am weak

    I always win in the end


    ??? Answer Anyone ???

  4. For love and life

    I would conquer all the world

    Defeat whose who threaten

    Vanquish the flame

    Obliterate the reason




    For love and life

    I lift the weary

    Heal the broken

    Recruit the faithful

    Command the great masses




    I do it not for glory and fame

    Admiration or coin

    I do it for the one I love

    I see the end and strive to be there

    Together with the one who waits for me

  5. Love is like a Rubik's cube, it takes a long time to figure it out, but in the end you still find yourself one step off somewhere. Fortunately for me I gave up long ago, and it worked itself out better.
  6. Very good, auraginx!




    Nothing is so fair to behold

    Than the one I hold at night

    None can match her

    Never another

    Such a thing will never leave me


    More wonderful than life itself

    She keeps me next to herself

    Without a sigh I stay

    All day and night

    If it could happen, I couldn't leave


    That is why I say from inside

    From the deepest heart I have

    My thoughts declare

    Heart exclaims

    You are my Amaranthine

  7. I miss the one I love

    More than any would know

    Being apart is more than sweet sorrow

    Worse than living in a hole

    More depressing than breaking up


    Yet I will live on with strength

    Hoping in the day we embrace again

    Working till the next day and looking to you

    Never forgetting our love and chemistry

    Waiting to be together forever again

  8. having to wait helps me detail my ideas for a mod I am working on on paper. Every day it gets fine tuned. With that said, I also play quite a few other games - BF3, LOTRO, LOTR War in the North, and SWTOR- while I wait. They also give me brilliant ideas to add to my mod. Oh yes I am getting impatient but I like it.
  9. PART 6 - Original Design


    As I left the ruin of Saarthal, thoughts of what was going to happen next flooded my mind. Great adventure? A dead end? I knocked on the Arch-Mage's door leading to his private chambers. After hearing him bide me enter, I expounded to him what we had found. He was surprised that Tolfdir himself did not come; yet because he did not come might just mean it is very important. The Arch-Mage directed me to the library and to talk to the keeper and see if he knows anything of what we found. I departed and coming to the library, an Orc demanded I not harm any of his books. The keeper of the library told me nothing about what we found except for a book stolen out of the library many years before. He said if I go and find and take back the book, he could possibly find what we found.


    I set off to the last known location of the book Urag gro-shub, the library keeper, gave me. Just before I exited the college, Ancano, a proud High Elf Thalmor advisor, questioned me as to what we had found. It did seem queer to me that he would want to know what this orb was even tho it was clearly none of his business. I evaded most of his probing and continued out of the College and out of Winterhold also.


    Feeling somewhat free, I relaxed a bit and basked myself in the rare sunlight that came to this far north region, and as I came over the hill, I looked and saw something to the left. It was large and detailed from where I was. It could not be anything else but what I purposed to see - Azura's Shrine. Oh the joy and enlightenment I already felt. I ran with all haste and so fell straight into a small pack of wolves, but before they knew I was there, my Flame Atronach was conjured and my flames and blade were deep into their hides. After this small bump on the road, I ran into what looked like an alter or burial site of some sort. There was a skeleton and a hefty amount of loot, which I took - no one else is going to use it that I could see. Suddenly a strange aura appeared and raised the few dead skeletons around the site to life. I did not see them and definitely did not anticipate this happening. My Atronach was still near and took out two very quickly. The third was obviously some great hero of old and proved hard to conquer. I blasted him with my flames and then charged with a power attack, but the skeleton hero side stepped, and I missed him by a little. Being exposed now, the skeleton's blade struck my back and staggered me leaving me breathless and in pain. I managed to turn and block another attack from the hero and parried his third strike, which found its mark and broke him into many pieces.


    My Atronach was gone now and my healing spells could not work faster, I thought to myself. The path I took proved to be a dead end to the dead, so I back tracked to the base of the small mountain. I looked at the Shrine and looked for any paths. Finding one hiding behind a cave hole, I briskly ran to the Shrine till I came to the steps leading up to the alter. Very solemnly I took each step. Thanking for and praying for safety. I reached the top and meet another Dark Elf, the caretaker of the Shrine. Before I could say anything, she declared to me that Azura had chosen me to be her champion. I was utterly astonished at this! Never had the Daedra or the Aedra ever spoken to me of my family that I had known of. Azura's Star was being defiled, and I was the one to reclaim it. This of course will now be my priority. I was told to find a scholar in Winterhold that might know of its location.


    I departed and found myself in the inn where a ex-College Mage was living and experimenting. He told me of how another one of his fellow collegians thought he could become immortal by putting his soul into the Star, and that this mad man even killed students to find a way to this. Fortunately for me the location was in the same place as the book I was assigned to find. Finding out about this, I began to journey back to Whiterun, which I reached several days later virtually not attacked in any way. I began to think of how I would get to this old fort ruins that the Star and book was at. Fellglow Keep was the name, and it was on the southern side of the mountains that surrounded Whiterun to the south. Nothing seemed that easy to do, walking around either side would take days. Then I remembered the ruins in the mountain. A golden claw and a dragonstone where in there, both of which I was to recover. I determined to go through the ruins and from what I gathered, would end up on the other side somewhat close to Fellglow Keep.


    The sun was still in the sky with several hours left of light. I started toward Bleak Falls Barrow and found myself looking over Riverwood again - what a peaceful, obscure place. I looked ahead and saw a stone tower. Bandits lurking around it told me a fight would soon follow. I drew my bow and began to sneak forward. Just as soon as I thought one bandit was in range, I let one arrow fly. The arrow was too low, and the bandits began to look for me. This was a bad start already! I drew another arrow, but this time the target was closer and after hitting the bandit square in the chest, I was discovered and arrows where flying towards me. I conjured my Flame Atronach again and began to fight with my flame and blade. The two bandits outside the tower were killed quickly, but I felt as if more lay within. I climbed the tower and encountered one more bandit. Obviously being the leader, this one charged down some stairs right at me shield and sword leading the way. I side stepped and dodged the strike. I quickly followed with a powerful backhand attack that sent my foe off the edge of the cliff. I wanted to see what the leader had on him, but I guess I will not ever get to know now. I stepped out of the tower, crossed the bridge, and ran up the rest of the small hill that lead to Bleak Falls Barrow. More bandits awaited me there, but they too were crushed by my Atronach and my bow. I entered the ruins and began my undesired path.

  10. PART 5 - Dangerous Delving


    After awaking and eating some food, I set I for the ruins of Saarthal to begin another lesson of some sort. The air was cold and filled with snow. Wind felt like teeth made of ice biting the very warm out of you. Nevertheless, the short walk to the ruin was short and without trouble. We gathered inside and our instructor, Tolfdir, gave us all a task. Mine was to help another mage scholar collect some enchanted jewelry. I did, and in the middle of taking an amulet of the wall, a trap sprang loose. Bars of iron lock me in this corner. I ran to the bars trying to see if anyone was there to help. Fortunately Tolfdir hear the noise and came questioning me of the obvious.


    "What happened?" He asked.


    "I just took this amulet of the wall and this," motioning to the bars, "happened. Can you find a lever or something?" I exclaimed.


    He look a second then asked if I could see anything inside, as if I did not look. The he told me to put on the amulet and see what happened next as it might be something of importance. Immediately after putting the amulet on, a vortex of some kind of power or magic appeared to us and I blasted the it with my fire spell, and to my surprise the wall fell back and opened to a narrow passage. The bars also lifted and freedom was granted to escape; yet Tolfdir wanted to see what lied beyond. Following him like a little puppy, we came to another room filled with what looked like coffins but standing up right. We both looked in wonder as to the significance of this newly discovered area. Suddenly, in the middle of his sentence, Tolfdir stopped and froze still. All around became white and pale, and a figure appeared to me. Astonished by this new devilry as I saw it, the individual said two things I understood, "Danger" and "Psijic."


    Then suddenly the man was gone! Tolfdir unfroze and exclaimed to me the strange feeling he had no doubt felt. I told him that happened, and the name Psijic Order intensified his curiosity into the ruins. He said the Psijic Order has been lost and never had dealings here. Amazed at the newly discovered information, three Draughr emerged from there tombs and attacked us. I summoned my Flame Atronach and drew my katana in my right hand and flame in my left. Two Draughr were quickly dispatched, but the third was more of a challenge. I was hit by this Restless Draughr's frost attack, and I instantly felt more cold and weak than even being out in the snow and wind. I fired my flames at him and charged with a power attack. I connected, and at the upward stroke of the enemy, I thrust my katana straight into its undead heart and kicked it away and off by blade.


    I never felt so alive and ready for more. We continued till we came to another room, this time it was circular and lined with many standing coffin, which brought forth more Draughr for my hungry fire and blade. All were quickly and swiftly dealt with. Tolfdir declared he will stay and study these coffins, but he wanted me to continue. And I did. As I went little resistance was given, as my Atronach tore through the Draughr with mindless ease. I came to a room were I saw a most strange and wonder filling sight. I began to sneak around and came to the edge of the pavilion I was on, then suddenly a Draughr, looking very kingly and cruel, awoke and began to search for me. I was frightened out of my wits. I dared not move for my life depended on it. Thankfully tho Tolfdir came into the room and drew the Draughr's attention to him.


    Summoning my Flame Atronach once more, I jumped down into the fight, but the creature would not give at any blow we dealt it. Tolfdir suddenly began to attack this protection field around the orb I had found, and instructed me to attack the monster. As I did the Draughr began to weaken and my strikes began to make an impact. I swung my blade missing the mark, and getting parried, I staggered away dazed at the blow dealt back at me. I saw the creature coming for the kill, and as his stroke fell a ball of fire flew by my head and threw the beast across the room silent and still. I look at my Atronach and thanked it tho it may not have understood my speech. I walked over to the dead undead animal and took from it another amulet and some pricey jewels. I joined up with Tolfdir who was mesmerized at the sight of this floating ball.


    He directed me to run to the Arch-Mage and describe to him what we had found. As I began to search for an exit, I came across this staff, imbued with magic to damage health. It said "Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson." This would definitely be worth some gold or even a pretty decoration. Finally tho, I found an exit that lead me straight to the ruins entrance oddly enough. Here I left the ruins and ran to the College to declare our find.

  11. A New Year comes and the old is swept away

    Yet don't forget it, we may need it

    For the future is wide and mysterious

    Full of wonder and excitement

    And tragedy and pain

    Sickness and loss

    But hope for the next year will linger

    We will make it through if we have each other

    So here's the start of a great New Year

    And many more together with you

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