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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. For further debate: What now? Do we still stay in the Middle East until we've rooted out every last terrorist? Pull out and proclaim "JOB DONE" in giant lettering?


    Good continuation ub3rman123. There are always going to be more where Osama came from, tho maybe not as great. It will never stop. If we stay there is the problem of "oh the war is over we got him now we are done." But that is not the end. Really there will be no end to it, unless the middle eastern countries will do their part and not make us or others to it. If we leave, like I said they will come back, tho not as before for some time.


    In the end I just do what I am told. After one war another is going to come and I will be there. In my opinion it is better to stay, but with a clearly defined objective, whatever the President or whoever does it decides.

  2. As I am in the military, I take everything with a grain of salt - or pepper depending how you look at it.


    It is good to hear this since we really have not heard anything about the war in forever. Good morale boost for the troops. But make my words if this is fake or mistaken identity.


    This will help Obama polls most definitely, but we need to realize it was Bush that worked us to this point. I am thankful Obama is President and that he was the one able to announce to the world of this awesomeness, but he only made the good decision to make others do it. Thanks Obama! Thanks Bush! Special thanks to my Brothers in arms!


    May the land be blessed and the peace overflowing.

  3. Very good piece there Flintlockecole!


    Illusions fill my mind

    Some sense I try to find

    Whirl in circles endlessly

    When will it stop, let me be

    Often fantasy comes and goes

    It all ends itself and shows

    There is only One I am thinking of.


    Beyond the grasp

    My breath I gasp

    Just out of reach

    Every feeling leach

    Away for a minute

    I find no help in it

    There is only One I want in my life.

  4. Well done both of you. Keep it coming.


    I lost something today

    I don't know what exactly

    Yesterday it was here

    But now it is gone and hidden


    I feel empty by the way

    Deep it effects me precisely

    I want it back dear

    Loneliness needs to be ridden


    My feelings can't be at bay

    I know it fits with me nicely

    Gone forever I fear

    I now go to find were it has been

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