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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. Canyons because that would be awesome going around a corner and stop! Oops almost fell straight down. Oh and their is a dragon following me now! Great!


    I really like it all and yes the mountains are more real looking than Oblivion's, and when I saw canyons I mean Grand Canyon type stuff. Saber tooth and Mammoth would be awesome addition to the whole nature attacks thing.

  2. Granted, but because the game is that awesome it breaks your computer thus you are not able to play


    wish i could marry my girl already


    Granted, but she starts acting like the one chick Quagmire from Family Guy married, and says she'll kill herself if you leave the house.


    I wish that my computer could handle the awesomeness of Skyrim. (I'm going to get it for my 360 though, because my computer is nearly 7 years old by now. Its good enough to play Oblivion on High with 20 FPS in the Battle of Bruma though ;D


    Ha ha I thought of that after I posted the wish.


    Anyways, granted your computer can handle it, but your 360 can't now, red brick.


    Wish the rain would just stop already

  3. Thank you for reading! Hope to see you more and maybe some of your own stuff too!


    My Lesson of the Day


    Lust. Sometimes you just want something you just can grab, yet! It make one jealous, dark, thieving, and sometimes murderous. Everyone has this but some - myself - more than others. I see something and want it many times. Funny thing is I know I cannot get it and must leave before worse things happen. If I know what gets to me and where it is I should with all my desire avoid it, so to stay out of temptation thus trouble. But sometimes I cannot stay away. I need to be with her or I need to have something, which is a little different in some ways. I want somethings that are good to want but not able to have it, which is where the lust can involve itself. Wanting to be with my girl is not bad at all, till it starts to turn into desires she wants to wait for.


    It must stop! Avoiding it is my best option. But in her case, that would not go over well. My only defense against it is to hope in the future. I pray and restrain. To be honest I don't really know how to put into words, but I know now how I can significantly reduce the about and level of lust I might do. I know how and it works. I feel like I have defeated some kind of monster. It shows up less and less.


    Basically the lesson I learned is to not let it loose. It can destroy oneself. Find your way to crush it. Desire is only that and should be no more, then again you should not have it in most cases. Do not make yourself get it.

  4. I agree with you about the diamond above the dragon. As for the broken wingtip, Genocide, I think that is a good assumption. It may also be that it is representing Alduin so not to confuse with Akatosh and the complete dragon. That is what I first thought when I doubled checked the pics together.
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