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Posts posted by LordWushin

  1. As they both said, Morrowind's quests are awesome. They make you do a lot more traveling compared to Oblivion I think, not fast travel only the silt strider. There are so many quest that are in each guild and maybe more in the actual main quest. There are so many thing you can do I still have not completed the whole game in all the years since its release. So I would think you would like the quest and the stories, which now that I remember even some of the guilds have a story to their quests. Puzzles and deadric shrines, and very unique creatures you will not see in any other game to come. Ah now I want to go play it again.


    The only thing that would discourage one that comes from Oblivion is the graphics, dialogue, and combat/game play. They are all "older" but do not let that stop you. There are mods to help you. Morrowind is still my favorite game, until Skyrim comes at least.

  2. Happy Easter everyone!


    On this most honorable day, may you find happiness in what you may worship and CANDY, or if not, then enjoy the company of others and all the CANDY.

    Best wishes to you all from yours truly!


    Six days of rain I heard

    And of mass flooding I learned

    Not the best of news

    But what have I to lose

    I have my internet and dog

    And my food to hog

    Work is closed till it passes

    So I am away from the masses


    Yet during these dreary days

    In my bed sleep lays

    Or above that, hold my one and only

    So not to be lonely

    And look into her eyes with love

    I the protection for this dove

    Making the time go by fast

    Till the storms are at last past

  3. Now above all time I lie

    Upon this soft bed and cry

    I hope not to fail and die

    This feeling I get so high

    Whenever she is not nigh

    More time I try to buy

    To be with her forever


    Of course I must admit

    I never thought much of it

    But a fire in my heart she has lit

    Right on the spot she has hit

    She shows me how together we fit

    And how close we are knit

    To be together forever

  4. I concur! I really feel bland playing Oblivion. Morrowind still gets to me every time tho. G4 look at Skyrim was very good, tho no new material except maybe confirmation on you getting executing at beginning of the game. Very nice screen shots too.


    Got ninja'd !

  5. I posted on your profile so to not side track on this thread.


    Many ages ago it seemed

    When I first saw her

    With eyes so beautiful

    And face so fair

    A gaze I got lost in

    Voice I melted at

    Hair so long and dark

    Of set the pale, smooth skin

    Mind to fast quick of wit

    Person of meek loveliness

    Touch I adore and crave

    Drowning in her love

    Perfect to the least

    Above all I could ask

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