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Everything posted by SynysterShadows1213

  1. I love the Riverview house idea. I love being out in the wilderness so I would rather have it by the river. It would be a cool and fun adventure to have the key floating down the river, but then since things actually DO float in Skyrim it might get lost and who knows where the heck it would end up? It could probably end up on the opposite side of Skyrim! haha I guess you could always see about having the key at the bottom of the river (without any floating motion). But you could always say that a bandit killed the previous owner and before the owner died he threw the key into the river, and you just happened to come across the house right after the bandit had killed the guy. The cave abode would also be great. Being up in the cold snowy mountains by yourself and no one knows of your secret hideout. Yea I would definitely be there, my sneaky assassin/theif. I personally would rather have the DB feel than a training room, I mean come one...the DB only trains themselves with fresh subjects muwahaha. As for obtaining it, its owner could have previously been a member of the Dark Brotherhood and someone may have wanted revenge and killed the murderer. Or something like that. But great ideas! I would definitely like to see this happen.
  2. Thanks for this! Appreciate the time and effort you put in. Keep us updated :thumbsup:
  3. Looooks legit, unless someone slaved hours trying to fake a manual. Thank you! :laugh:
  4. I think they probably will have werewolves. If they weren't going to have them included in the game they would have likely said so by now. And like what was said...When asked about it the only answer we got was "No comment." Perhaps they were going to put them in the game, but at that point they did not have them implemented, or maybe while you run around in the land of Skyrim you get attacked and discover..Lycanthropy! Anyways I would be very sad to find out there were no werewolves and probably frustrated, but I can't exactly be furious seeing on how nothing was said about them anyways. I think they may be a big surprise and if not, Bethesda will probably implement them in a DLC, seeing as werewolves seem to be in such high demand. But we either have to wait until someone says something or when the game comes out and we play it.
  5. This is new to me as well, there is so much posted in the Skyrim info thread that I don't feel like flipping through 10 pages of posts to see what I missed that day. Now I know for sure I'm going Rogue :thumbsup:
  6. Dude. I hope you get banned, that's two disgusting comments from you out of your three total comments here. You have nothing good to offer, please leave. :wallbash: Porn and masturbation are somehow disgusting and offensive to you. Albeit, your disgusting and offensive signature describing murder that comes along with ALL of YOUR posts? :wallbash: Let's not forget where we are, the internet. And more importantly, a forum about a game that involves quite a lot of killing, blood, gore, etc. And don't forget to shove your hypocritical self-righteousness right up your ass. Now come on guys, let's not start because this never ends well. Now the dude who posted the porn thing, a lot of people have mentioned porn here in the forums. We have people of all ages here and yes a sig that talks about killing, but listen if someone is going to get banned or if the comment was as bad as it seems, the Moderators will ban. There's no reason to curse anyone out or shove anything up anyone to make a point. So please let's keep this civilized. See...this is all a plan to tear us all apart! Oh no! D: But what to do to keep busy before Skyrim comes out..hmmmm.......the Witcher 2 was fun and I spent many many long hours and did every quest (there are two possible endings and many possible outcomes for quests). You could fill your time up with that but be warned...you might get just as obsessed as you would with Skyrim. For me I really got into it when I go to Flotsam. About 2hrs (if even) into it. I'm in college so it has been keeping me really busy and I haven't had a free weekend, but when I do I've been spending my time watching movies. I recommend Dragon Age 2 if you haven't played it (I liked it though I liked 1 better). I have put into that game at least 160hrs with all my playthroughs so that can pass the time...You can have fun killing things or errrm people in Assassin's Creed :D I still have to finish Brotherhood. But don't worry! I feel your pain.
  7. Todd said that some creatures unless attacked won't attack you. The Giants may not even care if you're around doing whatever, as long as you don't bother them or their fuzzy gigantic friends (Mammoth).
  8. I love the improvised weaponry the most. It's stupid how if an NPC is being attack they don't at least grab something to stand a chance. Though you could implement that with the town bell as well. I mean not everyone can get a pretty descent weapon lol it would be funny to see a person fighting off a wolf or bear with a broom or frying pan XD Guard horn makes a lot more sense. I always wondered how if a guard attacked you, how he had so much backup so quickly without calling anyone.
  9. Is it possible that Skyrim can keep you from playing games up until its release? :thumbsup: I wanted the new installment of Assassin's Creed....but I'm thinking I'll be playing Skyrim and won't be able to stop.
  10. 35hrs? You mean 3-5 right? lol But I think the article was posted up already, thanks anyways! Wasn't sure about the level cap but that answers my question.
  11. I could easily spend those 300hrs in Skyrim, it's just with being in college and working on the weekends it's would be hard to do so and find time. But that's why we have breaks :thumbsup: It's good that Bethesda is making it for all players basically, being able to play 100hrs (more potential players), but then again if you get Skyrim you might as well take advantage of what it fully has to offer. There's no time limit on when the game should be beat, even casual gamers can play those 300hrs if they wanted to (it would just take longer).
  12. I've just always loved werewolves and vampires. But wolves more, I like to be all evil and fluffy, and just BA.
  13. They should do something like the Black Emporium in Dragon Age 2. After getting through a certain point in the game the "Black Emporium" was available and offered an appearance change. Even Fallout NV had a barber where you could change your hair style.
  14. Perhaps it won't be so much as a dragon weapon, rather than you can collect items (after killing one) that could be incorporated into a weapon or something for extra damage and such. I think it would be awesome to have a dragon bow or a sword made from its fang....I'm being all Inuyasha here lol :biggrin:
  15. ..............I cannot express in words............ :biggrin:
  16. If you haven't beat NV yet, then Oblivion would take a loooong time to beat and it's possible to beat it before 11.11.11 only if you do the main quest. If you want the whole experience you would need to put in loooong hours, at least 10/day. I would play Oblivion before Skyrim and you might as well wait a bit to save you some money. I started a new game in Oblivion about a month ago, I haven't had time to play it much, but I had played it before so I am getting Skyrim no doubts. But it seems you would enjoy Skyrim very much, but there's at least 300hrs of gameplay, so between time and that you do the math. Some people if started on Skyrim would probably have problems switching to Oblivion. I mean there are tons of new aspects and upgrades in Skyrim I may even have a hard time switching back ha. EX: I got Mass Effect 2 and about a few hrs into it I decided that I should actually play 1 first...duhh. Even though it took me awhile to get into (gameplay wise) I very much enjoyed it at the end and it made ME2 a better experience. However it's up to you, Skyrim or Oblivion.
  17. Hmmmm you should just be able to marry anyone even quest related characters...only they can't die while with you off saving the world or destroying it. Of course that's what I think, I would hate to find out only peasants and such can be wed. But I would imagine whoever can be you companions can also be your significant other. :tongue:
  18. Here's a dancing panda! http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b310/U-Wished_2Soon17/panda.gif
  19. That would be a great idea and it's like jedimembrain said, it was in Fable 3 and personally I think it worked out beautifully. I mean there could have been a bit more tidying up but it would be awesome to choose what color our armor and that would be (glove, shoes etc.). Something I always found wrong in Oblivion was mismatching armor. You could have a dark outfit and then you have these shoes that are awesome, but are huge, bulky, furry, and very light brown :/
  20. I think Todd said in an interview that it increased running speed. 'running speed is increased by upgrading stamina,also depends on the armor type used' this is on the elderscrollswiki and there are a list of sources but I personally don't have the patience to look through them all to find it. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Fact_List I know that more stamina=faster running, but as far as how far you sprint...I have no clue.
  21. its like puberty all over again .. but instead of sex its skyrim. Difference is that Skyrim IS great the first time. :biggrin: It's also more addicting.
  22. You are zeh maaaaan! Thank you! I hope the Torture Chamber.....you don't get put in it.
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