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Everything posted by SynysterShadows1213

  1. Usually if people DL it they have to wait for it to be cracked (proper crack) :/ which is why they should just go ahead and buy the game cause sometimes they have to wait until after the game is actually released anyways. Also they should support the developers especially if it's a really good and awesome game like I'm sure Skyrim will be :) But who cares really who plays it first? It's all about you yourself having loads of fun and enjoying every last moment of what the game has to offer. As long as I get to play it I could care less about those who DL it.
  2. Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Fable...........there's more (other than TES) but yea.........
  3. I still have to beat Dragon Age 2 with my rogue and warrior I redid, play Mark of the Assassin, do the new DLC for New Vegas, continue Oblivion, maybe one day finish my second playthrough of Fable 3, beat Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.....oh and I have a midterm I have to do for class tomorrow.....
  4. I can't even imagine the thought of Elder Scrolls being a multiplayer experience...It never even crossed my mind. Your points are valid and true, although multiplayer can be fun to some extent, the pros don't outweigh the cons.
  5. I live in Florida....usually it gets cold around this time but it's still hoooot. Though at night it had been getting around the 40s and so. But If i opened my window during a blizzard (assumning we had any), my PC will probably get so cold and freeze it would stop working then I'd have no way to play Skyrim. You could always crank the AC down.......more money but better than no PC :thumbsup: But i'm a sucker when it comes to cold weather.....so I will have my little oil heater on...maybe.....
  6. Most likely they just decided before hand what character they were going to play as. I mean if they chose different races then the thing would be "Well he won b/c he was a Bosmer!" So I suppose they just decided on common ground, whether it was b/c Altmer was the first choice, a choice out of a hat, or a flip of a coin...well we will never know!
  7. There is honestly so much that I really can't say I'm looking forward to one thing more than another, but if I had to choose....interaction with the world and people (this includes the new AI). The land of Skyrim looks amazing, gorgeous, breathtaking, and enormous! The graphics, the realism, it's all so eye popping and mouthwatering :woot: As for people, it sounds like they will actually act like human beings and not like zombies going from here to there without doing anything productive. Companions, they seem to be more intelligent and aware of their surrounding and you as a character. They don't just follow you here and there, stay put and mindlessly run into battle...they actually have instinct and common knowledge.
  8. Isn't it possible to just join all of the guilds? You know if you wanted :whistling: I will definitely without a doubt be part of the DB, and I read a review in which the player ran into the Thieves guild...it sounded pretty awesome so that's another guild for me. I've never cared much about the Fighters guild, in Oblivion it was really easy and actually kind of boring doing the same thing over and over, fighting in the Arena, but I can't wait to see what Bethesda has done with the guilds in Skyrim. I wonder though if in the Fighter's guild in Skyrim, you will actually have quests? I don't know it would be kind of cool to be sent to the other side of the map to fight some world renown champion or something. I just want a different environment than the arena :/ spice things up.
  9. I can't choose, but it's cool to see how the music has developed throughout the years :) I always Loved the Oblivion theme, but it's mainly between Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim.
  10. I am going to wake up, get in my car, drive to Gamestop, and buy the game. Then when I get there they're going to ask "Are you in your pajamas?" I will just nod and hand them my golden debit card, leave the store (with my card and game), go home, slip the disk into my disk drive (ooo things are heating up :wink: ) aaaaaaaand click that sexy, shimmering button that says "Install". That marks the end of my life....from then on, Skyrim is my world.
  11. That definitely did not help with my anticipation......
  12. I want to frolic through a meadow of flowers while in the background a village is being burned and attacked by a dragon......
  13. It's not a werewolf. It's just a massive wolf taller than your character. Kinda mini boss for the word wall. I was thinking "That's a big aaaaaaaaaa wolf." :tongue:
  14. If only I had a flat screen TV.....I would so make it into my PC screen....or maybe I should get a projector and have Skyrim across my whole wall :wink:
  15. Lucky lucky, well Ripten has had the opportunity to play Skyrim for 3hrs and one of the things he was going to 'try' and confirm was the speculation of werewolves. His article/review won't be posted until Monday (at the earliest) but I can't wait to see what he found out. Then again if there was no sign of werewolves....Im gonna be saaad :(
  16. Game over. Not playing Skyrim now. GOOOOOD DAMMMN IT http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/Politics/Images/computer-thrown-out-a-window.JPG Dude if you have a monitor like that, how can you even play Skyrim? XD
  17. He started a new thread last time when he finished his last review. He'll probably just make a new one then, can't wait :biggrin: 3hrs....In reality it's 10 minutes. feels like it.
  18. Sorry about your account, I can see why they did that, but this gave me a good evil laugh. :thumbsup:
  19. I will probably end up taking aaaaaaaa RIGHT. I don't know, I always end up just running around until I come across some town. But I may just do a couple main quests and try out jobs, go check out a tavern, and of course kill some things. Knowing my luck I'll come across a dragon in 10min lol......I hope not :/ then again I hope so >: D Muwahaha
  20. I'd only walk right after a whole city is crumbling in flames behind me...I'll be walking the walk that does that talk of "Yea that's right.....I failed to save that village from a Dragon so what?" But seriously I never walk in any game, I always run. Now if I were to do that in real life...I'd be in such great shape, but I'll just sit here and use the WASD keys to do all of my work for me....<---slothy :whistling:
  21. I will sit in class with my phone and read the article if I have to....maybe I should just take my computer tomorrow then..hmmmm..... The anticipation for this review is killing me, other than the release of the game...oh man :wallbash:
  22. I would love it if someone made an Alucard jacket!!!!! Heck yea!! Alucard is the man and he's also Dracula spelled backwards but who cares?! I do hope Bethesda upgraded the whole vampirism thing. It was such a pain, but only 30days to go...I can't wait. Also the Count from Seasame Street, is also sexier than Twilight Vamps...just saying.
  23. Meh I've been watching movies lately, funny I have no time to read or play games, but I have time to watch a 2hr movie....wth?
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