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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Sorry to post this here, but the site for High Poly Heads won't let me sign up. It won't allow my e-mail address (the one I use on Nexus and Steam) to be used in the sign in process, so I can't even post on the site to ask a question about the sign up. Does anyone have an insight, or could find out what the restriction is, and respond here, or PM me? I can't create a Gmail acct, as they now require 2FA with a smart phone, which I don't have. Thanks for any advice or help.
  2. tl:dr - I just want to know if the non-stretchable FOMOD windows in Vortex are standard behavior on Windows 10, or is there something that I can fix so that I can resize them?
  3. Gotobed addon was hidden, because the author deleted their account. Its mod number was 22432. (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22432) I have a copy, but I don't know if it is okay to send removed mods around. If a mod approves, I will.
  4. Do you have anything active that clears the leftover SKSE co-saves? SSE Engine Fixes (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230) has it built in, so if you do a lot of saving/quicksaving during the game like I do, then that co-save build up might be contributing to the problem. I also saw a standalone co-save cleaner in the new files on the Nexus recently (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32580).
  5. Just built a new comp for myself after Xmas, Win 10 pro. Just got Skyrim SE installed and running on Vortex. Only real problem now, is that I can't resize the tiny FOMOD frames, so it is really hard to see the images when moving through the options. I could just drag on them like any other window in Win 7. Am I just missing a setting, or is this something specific to Win 10? Any help is welcome!
  6. I have a suggestion, but I do not know the effort involved in making it work... Could we get a separate tab on the mods page, or here in the forums for "SKSE dependent" mods? It would be a place to have the mods listed with their update status. I have a very long load order, and the info on the mods doesn't seem conducive to doing this for myself. I am sorry if this is in the wrong place, pls move to an appropriate thread.
  7. I have the same problem, but I have a Fury X card and have been running on the ultra setting at 2560x1600 for many hours. When saving, I only get a single *.ess.tmp 0 kb file, and no .skse cosave. Loaded earlier save and another CTD upon trying to save it. I also tried re-installing skse64 and verified the game files, cleaning them w/SSEEdit. This is a real pain. Lvl 91, 800+ saves, only the last two manual saves kept in the savegame folder after every game session. I have the skse logs, but need help on posting them. The skse.log does show a save, #896, that I had deleted after the first crash. The loader and steam loader logs look ok to me, but I don't know enough to notice much. skse64_loader log: skse64 loader 02000060 01D3C32B3DDCD696 6.1 (7601) config path = C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\skse.ini procPath = C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\\SkyrimSE.exe launching: SkyrimSE.exe (C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\\SkyrimSE.exe) dwSignature = FEEF04BD dwStrucVersion = 00010000 dwFileVersionMS = 00010000 dwFileVersionLS = 00000000 dwProductVersionMS = 00010000 dwProductVersionLS = 00000000 dwFileFlagsMask = 00000017 dwFileFlags = 00000000 dwFileOS = 00000004 dwFileType = 00000001 dwFileSubtype = 00000000 dwFileDateMS = 00000000 dwFileDateLS = 00000000 productVersionStr = version = 0001000500170000 product name = TESV: Skyrim steam exe dll = C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\\skse64_1_5_23.dll main thread id = 516 hookBase = 0000000000060000 loadLibraryAAddr = 00000000770E6510 hook thread complete launching steam loader log: skse64 loader 02000060 (steam) 01D3C32B3DDF95C1 6.1 (7601) loader base addr = 000007FEFB160000 exe base addr = 000000013FFA0000 found iat at 00000001414C2898 original thunk 000007FEFB9D1000 patched iat HookMain: thread = 516 retaddr = 0000000141301DE9 runtimePath = C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimSE.exe dwSignature = FEEF04BD dwStrucVersion = 00010000 dwFileVersionMS = 00010000 dwFileVersionLS = 00000000 dwProductVersionMS = 00010000 dwProductVersionLS = 00000000 dwFileFlagsMask = 00000017 dwFileFlags = 00000000 dwFileOS = 00000004 dwFileType = 00000001 dwFileSubtype = 00000000 dwFileDateMS = 00000000 dwFileDateLS = 00000000 productVersionStr = version = 0001000500170000 product name = TESV: Skyrim steam exe dll = C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\\skse64_1_5_23.dll
  8. Whenever I access the save or load menus during the game, I get the sound for triggering a save or load w/o doing anything, and it repeats. Started off with just 5-6 repeats, but has grown to 8-9 repeats before it settles down. Very annoying. I hope there is a simple solution. Here's my load order:
  9. Thanks! I had hoped that it was some kind of bug. It's good to know that I didn't find some way to mess it all up...
  10. I was familiar with the extra .skse file that was generated in the save game folder for each save, but now, I get multiple .skse files not paired with a quicksave or autosave, over 80, and I haven't even gotten through Bleak Falls yet. Saves made from the menu do not seem to have this problem. Is there something I have done wrong? I do have skyUI and hide skyUI installed, along with AMOT. (And 200+ other mods.)
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