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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Mod Troubleshooting is o.k. to post in, its just that it is a general forum for all of Nexus, and the SE forum would probably be better for you, in this case. When there is a specific game forum available, it is probably best to ask on that specific forum.
  2. Not sure about this, but maybe try to name a custom slider preset for each game? Like myFO4cbbe3ba for FO4, myFO3cbbe3ba for FO3, and myFONVcbbe3ba for New Vegas? Then, you only have to load the specific preset in BS and rebuild the body and outfits before you begin play? You should probably make shorter names, I am just trying to give an example. I hope that someone else will come along and give you an answer that will better fit your question.
  3. @Saintluther44293Yep, that's a mess! But, it is not as bad as it looks, the COCO stuff can probably be resolved by uninstalling every last one, then reinstalling them one at a time, each newly installed one overwriting any installed before. I ran into this problem with Ave's mods for jewelry, and Vortex could not make sense of them, either. The only other choice you have to make is if you want Cathedral Armory to load before, or after the COCO mods. Maybe ask on the Cathedral Armory mod comments section for help?
  4. I don't remember exactly what gets baked in with a game save, did you try starting a new game? You could also make sure that uGridstoLoad has not been set to a higher value than default by a mod, and that the graphics settings in the game launcher have likewise been set to default values.
  5. @scathtroy2147Did you look at the nexus.wiki link for possible mod updates/replacements? Why aren't you asking about this on the Skyrim SE forum, where more people with GOG experience might see it?
  6. @shiney1974Did you try the link to the article? It is the underlined part...
  7. Here is a start, at least for SKSE64 plugins ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). It is probably not completely current, but is still a good screening tool.
  8. Check out this one - Here to Help ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59944 ). It allows you to heal those in temples and camps, not sure about other NPCs.
  9. Coming from Win 95 DOS-based games, to the present, I have just found that running stuff in the background uses up resources, sometimes very quickly, and can cause weird problems. IIRC, Firefox is one of those that sucks up resources, especially when left open over longer periods. @SearingEchoseems to have found this out, and the possibly quick solution is to not run the browser when playing their 'GPU heavy' games.
  10. @SearingEchoJust for my edification, why is your browser open during gaming play?
  11. IF this is for Skyrim SE (you really need to say so, in the post title or as a tag for the post), there is this page on the Nexus.wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). It details which SKSE-based mods are compatible with the different versions of Skyrim and the SKSE version needed. There is a specific forum for SkyrimSE ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8877-skyrim-se/ ), where you could also ask for help, and the search bar on the Skyrim mods page for specific titles.
  12. The first error msg is showing you which mods are not compatible w/your version of SE and SKSE64. You can look here ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) to try to double-check which versions of your mods you need, or if you need to find a replacement for one or more of them. It is not up-to-date, but is better than guessing. If your Engine Fixes SSE part 2 is not installed exactly as per the instructions on that mod page, then it will throw all sorts of errors. Just double- and triple-check. You can also try the Skyrim SE forum to see if someone else there recognizes what is going on, as I do not use MO2. ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8877-skyrim-se/ )
  13. I think that this has occurred with certain mods that add weapons and/or attack animations. I can't find the specifics on this forum now, try searching for "bow aiming problems", or something similar. I think that the animations also included special turning moves or other animations. Sorry I can't be of more help right now.
  14. From what I have seen, this results from a firewall setting blocking Vortex from updating, or an operating system or internet provider preventing connections to Github for Vortex to be able to download required information.
  15. @EyzekSkyerovI do not think that it is possible to separate file conflict resolution from the load order management in Vortex, since the conflict resolution process forces files to be loaded in a specific order. Have you looked at Mod Organizer 2? It might have the 'visualization' you desire. There are a lot of users who would be glad to help you through the process of changing over, pointing out tutorials, videos, and the like. I have only used the original Mod Organizer, and it was for Skyrim LE, if I remember correctly, so I couldn't be of any real help.
  16. Did you open the game through the standard launcher first, so it can 'find' the new video card and allow you to adjust the base game settings?
  17. Maybe take a look at Default Face NPCs Fixed ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54515 )? See if it can make some changes in appearance for you.
  18. IIRC, this is usually, if not always, caused by a face replacer being overwritten by an earlier version, or an esp-fe version not being able to find the headpart items it needs to display the face. Sometimes it seems really hit-or-miss. I have removed an NPC mod or two that I could not find solutions for. You could try to search this forum for 'dark face bug' or 'black face bug' to get more information.
  19. If there is any mismatch at all between SKSE and its dependent .dlls, then you will get that error, or something similar. Take a look at ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) for some info on SKSE mod compatibility. It is a bit dated, so it may not be fully up-to-date itself, but it is a good starting point. You have to be very careful when installing this stuff, especially Engine Fixes and Racemenu. FYI - NiOverride is not compatible w/v1.6+, I am pretty sure, just like NetScriptFramework. Search around to make sure. There is the Skyrim SE forum ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8877-skyrim-se/ ) to look/ask around in. Join that forum to post there.
  20. You should take a look at the game-specific forums. Go to 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page, then scroll down/search for your game(s). Join any forum you wish to post in. Both Skyrim and BG3 are usually pretty close to the top, IIRC.
  21. Well, since no one has answered you yet, you get me again... Go to the search box on any mod page in Skyrim SE, and type in "Anniversary", and do a second search for "Creation Club", then scan the results. Once you have taken a look at them, then maybe you will be able to ask about specific mods. One I would recommend for the upgrade is the 'Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patches' ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18975 ), as they state it is to reduce bugs/glitches introduced by the upgrade's CC stuff. Since I don't have the upgrade, I can't help you much more than that. Otherwise, I don't think that the extra CC stuff will harm your game, UNLESS the .esp files added put you over the 254 non-light limit, OR one or two of your specific mods already on your LO have some problem(s) with it. Might be easier to check the pages for the mods already on your list for any difficulties with the Anniversary Upgrade, on the 'Bugs' for each mod. You could also try the comments on each mod page, but w/search recently disabled, it would be a real slog for the older/more popular mods. BTW, if you order your search results by 'most unique downloads', it will give you the ones that are most popular at the top, or by 'most endorsed' to show which mods have users that care to support the mods.
  22. Might it be some sort of false flag from a security/AV program? Check to see if it is in quarantine.
  23. Check the Skyrim SE forum for a chance at faster help ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8877-skyrim-se/ ). All game specific forums are found under 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page.
  24. You should probably ask about this on the Skyrim SE game forum ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8877-skyrim-se/ ). All game specific forums are found under 'Game Communities' at the top of the page. WRT your question, unless you see something in the additional CC content that you really want to explore, then you avoid the bugs/quirks of the additional content. I have never purchased the AE upgrade, and you should be aware that it has its own 'unofficial patches' mod in the Skyrim SE mod lists.
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