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Everything posted by KDStudios

  1. Haha, no problem =D and Thanks, have fun :pirate:
  2. Personally when I first saw them and that poor guy that was killed (Presumably by them) I assume that the aliens were preparing them for one and only one purpose... TO SEXUALLY VIOLATE HUMANS!... Only joking. But seriously. I actually thought they were programming the robotic Giddyup Buttercups into Terminatorlike horses. To rampage across the world. This is a tactical move as the Aliens didn't REALLY have that many of them... I mean 2 ships full of aliens vs the world (Disregarding the alien weaponry...eg. Death Ray!) Just sending in "Giddyup Terminatecups" would cut down on alien losses and would guarantee an Alien Victory!
  3. Good... If it just a retexture as in you are replacing the texture... just put the texture into the correct folder and as the same name. Fallout3\ Data\ textures\ armor\ t-51bpowerarmor\ T-51b PowerArmor.dds If you are making a completely different T51b power armour with its own texture that will mean changing the file directory in the mesh itself I will post how to do that if you need it =)
  4. Fine... player.placeatme 0006A772, 1, 1, 1 That will spawn him. if you can't get him to interact with you. Fast travel to Megaton a few times, go into buildings a few times until he does. If he still doesn't try this resetquest 943ED
  5. Reloading a save to before you entered the cave or even started the quest should do what you're looking for. But are you looking to get something else ASWELL as what you already got?
  6. Windows Live Disabler? Now I know mine installed that when I first bought it. But after I installed FOMM it doesn't seem to bother the game in any way? ... I could be wrong though... Although I am CERTAIN that I did not disable or remove it as it is still there if I launch the game through the Fallout 3 Launcher...
  7. Oooooh. Well like most Megaton settlers they came from the wastes and have some kind of ties to the wasteland. Megaton has run out of scrap metal, it's up to you to get Walter some to keep the water purification plant up and running. A scrap yard would be the best place to visit to find some! Will you do what it takes to save the town from the irradiated water?
  8. Do what I did... Put everything to max... then put the most cpu consuming settings down first if the game lags in anyway... Lucky for me... I didn't have to... I love my computer =)
  9. Ooooh I love retexturing. Click on Restoreout in my sig to see a bit of my work (although its outdated by my unreleased pack atm) You will need the correct tools to do so. Make sure you have Nifskope and some kind of image editing software that handles .dds format. Now you must get back to me in order for me to help you. Have you made the texture already in .dds format? and do you have Nifskope? (if not... get it now... It is a MUST for any kind of modder)
  10. Using the console is breaking your current role play... Leaving the game to ask on a forum... is breaking the role play... What are you role playing as anyway (Out of curiosity =] )
  11. I bought my Fallout 3 GOTY edition for £8 on ps3 when it was finally releasedf. Got it off a mate... Now I want my money back =( It crashes 30x more than the normal Fallout 3 for PS3 and even on that I was lucky to play for 10 minutes at a time... Eurgh... Thank god for Computers and theyre amazingness to play Fallout 3 without crashing for about an hour YAY! But yeah. I was peeved too when I bought my Fallout 3 for PS3 because it didn't get ANY dlc and I was forced to buy it on computers [Not complaining now thanks to the nexus ;) ] Be happy mate, either take it back and buy the GOTY edition or just make do with what you have, the nexus has SOO many mods that by the time you've gone through them all you will realise that you spent more time on them than you would have in the dlc's themselves! Oh and by the way, downloading DLC is a very naughty thing to do. Piracy is not accepted anywhere. Although I grind my teeth at the prices some shops sell games I always smile because I know... instead of pirating it... just wait a few weeks/months and it will be dirt cheap and way better than getting into trouble =D Whatever you decide to do. Enjoy the mods here and have a damn good nuka holiday!
  12. What? Why are you putting Fallout 3 folders in with Oblivions? Or the other way around? Did you install it into the wrong directory or something? and why do you want to disable Windows Live in Fallout eh? If you don't have one it's no hardship to make an offline account =S
  13. Well go there then? A few minutes of walking, or seconds of sprinting (if you have the mod) and you'll be there in no time =]
  14. It would be best to inform the uploader of The Last Child of Gallifrey mod, he would be the best person to help you with his mod. Personally I've never seen anything like what you've described so I can't help you, worst I get is that damn Pipboy light bug when you try to use your Pipboy and its bright green and you can't see the screen of it =P But thats about it.
  15. Well not sure how to force the game to continue (Can't remember the console command, maybe someone can remind us?) But do you have a slightly earlier saves for either of those moments? Like before Broken Steel and Mothership Zeta? Trying to go through it again is the easiest course of action I find that works half the time =)
  16. Something seems to be playing with your FOV. A recent mod installation perhaps? Try unticking your recent mods in FOMM (or launcher if you still use it) If that doesn't work I'm not sure what else to say. A screenshot would be a LOT more helpful. Upload one here or send me it in an email. =)
  17. Yeah I was just about to say... it looks fine to me. Then again everything always looks fine on a big monitor (Except old games that play in 4:3 ratio... ¬_¬!) Glad to see your still loving Oblivion... I still need to find a way to kick myself back to playing it =/ Got on PS3 and PC and STILL can't be bothered playing haha. I blame the hours of gameplay I used to have on it =P
  18. I always have problems with .png's so I remove the problem by simply saving it as a jpeg instead. As everywhere accepts .jpeg's I just save everything as that anyway. Just a bit of a pain when you take a screenshot of a game (That saves it as a .png) but I use a image converter that converts them all at once so it's not so bad =]
  19. Ah so true... but still bit obvious they didn't test Fallout and the Geck before releasing *Facepalm*
  20. Thanks for trying. =[ Meh Just goes to show Bethesda really can't make anything right =P There must be a way to do it... I mean how did they make it in the first place?!
  21. Thanks for the advice mate I tried it to the letter but still managed to crash at the point of importing the raw files. However the Geck is running much faster now so it's not a complete loss! =D So yeah. Anyone got anymore advice or could at least make this for me?
  22. I've taken a short break from it, but I have packed the complete texture set so all the textures are sorted and fixed. I will be making those changes to the models when I return to it =).
  23. Thanks for the assist. It's a shame it did the same to you as it did me. Can anyone else give it a try?
  24. It can hardly be memory or hardware problems. Unless my 3 totally different computers with different operating systems AND most likely you (if you try doing it) are completely uncompatable with G.E.C.K =P Also to be honest I'm not asking for a way to do this, I'm asking someone to do this for me. It is really easy to do but G.E.C.K hates me =P So if anyone's heightmap editing actually works can you please do this for me... Kinda dying from desperation now haha.
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