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Everything posted by KDStudios

  1. Memory issue? I have 16GB RAM........... Heheheheheheh sorry, in my 6GB machine I'd understand but 16GB naw but thanks for the suggestion. =] It isn't TOO secret but: 1, Don't want to get peoples hopes up about it and 2, It's a huge project, and I like to give surprises. It is basically a New/Alternate capital wasteland I have planned, but nothing like the original =) But I can't start it until the worldspace exists! Oh and to continue the memory concern, the Geck is unstable as it is and I've looked on the web and it seems the Heighmap Editer crashes almost all the time =/ Thing is I even tried my 4GB WinXP machine and it still crashed. So it CANT be a memory problem and xp is the native program for the Geck =/
  2. Yeah, extract whichever files from Fallout 3 you want from the Fallout - Meshes.bsa =)
  3. I've made a mod called Restoreout that is working towards restoring the wasteland if that's what you mean?
  4. This happened to me when I updated my Nvidia Geforce 250 So I just used system restore and figured "Hey it works why update?" =P Personally I recommend reverting back to before you updated the driver. Btw how do other games play now since you updated?
  5. Wasteland log 05 I am currently travelling past Vault 87, I can see people, HEYYY! Wha- What are y- [insert massive bloodstain here] Afterlife log 01 you?... Huh? GAME OVER.
  6. You misunderstand me. Brahmin.nif can be setup as a static file... nearly any nif file can become static. It's so easy and simple to do. Go to any static file/Edit and replace nif with any... boom. Done =) You can now place that in the world (May or may not have collision depending on which nif you use) But we don't want to make static meshes we want to make projectiles! So any nif will go in there and it will be shot. Try it.
  7. Yeah it will be illegal due to copyright restrictions. Uploading any song by any band (Unless it is distributing off the band site for free and says in the small print you can actually upload it places and use as you wish) is illegal and will automatically have you removed from the nexus. Shame really... But thats the law =/ What type of music is it anyway? (Out of curiosity)
  8. You shouldn't need Nifskope. I managed to make a gun shoot a cow (for the lols and it was one of my first experiences with the geck) Just make a custom projectile in the geck and replace it with the Brahmin.nif (example) And put that as the projectile of the weapon and your set =D At least it works for me =P
  9. Have you tried only loading Fallout 3 and the DLC? =)
  10. Hey just gonna post a little reply to the Explorer perk. Instead of doing that just type in console "tmm 1" The perk request is really simple and just needs a tiny bit of scripting but personally if I was that bothered I'd just use the console =)
  11. Hello there, I am currently planning a mod of which the nexus has never seen before. But needless to say I need a new worldspace to do it. Now this worldspace isn't any old worldspace (Because making a worldspace is SIMPLE) Putting this simply... I need a worldspace identical to the capital wasteland, and I mean completely identical. Now to do this, I presumed it would be as easy as 1, 2, 3 and to be honest... it really is. But because Bethesda don't know how to make stable programs/games the Geck completely dies at this. All I wanted to do was export the heightmap of the Wasteland and import it into the Wasteland02(example name) Now for reasons completely oblivious to me it just crashes. On Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP. I thought that maybe it was the size, so I tried it with a small workspace such as Megaton... Did exactly the same there. =/ I was just wondering if anyone would be willing to make that one worldspace for me please? I cannot make the mod without it... Well I can but the Wasteland wouldn't exactly look like the wasteland =( Ps. Ok guys please don't post silly messages to me like I don't know what I am doing. I am experienced and know what I am doing. Reinstalling the Geck wont work as it is a problem in the Geck itself. Reinstalling Fallout 3 won't work for same reasons above. I also know that there is another way to do this with some Tes V-something program. But I can't be bothered with something as simple as this and having to do all of that because Bethesda can't make stable programs haha. So yeah. Anyone who can do this please do. You will have a million and one thankyou's Credits and Kudos for your work. Some information about the mod: Alternate Wasteland with a new look. Will be using different textures and meshes. This won't be some silly mod that makes a fatman in the middle of the worldspace that shoots 100 nukes a second... please... theres enough of that on the Nexus. This is actually a MASSIVE undertaking and will most likely end up being the size of a DLC
  12. Worked like a charm, THANKS A LOT! I'll be sure to remember that =]
  13. Yeah the download's work fine. However I cannot seem to download from the free uk server (not tried premium member yet) and I am from the UK so it is a little inconvinience
  14. I have uploaded some images to the images section on Fallout3nexus and provided links to other pictures related to it. HOWEVER it all worked fine, they all came up fine too but when I clicked on the links it came up with the 404 Page not found screen I right clicked the link and found that the link was this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/%22http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image. When its meant to be this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=16278 I know I have done it correctly because i used the exact same way of doing it in my Sig url= http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=16277 ]Wherez Ma Kitteh Search 01[/url That is what I typed but I took the [ ] from either end of t he sentence and removed the " marks so you can see what I typed. What have I done wrong? If anything...?
  15. Nope I have also tried making my mod into a bsa file format and then Fallout failed to even recognise it and just loaded the default textures. Now I really am baffled at the Geck. Maybe it needs its own version of ArchiveInvalidation?
  16. Thanks for the reply. I meant opening the mesh that is red in Nifskope, opening the NiTriStrips tree then BSShaderPPLightingProperty (as it is usually called) then in BSShaderTextureSet attach all the textures that are there properly to the texture instead of it just looking in the area for the texture that WAS with it but has now been replaced. You know what... I'll try a bit of it now and see if it works =) I'll edit this post and say if I was successful. EDIT: The attempt was a failure. That did not work at all, no difference was made. Also tried using a Texture Set in the Geck but all that managed to do was make it look like ArchiveInvalidation wasn't working in the Geck. Now I have no idea how to approach this. I have absolutely no idea what to do now.
  17. Hey there, I know the frustration you are going through. I was (still am kinda) going through it last month. It is NOT the graphics card. The game engine is the worst engine I've ever worked on. Crashes all the time, and the game is literally unplayable on my playstation 3. Just won't stop crashing over and over and over... I just got bored with it and stopped fighting it. HOWEVER I managed to kinda fix my problem by making a new account on my computer and installing Fallout on that ( I needed 2 Fallout games at that time ) and now it rarely crashes. But like you it can go hours fine and then crash in literally a few minutes. You are not alone, the game does this to everyone. Except those who are fortunate to have it not happen to them at all. But that may only be because they have almost identical setup to what the game was actually built on!
  18. Hey there, I'm certain a lot of you have seen my Restoreout mod for Fallout 3 Yeah making the textures was one thing but now I've run into a problem that is quite annoying now. Everytime I open the Geck EVERYTHING looks red (See the image) The only way I can see of fixing this is by opening all the meshes and manually attaching ALL the textures to it instead of just replacing the textures... but that would take far too long... Any advice would be GREAT
  19. They seem to have disappeared lately... But about a few weeks ago I was regularly redirected to the same site that shows a windows xp screen (I am on W7) saying I have virus' and I must download their software... But that stopped, so far everything is fine. But I will report if anything crops up. ALSO while wandering through the nexus my security software does say a keylogger and spyware have been detected and blocked but foolishly I just ignore it and be oblivious to it. But next time rest assured I will tell you if it happens again. This happens on rare occasions though.
  20. @Sinophile You have your view of the game and I respect that, Not everyone likes the same games. I for one hate golf games yet there are those who absolutely love it, everyone is entitled to their opinion =) Thanks for your input @Chaosblade02 Yeah 11 years ago haha! Oh god was it that long ago?!?! Oh my... haha... anyway yeah I know what you mean. It was but then again a lot of the game from that era of Playstaion One games were like that =/ @Chibievil I know exactly what you mean! Just like pokemon but way more variety... Pokemon would be so much better if you could merge them... Pikachu and a Snorlax = SNIKACHU! hahaha! But yeah the 2nd one really sucked bad... killed it for me. =/ Ah well roll on Number 1!
  21. Hey man, thanks for the comment but a message would have got you a quicker reply. About Mothership Zeta battle. It is just a save game. The game is not edited at all, I uploaded it for people who would like to play the battle only... Sorry there's not a lot else I can do.
  22. Hey thanks for these great replies people! Personally I just made a New account on my computer and installed Fallout to that and BINGO, game works fine and can now work on mods on that, while playing the game on my main account =D Thanks again guys =]
  23. Right so basically... I like making mods. But its so painful when I have to unclick 100+ mods just to test a mod because of possible conflicts. I don't want the ability to unclick them all with one button... I just want two Fallout 3 installations on my computer I've tried installing to another directory but for some reason when launching the game i get a straight CTD =/ It'd just be nice not to have to use one of my computers for "Geck"'ing and one for Playing. I'd like to use both but with SO many mods. It's hard to keep track. So basically... If it can't be done... I'll drop the subject and bite my lip =P If it can be done but its illegal... turn away now because I don't do that thanks. and if it can be done without having any legal issues then that'd be swell and message me up =D (Because personally I don't see how it could be law breaking having 2 installations of the SAME disk on one computer?) Anyway... Anyone please help. Oh and as a personal note... DO - NOT - COMMENT - SAYING - "I Dont know" , "Maybe" or "No".... Your wasting everyones time doing so =) Thanks in advance.
  24. Yeah I could, How could I do that? I'm not very good when it comes to scripting
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