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Everything posted by KDStudios

  1. If the game worked before you updated some mods. Untick or remove that mod you have updated. Try the game to make sure it definately works without it. If the game works. Post a fresh install of the mod into your data folder If it crashes after you've added it again, there is a conflict between that mod and another and I suggest you contact the author of the mod to find out what it could be
  2. Click save. Save it as "Automatic Weapon" (Or whatever you want) Open Fallout Launcher and click Data Files. Make sure "Automatic Weapon" is ticked. Click OK Then click Play IF YOU USE FOMM Just make sure "Automatic Weapon" is ticked. And click launch =D
  3. Hey, I will try to help you. Which mods have you got activated? (If any?) And can you please post your system spec. You computer might not be powerful enough. If you do have any mods. Deactivate them all and try it then.
  4. Well I learned something today. I too didn't actually know this was against the rules. Good job I never did upload any images of that then =) I can understand about the images though. It makes sense. Uploading images of it will literally only encourage people to search for it and beg for it to be put on through filesharing on another site. But what I don't understand is this. A guy who I got along with and enjoyed talking to got banned the other day for "Mentioning a site related to illegal downloads and rips in his profile." So I'm not sure I understand really... If he didn't actually post a link to illegal content why not just warn him to remove it instead of throwing down the ban hammer? Could a mod please explain it to me? Because I didn't know myself that it was against the rules to even MENTION the sites names? So if I said in a comment that this is not like "Nasty illegal ripped mod site" don't post that here... I will be at risk of being banned myself for mentioning it? I don't get it at all... EDIT: Oh for anyone interested I was on about ThiKool who was banned by Vagrant0 http://www.thenexusf...thikool-banned/ So it would be great if he could get back to me =)
  5. I've tried seeing how small a creature can be before becoming "Broken" while ingame with the console setscale I think the smallest I could go before they broke was about 0.2 but it depends on the creature also. I was only testing on humans =P I think you should try it out yourself
  6. Hmmmm wouldn't a ammo crate lottery make more sence? Would be just like playing Lucky Dip =P
  7. Wow. WMK is completely amazing on it's own. I'm actually surprised the maker of it didn't make something like this. Because Armour making is in a whole league of it's own I guess. I'm new to blender so I couldn't help you out sorry. But I share your desire. I too would love to see this!
  8. Ah! Well there you have it =P Thanks for that! I remember having to do the same thing for other stuff too. I guess quite simply REMOVE QUOTATION MARKS =P I'll be sure to remember that. Thanks again!
  9. Hey there, Recently it's come to my attention that using BBCode on a Fallout3nexus mod description works only sometimes. And when I say sometimes I mean: - Sometimes posts correctly - Sometimes just shows the code and fails - Sometimes does something completely different. Well basically what I'm asking is can the bbcode be fixed? This happened QUITE some time back and I mean a few months ago. Not sure if anyone else has posted here. But I will use this as an example as BBCode seems to work completely fine on the forums Here is my description for one of my mods, copy and pasted from the edit itself without any editing: ====== BE SURE TO VISIT ======== http://www.KDStudios.webs.com ============================== KDStudios Presents: Abominations in Wasteland !!****!!MOTHERSHIP ZETA DLC IS REQUIRED!!****!! !!****!!FOR FILE02 MARTS MUTANT MOD IS REQUIRED!!****!! Description: __________________ After a lot of nagging by people I've finally made this. Abominations roaming the wasteland! The cloning sequence of Mothership Zeta meant far too many dangerous Abominations, so as a way of removing them they made a mini experiment. What would happen if they set loose a few upon the capital wasteland. The experiment went out of control and now Abominations are integrated with almost all Feral Ghoul groups. Enclave and Brotherhood scientists alike have tried to figure out why the Abominations are "friends" with Feral Ghouls and it would seem that the DNA used to replicate the Abominations came from People from before the war. Most Feral Ghouls are from before the war and may appear like "Family" to the Abominations after they were discarded by their former masters. Beware! These guys are dangerous in packs. File01: KDS Abominations in the Wasteland - This is for those people who do not have Marts Mutant Mod. File02: KDS Abominations in the Wasteland for MMM - This is for those people who do have Marts Mutant Mod, add this to Increased or Increased Increased Spawns and you will have yourself much fun indeed! Install: __________________ Unzip to ..\Fallout 3\Data Enable the mod in the fallout 3 Launcher or FOMM data sub folder. Uninstall: __________________ -Uncheck the esp. -Delete the .esp in Fallout3\data. NOW This is what it looks like on the actual mod: http://www.fallout3n...le.php?id=12123 So yes, can someone look into this please? Ps. Before you guys say, no this is not for downloads I purposely used a not so popular mod which coincidently is the first on my list. ISSUE RESOLVED! =3
  10. I was exactly the same when my father bought it for me too. A year or so later (After playing the like of age of empires/ medieval: total war/ caesar 3) I was into it and actually understood how to play it haha. Now it's one of my all time favourite games.
  11. I just couldn't ever finish... Tetris... for... Gameboy. Keep losing because it just goes too fast for me after a while =(
  12. Hmmm well console New Vegas will obviously suck... Fallout 3 on consoles was so bad, I played it on a 360 at a mates. Crashed like 5 times. Crashes none stop on my PS3 and even with LOADS of mods on my PC version it doesn't crash unless I add a mod that causes it! And if New Vegas get's DLC I bet the PS3 gets shunted off again for the 360. New Vegas will eventually get the ability to make mods with it's own Geck so it will crush the 360 version. So all in all... PC beats a gaming console again. Show's how much developers care about what platform you want to play the game on. Steam, steam, steam, steam. That's all modern games want to be on. I miss the days when they used to be: buy at shop, put in disk, install, play. Now you have to do other stuff now like: register or download with steam or put in codes or pull your hair out if you don't have internet or be unable to sell the game on after you get bored of it. I know piracy is a problem, but it will ALWAYS be a problem. All it takes is one guy to make a rip and it will be all over the internet. It's a waste of time! and it's becoming more increasingly so with every passing year. Steps to prevent it are pointless.... Resistance is futile (Sorry haha) The harder it gets, the harder people will try! Like I said, it only takes one person to figure it out. So I think they should quit with steam and do it like the old days! It won't happen... But hey... =P
  13. This is why I only multiplayer with my PS3 (And anyone else who uses the 360, Wii, etc) Although the element of hacking is there (I've heard rumours and stories and to be honest, it wouldn't surprise me to be true) I find that multiplayer games are just full of glitchers, campers and 13 year olds who have been excluded from school and have about 30 ASBO's... So either go on PC and get hacked, or deal with scum on a safer console... So that's why I stick with killing the kids and get spammed in my inbox because they can't handle it... But yeah. I'm not saying give up on multiplayer games, and I'm definately not saying fork out £150-£300 for a console and it's games. Just keep your antivirus up to date and give it chances. Single player is fun but it doesn't have that "human" element to it, that totally unpredictable human instinct. Which is why I always play single player until I get bored and get all trophies ;) and then play multiplayer for a time =) But like Dark0ne said, join a community or clan to play. It's safer and more fun. I'm pretty sure they don't have seperate servers on MW2 (which is foolish) but hey Activision are more interested in your wallet than your enjoyment. Play with a bunch of friends. Lots of gamers have MW2 and on different consoles. FInd the ones on PC and have a laugh raging around the maps in your own clan =D Works for me, stops me getting mad at all the level 13 campers with shotguns... EAT SEMTEX! =D (Or flash through the window and slash with a knife)
  14. It sure looks like it, turn based games aren't AS popular as they were, people lean more to real time strategy. And I admit, so do I But I'm willing to try this out, it looks fun. And if it isn't repetative I might even grow to like it. But games have really grown out of that graphics and turn based areas of gaming. It just looks like a late 2002 game =P But hey if your like me and play anything that's good without it NEEDING "OMGMEGAGRAFFIX!" and "REALTIMZ!" then give this a go... No reason why not =P
  15. Try dawn of war? Fun game if you like it =P I'm not into 40k warhammer larky stuff but the games are actually quite fun!
  16. If you have nothing positive to say about the topic don't post at all.
  17. Well it was way back in the day weren't it =) But it's so epic to just make 10,000 men and flood an entire city with them. It just look so awesome and not many games look like that anymore. Last game to give a total "flooding" in a map of soldiers was Rome: Total war because they didn't die as easily as they do in Medieval and Empire. It's still great that at least you can still play it on Windows 7, but it was a pain to figure it out.
  18. Morrowind? =D Though thats not much of shooting unless you have a bow =P But personally I think you should mod Fallout 3 until you seriously can't find any more awesome mods for it. And wait for New Vegas... It certainly looks worth the wait!
  19. Cossacks! I still play that awesome game. Had it for years! All 3 =D European Wars The Art of War Back to war Yay. Infact I'm going on it now! Cossacks + Windows 7 = NonounlessIclosetheexplorer.exeprocess ¬_¬ Cossacks + Vista = Nonoyessomestimesnono Cossacks + XP = Yes yes! =D Did anyone else play this?
  20. It would appear not to be possible =/ You might just have to change it yourself everytime you post if it bothers you that much. Then again imagine what it would be like trying to read everyones posts who have different fonts... Hello my name is bob HI my name is bobby It just does look a bit silly and would also make the forum look untidy =/ Maybe that's why there isn't an option? Because if you can change the font, people will want different colours all the time and have it bold. Then the forums will just become a swamp of untidy fonts and colours... I agree that the default font can make some text appear identical but hey... If Dark0ne changed the nexus to fit the wants of every single member it would just crash =P Just live with it, like I said, change it everytime you post if you bothers you that much.
  21. Thanks for clearing that up, well it's good really that it's not happening to no one else. Means it's not a problem on your end. I'll try on a different computer and different browsers if it continues =)
  22. This has always been an issue with me too, and IM FROM THE UK. Which I found even more distressing. Although when I became a Premium Member the UK Premium servers work completely fine with no hitch. But now I'm still stuck with having to use the normal US servers because the UK server still refuses to work for me =/
  23. Damn, logged me out again. Definately not a problem on my end. Is anyone else having this issue?
  24. Ok, I might have fixed it myself. Just deleted all browsing history... cookies, form data etc I'll post tomorrow if this worked and if it has... This thread can rest in peace =P
  25. It's happened about 5 times in the past few hours. I am simply browsing fine and when I want to endorse or comment anything it keeps asking me to log in... And just now as I'm scrolling through mods one page had pictures and the next did not... I thought "hmm strange"... Looked to the side and saw the "Login" button. What's going on? Nothing has changed on my computer and this has never happened with my months of usage on this site. =/
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