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Everything posted by KDStudios

  1. You cannot get Redstone ore in 1.8 legit ...In 1.9 Pre release however... You can :3 Silk touch diamond pickaxe FOR THE WIN.
  2. So I heard people really like the idea of having realistic flames in minecraft. Well I have it all sussed out. I have created a realistic flame animation for torches. Ps. The old flame particle has since been removed so you can see the animated flame in it's full glory. SNIP! Also I have applied an animated flame to a fired up furnace too. How fantastic is that? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKaMHhoUafg Here is the updated video, much better torches and furnace flame! check it out :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u28ZH2Zi0jQ
  3. If there is something in Fallout 3 you wish to use in New Vegas... Chances are the file is in the New Vegas bsa's Don't go rooting around the Geck, not everything is in there and some things are deliberately not shown in the geck to fool people into thinking the files aren't there. Find out the model name and directory in the Fallout 3 bsa's and cross reference that with the New Vegas bsa. If the files are indeed there then congratulations you can simply add that to your game using the Geck :) So long as you make sure to use the same directory as the bsa's the mod will work completely fine for everyone with just the esp. So feel free to distribute the esp's as much as you like :D Now this is where the legality becomes a grey area. If there are some Fallout 3 files you want in New Vegas but the files aren't in the BSA's. I -think- (don't quote me on this) you can use them in New Vegas but ONLY for yourself. This means you cannot distribute the files at all and even showing images of it is discouraged by many. The only files you might be able to distribute are the esp's which would mean the mod user would have to search for and build up the directories themselves in order for the mod to work correctly.
  4. I... I... I'm in love. Those uniforms are absolutely stunning!
  5. Hey Ub3r. How's this for vertical wood? I made this especially for you ;) http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/8326/20111102021638.png As for Endermen. I always imagined them as: Tall Dark Skeleton Glowing red eyes. Here's some concept art I found on google.
  6. Falloutcraft wannabe >.> haha Great work though. Perhaps it will inspire me to improve on the long abused mod for Fallout ... maybe.
  7. That spot is fine to build in. Unless an area is marked off or there are buildings quite close by. Feel free to build anywhere :P
  8. Haha... Well that was amusing xD http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/2963/20111031222703.png http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/1526/20111031222609.png
  9. Oh... It's not a realism texture pack though o_O haha. Although I'll take those ideas on board for my actual realism pack though, thanks :) Your concepts are... interesting! o_O Birdmen. That's awesome :P You've inadvertently inspired me to retexture villagers into starfleet officers. Because that will be funny. Ps. Pssst... Add an alpha channel, your grass and glass makes me cringe :P
  10. Yeah it will look more weathered. This is REALLY EARLY work. So far a lot of it is concept and template for final textures. He will update it eventually, whether to 1.8 or to wait for after MineCon. It will come. I may add less ocntrast to the cobblestone but the thing is... It's meant to be a world that's faced the apocalypse... not a nice looking cobblestone :P Here's a few more concept screenshots.
  11. See I told you it were possible that it was mod author error :P ^_^
  12. As my Photo Realism pack is now released to the public I've decided to start on yet another. This time it will be developed with a certain mod in mind. The Wasteland mod has always been one of my favourite mods for Minecraft. Time to reward it. Here I present but a few blocks that will appear in the new Wasteland texture pack I'm creating. It has a Fallout/Dead theme about it :) What you guys think?
  13. Haha do you know java? ^_^ Although that would be good. I'm just hoping that all mods are updated for the final release. That would be fantastic. So many innovative mods on there. Some make the Nether a tolerable place to live which still much more difficult than the overworld. Some add whole new realms to Minecraft. Some add new world generation such as more diverse trees, more crop, more crafting recipes, new water mobs and even new water generation that includes having corals o_O. ... Minecraft GOTY ...
  14. You know... I haven't got a clue o_O I'll get onto that right away. I'm not a big user of pumpkins so after doing it (like half a year ago :P ) I just left it. o_O Thanks haha. EDIT: I found the config file for water shaders. You can easily edit ALL of the settings for the mod. Simply go to your .minecraft/bin/shader folder and find config.txt There you can edit anything from performance to pure beauty. :P As for what you were curious about just change this line: //between 0.0 and 1.0 water_surface_transparency 0.05 Perhaps make it 1.0? :) Here is a comparison Image for reference: http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/1359/comparisonx.jpg
  15. I believe there is a file you can simply edit to change the settings. Although personally I don't want to change it for fear of messing it up haha. But it's still nice.
  16. This screenshot is the reason why Water Shaders mod is the mod for everyone. Just look at how beautiful it is... Ontop of my pack too.... *drools* http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/194/20111029070543.png
  17. Ah I've been getting my mods from the Steam Forums. But haven't played it much lately. Thanks for pointing this out. I'm interested in that Crysis 0.3 mod :P
  18. Yeah that much is true :/ Ah well. We shall see with the next potential pre release or with the "final" release.... I still don't think it will be final haha. Well with Pre Release 5 finally out of the bag and in peoples hands I took the opportunity to throw everything I have out into the public. Get it over and done with. So I managed to throw together a video for my texture pack. It has the GLSL shaders mod enabled in it to make extra eye candy for you ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGCn2Zd0jWE
  19. You can get End Stone back to the overworld by cheating if that counts? Well Pre Release 5 is mostly a typical bugfix update, the game runs much more smoother now. I kinda like the way the abandoned mines and strongholds generate. Especially in ravines. It makes it look like the world cracked open and the mines fell. I've also found some pools of lava blasting through the floor of strongholds. Looks mightily impressive. Although I do agree that they should be generated after terrain, not before. I think it's because terrain makes up a larger amount of land (naturally) and it would be more efficient to have it load first.
  20. So long as you KEEP your 1.8 jar you can still play on servers, you just need to close minecraft, rename the 1.9 minecraft jar to something else and rename the 1.8 jar back to Minecraft.jar
  21. I have every version backed up in emergency... Or for nostalgia .... :P I do however have some grave news for fellow minecrafters though... Infact I cannot hold the urge in anymore... I just have to tell you guys through a video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAfBGxu_7HM
  22. Hmmm this might not work but it would be what I would do in your position. Copy and paste fallout_default.ini into Documents\My Games\Fallout3 and rename it to Fallout.ini
  23. Okay. There are two worldspace cells used in Megaton (mostly anyway) MegatonEntrance and MegatonPlaza. It seems they both have different lighting data. In the video you are walking from one to the other. Could be caused by a mod conflict or by mod author error. (We all make them! :D) Honestly there are multiple mods on your list that change the way weather, lighting and the overall atmosphere so I really cannot tell you which one us causing it. My advice is to ignore it, far too much effort in that list to fix one tiny graphical error :/ However if you wish to put a LOT of time into it. Disable your mods that change lighting data one by one to find out which changes them both. When you EVENTUALLY find the culprit open it in the Geck and make both cells lighting the same. (I won't go into changing that... Too much effort on my part :P )
  24. What Werne said is the way to correct this issue. It's clear a mod conflict is causing the crash. Trial and error my friend :D
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