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Posts posted by RedVexHK

  1. Luv... I could really point out why such music is "EVIL" (snickers evilly) but then we'd have a banable Religious debate.... myself I don't like metal just because I can't get into it.. just not my taste.... but otherwise.. I've always laughed at the so called "reasons" given to aviod such music... kinda makes it seem bizarre... but humanity isn't always accused of good sense very often.. Music IMHO is to taste.... I'm sure some people absolutely LOVE Slipknot and Gwar.... they are not for me.... but then I bet many people would totally dislike my taste in music too... we each have our own sense of what we like.. then other self righteous people demand we follow them without question and make assumptions based on their moral viewpoint right or wrong... so long as it follows their slant on everything... Music is music... leave religion and politics out of it. enjoy it or hate it.. but to each your own.

    BTW.. I like Chris DeBurg. Superchick, Nickleback,Yoko Kanno and Seatbelts... soo many and yes.. even some country and hard rock... and even classical.

  2. I think mistakenly for Pirate a miss spelling is more accurate in truth... download for free rather than buy it is what you meant.. but I KNOW some people do it the way you spelled it.. download for free try the game.. hate it and uninstall or like it THEN buy... kinda like taking a new car for a test drive.... hatre the thing and get rid of it.. love it then buy it. As for intentional bans some I agree want it till they ask for a rescind.. just so they can concentrate on other things especially RL .

    The others.. well everyone knows someone at school or work who just seems to live solely to make yours and other co worker's lives a living hell.. and they seem to LOVE it. making other people miserable makes them happy.... they really deserve a lot more than a ban..... maybe ban them from Earth..... send them off to live on Mercury.

  3. Y'all have forgotten the obvious.. Dark0ne is by far the craziest... he made this site... he runs it... he puts up with all us wingnuts,loose screws,brainless crash test dummies,mixed nuts,and whatever else.... and he ENJOYS IT!!! now that has to be enough to vote him craziest on the Nexus..... or at least grounds to buy him a padded room all his own on those days when we just drive him up the wall.


    Just in fun Dark0ne... but I think you have to be more than a little crazy to put up with all of us.

  4. Canada has only 2 venomous beasties at least native.... Black widow.. but they RARELY cause death. the bite is hideously painful but unless you allow one to bite repeatedly it can not inject in a single bite enough to kill. Only a total idiot... or someone VERY unlucky would take multiple bites. The Massasauga or Prairie Rattlesnake. No known deaths in recorded history from this little blighter... the bite is nasty and can result in painful swelling and discoloration. untreated can also result in dangerous muscle necrosis. but it is a slow acting venom ...almost water in comparison to the Western Diamondback. North America however has no truly DEADLY snakes other than the Water Moccasin and Copperhead... only aggressive species here... Australia has less venomous snakes... but they are QUITE aggressive and deadly poisonous. The few deadly AND aggressive species in North America are native to very remote areas with minimal human presence.

    Spiders and Scorpions however..... I'll not deny N.A. has a LOT!!!!! most are not deadly.... but MANY are dangerously venomous. The Brown Recluse is dangerous not deadly..... but very dangerous. it's aggressive and territorial ,Oddly....... their bite has been responsible when left untreated for serious life threatening complications. the bite is mildly painful and often ignored. left untreated however it can develop into Necrotizing Fasciitis. A rare but possible complication.... one that can kill in very short order. My favorite is the Wolf Spider fearsomely aggressive poisonous but considered no more dangerous than a wasp sting VERY unpleasant nonetheless ....Tarantula like appearance if diminutive in comparative size . and an attitude of it being 3 times bigger.


  5. I'm willing to believe the possibility we are living in a simulation..... except for one GLARING inconsistency. Either we are NOT!!! living in a simulation or the computer in question is running Linux..I've yet to see a system crash or forced reboot.and I've yet to see the Critical System Error better known as the dreaded Blue Screen of Death.
  6. To be honest.... I think the darkest deepest most brutal pain anyone can suffer is to see all the pain and suffering around the world and to be soo small and helpless, unable to comfort those who need to simply feel safe and loved. when I see someone in pain it tears at my soul. when I see someone lost in sadness and misery my heart feels broken . I wish just for a moment... just for one moment I could embrace the world and show everyone "you are loved"
  7. Might wanna rephrase that last part.


    Likening men to kittens... well I just dont think it quite works. Good and moral men are more like some species of dogs. usualy not terribly bright, but endlessly loyal and very empathic. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Labrador_Retriever_black_ball.jpg

    *smiles* maybe for a guy you would say Dog.... but to a girl... or at least myself... I find the deepest love and empathy in my cat.... loyal and always endearing.

    Plus who else will lick the water off my toes after a shower??

  8. There are good men in the world,you rarely hear though.."Man makes woman smile and feel good" you hear mostly of the horrible ones.... true.... it's an awful thing to hear.... but it's these atrocities that the news covers rather than the occasional comfort and gentleness someone gives to another person.

    I know from personal experience just how dark and evil men can be.... but I still try to find the goodness in ones who hold wonder and light in their eyes and hearts.

    Recently I saw personally the two sides of man . a wonderful girl.. no more than 100 lbs and at most 5 foot... her nose broken both eyes blackened I heard him constantly verbally abusing and belittling her before he hurt her... on the other side....... a man rushing to the aid of an injured woman.. a stranger... but in need of aid.. with no concern for his own safety so long as he was able to be there for this woman in need.

    Men are all animals..... but some men are cuddly and dear.... some are Monsters....Sadly there are some... but luckily many are as wonderful and dear as your favorite kitten. and as loving.

  9. I'd have added in some of the sorts of mental pain I've suffered... but I think none of you deserve to be put through anything as bad as hearing the worse I've gone through.... physically it was traumatic. not horribly painful.. but wasn't much fun regardless... mentally though... Lets just say I'm a "survivor" and leave it at that....

    You can take your own opinion on what that means.... and you'll be right... I don't need or want to explain it... and you don't really want to know...

  10. I nearly Severed the tendon in my right elbow..... extensive reconstructive surgery on my ankle.... 50 pounds of ice fell 4 stories crushing my leg and foot lots of broken bones..(same ankle that was operated on was broken).Unknown ... something wrong this summer with me... pure agony in my entire tummy.. felt like knives .... was on heavy morphine for pain.Two days in hospital.
  11. Most of us... even some of the best physicists say the possibility of Alien life visiting Earth is impossible due to cost time an sensibility.. WHy blow Trillions of dollars to spend centuries in cold sleep or at near Luminal velocities causing slowed time ... basically... even if they get here.. returning would mean anywhere from 300-550 years passed on the homeworld... kinda nonsensical waste huh?? Of course this Also implies they have the same or similar understanding of physics as we do... every day we learn new things.. even now we find with the use of supercolliders that the old Sci-Fi idea of faster than light particles. (pure fiction hogwash) actually is REAL!!!! a few years ago it was nothing but fiction today it's fact... about 60-70 years ago if you said mankind would walk on the moon.. you'd be laughed out of town.. almost a century ago Albert Einstein was laughed out of a lecture hall for hypothesizing nuclear theory... today it's basic science.... if in the not too distant future we learn how to travel at faster than light speeds... Without actually breaking the laws of relativity... (yes there ARE ways to do this... I won't get into it.. you don't have clearance). will we realize that cost is kind of silly if interstellar travel is relatively easy and cheap?? And if so.... what is the possibility of intelligent life already HAVING learned this and HAVE visited us... maybe they watch... maybe they don't..maybe we already MADE first contact but this is kept secret... limited contact with limited effect on society.


    Aliens.. a loaded question... with an even more loaded answer.... (9/11) Iraq/Gulf War 1 and 2. Afghanistan, Al Qaeda , the Taliban.. Iran...North Korea. Would you as a peaceful spacefaring culture want to let such chaos loose upon the stars?? There is good reason to hide such a truth as first contact.. it doesn't mean it's last contact... but extreme care must be taken to avoid a sadness like before... when death and madness walks among the stars... only sadness and tears come of it. Yes there is Intelligent Alien life. Yes Earth has been paid the occasional visit. No it will not be the last time... and one day we will awake from our infancy and walk with our older bothers and sisters on the firmament of Stars .

  12. Insane as it might sound.. for a sore aching scratchy cough raw throat... beef consomme /stock seems to work wonders... no luck with chicken.... but fresh home made chicken soup IS full of helpful enzymes they do wonders too.... canned chicken soup... don't bother..... and yes.. FRESH not frozen Orange juice.... best is to make your own or buy Tropicana. It's pricey stuff... but it has NO added preservatives,no added sugar,no added water. and it's cold pasturized . Heat pasturization destroys natural enzymes,vitamins and minerals That's why Tropicana works. no heat...


    for a burned out low energy state... fresh sliced pineapple ...save and drink the juice from it as well...they have a LOT of natural sugars.. simple sugars.. not complex sugars such as refined.... simple sugars break down slower. metabolize slower and break down almost completely. Complex sugars metabolize fast giving you a "Sugar Rush" but it breaks down too fast and leaves natural biotoxins... these cause your "Sugar low" or burnout.. so fresh fruit high in natural/simple sugars helps a lot for flu symptoms where you just have no energy left at all..

  13. Biggest issue by far resolution aside..... many Monitors have a refresh rate of 5ms or lower.... good ones 2 to 2.5 ms most LCD and Plasma TV's have a refresh rate of 8ms and higher. doesn't sound like much..... but believe me you'll notice..... if you want incredible browsing.. fine idea........ gaming.... at 8 ms or worse you WILL suffer image lag ghosting
  14. OK.. I found this today on Tech TV..latest episode of Xplay. I just about died laughing so I thought I'd post this for everyone to see.. it's a parody of Legend of Zelda. Use the little yellow arrow thingies to go to the next episodes.




    watch this from the beginning... and please...... watch with friends. Choking to death from laughter extreme is possible.

  15. That sounds odd.... I use black,cable internet.. and I'm wireless.. but loadspeed is GREAT! You sure it's not either a scriptload issue on your browser or something else to do with your browser settings??? I'd suggest your graphics card... but if you play FO3 or Oblivion.. that would be a real dumb thing to ask....
  16. Holy Non Blasphemous Crap.!! HAHAHA.. ok... I deff love this site... couldn't have found a better site to make me smile/laugh/and OMG!! all at once..

    I won't get into any religious debates here but OMG!!! dissing games now... especially Spore?? That Tetris bit made me almost die laughing. and EVERYONE knows Spore is just WRONG!!! I mean believing in millions of years of mutation.natural selection and evolution vs an immaterial invisible all knowing all powerful magical being?? It's obvious Evolution HAS to be wrong.. LOL...


    I love this find... it does wonders for the complexion.. all this laughter.

  17. Yesterday I had a bad scare just after supper... our house shook and there was a deafening sound. A few blocks away a demolitions worker's house. (blasting caps dynamite and rumors of other types of explosives were apparently stored there) detonated with such force it was heard and felt more than 2 kilometers away.The owner's wife is in hospital with minor blast and impact injuries she was thrown more than 20 feet. Her husband is missing and still unaccounted for.

    Reports are that his body was recovered but also say he is still not accounted for.. hope the reports of his body at the scene are not correct. I was a bit shaky after seeing the house...nervous when they made everyone run for the barricades and suddenly evacuated all the emergency vehicles and firefighters from the scene... more explosives started detonating... it was a scary evening.




    My heartfelt prayers go out to this couple..

  18. “I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.” Jack Handy

    "True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."Jason Jordan

    The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.

    Friedrich Nietzsche

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