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Everything posted by draco1122
Wondering if anyone knows of a mod that extends mead timers for example - Fire resist mead from 10 minutes to like 20 or 30 minutes like food. Or requesting mod if someone knows how to extend them.
Did 2.01 break a bunch of mods?
draco1122 replied to hollowbody57's topic in Cyberpunk 2077's Discussion
Yes, will need redscript, and other mods to update. So far only CET has updated. -
“Exclusive Items” mod removed?
draco1122 replied to steve25469's topic in Cyberpunk 2077's Discussion
My Guess by nexus as not even in my tracked mods anymore. Which is after author removes it is in the past. -
Steam Deck help loading OBSE
draco1122 replied to draco1122's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
OBSE version 21.5 did not work. Next, I am going to remove Morroblivion since it is the mod giving error that obse is not running. Maybe issue is with Morroblivion mod and not obse not running but, doubt it just something to try. -
Steam Deck help loading OBSE
draco1122 replied to draco1122's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Will give that a try and post if works. Thank you for reply. -
Has anyone had success getting OBSE running on steam deck? So far transferred all my files from pc to steam deck and launches fine just fails to launch OBSE which is needed for Morroblivion as well as other fixes. First, was thinking it was due to ENB so removed it still no go. Tried renaming Oblivionlauncher.exe and replacing it will OBSE_Loader.exe - Did not work. Tried adding OBSE_Loader.exe to non steam library as so did not work failed to launch just CTD. One thing I noticed in logs all refer to wrong launch path but say they loaded. Is their a way to set launch path in OBSE? Any ideas I can try. Side note Fallout New Vegas script extender is working fine. If need more details let me know. Running out of ideas. Trying moving game to same drive as steam to see if that works next. ( did not work)
CTD whenever i try to load save or start new save..
draco1122 replied to SoloSage47's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Wondering if issue has been fixed? I am having the same issue. ( Game loads to main menu fine. Once I go to load save or make new game instant crash to desktop. ) Mine started doing this after last AE update. At the time I was frustrated so just played something else, hoping some updates would come out that may fix issue. That has not happened so starting to look into issue now and saw this post. My game is heavily modded using SKSE at latest version. I know it started after last update because I was playing fine the day before update then issue happened. Yes, I could roll back update but would rather not. Will keep an eye on post for anything thing I notice we have the same in mods. So far I do not have those DLL's talked about in post above so wouldn't think those are issue. I am wondering if it is a bad mod update. Notice when AE first released I had ctd issue with one of beyond Bruma patches, resolved issue by removing patch. Played for a bit then AE updated again and the problem here started for me. Like I said got frustrated and took a break. Have not went into a detail mod testing yet to find issue. -
Solution for CTD Crashing on launch some may experience.
draco1122 replied to draco1122's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
To unpack a ba2 you can use Bethesda's archive2 tool under fallout 4 main folder then folder tools (Fallout4\tool where exe is for game). Or grab this mod here on nexus https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17061 To repack a ba2 you use Bethesda's archive2 tool again but use this guide to make sure it is right. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/1022 or https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/3054 -
CTD loading save sometimes, bit of a confusing issue
draco1122 replied to blackhand8657's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Same issue. Appears when I look at buffout 4 mods report crash log it is a Nvidia driver crash for me maybe same for you. I have found a work around. If you load a save you know works first. For me made a root cellar save in sanctuary. Load it first then go back to load your most recent save and it will then load. To resolve the Nvidia driver issue you would need to roll back driver to a really old version. Which I personally do want to do due the fact it would mess up other games. -
I have recent discovered their is a ba2 cap / limited number of ba2 files fallout 4 can load. Esp's are limited to 255, esl are like 4096 limit. But, the game can only load around 255 ba2 sets of files it appears as well. For me I can go above 253 with out crashing on launch if I unpack a ba2 to loose it will then launch fine. I can also unpack a ba2 and merge into another and will launch fine as well. I have tested this theory over the past few weeks adding new mods to my game. I am currently at 248 esp's, 445 esl's with 248 archives after merging some. Why sometimes it isn't the mod. When you disable a mod it also disables the ba2, removing it from loading. So that could be why disabling a mod makes it look like it is the mods fault. Took me a long time to solve this issue. No one really talks about it. If you using vortex you can set, vortex under plugins to only show loads archive, and see your number of ba2 file being loaded. (This per plugin so a main and textures counts as 1 not 2. I feel it is a unforeseen effect from everyone packing mods into ba2 for performance. Why you have a lot people blaming mods for ctd on launch but no one else having same issue. Theory's on number limit. This number does vary as mine is 253 my friends is 263 not sure why he can have more. Maybe due to creation club content I suspect. He has more then me so some how it allowed more. Also, have not counted total number maybe it is 255 mains or 255 textures so when my textures go above it triggers. (Note: I also have 12 ba2 files being loaded manually in my ini custom which could explain differences). Their was a post that someone suspected this and they felt it was 255 minus creation club content. Unknown if that is true. Hope that is helpful to someone. You will have excuse my grammar. I posted this to help people not offend the grammar police.
How can you tell when you hit the .ESL limit?
draco1122 replied to Dubbyk's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Found this post as I was looking to get information on esl cap. I currently have 217 esp and 207 esl. If I add any esl files going over 207 my game crashes on loading to main menu. Took me awhile to figure this out. I tested all kinds of things. Before I figured out it was the esl limit per say. I noticed this issue after the last update. What started this was, I always grab the free cc content and I added the free pipboy skin. Then crashed when leaving the cc and it was updating my load order. I have been able to add a few esp in testing and that worked. Just can't go over 207 esl. Some information. I am well versed in good modding practices as in using loot. Adjusting load order manually and running bash patch. As well as making patches in fo4edit. Mostly, my game is stable even with that many mods. Which was frustrating at first, was thinking Bethesda broke the game in the update. I can also say I only have a few large mods as they are a patch nightmare with alot of mods. I have a strong pc so. Thats not an issue either. Really, game is old it can only handle so much. Bethesda's cc cash grab isn't helping either as they are adding more and more stuff. But, never bother to fix anything. Just my two cents. -
Mods not being updated now that SKSE is released?
draco1122 replied to Kulharin's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You are right there was a big push for SKSE and mods with MCM support but all require skyui that is unsupported and buggy. We need official supported MCM if mod authors are going to be using MCM. Sadly, for your issue, mod authors do lose interest. It is nice however when they give permission for others to continue there work. I would see their permissions and see if someone is allowed to fix them. Really your only option unless they return. -
Wanted too suggest an site improvement. Under comments it would be nice if mod authors could collapse comments with a lot of replies.
I am requesting CASM from fallout new vega for New MCM in fallout 4. I know their is other auto save managers. But, they are all out of date and lack events. Would also like to see safe check to help prevent potential crashes from saving back to back at same time. I lack the scripting knowledge to make this. So please if you can do let me know so I can add to my game. Thanks to all you modders that make and support MCM.
Script Help getting a terminal to Close
draco1122 replied to draco1122's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
I was afraid you were going to say that. I hate quests lol. Will have to think on it. -
Script Help getting a terminal to Close
draco1122 replied to draco1122's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Thx you for help so far. I placed script under my blank terminal sub menu. Compiles fine and set properties. Just doesn't seem to do anything in game. Just displays menu text no debug text nor does it open container. Now I saw you said something about fragment. Was there something I needed to add to fragment. Also, tried setting int YourMenuItemIDThatIDontKnow = 0 const and this line If (auiMenuItemID == YourMenuItemIDThatIDontKnow) to my menus id of 1. A little confused on how that should read compiled fine tho. Here what I tried (auiMenuItemID == 1). Plus, tried renaming the YourMenuitemIdThatDontKnow to YourMenuItemID. But, that was just guessing really. They all compiled just did nothing in game. I really wanted to thank you for any help. I know I should have got it by now. Also, saw this extends quest tho didn't see any quest items referenced. Did I need to make a quest? -
Script Help getting a terminal to Close
draco1122 replied to draco1122's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
K, problem I am having is under script fragments I can't use a event. Now using this script. RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent(TerminalMenu)OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening)if asMenuName == "TerminalMenu" if abOpening == false aaadWeaponAmmoBin.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) endifendifIt registers the event how ever I get this compiling error when I add this line OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening) I get this error message.Compiling "Fragments:Terminals:TERM_aaadWeaponsTerminalSubM_0103F3C7"...PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_aaadWeaponsTerminalSubM_0103F3C7.psc(16,21): mismatched input 'string' expecting RPARENPapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_aaadWeaponsTerminalSubM_0103F3C7.psc(16,38): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ','PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_aaadWeaponsTerminalSubM_0103F3C7.psc(16,54): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ')'No output generated for Fragments:Terminals:TERM_aaadWeaponsTerminalSubM_0103F3C7, compilation failed. What is RPAREN? Now, I can add event to main script selection in creation kit. Won't it fire at start and just close terminal? That is why I was using fragment selection in creation kit. Because I wanted it to fire when the container is activated. Tried making a Blank screen and a simple activate screen. Added this script to main script selection in creation kit.Scriptname aaadPlayerControls extends ScriptObject Function SomeFunction() RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("TerminalMenu") EndFunction Event OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening)if asMenuName == "TerminalMenu" if abOpening == false aaadAmmoContainer.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) endifendifendEvent ObjectReference Property aaadAmmoContainer Auto However, script doesn't appear to do anything in game. Tho compiles fine. Am I missing a fire script command or something? -
Script Help getting a terminal to Close
draco1122 replied to draco1122's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
K, miss read the force withdraw. Not, sure at this point if it is even possible to do what I want with a terminal. Problem was it was opening the container while the in the terminal. It would have the player controls still controlling the menu in the terminal and not the container. I am new to scripting in some ways and others not. Is their a place with acceptable functions or commands? Or a way for the script to run after you close the terminal? -
CTD when travelling near The Nucleus
draco1122 replied to BonniePandora's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Never had a error report point to issue my self. Best thing is disable all mods and see if it crashes. Then add them back a few at a time until it happens again. If it crashes with all mod disabled it is a texture or mesh problem. Try removing ones in that area sometimes they get corrupted when installing. You can also try using bethesda optimization tool on meshes and textures but back them up it is buggy. It is under tools in fallout 4 folder. Tool is called Elric. -
File extension .esp, but Header marks it as an esm?
draco1122 replied to DragonBorn5185's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Doesn't matter really. if it bugs you use this maybe. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/921/? I use a old tool I got off skyrim nexus but it appears to be gone now. -
I have two script fragments I am trying to get to work. Goal is to make terminal exit then open container. I have Force withdraw check but that didn't work. Terminal stays open. RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("Exit") OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(TerminalMenu asMenuName, close abOpening) if (asMenuName== "Exit") if (abOpening) aaadWeaponAmmoBin.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) OR RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("Exit") OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(TerminalMenu asMenuName, close abOpening) aaadWeaponAmmoBin.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) Error is Fragments\Terminals\TERM_aaadWeaponsTerminalSubM_0103F3C7.psc(16,34): no viable alternative at input 'asMenuName' Fragments\Terminals\TERM_aaadWeaponsTerminalSubM_0103F3C7.psc(16,61): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ')' Exit = my terminal https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=OnMenuOpenCloseEvent_-_ScriptObject Here's is how I got this far.
Script Help getting a terminal to Close
draco1122 replied to draco1122's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Here where I got the script so far. https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=OnMenuOpenCloseEvent_-_ScriptObject -
I have two script fragments I am trying to get to work. Goal is to make terminal exit then open container. I have Force withdraw check but that didn't work. Terminal stays open. RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("Exit") OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(TerminalMenu asMenuName, close abOpening) if (asMenuName== "Exit") if (abOpening) aaadWeaponAmmoBin.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) OR RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("Exit") OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(TerminalMenu asMenuName, close abOpening) aaadWeaponAmmoBin.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) Error is Fragments\Terminals\TERM_aaadWeaponsTerminalSubM_0103F3C7.psc(16,34): no viable alternative at input 'asMenuName' Fragments\Terminals\TERM_aaadWeaponsTerminalSubM_0103F3C7.psc(16,61): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ')' Exit = my terminal
Script help Fallout 4 confused
draco1122 replied to draco1122's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Yea, that was my doing. Still need to clean things up but, I think with that help I can move forward. Will change that name and do some testing. Final Product was this and has to placed on Door to work in game. Not sure is getplayer matters tho was playing with that. Scriptname aaadREFIGMASTERSCRIPT extends ObjectReference Message Property aaadContaineroptionsMessage Auto Message Property aaadtest Auto Message Property aaadtest2 Auto Message Property aaadtest3 Auto ObjectReference Property aaadPSC_ProvisionedMetalBox_Activator Auto ObjectReference Property aaadFood_Activator Auto ObjectReference Property aaadFoodDryAlt_Activator Auto Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef)if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()PlayGamebryoAnimation("open")PlayAnimation("open")MainMessage(akActionRef)endifEndEvent Function MainMessage(ObjectReference akActionRef) Int iCount = 99999Int iButton = aaadContaineroptionsMessage.Show() If iButton == 0 ; Master Food Chestaaadtest.Show()aaadPSC_ProvisionedMetalBox_Activator.Activate(Game.getPlayer())Utility.Wait( 0.5 )While ( Utility.IsInMenuMode() )Utility.WaitMenuMode( 0.5 )EndWhileendifIf iButton == 1 ; Dry Foods Chestaaadtest2.Show()aaadFood_Activator.Activate(Game.getPlayer())Utility.Wait( 0.5 )While ( Utility.IsInMenuMode() )Utility.WaitMenuMode( 0.5 )EndWhileendifIf iButton == 2 ; Perishable Foods Chestaaadtest3.Show()aaadFoodDryAlt_Activator.Activate(Game.getPlayer())Utility.Wait ( 0.5 )While ( Utility.IsInMenuMode() )Utility.WaitMenuMode( 1.0 )EndWhileendifIf iButton == 3 ; ExitUtility.Wait( 0.5 )While ( Utility.IsInMenuMode() )Utility.WaitMenuMode( 0.5 )EndWhileendifPlayGamebryoAnimation( "close" )PlayAnimation("close")Endfunction -
Script help Fallout 4 confused
draco1122 replied to draco1122's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Thx you so much. It compiled now. Still have a lot to learn but that was a big help. Starting to see where I went wrong tho. Will need to keep learning. Thank you again.