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Status Updates posted by Deleted1848331User

  1. Oh wait, I see what you mean now. The shards don't have to animated, no. As long as they move with the sheep :D
  2. It'd be nice to have the sheep animated with the shards bouncing with it, but if its too much work it can stand still.
  3. Yeah, this isn't his day :P Thanks lol
  4. Love the sig you made me still :D Still awesome as ever.
  5. Late Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! lol
  6. Nice work on child mod :D
  7. Thanks for helping me with the scripts :D
  8. Nice work on the LoZ gear :D
  9. Nothing really either, just sitting hear in my snuggie. My chihuahua attacked me. She learned to use my loft bed's ladder *sniff*
  10. Thanks for making the Prinny for me :D As always you're awesome!
  11. Droppin in to say hi :D
  13. Shame its dead. Oh well. That happens to a lot of mods lol. Sounds cool abou tthe shop though. Shops always get some interest lol.
  14. Fear the Orangutan! Lol. Hows the City of Outcasts coming along?
  15. Your the best dude! Thanks for making me a new sig lol.
  16. Thanks for the sig dude!
  17. Nevermind on the kudos. I already have :P I'll add you as a friend xD
  18. Thanks for doing the Tetsusaiga! Kudos bro!
  19. All hail the stickfigure master!
  20. In your picture it looks like your holding a ray gun wired into your back xD lol.
  21. French fries. Hows your City of Outcasts coming round?
  22. Has anyone gone through all the spoilers on my about me page? It seems like no one has because no one made a comment on it xD
  23. I AM THE BURGER KING! lol.
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