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Everything posted by sunshinenbrick

  1. I was wondering whether Russia might become part of NATO, if not already. All these theatrics are just that, a diversion while the real plans go under a guise of 'confusion'.
  2. Agreed, it's the folks with no 'skin in the game' that are the ones that are quick to leap to military intervention...... Maybe the Israelis have the right of it here, with mandatory military service for ALL men..... If those congressfolk advocating for war actually had kids in combat positions, they might be a bit more circumspect about sending them to war. Who are the kids going to be in combat positions with in order to grow wary of it? I think we have many war scars in our societies that go beyond those that happen at the 'frontline'. From the families of the soldiers, to the devestated communites of expansionism through carpet bomb drone attacks and the battle minded children of our homes - war by proxy has a very distinct and profound effect on us all. We in the 'western' world have become dangerously dissociated. Our period of 'peace' has been at the expense of re-branding and effectively ignoring the atrocities that have happened to those less fortunate, much of the time to our benefit if not by our 'own' hands. The use of human labour as a market commodity combined with our quest for individualism and ecouraged desire to craft our futures as we want them to be, has led to a wearing of our social fabric and ability to deal with issues and problems that are close to the skin. We fear and are estranged by our neighbours as much as we perhaps now even fear ourselves and what we might be capable of. Nothing is new about any of this of course, except now we are all more closely connected and ever more paranoid (with good reason even). It only takes a butterfly to start a monsoon, and war has been inextricably part of the plan for 'world peace' ever since it's inception.
  3. That was an insightful discussion on a sensitive subject.
  4. Isn't Trump's wealth dependant on the strength of the dollar and global market forces? The more things you own, the more they own you.
  5. Usually both if available but veer towards female, because a kick-ass woman is just 'cool!', and I am male so suppose it's one of the few oppurtunities one gets to be that immersive as being someone else. I also like to play as other 'races' as I don't know exactly how I feel inside anyway despite light apparently portraying me as 'white' (or rather beige...). In fact I love playing as aliens, animals, or cyborgs given the chance! I have tried to make a character that 'looks' like me... but that does feel a bit weird in my opinion. Like watching yourself on home movies or listening to yourself on the phone. Ughh!!
  6. Well they say history repeats itself...
  7. Well god knows the media carrying the campaign ads are making a killing....... Battle Royale.
  8. Isn't Trump just a plant? I'm mean... Trump... card... it all seems to be a bit scripted. In all honesty I feel, as with other elections (we are having one where I live today), it is just more of a side show.
  9. I am pretty much open to whatever works best for most people. If guns help keep people safe and free then I wouldn't suggest things be changed for the sake of changing them. But I do wonder if the American people trusted their government (and the rest of the world) more, would they be so skeptical about the idea reducing the prominance of weaponary in day to day society? Maybe not, and if it is a constitution thing then 'OK', but there are other parts of the constitution that are being neglected and if addressed would possibly reduce the need for gun control to even be an issue. Things related to equal opportunities, socio-economic divisions, and the corruption in the allocation of resources and education are all things that contribute to the perceptions and situations in which civilians feel the need to resort to armed crime/vigilantism. It's a very complex issue that I think in some ways has been engineered, or is simply a result of having an economy that has become so entrenched in defense investments accross the globe. It has gotten to the point where it seems like there's an ultimatum of 'you either use your guns to kill others in foreign lands for us, or we'll take them away and possibly use them against you!' I wish the dialogue around these things would be a little more progressive and open the world over, as the 'politics' seems to get in the way of practical solutions sometimes. Perhaps to the benefit of politicians though as they won't be the ones in the trenches and are the people who are least bothered by such laws. Probably making money either side of it too.
  10. So for someone 'accross the pond', who identifies themselves more with the democratic parties values (generally), and even had the president (who does seem like one of the better ones, all things considered) come and give a plea for us to stick with them in an uncertain future, what is it that makes Trump a better option over Hillary? I watched Trump's speech on foreign policy the other day and it doesn't fill me with any kind of hope of it not getting very ugly... Seriously though... what the hell is going on?? :laugh:
  11. Considering inside the Fallout universe there are the pods which suggest a kind of 'Matrixesque' simulation paradox. Wouldn't it actually be plausible to create a 'fantasy' experience within that? The games themselves have always had a pretty 'trippy' streak to them too so always a possibility to do something there. Come to think of it, how about mecha dragons and nano-magic or something even...
  12. Depends on my mood and system of choice but... (in alphabetical order) Final Fantasy VII Half Life 2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Monkey Island 2 Portal Sonic 3 & Knuckles Wipeout 2048 (XL) A gun to my head I would say Final Fantasy VII. For my non-videogame entry, I love a good game of Trivial Pursuit with family/friends.
  13. I was on medication in school, but where I lived at the time it was still new and I was given a lot of say in choosing to try it. Even if it was partly out of curiosity, I still felt like it was my own decision. I have a lot to thank my mother for and she is a strong willed lady. They also gave me the choice after 16 to stop the medication. So I chose to try without it. My life has been hard but then I wouldn't know any different... Looking back I do not regret the choices I made and I feel like I 'own' my past, if you will. It is part of me and who I identify myself to be. I was lucky, I think. The problem with such things these days is the obvious progresive conflict of interest between helping people and making money out of them, combined with the quality and reliability of information available. Things like dyslexia, dyscalcluia, 'attention defecit', mild forms of autism and other 'learning difficulties', are boderline 'capabilities' as much as they are an 'illness'. I teach in schools and many 'learning disabled' kids are lightyears ahead of the rest. It's true what someone said about the environment and who is making the call and why. Any kind of 'screening' should be approached with caution and be open to debate. I've seen it being used in the wrong way and it can ruin people's lives. Now I have also met many people, young and old, who do need a lot more help than others do. So I would say that people do need training and to be made aware of how to cope best with the situations that may arise. It can be very hard though, even soul searching in some instances. I think it is equally debilitating to try reduced these aspects of ourselves to a simple spreadsheet query and a profit margin.
  14. Most of these things could be simply done right here with a few tweaks (looking forward to redesign BTW!). Surely all of this is more a frame of mind than anything else. Competition can be beneficial but it can also create a stalemate.
  15. A couple of the ideas were definitely playing with fire.
  16. Thanks digitaltrucker! Good to share so as to keep people on the same page.
  17. No, the millions of users who are perfectly competent. And that's a fine comment coming from somebody who claims that Mod Picker disrespects users. In order: By the user. Yes. No, it does not defeat the purpose because the purpose of the site has never been to fix mod incompatibilities. Nobody has said that is the purpose. MatorTstatementshas visited this very thread to specifically tell you that is not the purpose. This is entirely your fever dream. Get over it. Again, you have been told that Mod Picker will not be generating compatibility patches. You have been told, repeatedly, that whatever your misconceptions were based on the original press release/advertisement, they are totally unfounded. Please stop referencing your misconceptions based on an earlier announcement as if they are in any way germaine to the conversation. BS. It's true, I refuse to read 50+ pages of OFF TOPIC discussion in order to find the one pearl of wisdom you think is hiding there. That's not a citation. You have claimed again and again that there is a "press release" whose contents are influencing this conversation despite having been shown repeatedly to be inaccurate.1. Stop referencing this so-called press release, as you yourself have stated that it was not an accurate description of Mod Picker so who cares what it says anyway.2. OR link to the document so that the rest of us can understand what you are referring to. The only person I have seen making the claim that Mod Picker ever planned to create compatibility patches for users was YOU. You have been explicitly told that this is not factual information, yet you persist in the claim that the Mod Picker team once released an advertisement claiming it. You cannot produce this advertisement, only tell me that it is somewhere in 50+ pages of mod authors ranting and rambling about spurious concerns over Mod Picker. I'm not going to do your digging for you. If the concepts are so simple, then why don't you explain EVEN ONE OF THEM? Instead you keep making assertions without supporting them, continually reference PROVEN FALSE information about Mod Picker, and instantly shift the goalpost whenever you find yourself unable to respond to a question. Your participation in this thread has been sleazy, dishonest, inappropriate, and hateful. It's utterly galling that you think you can get off accusing anybody of being underhanded even while casually flinging contemptuous accusations at the Mod Picker team. As long as you are here spreading misinformation I'll be here to ask you to back it up. I would respectfully ask that you simply stop lying about Mod Picker, but it appears that you are utterly committed to your dishonest and irresponsible rhetorical approach to this issue. Well all the stuff I'd like to quote is (somewhat in/conveniently) in a private forum so I'm afraid you are forced to use your privileges. I did not choose to post it there and would be quite happy for everyone to read it as it would clear things up a lot. How the actual press release and documentation can be considered 'off topic' is quite vexing. My references are specifically directed at you, based on your own statements. It is no surprise you are unable to (or perhaps choose not to) fathom figurative speech. I have said both in this thread and the links I have provided you, that the priority should be to share the knowledge and skills used to mod. There is the possibility that MP can be this tool, but as of yet myself and many other authors (please see previous linked threads) do not feel it does any of these things any more efficiently than the Nexus and countless wikis/tutorials do already. There is always room for improvement and from what I have seen people are open to new ideas, but not solely at their own expense. It could be summarised as a 'give and take' thing. You can deny as much as you like the facts about what was said and how it was presented, and again if you refuse to look at the evidence, it does not make it not exist. I'm kinda flattered that even though you say my points are not valid and 'gibberish', you still deem it necessary to respond to me when I have stated I'd rather move on. Thanks! :smile:
  18. How this happens though is where the problem lies. Who is going to do that part of the job... the hardest part in many cases (combining the compatibility between lists quickly turns the whole think into a Rubik's cube). And even if they can then how exactly, and does doing it violate any Nexus permissions, third party ToS, or even the original game/SDK EULA? Oh, so how THIS happens is where the problem lies? Funny how nobody brought it up until page freakin' 17. Users will generate and share the mod lists with notes about compatibility. These notes must be voted on in order to be considered reliable. If a note that has been voted reliable turns out to be factually incorrect, the Mod Picker team will remove it. None of this violates any ToS, permission, or EULA. I'm not even sure that "You will never create and share a list online that mentions the name of this mod" is something that would be legally enforceable in a EULA. So now all of your questions have been answered and this, the crux of the problem (which nobody bothered to mention until now), can be put to rest. How might that changeā€¦ what exactly? How would a site competing with Mod Picker change, well, anything? What "things" are you concerned about being affected, and how could they potentially be in affected? Of course you don't mention any of these actual concerns. Seriously your posts are pretty much the epitome of JAQing. I would be interested to hear you expand this subject into a macroeconomic perspective. What macroeconomic concerns do you have regarding this project? I'm sure they will be equally well-thought out and well-researched as your previous ones. The same users who cannot be 'bothered' to read tutorials and wikis?? How are these incompatibilities solved? By the user? Does that not defeat the 'purpose' and take things right back to where they are now? The original suggestion (and a few subsequent) was to automate and create algorithms for the process. Compiling the mods into such lists and locking them through 'compatibility patches' is where the legailty of it lies regarding the game/SDK EULA. In a sense creating a platform/client that inserts itself between the gamer and the game. Before you ask for citation then I shall refer that you to re-read this thread and the ones I have already linked. Your refusal to do so is your choice and I will thus assume it is therefore, simple willful neglect. I cannot help you with that. It is unfortunate that you appear unable (or maybe unwilling) to grasp some relatively simple concepts around how these things fit together. This may likewise help in giving reason as to why you may approve so vehemently of such a scheme as the one in question. I have grown somewhat exhausted of trying to explain the same things to you over and over again while making very little progress. So perhaps because of this, the fact I have already stated the pointlessness of our discussions, coupled with the quoted comment not being directed at you anyway, I would say to take this reply as a issue of courtesy and that you find another person to dicuss this with. Kindest Regards, Sunshine
  19. I don't buy that TTIP will not make headway despite a Brexit. We would need all the trade we can get, and I cannot see how it would be a more favourable deal either. My inference with it was that the EU is more an US project than it is a Soviet one...
  20. How this happens though is where the problem lies. Who is going to do that part of the job... the hardest part in many cases (combining the compatibility between lists quickly turns the whole think into a Rubik's cube). And even if they can then how exactly, and does doing it violate any Nexus permissions, third party ToS, or even the original game/SDK EULA? If Zenimax want to get onto consoles then they are probably investing in developing a similar platform themselves already... How might that affect things? Making compatible load lists for a few mods is a small cog in an otherwise much larger machine. Its a significant part of what really unlocks what modding and mods are all about - changing things. But this is all taking place in between the professional 'ecosystems' that surround some very large and powerful private companies. I'm sorry to have to expand this subject into a macro-economic perspective but one really has to examine the situation thus so as to be able to understand all the nuances, problems, and hopefully solutions.
  21. We won't be doing that. We've already stated that any instances of libel or otherwise defamatory content submitted by users to Mod Picker will be promptly removed as is the case on any public forum or website. Glad to hear it! Like, I've said, if people can find ways to accommodate people's fears and sense of exploitation then all the better. But I am one modder at the end of the day, there are many others to try get on board with this. I still think an opt-in system would solve this and most other issues. But we have been here before so I'll leave it there. L8r
  22. You can provide an example of your own concerns.It sounds like all of your concerns related to files being uploaded to another site have been addressed and now your only concern is that Mod Picker may be breaking the law by collecting data about user's mods. I would like to see this law. That is all I am asking. Since we all agree that Mod Picker will be aggregating this data the only question is whether or not it is actually illegal. This is not a matter of "point of view" or opinion. This is a fact you have repeatedly asserted: that Mod Picker is violating the law. Prove it or shut up. 1. What are people being told they cannot turn away? The site doesn't offer anything for modder authors, so what is there for them to turn away? The site links to their PUBLICLY AVAILABLE mod at the download sites of their choosing, but there is quite simply nothing for them to opt in or out OF.2. How is this "like a ransom" Please stop speaking in similes if you are not going to explain what you mean by them. Similes are a way to create associations in people's minds without having to actually back up your assertions. You say that Mod Picker is "like a ransom" and I am expected to say "Ransoms are bad! I don't like mod picker!" But HOW is Mod Picker like a ransom? WHAT is being held hostage? WHAT is being extorted? Complete the circle. How do you get from "they have some responsibility" to "users can't even mention the name of a product in reviews or the might suffer consequences."The company's responsibility in court has not been fully determined they most certainly DO NOT have the responsibility to police every video for disparaging comments about products. Product reviews are not subject to copyright law! Please cite even one law in one country that prevents the aggregation of data about mods. I take libel very seriously. You're the one who has been claiming the Mod Picker VIOLATES THE LAW for several pages now, and yet you have yet to provide actual evidence! I think everything in your post/s state enough examples of why I believe this to be an exploitive venture that looks of ways to skirt round the law. I have given you my opinions and think it best you seek others to try argue your views with. Cheers!
  23. Fine. Please cite for me one substantive criticism of Mod Picker based on the current design and intent. Because right now I can't tell what you are saying would be hypothetically wrong with the initial proposal vs. what you are saying is currently wrong. The model has been pretty well tested at this point. Let's look at some comparisons: http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/A site where college students can review and rate their professors. I won't say "nobody" believes that this is the professor's official website, because we all know there are those few special someones who won't get it, but for the most part users seem perfectly aware of Rate My Professor's relationship to the actual professors.http://download.cnet.com/CNet hosts user reviews and aggregates ratings for thousands of pieces of software. Again, yeah, a few fools probably think that CNet is the creator of all of these pieces of software, but the typical user understands the role of these types of sites in modern consumptionhttp://candlefind.com/candle-reviews/Candlefind hosts user reviews of candle companies and aggregates ratings of their products.These websites exist already and get used by millions of people on a daily basis. Well, maybe not the candle one. At this point saying that the model is "untested" is exaggeration at best. This sentence is emblematic of my frustration. Absolutely no one should claim authority over a mod except the author or those to whom they have granted explicit permission. I see no evidence that Mod Picker is doing this. You assert that they are doing so "implicitly." HOW? What about this service implies authority over the mod? Why do you believe that users will have difficulty with this particular iteration of this type of service when they seem to be able to make use of the examples linked above? What's so goddamn confusing to users about mods, even though the understand the role of such sites in almost every other area of their lives? Still not like YouTube. Those new YouTube produced shows, sure, but that is a tiny fraction of what YouTube is. Again, YouTube videos routinely feature reviews of products and basic information about them, in fact often that information is more in depth than what Mod Picker proposes to collect. No it's not. Nobody is doing that. You and others repeatedly assert that Mod Picker "implicitly" claims that it has some kind of authority or affiliation with the mods that get reviewed on its site. You really need to demonstrate this because it is getting sleazier and sleazier by the second. I'll direct you read the original MA thread again as I wouldn't feel comfortable quoting other people out of context, especially as you seem to be insistent on not appreciating my own points of view. You have to take into consideration where data is being hosted and also the contracts, agreements that people have entered into. Usually caveats to some other benefit, but still. Many mod authors would possbily be able to weigh up those advantages and disadvantages and likely go for it if everything felt right. But it doesn't to many and people are not being convinced so are turning away. Problem is people are being told they cannot turn away, and this feels like a ransom. Youtube is a new medium, I know, so it is more like a bunch of networks. At the end of the line though is Google (or rather Alphabet) who assume certain control and responsibility for the content they store and show. Collecting data and publishing it is actually covered by civil law, as well as private, in many countries. Regarding libel, I'm glad to finally see you can appreciate how sensitive an subject it is. It also doesn't have to have anything to do with intellectual property. They are quite different areas of law. Oh and by the way I just signed your email account up to loads of crowd-sourcing projects... You'll have to contact them so as to opt-out!
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