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Everything posted by sunshinenbrick

  1. British Virgin Islands was a 'safe zone'... It all depends on context and perspective. In this case I would say, again, that it might be deliberate but even if it is well-meaning, people will just take it and make it s#*! anyway - we are all experts at this. Places for people to feel able to feel safe and free to express their opinion an challenge others should always be welcome in a open and progressive society. However, this will in all likelihood turn out to be another form of oppression (or suppression) where certain views are tabooed, much like the societies and schools of thought which it pertains to revile. Maybe it is as a reflection in which it can enlighten the error of our ways, and perhaps I am also just much too cynical. I hope I am wrong and that such ideas and exercises can actually enable the discussion to take place, but in any event it will be slow, difficult, and not devoid of people and organisations trying to steer things to their own political ends. Perhaps right now is not the best time to be playing with such fires either, because there are a lot of people very hungry for a fight... often with good reason too! In fact, the idea of needing a 'safe zone' to start with is to some like admitting the 'American Dream' has already failed. *cough* Beyond the ironic pessimism, there will always be firsts and lasts and it is unusual for things to just go right straight away. Such is our direction of travel, lest we fall victim to any 'final solution'. Yet, given our era of 'post-truth' politics, your guess is as good as mine as to whether we will even know what we see when we see it, or be able to deal with it once it has happened.
  2. One thing is not being "politically correct" and another different one is being a total jerk. Everything in life changes, that includes games, so deal with it. I'm sorry, but what is the problem?? EDIT: Further apologies, but I *think* I know what you are pointing to... (I think...) I am very happy for things to move forward, and that is actually kind of what I was trying to say in my original post... but yeah I guess it can be taken differently. Again, sorry to offend if I did, but was not my intention. Holy crap :O That was intended for someone who said something kind of rude and said something like "I'm not politically correct... jadi-jadi-da." I obviously quoted the wrong post, my sincere apologies, didn't mean to give grief to the wrong person. No sweat mate! Easily done :D
  3. Some of these look so real... such amazing photography! And to think, done with such 'vintage' technology too. :ohmy:
  4. One thing is not being "politically correct" and another different one is being a total jerk. Everything in life changes, that includes games, so deal with it. I'm sorry, but what is the problem?? EDIT: Further apologies, but I *think* I know what you are pointing to... (I think...) I am very happy for things to move forward, and that is actually kind of what I was trying to say in my original post... but yeah I guess it can be taken differently. Again, sorry to offend if I did, but was not my intention.
  5. Neat on the URL change... I should have thought of that! Easy! Should have read the instructions too (although to be fair I did read quite a bit and between all the pages there is a lot to get up to speed on!) As for tracking progress, that was how I thought it was being done. Not sure what to do about these 'extra' pages I have though, don't wanna mess up the system... Hmmm... I don't suppose there is any way to compare with what someone else has?? @Tarshana Hey thanks for the heads up, I have seen the chat there and will definitely drop a message if I get stuck :smile: EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out, I have the same number as everyone else. :facepalm: At least nothing to worry about and makes life easier!
  6. 1. Yes, that's the place where all the mods can be found. It's interesting that you would have 542 pages, are you part of private groups on BSN ? In that case, you'd be the only one I know of to have access to these mods, and be able to save them. 2. As written in the column's tooltip, "IDs in boldface require logging in to view". 3. The best way to find an author is to google his name. Which website doesn't really matter as long as the author is still active there. There is an example in the instructions. For example, if you are searching for tmp7704, you'd google eg : "tmp7704" dragon age. The quotes are important so that google only sends results that contain his name exactly. Thanks CreeperLava, Hope you are well! :smile: 1. Hmmm... not sure. Unfortunately it seems I cannot 'jump to page' in anyway so don't know what is at the bottom of the list. I'll try and see if feel like clicking 53 times this evening :laugh: (even then I am not entirely sure what I would be looking for exactly...) 2. Aha! Thanks for that, missed that! Right. I noticed none of these say 'Completed' or anything, but it says to search Project ID to avoid overlapping work. Is it just a case of searching the workbook, or am I just being an idiot?? :tongue: 3. Cool, that is what I figured. Just thought I'd make sure as the 'moddersphere' seems to be getting bigger and bigger!
  7. Hello peeps, Just a few questions before I try do anything... 1) Is 'Projects' on BSN the only place I need to be looking at? NB! I noted I have 542 pages as opposed to I think it says 417 in the instructions. 2) In Project ID List does bold mean that project ID is done or WIP? 3) What is the best way to track an author down? Are there any author 'hangout' spots other than Nexus, ModDB, Youtube, Reddit(?) that I should know about? I don't travel too far from these places myself so don't really know, sorry... :confused: I think that is about it, for now, and I will try my first entry hopefully this evening. Cheers in advance! :)
  8. Cool, I'll read up on that now. I'll also have a look through the spreadsheet and get started when I feel comfortable enough knowing what I'm doing. Looks like a lot of hard work gone into this! :thumbsup:
  9. Hey was wondering if I might be able to help in some way. I am reasonably OK technically wise, although I realise time is of the essence, and am quite good with admin type stuff, so spreadsheets n things. I don't have any large storage either I'm afraid :( Just thought I would try help being as it looks like they wan't to 'nuke' everything as such...
  10. Wow really sorry to hear that bben... it is sad to be so common now, and with people who do all the 'right things', but there is a lot of truth in what you say and that life must be lived while you can live it. Living it can be tough though, I too have complicated health problems that are very debilitating at times, but exercise is really starting to help me too. Getting 'out' is also a good medicine, and I wonder how many of our ailments are somehow connected to 'modern life' and our environment. I hope you enjoy your holiday, relax and just have a good time :)
  11. Depends who it is. I have always found though that people's views are quite varied and often cannot be pinned to any particular party... Unless of course they are already 'hand in glove' but then it is often not worth it anyway! Although it might be good for 'testing' or research purposes :laugh: Also what was liberal 20 years ago is a conservative manifesto now, and sometimes what was conservative back in the day is considered liberally 'extreme' now... It's kinda funny if it didn't have such an impact on our lives. I find myself in the middle of the Venn diagram in many situations and also have had debates with people that have made me question or even change my mind on things, both towards the 'left' and 'right' :D It all depends on context and while it can be hard to articulate complex thoughts on complex issues, it can also be a case of people hearing what they want to hear... It can be a long road and sometimes they can go in different directions, but I guess it is somewhat important otherwise it becomes increasingly meaningless. As for 'silence'... well a lot can be said without actually saying anything.
  12. To be fair tempers can flair around topics people feel passionate about and it is not as though arrows have not been fired from both sides. The discussion here has been long and winding, but it has been insightful and for the most part respecftful *cough*... but definitley at least engaging. I suppose we try keep it that way before getting into too much of a slagging match, and maybe try digest this next 'can of worms' another time.
  13. Considering this thread is nearly four months old and covered a lot of ground already, maybe the new thread idea might be a good way to help 'clear the air' a little... (?)
  14. Friend of mine makes hash oil out of his pot that he grows (legally), and puts that in the tank. Holy Smoke...... :D This just made me think of the Camberwell Carrot! Ok, that's an interesting reference. :smile: Never heard of that one before. (Yes, I looked it up. :D ) Have you not seen this film? You have not yet met uncle Monty?! Dude, you must watch this film! So hilarious :laugh:
  15. Friend of mine makes hash oil out of his pot that he grows (legally), and puts that in the tank. Holy Smoke...... :D This just made me think of the Camberwell Carrot!
  16. It is a 'captivating' ( :facepalm:) idiom, but this might help. The first reply probably explains it the best. Although the 'geeky' third reply is quite good also! But yeah we could probably get a thread out of it for sure! :laugh:
  17. They have to be allowed to make those changes though, and they are not, or made highly implausible, a lot of the time. I suppose if one has never been in or have close ties to someone in such a situation it can be very hard to see the disparity and desperation. The fact still remains, blame or no blame, that people do not start on an equal playing field, some people have to do a lot more to get to the same place. Hell, isn't that what American politics is all about these days. People are demanding change. If they don't get it you can guarantee the problems supposedly isolated to 'black communities' will become increasingly wide-spread as more people fall through the net. In no way shape or form am I saying this is a easy situation to solve, and it certainly can't be done by any 'individual' community on it's own. That is the whole point of 'integration' or 'civilisation' or whatever you want to call it. Of course who integrates with who is also something that begs questioning but it is what it is so maybe that is another discussion... but yes, I agree poor behaviour and bad form in all parts of government and society at large have perpetuated issues that may have been easier to mend in the past, into completely new territory that creates a viscous spiral where there are fewer and fewer winners.
  18. How so? I don't see the white community getting all up in arms when a white thug is killed by cops. I don't see the white community rioting in the streets, dragging black folks out of their cars, and beating them to death. I don't see the white community burning down businesses in their own neighborhoods. I don't see "White Lives Matter" protesting every time a white thug is killed. Sorry, I don't see any parallels there. It is exactly because you DON'T see these things. THAT'S the point. That makes zero sense to me. We have one community that supports the thugs, and trashes their own neighborhood when one dies. We have another community that pretty much doesn't bat an eye when one of their thugs is killed. Seems to me, that would indicate an issue with the first examples community, not the second one...... That's because you are not an ideologue. If that's supposedly the case then why start the discussion?? Appears that any reasoning contrary to what yourself and HeyYou are saying has no validity (?) The reason for the 'differences' between communities, as I have and others have said repeatedly, is because the 'nuture' side of things has gone horribly wrong. This is not always an excuse, BUT it is a reason, and the 'white community' has to also step up to the plate and realise its role in the course of things (not just try put band-aids on a gaping wound). Some people do, this is true for both 'sides', but the many just see it as a 'racial' issue while those who are sceptical find it very difficult to challenge ideas and the system because they will likely end up victims themselves. I'll agree that the 'black community' could do with more positive role models so as to break up the monotony, but we all know this is also a rigged game. Institutional racism runs very deep and the media is not immune. For example, a lot of crime isn't reported or escalated the same way other crime is, if they wanted a slightly different twist they need not look far, but of course there is also a lot of money and power that gets in the way. The 'white community' benefits a great deal from holding other communities under a microscope so as to pass the buck, this is pretty obvious, perhaps uncomfortable to realise and 'support' but true all the same. Try going against the grain and you'll quickly encounter the blunt end of the law yourself, so yes anything other than the 'group think' is not easy to do. Again certain elements of this can be applied to both 'sides' and this is why it is such a difficult problem to solve, so much rough water has gone under the bridge that it makes them ever more difficult to cross. This was not about the differences in anything. This was about attitudes, ideals and choices. It's not about social engineering which has had about remote control social engineering that lays the blame for these government programs not working. on some vague term like institutionalized racism. It's about society not giving a crap and people doing the least little bit to get by. This is not a community effort here, because the larger the group being looked at the easier it is to loose individual responsibilities. Change starts with the individual. It has too beause no matter where a person starts out, if there is no drive, then that is where they will stay. As I have said, these things are slow. Institutional is not 'vague' simply because you don't want to or can't see it. Besides, it IS in a way 'vague' - that is the whole point to it, as I have tried to explain. It is obvious that if a group feel targeted then the individual would try stand up for themselves and the group... such is the case in every community everywhere. Even when looking at individuals, the environment they have to deal with has to be considered. For every majority of people that get sucked up into 'the system' there may be a few who make a small change or maybe even a big difference. However, these are not the stories or scenes plastered across our news channels and 'entertainment' prime time - not only is it against many interests, but people also have an unfortunate fascination with the misery and misfortune of others. Also, to 'escape' such downward spirals it means that one has to accept difficult truths, and truths that are not always a case of "oh, it's all me and 'my community's' fault". The realities of African American history are still prevalent as it was not really that long ago, and unfortunately things the world over have not progressed as much as many would like to believe. I share the frustration but it is too simple and unfair to solely blame it on the 'black community' - and also does a disservice to all the progress that HAS been made. You're right in that it takes a community effort, but this is the case for all communities so as to find common ground, compromise and mutual understanding and benefit. I do sometimes despair how hypocritical the 'white community' is and how quick it is to find fault and blame with every other community/race/creed but their own (although, see group mentality above). Even when it tries to, it seems to think a piece of paper will do the job while minds and ideas remain unchanged. Such things could be said for any other community for that matter, but so long as the 'white community' keeps seeing itself as special and 'better' then no one is going to listen to them because it's not.
  19. I don't see the other 98% or so trying to use the wrong bathroom. While I'd say 'wrong bathroom' is obviously subjective, that wasn't the point you originally implied (i.e. the remaining 2% being the pervs/pedos) which was what I was trying to clarify. But back to the point made about why the government is imposing such a law when it probably should have been devolved to the individual facilities, outside it being a malicious attempt to s***-stir public opinion, it is probably a way to support a minority, failing miserably, which I think is also a part of government policy (especially 'free western' USA policy). As stated, people are already protected by numerous other laws, not to mention good old fashioned vigilantism, and so there is no real threat (to the 98%) introduced by such legislation. It is more likely that it poses a threat to the minority who are now a target of people's general insecurity and anger.
  20. How so? I don't see the white community getting all up in arms when a white thug is killed by cops. I don't see the white community rioting in the streets, dragging black folks out of their cars, and beating them to death. I don't see the white community burning down businesses in their own neighborhoods. I don't see "White Lives Matter" protesting every time a white thug is killed. Sorry, I don't see any parallels there. It is exactly because you DON'T see these things. THAT'S the point. That makes zero sense to me. We have one community that supports the thugs, and trashes their own neighborhood when one dies. We have another community that pretty much doesn't bat an eye when one of their thugs is killed. Seems to me, that would indicate an issue with the first examples community, not the second one...... That's because you are not an ideologue. If that's supposedly the case then why start the discussion?? Appears that any reasoning contrary to the above consensus has no validity (?) The reason for the 'differences' between communities, as I have and others have said repeatedly, is because the 'nuture' side of things has gone horribly wrong. This is not always an excuse, BUT it is a reason, and the 'white community' has to also step up to the plate and realise its role in the course of things (not just try put band-aids on a gaping wound). Some people do, this is true for both 'sides', but the many just see it as a 'racial' issue while those who are sceptical find it very difficult to challenge ideas and the system because they will likely end up victims themselves. I'll agree that the 'black community' could do with more positive role models so as to break up the monotony, but we all know this is also a rigged game. Institutional racism runs very deep and the media is not immune. For example, a lot of crime isn't reported or escalated the same way other crime is, if they wanted a slightly different twist they need not look far, but of course there is also a lot of money and power that gets in the way. The 'white community' benefits a great deal from holding other communities under a microscope so as to pass the buck, this is pretty obvious, perhaps uncomfortable to realise and 'support' but true all the same. Try going against the grain and you'll quickly encounter the blunt end of the law yourself, so yes anything other than the 'group think' is not easy to do. Again certain elements of this can be applied to both 'sides' and this is why it is such a difficult problem to solve, so much rough water has gone under the bridge that it makes them ever more difficult to cross.
  21. How so? I don't see the white community getting all up in arms when a white thug is killed by cops. I don't see the white community rioting in the streets, dragging black folks out of their cars, and beating them to death. I don't see the white community burning down businesses in their own neighborhoods. I don't see "White Lives Matter" protesting every time a white thug is killed. Sorry, I don't see any parallels there. It is exactly because you DON'T see these things. THAT'S the point.
  22. Not all 'Trans' people are pervs or pedos, and if one understands transsexuality they would know it is more likely the other 98 - 99 percent of the population who have a higher majority of people with distasteful curiosities.
  23. The 'white community' needs to do the same. It's different, but two sides of the same coin. It's also not easy and those above us who benefit most like to keep it that way, so yes it's slow too. However we must also not forget to hold ourselves and those most 'like' us or closest to us, under the same scrutiny we hold those that we can easily distance ourselves from. The media can make all this exponentially more difficult though, I agree. But we must try so as to preserve that which has been fought for, or it's a 'race' to the bottom where we will quickly see how near the bottom we already are.
  24. I don't understand why so many believe that ist the governments or the bussiness community that needs to cultivate people to be what they, themselves could be on their own.ÃÂ I have a daughter and because she embrases the ideals she does, she removes herself from any chance of prosperty because she thinks she is entitledÃÂ to get what she needs from the government and anyone else she can manipulate into paying here way.ÃÂ I'm not saying anyone else is like that, but I am saying that attitude and drive will take a person farther than waiting for the government to hand you something. Outside the voting booth all we are are iritants to the government. I don't want to take any achievements away from anyone (and there are always exceptions), but even if you 'make it on your own' you are still very much indirectly affected by the environment and rules of the place where you are born/grow up. Of course it is more equal now than it has been in recent history (of the West at least), but it is undeniable that the doors that are open for some, are not open for others. Even if 'on paper' isn't supposed to, it does in reality. Hence our discussion here. I would also imagine that the government is the last people such communities want help from, because they are likely where they are because of the institutional bias and corruption in government. All this has of course exploded onto the wider public too as we can see in society these days. There is also the advantage of just keeping the status quo. Nobody wants to rock the boat or try anything new or different, because then THEIR neck is on the line. As for your second post, I'd say institutionalism is relative and depends which end of the stick you end on how visible it is. Otherwise I agree with the rest, but would add that such is true for ALL 'groups' and 'communities'.
  25. People like to see crime being fought but they also will tend to prefer the persecution of others over being targeted themselves... But yeah a lot of it is subtle, indirect, and all above board - which brings us back to the institutional side of it.
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