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Everything posted by tunaisafish

  1. The two semi-colon's at the start of the line need deleting once you have made your Message object. The semi-colon's mark the start of a comment - anything after them on the same line gets ignored.
  2. Well you did something right too! The glass is half-full :) It's sometimes hard spotting the silly mistakes and typo's in your own code. Don't struggle alone for too long. Post the code here within [ code ] [ /code ] tags and explain your objects. Someone here will normally put you right in no time.
  3. Sounds like a light switch. See the sample scripts
  4. Use GetItemCount in a condition. scn BSHammerStrikeBombSalesScript begin onactivate if player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 500 player.additem HammerstrikeBomb 1 player.removeitem Caps001 500 ; else ; ShowMessage YourNotEnoughCashMsg ; <-- You could create a 'Message' object to popup to inform the player why nothing happens on clicking endif end
  5. yvw & kudos back at you. Watching with anticipation for how your crossbow mod will develop :)
  6. There won't be an Obsidian patch coming out that fixes the warnings or errors (if that's what you mean), and there won't be a single magic-bullet patch made by the community to fix the changed ID's. The warnings and errors are a good place to start to locate mods that definitely need an update from the mod author. The FNVEdit output is not guaranteed to catch all changes though. It only lists the obvious ones where the object type (REFR,AMEF,PROJ,etc) has changed. [rickerhk explains this in more detail in this thread So you should check that you're running the latest versions of all the mods you use. Yep, it's a real pain in the butt :/
  7. You'll need to extract the meshes fom the bsa files to be able to select them in the GECK. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/BSA_Files
  8. The 1.3 patch broke a lot of mods as it changed some ObjectID's. Eg. the IWR mod (that disabled some collision objects pre-patch) will now be altering objects that it was not intended to. [00:04] Background Loader: Warning: Record [AMEF:0017B81F] in file FalloutNV.esm is being overridden by record [REFR:0017B81F] in file IWR.esm. So when you run into whatever that Magic Effect is, the game will likely barf. If you run FNVEdit, then take a look at the list of messages as it loads the mods. If you see 'warnings', 'errors' or NULL's then check to see if that mod has been updated or removed while a post-patch one is prepared. Also, some mods will not function correctly if you use MasterUpdate.
  9. Take a look at Safehouses by Gribbleshnibit8. Adds advanced features to about 10 locations (inc. the BoS Safehouse) No, it doesn't add *all* the features to each that the Dan's hideout has, but gives them the timesaving functional items for sorting, repairing etc. The ball is in my court now to allow displays to be added (ammo on shelves, weapon walls, etc.) I'm doing that right now :)
  10. @ravenjackson I'd never heard of Ben 10, but google found me a big wiki page all about it. wikipedia I'm still none the wiser though as to what you would like to see from that in FNV. Could you explain what your perfect mod would do? You'll have a far better chance of somebody taking up the project if you do :) BTW, I see a mention of an Omnitrix on the wiki page, and I've seen a mod here somewhere that has something to do with Omnigel. I don't know if they are related.
  11. There's a box in the quest stage dialog to put scripted code that you only want to run once when the stae is entered. Click the 'Quest Stages' tab, select the relevant stage. Create a new 'quest item' on the rhs but leave the conditions empty. (right-click -> new) Then place the code in the 'Result Script' section. That's why I separated those 2 chunks into separate codeblocks. ie. remove them from the main quest script.
  12. Hmm... are you saing that they just did another update? (If so I'm going to switch to offline mode, you cannot roll-back the version once steam updates it unless you backed all the relevant files up beforehand) Find the file FalloutNV.exe in your program manager. Right-click it and choose properties. Check the 'File Version' value. Mine is currently For that version you need NVSE Beta 10. http://nvse.silverlock.org/
  13. The onTriggerEnter is only running once, It blacks the screen and imediately checks for stage 10. Which is false first time. To get it to run again the player would have to leave and re-enter the trigger. Delete that bit - move it to the quest. It looks like you want the getstage code-chunks in your quest script to only run once. Move that code to stage result scripts. For 5 set jmodRDTruckintro.ftimer to 5 For 10 removeimagespacemodifier jmodrdblackisfx ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeInFromBlack10sISFX jmodRDNPCRavenRef.sayto player jmodRDTruckIntroConvo ;If this is the last action of the quest then stop it here. ;Stopquest jmodRDTruckintro er... and you only want the time to be active in stage 5 too. Without that check your quest will move to stage 10 immediately. scn jmodRDTruckStartQuestScript float ftimer BEGIN GameMode if getstage jmodRDTruckIntro 5 if ( ftimer > 0 ) set ftimer to ftimer - getSecondsPassed else setstage jmodRDTruckintro 10 endif END Untested, but something like that :)
  14. You can view that info with FOMM. Look under the menu option 'Tools -> Save Games'
  15. In FalloutNV.esm there are 2760. It appears the the Stabilizer mod adds ~2k The 'injecting' thing. I think it's where you are using an 'unused' EditorID in the main esm. I don't know why you would *need* to do this though, but as it is a 'Note' and not a 'Warning' I guess it is harmless. (BTW, The Community bugfix 'injects' a skillbook into DeadMoney)
  16. I don't know about the others, but sesom has already done a mod where you watch yourself sleep. See you - Time for Bed NV
  17. I think you're looking for a script that doesn't exist. If you select the 'Base Effect' in the l.h.s., you can sort by 'type'. You can see the ones there that have associated scripted effects. The ones you mention are value modifier types. If there's a specific function you want to use, and would like to see an example of use in-game, use the Menu option "Edit -> Find Text".
  18. What NIF model are you using for the trashcan? If you are using one of the ingame trashcan's then use the code that rickerhk supplied. (That code will work on ANY container) If you are using a 'safe' model, or the big metal industrial garbage model, then you can use an alternate script. The code below will only work on NIF's that have animations for opening/closing. (Open & Close playgroups) scn trashcanAnimatedScript Begin OnClose RemoveAllItems End
  19. Hmmm puzzling. If you copied that script verbatim then I can't see why there'd be that problem. Maybe there's a logical typo in there that I'm blind to as I wrote it. You did delete all the other old scripts too? Long shot, but you could try having the references initially enabled or using an enable parent (similar thread)
  20. @ccmechanic2 I apologize for thinking you were winding us up. Although I am still very skeptical of this method, I do appreciate that you are genuinely convinced with your theory. I did run your steps to the letter. Took about 20 mins to complete and the file increase was about 22Mb as you said. This was on a 400kb mod that didn't actually alter or add items to any cells. Viewing in FNVEdit showed that it hadn't altered any of my resources at all. It just added 22Mb worth of cell/worldspace portal & navmesh data. Then using FNVEdit to remove 'identical to master records' -> 12918 records were deleted and the filesize dropped by ~19Mb. I took a *quick* look at the remaining 3Mb of generated data. I didn't notice any differences in the portal data. I'm not sure but it looked like none of these records were removed. On the navmesh data that was kept, the only difference I noticed was a flag labelled as 'unknown' was changed from 0 to 3, while coordinate data was identical. For all I know, included in that data were the fixes to the original Bethesda data (Those times when you companions charge off and take the 'long route'). But it would probably be easier to edit those areas directly if somebody intended to fix them. So if I'd have run this on a say, a mod of an interior cell, and the esp was last in somebodies load order. It would revert the whole wasteland portals and navmeshes to close to the original. Effectively undoing other modders work on those resources. I look forward to seeing some of your research and tutorial on this. I'd suggest avoiding the 'blanket' navmesh commands though and concentrate on advocating use of the targeted commands that only act on the cells the user has actually editted. Using FNVEdit afterwards to remove 'identical to master records' would be a useful step near the end. Good luck, and I've got my fingers crossed your studies will shed more light on the original problem of this thread. ... and why just setting the master flag fixes this?
  21. Personally, I think ccmechanic2 is trying to pull our legs. (unless the FO Geck differs vastly to the FNV Geck). In my terminology I'd call the resulting 22Mb Mastered Mod, a "Dirty Mod". Do not use this if you intend to upload your files to share as they'll cause heaps of conflicts. Most of the 'new data' will be exact copies of the navmesh info from the base esm file. So yeah make sure you keep your original files intact as he strongly suggests ;) @davidallen, yeah I agree it's interesting. I'm wondering if something like this could be used to merge navmeshes on a personal basis. ie. make a personal navmesh_patch (similar to the normal personal merged patch for formlists etc.) But if you still need to set the master flag then it kind of deafeats the purpose as it would need to be loaded last.
  22. There's actually a 'Vnight' global variable already maintained by the game, but the defifinition of night is > 21:00 or < 4:30 If that is not close enough then it's easy enough to make your own local nighttime variable. Put this in a quest that has a delay time of 60 seconds or even more. int iNightTime BEGIN gamemode if GameHour > 19.75 set iNightTime to 1 elseif GameHour < 6.0 set iNightTime to 1 else set iNightTime to 0 endif if iNightTime if NF1.GetDisabled NF1.enable NF2.enable ;add more refs here if needed endif elseif NF1.GetDisabled == 0 NF1.disable NF2.disable ;add more refs here endif END
  23. Thanks for the quick reply :) Er.. Ready? After dinner and taking care of a whinging toddler for a few hours before her bedtime yeah I'll be ready to read you response. TIA :)
  24. Hi ccmechanic2, getting a tad confused here as to what you are talking about. Maybe it's just terminology. When you talk about 'finalizing', are you talking about the navmesh functions? If not where does this function exist and by what name? I can't find it in the NV Geck. Do you need edit the ini file to enable these functions? (like with multiple master support) From http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Category:Data_Files It's this discrepancy that makes me think it's a teminology thing. Can you provide an example of this missing data? Myself and others have been using this method without incident. BTW, telling apostate9 to go back to read the starter tutorial is kind of pointless. He could probably write one himself :)
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