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Everything posted by tunaisafish

  1. Wow. I wish I'd tried that before. Thanks ozzie, useful tip :) One thing that had bugged me for ages is that I'd have to run down the list when I first opened FNVEdit; de-selecting all the mods in my load order that I didn't actually want to view. One time I accidentally pressed right-click and found the 'deselect all' function :facepalm: Looks fine. A 'conflict' (Edit) exactly where you want it. You sound like you've done everything right. If that loads last then it should work, no need for scripting as you have edited the baseform. So ALL the modules weights should be .5 You've closed the GECK before running the game each time? You've removed unused mods from your Data folder? er... you're not looking at a stack of 4 and reading 2 as the weight? Have you tried loading another rebalance mod? pintocat's Inventory Sorter should change the item name.
  2. You could use a challenge, but you don't need to. It's a lot simpler just with a quest script.
  3. OK, after looking at the formatted version I think I get what you are trying to do. I've added an 'IsFiring' variable too. It should start if you've set one of those 2 quests to stage 1 scn ZLQ4ArtilleryHitScript short Artillery1Destroyed short Artillery2Destroyed short Artillery3Destroyed float timer1 float timer2 float timer3 short randomspot1 short randomspot2 short IsFiring Begin OnTriggerEnter Player If GetStage ZLegionQuest3 == 1 set IsFiring to 1 ElseIf GetStage ZLegionQuest4 == 1 set IsFiring to 1 Endif If IsFiring ;Set these higher if you want all three to immediately fire. set timer1 to 0 set timer2 to 0 set timer3 to 0 Endif End Begin Gamemode If ZArtillery1.GetDestroyed == 1 Set Artillery1Destroyed to 2 endif If ZArtillery2.GetDestroyed == 1 Set Artillery2Destroyed to 2 endif If ZArtillery3.GetDestroyed == 1 Set Artillery3Destroyed to 2 endif If ( (Artillery1Destroyed + Artillery2Destroyed + Artillery3Destroyed ) == 6) set IsFiring to 0 Endif If IsFiring set timer1 to (timer1 + GetSecondsPassed) set timer2 to (timer2 + GetSecondsPassed) set timer3 to (timer3 + GetSecondsPassed) Else return Endif If timer1 >= 5 && Artillery1Destroyed == 0 set randomspot1 to (GetRandomPercent * 5) set randomspot2 to (GetRandomPercent * 10) ZLQ4ArtilleryHit1.moveto player randomspot1 randomspot2 0 ZLQ4ArtilleryHit1.placeatme MissileExplosion set timer1 to 0 endif If timer2 >= 8 && Artillery2Destroyed == 0 set randomspot1 to (GetRandomPercent * 5) set randomspot2 to (GetRandomPercent * 10) ZLQ4ArtilleryHit2.moveto player randomspot1 randomspot2 0 ZLQ4ArtilleryHit2.placeatme MissileExplosion set timer2 to 0 endif If timer3 >= 7 && Artillery3Destroyed == 0 set randomspot1 to (GetRandomPercent * 5) set randomspot2 to (GetRandomPercent * 10) ZLQ4ArtilleryHit3.moveto player randomspot1 randomspot2 0 ZLQ4ArtilleryHit3.placeatme MissileExplosion set timer3 to 0 endif End
  4. I'll repost it within [ code ] tags, add some indenting, and a few other logic adjustments. scn ZLQ4ArtilleryHitScript short Artillery1Destroyed short Artillery2Destroyed short Artillery3Destroyed float timer1 float timer2 float timer3 short randomspot1 short randomspot2 Begin OnTriggerEnter Player If GetStage ZLegionQuest3 == 1 If Artillery1Destroyed == 0 set timer1 to (timer1 + GetSecondsPassed) Endif If Artillery2Destroyed == 0 set timer2 to (timer2 + GetSecondsPassed) Endif If Artillery3Destroyed == 0 set timer3 to (timer3 + GetSecondsPassed) Endif Endif If GetStage ZLegionQuest4 == 1 If Artillery1Destroyed == 0 set timer1 to (timer1 + GetSecondsPassed) Endif If Artillery2Destroyed == 0 set timer2 to (timer2 + GetSecondsPassed) Endif If Artillery3Destroyed == 0 set timer3 to (timer3 + GetSecondsPassed) Endif Endif End Begin Gamemode If timer1 >= 5 && Artillery1Destroyed == 0 set randomspot1 to (GetRandomPercent * 5) set randomspot2 to (GetRandomPercent * 10) ZLQ4ArtilleryHit1.moveto player randomspot1 randomspot2 0 ZLQ4ArtilleryHit1.placeatme MissileExplosion set timer1 to 0 set timer1 to (timer1 + GetSecondsPassed) endif If timer2 >= 8 && Artillery2Destroyed == 0 set randomspot1 to (GetRandomPercent * 5) set randomspot2 to (GetRandomPercent * 10) ZLQ4ArtilleryHit2.moveto player randomspot1 randomspot2 0 ZLQ4ArtilleryHit2.placeatme MissileExplosion set timer2 to 0 set timer2 to (timer1 + GetSecondsPassed) endif If timer3 >= 7 && Artillery3Destroyed == 0 set randomspot1 to (GetRandomPercent * 5) set randomspot2 to (GetRandomPercent * 10) ZLQ4ArtilleryHit3.moveto player randomspot1 randomspot2 0 ZLQ4ArtilleryHit3.placeatme MissileExplosion set timer3 to 0 set timer3 to (timer1 + GetSecondsPassed) endif If ZArtillery1.GetDestroyed == 1 Set Artillery1Destroyed to 2 endif If ZArtillery2.GetDestroyed == 1 Set Artillery2Destroyed to 2 endif If ZArtillery3.GetDestroyed == 1 Set Artillery3Destroyed to 2 endif End Looks like you are not incrementing your timers, so the gamemode checks never fire.
  5. @hoofhearted, no the backup files act just the install DVD. So in theory you can use those to install the game again at a later date, and it may save you having to wait for the files to re-download from Steam. If the files in the backup are out of date, then you may as well just click the 'Install' button in Steam. The backup files still need a Steam connection to install.
  6. @drakeElvin, If you click on those mesherror objects in console mode you'll get the ID of what is supposed to be there.
  7. Just in case they've disabled 'direct' links. Try via the EULA. http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/downloads/updates-GECK-fnv-eula.php
  8. Go to Misc -> Form List. Create a new form list and then edit it. Drag and drop your new 4 ammo types into the list, and save. Now back in your weapon, choose the list. The order of the list is important, add the default ammo at the top.
  9. @joquanpro - A quote from that website in your .sig (the one you own and operate) "Off-topic Forum This is the section that you can go to talk about something not relative to Joquan Games Studios (No inapropriate posts)" Says it all really doesn't it. @Skevitj, a thread's not over until someone mentions "Hitler". Oooh, see what I just did there.
  10. A lot of stuff is hardcoded in the Perks. I think that's one of them.
  11. If the asset is in the FNV esm, then it's part of FNV :) Your uploaded mod that adds a new weapon, can refer to the existing nif's and textures. You're not republishing the assets.
  12. Aha, so it turned out that was my problem too. I use Avast, and I'd never known it to quarantine files without notifying me first. Once I restored the file game ran fine. So I'll apologize to Steam for the string of expletives this time, I'm sure it will earn them again soon enough though. The Avast database was a tad old. Apparently I last updated it in Feb. The new DB is not flagging the file as a suspicious.
  13. The FO3Edit you have probably wasn't compiled with the debug flag set. So the assertions wouldn't be there. If you make a copy of FNVEdit and rename it to FO3Edit you've got yourself the most up to date version with debugging on. However, there are basically 3 sets of hardcoded data within the exe, and it just decides which to use on its name. It's not worth going looking without some reproducable error data though. My eyes start to glaze over if I look at those files too long :)
  14. I can't shed light on in, but mine has screwed up in a similar way. For me it was FalloutNV.exe that was missing. Each time I verified cache files it would redownload, and then immediately delete it! All other files were being updated OK. (ie, Following Beth's remove ini files advice). On Steam, there was some advice about renaming the .blob file. That doesn't help. It's even worse now. It will 'verify' an empty install directory and tell me everything is up to date. As you say, it may have to do with their app getting confused when other games are being downloaded. I've just bought a few others in the Sale, and one was mid-download when FNV got the update.
  15. Yeah I think you're right as it does sound like differences in file structure. FO3Edit & TESEdit are the same programs as FNVEdit, just with different names. Same goes for FO3Dump, TESDump & FNVDump. Both of those programs use common source for file format definitions, and those files are available in the FNVDump download here. So if you're able to record the Assertion errors then it's possible to see exactly what is causing them. The person that said "it's not fixable" may well be right. We won't really know without more info. Even if it's not fixable, if you know the part of the FO3 record that is not valid in FNV, at least then there's be a way to edit it before importing it into the FNV mod. BTW, I'm not an expert on the source, but have used it with Eliminster's help when creating the FormID Diffs.
  16. It's not a silly question :) What's the Assertion failure? If you can link to a mod that always triggers it, that would be helpful too.
  17. On the 'Open' popup of the GECK, select a plugin and choose the 'Details...' button. That will list all the added/edited items. The asterisks are also sometimes hard to spot when in the GECK (column width can hide them). I wish it actually had a separate column for those. Some objects contain embedded scripts (or logic in conditions) - so 'more perks' may only add/change 'Perk' objects. FNVEdit is also a good tool to use, as you can compare the changes that many plugins make to a single resource side-by-side.
  18. Most are the same as the fose docs --> http://nvse.silverlock.org/ New functions are posted in the file nvse_whatsnew.txt If there's newer functions you don't see the syntax for then also check the obse docs. A plain list of all the commands can be found in... ...\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\nvse_editor.log
  19. On the weapon, there's a field for ammo. It takes either a single ammo object, or a formlist containing the usable ammo. Take a look and it should be obvious. I don't have the GECK open otherwise I'd give you the formlist names.
  20. Take a look at some HUD mods and the XML files. Compatibility could be a problem. If you want to go down that road then take a look at Unified HUD for best-practice in that regard. Start here, and the 'See Also' section. Eg. scn StripAndUnarmPlayer Begin OnTrigerEnter player player.RemoveAllItems ContainerREF 1 End
  21. Do you get a very short beam, about a foot or so? If so then that's all you get. The mod changes the weapon accuracy. There's no beam to a red dot on the target, if that's what you are looking for.
  22. Length of barrel has an effect on muzzle velocity, therefore momentum, and penetration.
  23. See my profile for a link to the latest GECK. It's also easier to see which assets are in a particular mod if you view it in FNVEdit. (if you don't already know the script name)
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