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Everything posted by tunaisafish

  1. This answer is not specific to quests, but the general 'coders block' I get sometimes. ie. it's not that you don't know how to code something, but you have several ways spinning around in your head. Find a colleague (or even a mirror), and explain the various solutions out loud. The easiest one to explain is the way to go. KISS
  2. It's the Lock function. It will need a parameter. Comment that line out and test to be sure. If you want to leave that in, then you'll probably have to use the other associated functions on that page. GetLocked & Unlock
  3. You got the right script, but it was intended for an activator object. If you're using it in a terminal then you don't need to specify any BlocksTypes (eg. OnActivate). (Oh, to get the script to show indented on the webpage, enclose it in [ code ] [ /code ] tags.) If SpecialOpsBrigCell1.GetOpenState == 3 ;its closed SpecialOpsBrigCell1.SetOpenState 1 ;Open the door ElseIf SpecialOpsBrigCell1.GetOpenState == 1 ;its open SpecialOpsBrigCell1.SetOpenState 0 ;close the door SpecialOpsBrigCell1.Lock Endif This project will involve a lot of scripting, so going through a tutorial or 2 now will save you a lot of time in the long run. Scripting for Beginners - a short intro by Cipscis. Note: Cipscis also made a great tutorial for creating menu's. There's also a downloadable scripting tutorial by Falloutperson416 here on the nexus. Also essential, is a bookmark to the GECK wiki. Basically the Scripting Bible. When scripting, you'll make typos and syntax errors that will stop the GECK from saving the scripts. It's a good idea to install GECK-pu (GECK power up). To get you started with the fuel & lights...
  4. The coordinates are floats... float PlayerPosZ <snip> set PlayerPosZ to player.GetPos Z ; Store the height of the player ItemDropped.SetPos Z PlayerPosZ ; Set the height of the object
  5. Yeah, you can play in offline mode. You will need to register online before you play. It will be a large download the first time you connect as it will automatically update your game to the latest patch. A tip when you install Steam. DO NOT accept the default install location under 'Program Files (x86)'. Create or use a top level folder like C:\Games\
  6. Yep :confused: . a refwalk it is then and... If npcRef.GetDetected player Don't forget to filter out player + companions. This thread should help with that part... http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/377444-how-to-get-if-crature-was-killed-by-companion/
  7. You already know how to do it, you just don't know you do :) A quest script is just like a persistent object, with its' own built in timer. So in the script above where you said to increase YourTerminalREF.Fuel, that just changes to BaseEnergyQuest.fuel and the gamemode block in the quest script will run every 5 secs by default (and easy to change). See! nothing to it :) You don't *need* to define any stages/dialog etc. @namaskar, glad you like it :) If you've not already seen them, check out the default set of containers. They may save you creating your own. They're in the Palette Editor files - using the P.E. makes designing and placement much easier. But yes, if you want to assign some stating defaults, creating your own crates is the way to go :thumbsup: See the container_weights.txt file. That shows the weight to assign to your container base form, for the corresponding category(s). It's a good idea to have a clean save (meaning before you installed your mod), outside of your cell. Each time you want to test it, load the clean save, enter and activate any of the containers. As you do this there'll be a message printed to console summarising the designer defaults - so it's easy to check that it is setup how you think it should be. Apart from the camera part (I wouldn't know where to start that), I think they're all achievable.
  8. Sortomatic is a resource you can easily add to you mod. You can craft from items in any of your containers with that. It doesn't behave exactly like you describe above. New items will be added to the players inventory, but can easily be sorted back to their home containers. There are a lot of other stock tracking features too. It's quest friendly - notes are in the developer docs and you can hit me or Gribbles up for build advice while you work :) That's certainly possible, and you can make it as complex (or realistic) as you wish. Loads of different ways to crack the problem too. Stevie's suggestion is one way that would work :) I'd use a BasePowerQuest to handle all the processing, which will probably make it easier to manage and extend in the long run. Each of your power users would need a persistent ref. (you could use an X-marker object for lighting whole areas - the lights would use the X-marker as an enable parent.) The quest would have a variable of energy_stock. When you add fuel then this inceases (say 10,000 units added when you deposit a fission cell) Your terminal and switches could set AreaX_ON variables in the quest. The quest script by default runs every 5 secs, so during that process cycle it... Looks at all switch states, and adds the total power usage for this cycle. (You could make some resources use more power than others) Removes that power from the Energy_stock variable. Then if enery_stock > 0 {enable/disable each of the X-makers that correspond to the AreaX_ON switches} Or, disable all X-markers when out of energy. (and reset energy_stock to 0, as negative energy makes no sense) That's a 'rough' logic. You can easily add new features in the one script. eg. reduce the cycle power by 10 if it is daytime and the solar array has been fixed. I like the power idea. I can see my character wondering if he left the iron on at home while out in the wastes.
  9. Yeah the IsOwner is a vanilla function (and not much use). GetOwner was added by NVSE. Doc at ES Wiki Not all the OBSE commands have been ported to NVSE. Check the whats_new doc. The Public flag is to do with trespassing, not theft, but... GetParentCellOwner was added in NVSE v2b1, which is much more useful than the vanilla IsCellOwner.
  10. Ask your nearest vetinary surgeon. They put chips in animals now, so maybe they can scan a horse into the game for us :) er... no. What Q said.
  11. Wow, you have been busy :) GECK is weird in that both sides are always evaluated, so although you were looking for and caught the zero... GECK decides to commit div-by-zero hari-kari anyway. Since Volek last updated that, NVSE now has a new GetOwner command. Not sure how it works though. I'd guess you can just use 'if ref.GetOwner' to see if *any* npc/faction is set as owner. A null ref counts as false. Might also need to use the vanilla IsCellOwner command. I think unowned items inherit ownership from the cell.
  12. deskREF.setOpenState 1; Open deskREF.setOpenState 0; Close V11 has a passage underneath if you want ot see one setup in the GECK.
  13. When you extract it, keep the same path relative to Data\Meshes\ You only need to extract it so that it's easy to select in the GECK when choosing a model for your new item. It will remain in your BSA. When you release your mod, don't include the mesh too. The pathname is enough to find the right mesh in other peoples BSA when they load your mod in their game.
  14. From the wiki for the Disable command... "Disabled the calling reference. Disabled references are not rendered, and disabled actors will not process their AI. Scripts will run on disabled references." For example, a lot of the containers in the Lucky 38 are disabled. They are in position with any contents intact, but invisible and unselectable to the player. You can manipulate the contents via script regardless of the desabled state. So the liquor cabinet and SS machine could be lootable by script even though you hadn't yet bought the upgrade. That was the first place I looked for an example. Not a huge game breaking example I admit :) I hadn't looked that closely before at how that formlist was used. But that's a big list of lootable items? If so you can forget what I said about the quest breaking part. I doubt you'd have quest items in that list. But yeah the algorythm could be much better. It actually doesn't look like it work. ie, assume that you are standing next to a dead molerat. The Container and NPC refwalk may find and set the lootinRef variable. But so long as there's a dead molerat there, that variable will always be overwritten before the end where the contents are scanned. If you increased the range then this would be more evident. So really you should loot during the refwalk, as you now do with the misc items. To avoid the slowdown... Instead of looping over 2000+ items, you could loop over the contents of the NPC or container. With each of those items use the IsInList command. Another way which will probably work too, is to scrap the list and just use the RemoveAllItems command. That command will avoid the non-playable items like the MissileRobot you mentioned, and will also automatically loot items added by mods (which won't be on your orig list). It will grab the worthless stuff though. There's another command RemoveAllItemsOfType, which allows you to remove all say... MISC items but you can supply a formlist of exclusions. These two commands also have the benefit of not automatically repairing the weapon or armor to 100%. When you use RemoveItem and AddItem, a damaged pistol would be deleted, and a pristine one added. Well too much range could be cheaty too. There's a cave with a dead NPC with some great loot, guarded by several deathclaws. I always enjoy that one. If I had the loot aleady it would kind of spoil the reward. If it ran on command, then it wouldn't be so bad. So you could clear the cell of enemies and then just press L to gather the loot to save time. A popup warning saying that there's a locked box somewhere would be handy too so you don't miss out. Lots of ideas to think on there, and I hope it makes sense :) It's probably one of those scripts that you'll have to keep tweaking and testing in-game to get the right balance.
  15. Might be a good idea to add a GetDisbled check to some of these before looting - to make it more compatible with other mods/quests. At best you'd cheat yourself some items, at worst you'd break the other mod/quest.
  16. @ABV.... I'm completely stumped why you felt it necessary to post the same question in at least 3 forums here. Solved already. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/400398-im-so-stumped-need-help-with-custom-recipe-organization-need-help-please/ http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/400354-completely-stumped-with-recipes-need-help/
  17. Kudos for taking this on :) I watched the first one. Good first intro. Points 2 and 3 were v good. Point 1 was kind of glossed over (most of us take that for granted now), but could probably have a vid of it's own. ie. a common Q is how to open multiple masters, and another common mistake is to release a mod requiring all owned DLC's. So the (pretty much essential) setup of the ini and removing the .nams might help. Maybe making a HelloWorld type esp, where the user can see their own esp in the list and the masters it has used. The actual edit could be a simple rename of a very common item that they'd be able to see in game. Could leave it up to them to proceed to make the 9mm fire mini-nukes ;) Keep up the good work.
  18. Update your Nevada Skies URWLfied. An older verion was known to cause a CTD there.
  19. Put the GECK in the same folder as your FNV exe. The lib files are installed in that folder when you install the game.
  20. Thanks Dark0ne for whatever you did. Message sent OK. Those slaves volunteers must have seen the whipping talk.
  21. I just wrote a long-ish PM, then lost it all to a database error. I copied it to local HD 2nd time through - The 2nd send failed too. MySQL appears to be playing up right now across the sites. @Buddah, can you whip the guy that powers the servers to pedal his bike faster? :)
  22. The safe way is to use FNVEdit to toggle the master flag (as that will add ONAM records to the header if needed), then rename the file. TESTsnip can be used only if you're sure you don't need ONAM's. As for filesize... dunno. Max entries will be as many resources you can fit in with them all having a unique ID. So theoretically 2^24 = plenty :) Stability will depend on machine spec. If you can load separate mods, then the same mods combined into one should be no less stable. 'FNV Plugin Utility' is a good tool for combining mods.
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