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Everything posted by tunaisafish

  1. I've seen that ingame too. Yeah a minor annoyance and it will 'fix' itself. I can't remember what made it update: - Changing the active quest. - Savegame reload. - Fast Travel.
  2. Yes there are ideas, but you already rejected them in your orig post. Repeatable CTD's are the best type to have. Removing an outdated mod and testing again is easy to confirm you've found a culprit. It's the random CTD's that are a PITA to pin down.
  3. See this Mod Request http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/398946-weapons-display-on-player/
  4. @dorn2 Take a look at the Damage Messaging by romeck. Worth dropping him a PM :)
  5. In the message object window you'd put... "The number is: %.0f" Then in your script you can decide which number to display. ShowMessage MyMessageObject intMyNumber
  6. IIRC, 1.1 would load but wouldn't save. Irrelevant though if you have the right one now. GECK-pu will restore the GECK error messages so you can see where your script is failing in that case.
  7. Does Help->About in your Geck say v1.3.x.x ? See my profile for the link to v1.3 otherwise.
  8. The Cowboy & Demo Expert Perks both use Formlists in the conditionals, so they're easier to add a custom weapon to. Look at the perk in the GECK to see the conditionals for the specific perk you'd like to add to. I just looked at Grunt, another formlist type. Trouble with that is that the weapon mod would then depend on the DLC if the author added it to the list. If you're using new weapon mods, make sure that you also use a merged patch (you create you own in FNVEdit). That will merge all the formlist additions into one big list in the patch. Without the merged patch only the last mod's changes to a particular formlist will be active.
  9. Cool. If it had an effect that means it still modifies something in the right area. Are you able to step in and update it to whatever changed in the latest patch that broke it?
  10. Hard to tell from what you've posted. Missing endit after the first if? You didn't wait a full 24hrs? If you're running result scripts and you have conditionals on your dialog, then it may be easier to do it all there rather than having a running main quest script. The quest script is still handy though used as a 'Variable Resource'. It doesn't have to contain any blocks. scn MyVRQuestScr int GeckoFireCustom ;1 = waiting, 2 = done 3 = picked up float GeckoFireCustomDelay ;my timer variable You're already setting GeckoFireCustom from a result script, so set the Delay variable there too. Conditions for the next dialog... GetQuestVariable( 'MyQuest.GeckoFireCustom' == 1 ) AND GetQuestVariable( 'MyQuest.GeckoFireCustomDelay' != 0 ) AND <-- Should not really need this conditional as will be set before GFCustom == 1 GetQuestVariable( 'MyQuest.GeckoFireCustomDelay' < Global(GameDaysPassed) ) <-- Use the 'Global' checkbox in the conditional popup box Hope that makes sense.
  11. It's a known issue, and one with a solution. Search for the mod 'Powered Power Armor' by 'Imp Of The Perverse'. There's an included 'Jump Fall Fixer.esp' file included as the power armor also increased the jump height. The esp may have been released individually too.
  12. Sure, which part of the install instructions in the readme are you having trouble with?
  13. If you've created a new fridge baseform, and added the script to it, then you don't need to use a persistent reference. ResetInventory ; When no object ref prefix is used, the 'current object' is implied. Should be working with either of the methods you used. Remember that it will run OnLoad. So it will run when the player returns back to base as the fridge re-renders. If you stood there watching it then it won't work. There's a time global similar to the GameDaysPassed global used above. Look on the 'Special Variables' page of the GECK wiki. Though it won't lead to a shorter script anyway. The vanilla fridge script is buggy btw. It will reset the fridge endlessly throughout the day.
  14. NVSE v1b10 is the stable release, so that code should run fine on that. NVSE v2+ is still in beta, and Ian has been working on that function and related ones lately. http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1197681-beta-new-vegas-script-extender-nvse-v2/ Grab the latest beta from that thread, the problem may already have been reported and fixed. If not, then report there... that's the whole point of a beta :)
  15. Could try something like this... int iLastDayRan int iThisDay ;Run when the fridge renders ;so it only gets stocked by the mysterious stranger when the player is not looking BEGIN OnLoad ;convert the global float to an integer set iThisDay to GameDaysPassed ;End script if already done today if iThisDay == iLastDayRan return endif set iLastDayRan to iThisDay ; This section will run once per day ; Check stock and replenish if needed here END Edit: Changed so the whole script doesn't look like one big comment
  16. A new top level folder on one of your (non-removable) drives. C:\AnnoyingDRM\ Edit: :ninja: Yeah games is fine too :) Install FOMM afterwards.
  17. The Latest Version of GECK for FNV
  18. Yeah the Beth tutorial you are looking at is is still very useful primer :) You've got the GECK for FO3 though. Common error as Beth have made it into some kind of treasure hunt by providing old links all over the place. GECK v1.3 for New Vegas
  19. I got an email today from 'SEGA Pass' (I can't remember why I even had an account with them - it was a game though) "You may have noticed we were offline.... unauthorised entry to the database... blah blah blah"
  20. The scary thing is that the download wasn't even an ESP! :hurr:
  21. Somebody knew you were coming. This was written for you... Thirty Something by drakeelvin.
  22. Setting an object to Persistent will mean it will be loaded into mem from the start of the game, and remain there. eg. the Master Mojave Dropbox and vendor containers. They're in cells that your character never enters. They only need be persistent if you refer to them from another object (eg. via script, or using it as an enable master or linked ref). The GECK won't allow you to reference a non-persistent object. Base forms are 'persistent' by their nature. The collision makers themselves are one of the most simple static objects in the game. They don't even require a mesh as their size and shape is set by a vector and flags in the form. If you take a look at any cell, you'll see far more more complex non-persistent objects that will be loaded in & out of mem as you traverse cells. The IWR mod in my sig deals primarily with collision markers.
  23. Glad you made progress and thanks for reporting back :) Another patch is imminent. Hopefully it won't turn our world upside down as the last one did.
  24. I've not heard about any probs with CASM, but don't use it myself. It's a good job we both understand typonese :) I'm going to make sure I only install res-loved mods from now on.
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