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Everything posted by tunaisafish

  1. Thanks to AmethystDeceiver for being the driving force in bringing about this standard :thumbsup: and for allowing me to add it to the wiki. So if you see any modeller trying to tell their arse from their elbow, you can now point them there :whistling:
  2. If you want the quest to start when you pick up the Gem, then leave the preReqStage property at '-1'. You only need to set the preReq stage if you start the quest some other way, and want to use the Gem to advance the stage from preReqStage to StageToSet.
  3. While you are editing your mod, you need to make it depend on the other. You can do this by false-flagging the other authors mod as a Master, but leaving the extension as .esp. More info here. You will need to false flag the other esp every time you edit your mod. When done editing you should undo the flag again to play.
  4. Add the script defaultSetStageOnPlayerAcquireItem to your Gem, and set the properties.
  5. A very useful tool, but that was released way way before the Official Creation Kit. Now it is pretty much redundant, since the CK comes with an Assembler/Disassembler. Neither will produce Papyrus source though, so they're not much use unless you have a good understanding of CS. If you want to see the source PSC files for a mod, then you'd be better off first asking the author.
  6. Some more ideas in this recent thread. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/632950-cant-reach-the-ok-button-to-make-new-npc-in-ck/
  7. Or use the CK... just highlight the master file in the File -> Data window, then press Delete.
  8. You can't use EditorID's in Papyrus as you could with previous games. You'll need to use a Property. Cipscis explains here.
  9. This is the event you'll be using. http://www.creationkit.com/OnStoryIncreaseLevel_-_Quest
  10. It looks like you're trying to use the console version of the MoveTo command. Change the syntax to the papyrus version. If you want help with diagnosing errors then it's easier for people to help if you post the compiler errors along with your full script.
  11. I'd try simple first. In the activator script somewhere... GetParentCell().Reset() I've never tried that before, but from the docs it looks like it just sets a flag for resetting the cell on the next load. So nothing should change while you're still there.
  12. @LB, are there quite a lot of resources you're adding? The internal packer may have a bug. 200Mb rings s bell. There's an external packer that comes with the CK. ...\common\skyrim\Archive.exe That's probably what Beth use for theirs. No docs though. You might be better off grabbing BSAOpt. The downside is that you'll need to select your files manually - not that the internal one does a perfect job selecting anyway.
  13. No the idea is that before the mod starts whisking the player around the world, it uses MyReturnTravel.MoveTo(player) to remember where the player was. Some time later when the fight is over... player.MoveTo(MyReturnTravel)
  14. You've declared the property, but have you 'tied' it to the global in the CK? It's a very common mistake and easy to forget. You need to go into the CK and assign all properties of scripts. If you use the same proeprty name as an editorID names then you can often just use the 'auto' button.
  15. @zirize, apparently it has changed quite a bit from previous *SE's. Behippo said once the Papyrus enabled plugin is released they'll write a new sample plugin template.
  16. You could create an Xmarker (or any small invisible object) in the world somewhere, call it 'MyReturnTravel'. Before you move the player to the fight, move MyReturnTravel to the player. BTW, 'Import Alias' is doing nothing. Import will only allow you to use the global functions in the imported script without the scriptname prefix. GetLocation is a member function of Alias, and can't be used on an Actor, as the objects are different types.
  17. The debug output contains line numbers, so always supply the full script. I accounted for the missing header and it looked like the failure was after defining a new Function. You don't need to define the function, but just call it on an Actor like is done below on Elkman. The Events are called by the engine and will set the parameters for you. In this case it assigns akActionRef to whatever entered the trigger. It's a good idea to use the same variable names for the events as supplied. You don't need to create additional properties for them. ScriptName zxzxzxzxelkmanscript extends ObjectReference Actor Property Elkman Auto ; Set this in the CK Int Property aiRank = 3 AutoReadOnly ; A constant we use later in the script. 3 == Allies Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) if (akActionRef != Game.GetPlayer()) Return ; Ignore all actors except the player EndIf Debug.Trace("Player entered trigger!") Elkman.SetRelationshipRank(akActionRef As Actor, aiRank) EndEvent
  18. You might be missing the whole file. Easiest way is to use Steam and on Creation Kit: Verify Cache files.
  19. One way... Write a quest script to keep track of the current cell - poll the actor's cell every 30 seconds or so. When the cell changes check if not interior etc. If it's a cell that gas masks should be worn... * Do a refwalk of all actors in the cell. * Check the inventory and add + equip the item if it's not there. BTW, Bumping threads would normally get them locked.
  20. Check your EditorID's for typo's ??? For better script error messages, install GECK-PU. It's like needle-in-the-haystack debugging without it.
  21. I'm not sure if GetCasterActor works. Beth only use it once themselves, in an OnLoad event. Instead, use the event parameters akCastor & akTarget. They're reliable. if (Game.GetPlayer() == akCaster)
  22. There aren't any Set* functions for game settings in Papyrus, only Get* functions. SKSE plans to add the missing Set* functions though.
  23. @Carnatics, make a minor change to that script Scn CarnaticsMadeLightScript Begin Gamemode ; if GameHour > 6 || GameHour < 20 ; Disable ; endif if GameHour > 20 || GameHour < 6 enable else disable endif end The first if conditional would have always returned true. All numbers are greater than 6 OR less than 20 Edit to fixup the quote of stuff I'd edited.
  24. I've not tested with Skyrim, but found that to be the case with New Vegas. The CK is not that much different from the GECK. So it needs confirmation that it is still the case. Looking at the Beth skyrim opal files does not show a filename stored though, so it's a good assumption. I'd created the .opl for items in my custom ESM while it was loaded in slot 01. Right after the falloutNV.esm in slot 00. So it doesn't matter how many other mods were loaded, just that someone using the custom opal files would need custom.ESM in slot 01 too. The Beth opal files don't have that problem as the base items they refer to are always in slot 00. This was fine until the DLC's came out and pushed the custom.esm into slot 02 on most people's machines. Yep it does suck. But users just had to be aware that only while editing with the opl's that custom.esm should go above any DLC's. Hope that makes better sense :)
  25. Hi guys :) For decorating and cluttering the Opal's are very useful, but I'm not sure that it would help all that much with setting up the building and architecture. One good thing about them though is that it's a quick way to get a visual of the pieces. On the page I linked Beth provides several .opl files. Yes you can only have one list loaded at a time, but there's no reason you can't have subfolders for different categories. I'm not sure if anyone has created and shared opl files for the architecture. I agree that tags and filters would be a big improvement. You can rename the items, but it's still only an alpha list. Edit: A word of warning if you're going to create opal's for a custom ESM as I did. The .opl files store the full formID when they are created. So if you pass that to someone else it will only work if their version of the esm is loaded in the same order as it was created.
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