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Everything posted by tunaisafish

  1. Scriptname UnarmedDamageScaleScript extends Form {Scales Unarmed Damage over time and use.} GlobalVariable Property Use auto ; float of accumulated usage. GlobalVariable Property Mod auto ; float of how much to increase (eg. 0.05) Event OnHit(Objectreference akAgrressor, Form akWeapon) float UseNow = Use.Mod( Mod.GetValue() ) EndEvent Thats it. What about the level and progress to the next level gain you ask? You still have access to those when you want. GlobalVariable Property Use auto ; float of accumulated usage float UseNow = Use.GetValue() int level = UseNow As Int ; Grab the whole number part float progress = UseNow % 1 ; Grab the fractional part int level = Use.GetValueInt() ; Grab the whole number part directly float progress = Use.GetValue() % 1 ; Grab the fractional part directly
  2. A quest is a much more complex object than a global (whose only content is the value and some flags). So I'd say don't add a quest if all you're going to use it for is to hold a script with a property. BTW, I fixed the wiki. That page still could do with better info but it should be less confusing now anyway.
  3. Replied in your other thread in Open Beta Feedback.
  4. How did you install them? What list are you talking about? Have you checked your Data folder?
  5. This should help http://www.creationkit.com/View_only_Mod_records
  6. Isn't number of Dragons killed a tracked stat?
  7. Did you by any chance install the Skyrim Beta 1.5 ? The CK isn't compatible with that yet.
  8. I think you'll have to pass the value via some permanent storage. Quest variable or a Global. Each time a magic effect is used, there's a brand new script instance (with new ref), complete with its' own set of clean variables.
  9. When you're editing a fragment you're only seeing part of a full auto-generated script. The parts you write in will reside within a function body... so use syntax appropriately for that. This means you can't declare or use properties right off the bat. It's a 3 stage process if you want to do that. 1/ Save a dummy script in the fragment. ; Save me to create the fragment file. 2/ Go to the properties editor and Add your property there. 3/ Go back to the fragment and paste in your final function body. See the last part of the wiki FAQ about the not so intuitive fragment interface when using your own properties.
  10. It's the object of the main script attached to your quest. Basically the CK automatically does the fiddly casting for you... ;Don't need to do this as CK does it for you CurrentQuestScrName kmyQuest = (self As Quest) As CurrentQuestScrName So you can access the properties and functions within your main script easily... kmyQuest.MainScrProp = 1 res = kmyQuest.MainScrFunc() val = kmyQuest.MainScrProp
  11. ahum... just thought. This fast travel marker you're using, is it a new one for your mod? You can edit those to refer to a COCMarker, to get a better placement when you TP back. I'm not sure how the game decides to place your horse and companions though when you TP. It looks like a fairly enclosed space where you are so having the COCMarker in a more open space might help from getting them stuck. So the 2 objects from CK are MapMarker COCMarkerHeading XMarkerHeading
  12. No worries mate :) I don't know much about the bug either, but I knew you were not alone.
  13. Open the Perk in the Creation Kit. You'll be able to see how it does what it does. Perk
  14. Thx, yep that was one of them :) He refined the gameloaded detection some more in this thread. To get rid of the false positives that could be caused by a user sitting in menumode for too long. OnMenuMode () Event - solution. know any other way that is better? It's enough to make you rethink the whole need for a gameloaded event lol.
  15. There's a readme in the download. Grab 7-zip, then you'll be able to open the archive file. .7z is like a different format of .zip
  16. Yeah you have to scrap the old menumode way. The script pauses just after each Show(), and then continues to process from there when a button is chosen. So it's much easier now. I showed a multilevel menu in this post. All the menu's are in 'while' loops which exits back up to the next level when the user presses button 0. That way each menu keeps repeating "while iBtn != 0" http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/606255-drop-item-script-not-working/page__view__findpost__p__4837489
  17. Well post the link so I can find it again later ;) BTW, SKSE is bringing OnGameStarted() :dance:
  18. SlowdownStrikeScript.psc There's an IsBlocking implementation in there that's ready-rolled from Beth. There's might also the possibility of using registerForAnimationEvent() to roll your own custom kind of event. The trouble is there's currently not much known about what names are used or valid.
  19. kuertee at the Beth forums has been looking into these kind of events. It's a recent thread of his in the CK forum. (if I find it before you I'll post)
  20. You can get at it from within FOMM (right-click on the file to edit), or on the Start Menu under FOMM (if you chose to make all the icons)
  21. Hmm, I was hoping it would be a simple case of incompatible versions but you're bang up to date. I'm not sure what to suggest as you've even reinstalled them all. If you post the exact errors and logs then maybe someone will recognise the problem.
  22. Missing EOF means that you don't have any Events or Functions. That 'if' is in the wrong place. You only need one OnDeath event block and put your logic inside of that. Can you also please post within [ code ] tags, as it keeps the formatting so is easier to follow. Scriptname ThrethnylDead extends ObjectReference Quest Property TrethnylDead Auto Event OnDeath(Actor killer) int stg = TrethnylDead.getstage() if ( stg == 60 ) TrethnylDead.SetObjectiveDisplayed(70) TrethnylDead.SetStage(70) elseif ( stg == 61 ) TrethnylDead.SetObjectiveDisplayed(71) TrethnylDead.SetStage(71) elseif ( stg == 62 ) TrethnylDead.SetObjectiveDisplayed(72) TrethnylDead.SetStage(72) endif endEvent I think that's what you meant. BTW, beware of using '=' (an assignment), when you mean '==' (are these equal)
  23. On TESV.edit, CreationKit.exe, and NexusClient.exe Right-click, properties, and report the product versions. Does the game still run by itself?
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