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Everything posted by Thoreai
I dont own a console, but uhh..i cant immagine to play that on one...my last try at a friends place was a total disaster as the ps3's gamepad felt like an alien to me...im just too used to mouse and keyboard :P I've often said that TES VII will have photorealistic graphics for terrain etc, the character models will look slightly more realistic, it will take place in a one acre radius, have exactly three quests, and have three skills (stab, zap, and sneak). Either that, or ship with just the Construction Set and the words "We give up, do it yourselves" :P Lol you know...i wouldnt be surprised at all, although the second option sounds really good, since modders done so many times a better job then beth :D
Lol stop copying me!..no really i did pretty much the same as you, the perk mod was really essential and i remember also using some canibal mod, or something like that, lol. I havent played FO3 like a year or so, but i played it so much i couldnt go on anymore, but i might reinstall it one day with all these fond memories coming back :P
True that. I cant say im not interested in FO4, but honestly, if CdProjectRED delivers with their games, wich i think they have all the talent and passion to do so, ill happyly leave all beth games without looking back.
Dragon Age is Bioware, not Bethesda Erm i am aware of that, thats why i said that it would be nice if DA3 succeeded as in, delivering a good open world rpg and take the lead away from bethesda, so they really try harder on their next game...well not that i believe it would really happen, just a thought. yea, i misunderstood "take the lead away from Bethesda" i get what you are saying now. my opinions on Bethesda only come from FO3 and FONV. havent played the earlier ones, and havent ever played an Elder Scrolls game. i liked FO3 more then NV. i liked the landscape more. in NV it was a nuked desert. woop de doo. i liked seeing the destroyed buildings and cities in FO3. the underground subway system. New Vegas was soo boring and i had no desire to explore it. and when i got to New Vegas, i just wanted to get out. it wasnt as exciting as DC. i laso really liked how you had those few weapons you could create in FO3. not only were they usually fun, but it kind of added to the apocalypse feel. having to create weapons out of whatever you can find. i also dont like how they went to Perking every 3 levels in NV. i modded that the first chance i got to Perking every level. i want to look forward to every single level. not every 3 levels. and putting points into a stat every level doesnt cut it. NV also didnt have interesting little settlements. FO3 had Tenpenny and Megaton, the Republic of Dave, the Vampires, the Police station up there, the Little kids Camp, etc, underground Army Bunkers, you could go to different parts of the Wasteland and see how different people were surviving (or had attempted to survive) one of my favorite things was going into a place and seeing dead bodies, maybe with guns next to them, maybe with some Dead Ants in front of them. you got to see how a group tried to survive (and fail). or in other cases you go into a building and read on a Computer as someone types that something is happening (sometimes an event before the bombs, sometimes the event of the bombs) and they say something like, im going to go hide in the closet now. and you go into the closet and you find a dead body and a bottle of Whiskey. its things like that that made me really Love FO3. i just didnt get that same stuff with FONV. and if it was there, well as i said before, i just didnt have the desire to explore a place that looked the same before the Nukes as it did after. its a desert. i also didnt like how i could side with the Brotherhood. i know its because NV was more of a throwback to the earlier FO games, but coming from FO3, and having those little side missions with the Brotherhood in NV, i kinda wanted to say, Screw the Rangers, Screw Caesar, im (still) with the Brotherhood! eat Giant Robot. but i couldnt...and also how some people mentioned, the NPCs in NV didnt interest me. i only managed to get a couple (again, didnt wanna explore) but none were as cool as Mr Gusty or Fawkes. I feel exactly the same way. FO3 was really awesome, despite its awfull animations and other shortcomings i probably played it a lot more then TES games. I agree that it had a lot more apocalyptic feeling then NV, all the misery death and dayly fight for survival...i never got that feeling from NV, though i played it a lot and modded it to death, but despite that i never finished it...i couldnt get myself interested like with FO3. I finished FO3 arround 5-6 times and always had a blast and while i like fantasy, the post-apocalyptic setting really got me. I dont really believe beth can do that again with FO4 though, or more likely they wont care to add the depth and go with mediocrity, just like with skyrim...ill be happy to be proven wrong though. Dragon Age is Bioware, not Bethesda Erm i am aware of that, thats why i said that it would be nice if DA3 succeeded as in, delivering a good open world rpg and take the lead away from bethesda, so they really try harder on their next game...well not that i believe it would really happen, just a thought. Maybe they will get that competition. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/news/982/ Omg thanks jim for that info! This looks very promising!
The closest that BioWare has ever got to open world was BG and they aren't going to go that far. Yeah probably, it just would be nice for beth to have a serious competitor that would deliver in everything that skyrim is lacking, it would be a win/win scenario for us as in, they would compete to deliver better...but yeah thats not gonna happen.
Dragon Age is Bioware, not Bethesda Erm i am aware of that, thats why i said that it would be nice if DA3 succeeded as in, delivering a good open world rpg and take the lead away from bethesda, so they really try harder on their next game...well not that i believe it would really happen, just a thought.
Personally I didn't like Drakensang at all, there may be a good game in there but the balancing was awful. I don't mind hard games but I do mind unfair ones, locking my weak mage into a small room with a bunch of speedy rouges and then a boss was only one example of how ill thought out the game was. If you've got the patience of a saint it might be worth a look. Thanks jim! I been really looking for something challenging and came across this game, read a few reviews that also mentioned the combat being pretty hard, there seems to be also a lot of skill managment from what i saw wich i really like to loose myself in, i guess i give it a shot.
Wasnt somewhere announced that in DA3 will be an open world?...correct me if im wrong. Well my expectations are pretty low, but i really want DA3 to succeed if they plan it as an open world game and take beths lead away, so these guys actually try harder on their next TES game. Got hyped for skyrim and meh...never going to do that again. offtopic: Anyone played/has Drakensang, after watching a few vids im considering getting it, is it good ?
Yes it was on gamasutra. Although i havent played the game myself, i been following it for almost a year...troll posts...critique posts....positive posts...i read it all. I was interested, but the biggest thing that put me off was non-open world...i mean its star wars....i love to explore stuff, but after seeing the vids about the exhaustion zones....no matter how much people hate wow, the feeling of exploring is epic in that game and i was immagining something like that. In my opinion the biggest mistake they did was to let bioware make an mmo, i mean these guys were good at doing signle player story-driven games not mmos and while the story must certainly be epic, it does shows that they kinda werent really planning in the long-term and the stories became a double-edged sword. While they were epic, they sucked all of their resources and little was left for the game itself, wich for an mmo is kinda a killer i say. They should have gone for balance, leave the stories voiced and everything else text....i just cant immagine how insane that must have been to voice everything. After the last Aion update where they totaly killed rifting, i wanted to give it a try, but after seeing what they did with f2p, ill pass.
There was some article about the f2p in swtor, where it was written that to enjoy the f2p you would have to spent 56 dollars every month..ofcourse you dont have to spent on anything but the restrictions are sewere. Basicaly its just extended trial to make you subscribe, but the author of the article said, how do they want to make people subscribe when they didnt wanted to be subs when swtor was still p2p. Although the article seemed to be a bit harsh, i think it was spot on.
Is Bethesda Corrupt (Skyrim DLCs and Updates)
Thoreai replied to BeastlyBeast's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well its normal, i mean you gotta understand that even though these people make games its still just another business...ofc those people who have worked on the game might feel there is more to it then that, but otherwise its just that. There are always money hungry people grabing any chance at making a buck, but i have yet to see someone who wouldnt...if anyone is to blame, its the people who jump at anything thats being thrown at them. Although i wasnt looking more deeper into the dlcs, they do not make the impression on me they were created after beth saw what people want, but more like those were already in vanila created long time ago and just taken away to be used for another money grab as dlcs...do i blame them for that...nope not at all...its their living...and someone has to buy a new ferrari each year ..right? :tongue: -
Pretty much what i been thinking, although i dont have anything against it, im wondering how much money they got from it on xbox since they brought it to pc....i remember somewhere reading it was only for xbox and suddenly its coming to pc. I dont think that many people asked for it, since as you said we have already such mods. @Tarm If im not mistaken you already have mods where you can build a whole fortress...although i never tried it out myself. Yeah. It's called Build Your Own House or something. I think there's a mod where you build a settlement, a fortress as you say too. Wasn't it on the front page for a while? Anyway I've heard that those mods aren't perfect and I'm hoping Hearthfire will help much in solving those problems. Edit: Microsoft had exclusive rights of one release month to the first two Skyrim expansions. That's why Dawnguard and now Hearthfire wasn't released at the same time for xbox and PC. Ah i see, i knew about Dawnguard being released first on xbox, but i thought Hearthfire was only for xbox....oh well now i know, thanks.
Pretty much what i been thinking, although i dont have anything against it, im wondering how much money they got from it on xbox since they brought it to pc....i remember somewhere reading it was only for xbox and suddenly its coming to pc. I dont think that many people asked for it, since as you said we have already such mods. @Tarm If im not mistaken you already have mods where you can build a whole fortress...although i never tried it out myself.
I dont see the problem having a sims-like addon, the problem like with many things in tes games is the shallowness and lack of depth. All if the ideas sound good on paper but once you see them in game, you quickly realize they just scratch the surface of something that could be far greater and much more fun...all they do is just reusing the already existing models/items from vanilla skyrim and put in some scripts and thats it. It just doesnt feels exciting.
Atleast the xbox-ers will be busy to keep the rats out of their basement for a while :whistling:
Is oblivion Fun to Play after playing skyrim?
Thoreai replied to WhiterunPrince's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
What Odrackyir said. Just the shivering isles dlc is worth itself to buy Oblivion...one of the best dlcs ever...and possibly also the last that was worth buying, in my opinion. Plus oblivion has so many mods, that you can spent weeks and weeks just trying them out. -
Pretty much agree with everything u wrote...everytime i went to play skyrim i found myself wishing for more depth, immersion...more interaction with your surroundings. The game is still nice and well worth the money, but i dont see myself buying any dlc for it unless they really add the depth and immersion i was hoping for, or better combat that still isnt nowhere near 2012..same old hack&slash without any deeper mechanics or interesting features. I didnt finished the main quest as i couldnt play the game anymore, therefore i dont know what exactly happens, but since they are going to same old route for over a decade now, about the player saving the world, i kinda stoped caring. The civil war sounded good only on paper but i quickly found out it was a joke in terms of immersion or the feel of fighintg for someone...there were no epic battles or anything, it was a static theatre. The dragons were a nice idea even though its cliche, but as you said they have a few attacks here and there and thats about it, they dont fill me with fear of being these evil creatures that can kill you with one hit....just a normal nuisance you meet along the way, like any farmer or bandit. Wich is like that with everything in skyrim, its a pie of everything but nothing deeper.
I just saw the vid, it looks really good...if this is true...oh god...are the good old times coming back ?
Uh, no we don't. Individuals don't change anything. Bethesda has and will always go with whatever is most popular, because that's what sells games. They can't make games if they don't sell them. So holding the game up to your expectations and then complaining when it doesn't meet them is an exercise in futility. Thats why i wrote, we, you are contradicting yourself by saying "no we dont" and then you talk about a single person..to me this sounds more of an excuse, because you are aware i wasnt talking about an individual here, but its esier to just say no we cant. In my opinion more and more people are starting to be aware that games can now be more then just killing time, they can be intelligent, let you feel emotions, simply forget you are playing a game. I think slowly the game companies will have to change this neverending milking and start to expand and evolve the gameplay more, just like they do with graphics.
I suggest you lower your expectations or give up gaming, because you're not going to change it and the only one you're hurting is yourself. Accept the things you cannot change. You're missing out on a fantastic game soley because of your own attitude towards it. Wrong thinking stemin, we, the costumers (consumers) are the ones who can change how things are done...the game companies repeat the same old game styles over a decade now, they build up hypes over the media so the sheeps jump on anything they throw at them. If you look at the core of these games and look back like 12 years or even more, the only thing that really changed (evolved) is the graphics otherwise its the same old thing and i dare to say no other games then TES, shows this more clearly. The whole thing about skyrim is like they got nice ideas and thrown them together without really thinking about the balance, same thing will be with dawnguard, you get new weps and powers but the core will remain the same.
Anybody else get into oblivion more than skyrim?
Thoreai replied to WWWEEE's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
To me skyrim felt exactly the same as oblivion did...at first it was fun to play, then i started to make new alts, download tons of mods, because i was getting bored and then i ended up having the love/hate relationship i had with oblivion...until i wasnt able to play it for more then 10min. Skyrim does some things better then oblivion did, i like especially the new animations for crafting and gathering, the world etc...but in the end to me its just feels like oblivion 2.0. -
1.3 isn't out yet but you can find some general info about it on their forums. Fatman (US) server and tomb of freedon nadd (EU) are only two servers that you will see full next to them, all other servers are pretty much standard or light, meaning half empty. Both of those are PvP servers, i don't think i've seen full PvE server yet, but i might be mistaken. If you are really interested i can send you an invite, then you will have seven days free trial, i'd just need some general info about you like your name (doesn't say if its your real name or char name) and your email. :smile: Hmm i see, not sure if i would go pvp server , not that i wouldnt like it but i kinda like the pve side of mmos more. Thank you for the offering im still not sure, as i said im still playing aion and now that it has gone f2p and updated to 3.0 its kinda really fun, plus all my friends are there...i might ask them if they arent interested in checking out swtor, though they are kinda into fantasy more...then again star wars are basicaly scifi/fantasy mix hehe. For now im staying with aion, since i put a lot of time in it, but if anything ill send you a pm, when i feel like i wanna really try out swtor...thanks. :thumbsup:
That sounds really tempting, i really like the star wars universe (hell who doesnt), i think ill wait a bit when they have the character transfers ready and update to 1.3 (or did they already updated?) and try it out. So far i seen the Fatman(pvp) is very populated and the pve Harbinger (not sure if thats the right name), would proly go on the pve server. Yeah i hate loading screens, i guess a good portion on that is wow's fault, because i played it for a while and loved to freely explore..i might try it out in the near future, currently im still busy in aion hehe.
I wanted that oblivion mod in skyrim after day one i played the game...i really miss it. Also the Dovahkiin relaxes mod, lets your character do the sleep animation, well its not exactly the sleep animation you see npcs doing, but still better then nothing.
I pretty much started out this way at low levels no one to group with at heroics and Fp's , waiting for an invyte at LFG or shouting general chat doin quest alone until about level 25's and then go back to esseles just to finish stuff on my quest logs ect..., till i joined an RP guild on Pacific server then it all changed give it time and join a guild be a little bit social you'd be surprise whats around the corner...and now with the new patch 1.2 things are even better in the Swtor universe :D @Jim_uk you dont need to install origin to play Swtor you just need to register your game and create an account at their official website. @all I dont really understand why people complain about the voice acting ,they have good voice actors/actress doin the scripts "Jennifer Hale for the trooper fem,Ali Hilis,Alec Newman" its all good in my book so what gives? Its just the world of warcraft kiddies crying they dont have all the features and content that wow has after 7 years...its just not possible to do that. On the other hand i saw also some good written posts about the hero engine...i have to say i dont like the "loading screens" everywhere and there were also some posts where people said that swtor doesnt feel like an mmo, that they spent so much time on the voice actors they didnt had much time to work on the mmo itself. I dont know, really its just what i was reading over there...my impression, swtor is actually good, but i wont try it out as i dont like corner-type mmos without the feel of exploring freely arround. Then again i could be wrong, i havent played the game so these are just my assumptions.