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Everything posted by Thoreai
Going stealth turns my character's eyes black
Thoreai replied to DucksAreReal's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Its a known bug caused by the last stealth perk that makes you invisible, i dont think there is a fix for it. -
Just a bit of a thought [MINOR SPOILER}
Thoreai replied to BurningKatanaa's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I dont have a problem with the idea riding a dragon...im more concerned of the polish and quality...so far all of tes games felt unfinished and unpolished and if they continue this trend, wich they probably will, then i can understand why some people have problem with it. When it comes to lore, i never really cared...for me is important having fun when playing, even if i would ride a giant rat, that has toxic fumes coming out of ears, as long as its interesting and creative i dont see a problem. -
Yeah the interrupts are really annoying, especially if you are trying to do a melee or magic power attack wich you need to charge up first, then suddenly puff interrupted by some enemy on the other side of the map who decided to shoot an arrow. :wallbash: They could have really added some interrupt resistance based on your armor or something like that...thats why its good to have might as a core because as soon as you get the skill where you are immune to it the fights get really fun as you dont have to allways roll arround like a jester and hope you wont get hit. That also brings me to another annoying thing...the dodging...it could be really more responsive, you can roll 2 times in a row, but after that you need to wait like 1 sec for the animation playing to end.. that 1 sec counts like hell in the fights and once an enemy starts to hit you with its chain attacks...yeah...you can basicaly just look like your hero is getting ripped to shreds by chain attacks of 2 or more enemies. Yeah i dont know what they thought when making the bows like that...seriously...but then again the bows and scepters really feel like a side kick in this game. I hope too that it will continue, they did a really awesome job with the world and even though it parts are just corners, the game still feels monstrous plus all the quests where many of them let you stand before a choice that alters the outcome...really good. I read somewhere the creators said that if this is going to be a sucess they might release mod tools for the next game...now we just need it to be more open and i can happyly put tes games to a corner. The design and writting are far above skyrim wich really feels like a childs play against this game in my opinion.
Im nearing the end of the game now...i have to say im completely captured by it and yes playing a rogue is really hard, but not in a good way more like each fight is a chore...you would think that with such good combat they would have made the class trees balanced but the rogue is just underpowered. Im always playing an assassin but this game sadly made them usless in terms of sneaking and you end up just button mashing all the time, yes you can 1hit someone with backstab for insane damage but its good for nothing when in most cases the enemy sees you long before you get to it.. why to stay in finesse when you can just go might that is pure button mashing but makes a good job in doing so. Wont comment on bows as in my opinion they are the biggest joke in this game. Im curently a mix of might and a bit of sorcery and its awesome...i have to say i didnt had so much fun playing a game in a long time, this game was worth each penny.
That's okay, maybe some other children will realize the same i did and if there is more of them maybe we can make a change (speaking seriously i doubt anything like that will happen but i like to dream, just like everyone else).
What if the child realized after getting a new toy each time, its actually the same one just with a better look but in its core its the same old toy, sure it can modify it but there is difference in what the child can do and what the creators can...especially when the creators are able to do amazing things with the toy just in a week. The child ask itself then if the creators focus is set on making fun creative toys or just to fill up its time with illusion, so in another 3 years they can make the same old toy just with a better look again. No offense ment ofcourse. This child likes their toys, but it is sad seeing how the creators creativity is being pushed somewhere to a corner.
Yeah exactly this, blacksmithing is just op...i just wish i could salvage the weapon designs too...that way i craft a weapon with awesome stats...but it looks like some Jack's the farmer's steel pole...sigh. What i absolutely love is how the npc's react to me after being leader of house of ballads and buying a title...makes me so proud when they announce me or just call me your highness...a really nice change after the idiotic npc remarks from skyrim...i feel like my character has a place in the amalur world.
The game is really fun, it feels fresh as others have said, the story is also interesting even though its the usual cliche, still it keeps me going. Combat can get a bit boring after a while, but feels a lot better then in skyrim, sadly the world feels like one big corridor most of the time. What dissapointed my big time was stealth, even on the higest rank of stealth enemies have no problem to see me, forget about hiding in shadows, nothing like that here and since the fights are usually done against large groups of enemies, you can be glad if you stealth kill atleast 1 enemy and then its just the usual button mashing... I like that the amors are covering the whole body and thus making you feel really protected...though i have to say the design of armors in this game is one of the worst i have ever seen and its surprising cuz i met plenty of npc running arround in awesome looking gear, its very dissapointing when you get happy that you drop a purple gear for the first time, just to find out it looks like beggars clothes...im running arround with awesome looking greatsword (deleted my rogue) ,but im still a beggar. :wallbash:
Im really looking forward to that game, graphics were never a seling point to me, its the gameplay and interesting features of a game. I know the combat is flashy and stylish, from what i saw, it looks really good, i just hope it wont be all about that, but there seems to be a lot of talking going on wich is good thing.
I had the same problem, stoped playing the game nearly 2 months ago, now i just start it to check a few mods here and there, but i cant play it for longer then 10min before i get totaly uninterested. Now im not saying they did a bad job at the game, but for me their games arent really progressing..while browsing trough internet i stumbled upon a topic where someone said that bethesdas gameplay is still somewhere in the 90's and i have to agree. They put a lot of effort for discovering, but as you said, the world is shalow and for me no matter how much locations they add, it wont change the fact that the whole game is being done for the sake of being done...i dont feel enthusiasm in it and maybe that's also the reason why their games are so generic. After seeing the vid of the 1 week mod jam, where bethesdas employees done amazing job at making mods for the game, it just proven to me that these guys arent given any freedom at being creative and i honestly dont believe they ever will. Im buying next week Kingdoms of Amalur and i hope it will partially replace bethesdas TES for me, untill some other game studio comes out that will do something similiar to their games, but with depth, interesting gameplay and modable. Also as PsYchotic666Joker sugested, taking a long break sometimes helps...and you got over 400hours in the game wich is more then enough to get bored, i stoped playing after 150 or a bit more i think.
Thank you brokenergy, this game looks really interesting, also going to keep an eye on this one.
Welcome to the world ruled by corporations. I dont like steam either, but these topics are getting a bit annoying, since they pop up nearly every second day.
Toss this idea around a bit then - any player can experience nearly the entire game on a single character, they can most definitely do so within two characters (go go Civil war). Why should any player feel obligated to repeat the same things over and over again after having experienced what they have of the game, especially should they have completed all the content in the base game? The lifespan of any game is about as long as it takes any given player to get bored of it, and those who choose to extend a game's lifespan by adding mods for things they may personally find make it more entertaining may well opt to do so for whatever reasons they choose. Similarly, no player is really obligated to complete the game from start to finish (not that there really is a finish considering there is no actual end of the game despite finishing every quest and reaching level cap). So people may miss out on some part of the game if they decide they want to add in spiky hair, giant swords, chainmail bikinis, or pink ponies... does it really matter to anyone how someone else chooses to enjoy their game? Hell, pink ponies and ultra-hardcore-realism-modes don't seem that appealing to me personally, but it has absolutely zero effect on my own enjoyment of the game that someone else feels they need such things to get more out of their game, so why worry about it? It's one thing to wonder why some folks do or don't do something, it is another to try to impose your own view of things and assume others are somehow inferior for not seeing things just as you do - and yes that is exactly how your posts are coming across when you try to make such statements as Live and let live, if something isn't appealing to you or doesn't make sense despite it boiling down to personal preference, just ignore it and move on. Wonderfully written, exactly what i think. Kudos. Edit: uhh already gave you kudos before it seems, was like "wth" when it said "kudos taken from Handofbane", gave that one back ofc.
I love the diversity modding brought to tes games, i also like anime...i dont care about lore or anything, if i feel interested in a mod i simply download it, noone is being force to download mods they dont like, everything is optional. Some people live in delusion that their opinions are some general truth or something and more importantly that they matter...they not. These people should be just ignored as their selfish behavior isnt really needed or appreciated, whats worse they attack mod authors, making them feel badly or kill their enthusiam to modding, not everyone is able to shake off bashing. There is difference, when someone points out in a sensible way the negatives of a mod, but still encourages the author, then simply say "this sucks" "this has nothing to do with the game" etc. I really hope some of these people come to their senses.
Not saying it's right, but Korea, China, and Japan have higher allowances for "cuteness" (sometimes quantified as Moe) than Western countries and don't necessarily make any connection between images of young characters and sexual activity. Westerners see this sort of thing as pedo-bait because that is the only aesthetic value we can reasonably attribute to something like that due to how saturated our own media is with images and themes that sexualize pretty much every depiction of women especially in advertisements, to the point where we almost cannot see it any other way. Westerners are also highly suspicious of any imagery featuring younger children because of the connections with pedophiles and sexual predators (thank you To Catch a Predator) and laws related to them which are a virtual death sentence for anyone even suspected of possessing sentiments or behaviors belonging to a pedophile, regardless of any intentions or circumstances. This! I absolutely agree. I guess this topic will follow the same fate as on the tera forums where people were going at eachothers throats because of elin.
Rest in peace Adam, your awesome art wont be forgotten.
I also agree this could be lack of time and consoles, though im dissapointed that these additions didnt made it into the game, atleast here i have the proof they have creative people among them, but it also reminds me to stay catious and wait with buying their games and then end up with this feeling of missing content.
Critique of the game and why I don't like it (anymore).
Thoreai replied to 747823's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
People are starting to be aware that games can offer much much more then just the usuall hack&slash, kill/shoot/dismember everything. Problem is that such games require time and usually teams working on a game arent the ones who decide about what happens, but are being pushed by the publishers. Before, games were done purely out of enthusiasm, they were something new, people enjoyed working on them, nowadayes they are just a way for large coorporations to milk money, thats why i think we wont ever see a game that wont belong to a category. -
I believe it when i see it. :armscrossed:
Feedback! Going to make animations mods
Thoreai replied to SonOfAnarchy13's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Im always happy to see someone doing animations, i love them...loved the ones for oblivion. Always appreciate greatly when someone makes them and i completely agree this game needs more animations, not only for combat but also for immersion...some of the animation like npc have i would love to be able to use, but also some new anims. Im probably going to be jumped for saying this but i loved the bathing mod for oblivion, or the sitting mod...or animations when eating, drinking (i know they are in game, just saying), or anims when you are hurt...not standing there like a stomp, you are probably going to go more for the combat and face animations, still im happy. I am looking forward to see your mod. :thumbsup: -
Uhh...seems i rather stay at 1.3 for now, with my spinning, sabertooth tiger corpses flying all over the place. :armscrossed:
Glad to see it helped, enjoy the game.
If the game crashes because of the mod then just uninstall it ? Also have you check the readme properly and the mod discussion thread if someone didnt had the same problem, sometimes it helps more then yelling for help.