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Everything posted by Thoreai
Agree, especially with the last sentence, the lame word describes it perfectly, sometimes i have the feeling like they hired some Rudolf the farmer to make them a gameplay system.
Are we playing the same game, because a large part of skyrim is about all the action, thats why they didnt bothered making a journal with depth and made you just follow an arrow on the map.
Yeah, steam, consoles w/e, the quality would be all the same, maybe graphicaly better, but not in gameplay, i also agree with people saying its business, we cant really blame them for wanting more money, anyone would. All we can do is decide if we put our money in to their games or not.
Exactly how i feel about this, i think thats the reason why i cant start to play skyrim seriously, i restarted my character like 30 times now, for some reason the only thing that makes me fired up is starting a new character, but as soon as i get to certain level and start to do certain quests im again back where i was, bored...for me the improvement from oblivion to skyrim is minimal and in many ways not an improvement at all and even putting hundreds of good mods in, didnt changed my feel about it at all...the core of the game is pure uncreative shallowness. But thats just my opinion. So...What do you think about Oblivion? Do you think it was Better Than Skyrim? It's far more easy to enjoy this game if you are playing it on PC, (I'm assuming you do have one) You have all these mods at your disposal ect. and you haven't had as many problems on PC as I'm having on PS3 with this game. But i can Understand what your saying about creating Loads of characters... So many glitches one after the other...terrible. I was so looking forward to this game. I had played morrowind on Xbox and PC. The first game i got for My Xbox 360 was Oblivion - I PLAYED THAT GAME TO DEATH. I swear i had trouble loading the game because i had created about 25+ different characters. ( Character O.C.D, same thing happened with Skyrim ) I'm more aware now how flawed Oblivion was then, with all the bugs and glitches and so on...But back when i was playing it i didn't even care how glitchy it was... I probably didn't know what a glitch was! The standard of quality i have come to expect from games has raised since then. :mellow: I don't know.... It's like Bethesda is begging me to stop playing the game. Bethesda. Fix this Water glitch I'm sick and tired of it. I can't even do a main story quest, because the place i need to get to is surrounded by water. I should be able to play a game i payed60 Euros for. Sigh. :sad: My problem isnt oblivion being better then skyrim, the problem is, skyrim is basicaly oblivion...i played just as you, Morrowind and Oblivion to death and thats why i have problems to get in to skyrim, because the oblivion deja vu is so big for me..i got sick and tired of oblivion, since i played it so much, i loved it (modded) but i had enough and if you strip skyrims flashy kill moves, better graphics its basicaly the same old gameplay system that never felt to me as an improvement. I still laugh when i remember one skyrim preview where was written how your swings with weapons let you feel/see the impact when hitting someone, its the same old paper slashing as it was in oblivion and many other hypes. For me the TES universe always sounded good only on paper, the games never made it just (well maybe except Morrowind), but thats because of the shallowness and generic world/characters they always create...its as if someone was reading a book about vikings where was written how to create a viking looking character and then they applied it, but never really used their own immagination/creativity to put together the much needed unique atmosphere. There are many people on the pc having problems just as you have, i might have been lucky with a few occasional ctds and corrupted saves, but as i said thats not the real problem i have. Should that make me happy...well it does not, i wish it would...i probably became i spoiled brat.
I have similiar mods but unfortunately i still feel the same and it frustrates me, because i would really like to get in to it...sigh i wonder if i became too spoiled.
Exactly how i feel about this, i think thats the reason why i cant start to play skyrim seriously, i restarted my character like 30 times now, for some reason the only thing that makes me fired up is starting a new character, but as soon as i get to certain level and start to do certain quests im again back where i was, bored...for me the improvement from oblivion to skyrim is minimal and in many ways not an improvement at all and even putting hundreds of good mods in, didnt changed my feel about it at all...the core of the game is pure uncreative shallowness. But thats just my opinion.
Glad it helped, these bandits also make my life hard even though my character is an assassin, but i like the challenge. I suggest the same like soarow, to check mods that make magic users viable at higher levels.
Are you using by any chance some mod that adds new enemies or new spawns to the game, like wars in skyrim or something similiar, because that sounds exactly like that. I have these bandits also in my game and i think they are a part of the WIS mod, they are supposed to be challenging as far as i know. There are also mods that change the damage of bows, WIS has also an optional plugin that changes the damage of bows.
I wonder though if they are doing that because they feel they crossed the line or just so they can start to test the patience of their costumers again, i guess the answer is clear to that. Im pretty sure of one thing though, no games with their trademark are going to see my wallet.
I never encountered any bugs in his mod as some people mentioned, except the translation wich was little to no issue for me (playing dark rainbow lore friendly latest version). Its a shame though the mod was very good, plus a lot of people are forgetting how buggy the Bethesdas games are, wich isnt making things easier, especially big mods that rely on a lot of scripts can become a total mess because of that.
Congrats ProjectVRD, i bought 1 weeks ago a new graphics card because my old died (gforce 8800 gts with only 320 memory), got myself radeon HD 6670 with 2gb memory and couldnt be more happy, so even though i dont have such card as you do, i know the feeling hehe.
Is there a mod now for just adding perk points?
Thoreai replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I been testing a few of the mods that let you add perk points but only this one worked so far for me: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10836 -
CTD's and population mods? Why did Bethesda leave the world devoid
Thoreai replied to kingb33's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I have exactly the same problem, i been trying to find a solution for nearly 2 weeks now without any luck. Wars in skryim - ctd, Warzones - ctd, today i installed Skyrim Live and finally when i thought, after playing for 3 hours nonstop, that i can enjoy a non-dead game world...ctd. I can have loads of npcs running arround but as soon as one unsheats his/her weapon the game goes to hell. -
Yeah that fact that the player character stands like a stump and stares blindly into space regardless what of ritual or ceremony that's taking place really makes it look like ur character is ignoring everything around him and isn't apart of it. This is especially apparent during the circle initiation at jourvaskrr. I really hope someone will make a mod to liven up the player character. Yeah and same at High Hrothgar...."So the Dragonborn appears..." *stands like a stomp, watching somewhere behind into oblivion*..the player/npc interaction is like a puppet theatre in this game. I also hope there will be some day such mod, i miss this simple yet immersive feature of oblivion.
Thay had probably a fart storm, i just dont understand, why these little immersive things that worked so nicely are being cut out with each new game... im really annoyed that my character stands there like a stomp, living in her own world where noone is.
Why is the Thieves Guild such a bunch of thugs in this game
Thoreai replied to wdrewjr's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Simplification, too many choices and depth could make people get away from all the action and making them bored, i see this process happing to many games nowadays. -
Amen to that...considering that beth never did a good job in testing their games, or making good game mechanics i really cant immagine them doing an mmo...clunky awkward combat and animations, balance issues etc...but god knows.
Thats really bad luck. Im using the incremental saver mod, i guess thats why i had backups of my saves...maybe you should try it out, make some saves and reload the old ones....damn bugs.
The op is probably talking about the quality, while you do have a good point that making such an enormous world isnt an easy thing and people should realize that, beth's games do lack in quality as in finished/polished game mechanics and QA. Also the lazy argument comes from the knowledge that beth knows modders will make things better and therefore they leave plenty of things unfinished..like the feet and many other details (no im not bothered by that, just saying).
I had the same problem today, after trying to load my saves for half hour i went to my skyrim saves folder and searched for any save that has .bak at the end...luckly my quicksave was backedup...so i copied the bak file and renamed it to quicksave.ess..solved my problem..maybe it helps.
You are welcome, enjoy the game.
Hope it helps.
Well you said you reinstalled your game and you cant find the hideout, so it only means its missing from there or you didnt installed it. Check here : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/search.php?name=hideout&scid=&author=&mname=&desc=&size1=&size2=&downloads1=&downloads2=&udate1_day=&udate1_month=&udate1_year=&udate2_day=&udate2_month=&udate2_year=&ldate1_day=&ldate1_month=&ldate1_year=&ldate2_day=&ldate2_month=&ldate2_year=&endorsements=&images=&readme=&adultonly=&opensource=&page=1 ^ Hideout mods, you should find the one you were using and install unless you got it from steamworkshop, then you should search there. Uploading your save game wont help here, you need to find out what exactly happened...its confusing because you said you reinstalled the game and then you said you didnt reinstalled or uninstalled anything so i dont know...
Judging from what you wrote, you uninstalled a landscape/new structure mod, has your character been in the hideout when you saved ? If yes that would explain the crash, because the game is searching for the hideout mod, but since you uninstalled it, and your character now literally floats in nowhere,the game crashes. If your character wasnt in hideout, then it shouldnt crash unless its conflicting with another mod that needed the hideout installed to run. I would say try to reinstall the hideout mod and check the readme of the mod and the post of other people, many problems can be solved by actually reading what the mod does and how to install/uninstall it.
When you remove or uncheck a mod, you get this message, because the mod isnt being loaded and the save game has the information/data stored in it. Usualy it isnt anything game breaking unless you play some custom race and you removed the mod wich makes the game crash then, since the race isnt loaded anymore. Check/install back the mod you unchecked or unistalled if you cant play, if you can play, then just save again and it should be fine.