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Everything posted by Thoreai

  1. Todd meant that the main branch of the series would stay Singleplayer. Battlespire was made in the 90s and it had multiplayer. I see, well i dont follow everything what Todds says and i dont have a problem with them doing an mmo...if the game is going to be good i might try it out. They'll be releasing screens soon. I usually hate MMOs myself but this could be good. I dont really hate mmos, but at the moment all mmos feel kinda the same...this might breathe some fresh air to the mmo stereotype...i guess we will see soon enough.
  2. Todd meant that the main branch of the series would stay Singleplayer. Battlespire was made in the 90s and it had multiplayer. I see, well i dont follow everything what Todds says and i dont have a problem with them doing an mmo...if the game is going to be good i might try it out.
  3. Yeh its the other studio working on the mmo, though Todd Howard said there wouldnt be anything online done for the elder scrolls series, but everything that this guy says should be taken with a wagon full of salt. Then again why not, you cant blame them for wanting to take some share in the mmo market, its a nice way to make money and only logical to try it since the TES world is enormous. Good luck to them, i say.
  4. Nice idea, but i would also like to see a different setting, im getting bored of these "fantasy" games that mostly circle arround humans and their problems...something more alien like it was with morrowind or shivering isles expansion. I see enough humans irl, i want some change atleast in games.
  5. Nice, only fps i cared for...sigh...double sigh for the possibility it ends at bethesda. :wallbash:
  6. Yeah that's why I said "except for one of the older patches" Ah seems i missed it, sorry about that.
  7. You seem to forgot the awesome patch with backwards flying dragons, i dont think that was caused by mods..but other then that you are right, mostly mods conflict with new patches.
  8. I been dissapointed with the game, its so shallow and basicaly its just oblivion simplified, but still i think its worth buying...the first moments in the game you will be amazed how beautiful the world is. As always only with mods you can really enjoy beths games and there are already thousands of them availiable...i say give it a shot. Pro tip: always make sure to block new patches from steam for skyrim, as they have the tendency to break the game then fix it...better to wait and see if the new patch didnt mess things up.
  9. Different people different tastes...jeez.
  10. All of that is okay, its just that some people cant get over it if someone isnt having the same image of elves as they do...someone wants a legolas looking elf?...sure why not...someone wants a monster looking elf?...sure why not. It always surprises me how narrow minded some people here are.
  11. This isnt elves, they are children disguised as elves :) Much more better the vanilla elves, as i sayed before with a little mods you can make truly beautiful elves Yep that's why there is written "with mods"...meaning that with mods you can change them to whatever you want..to a certain point. Thats why i also posted the first image just with texture mods.
  12. I played a dark elf before, only thing i used, were texture mods for the face and eyes...it is possible to do a nice looking character but there isnt much difference between the males and females, because of the masculinity. http://i42.tinypic.com/6qjnv8.jpg With mods: http://i42.tinypic.com/156e69w.jpg .. this is already a custom race though, but still having the sliders to properly costumize the face would make things so much easier.
  13. Yes it is possible with mods, but the overall design lacks in style, all face presets come from one core face and that makes them very generic, plus skyrim has only face presets without the possibility to truly customize them. I wonder if it would have been really that hard for beth to copy/paste the character creation sliders to skyrim.
  14. The elves still can look alien like and be appealing, but in tes games they always look like rugged punks for some reason and before anyone starts with beauty crap talk, no im not talking about that. I like the look of orcs, i think they are the best looking nonhuman race, that is both intimidating and appealing.
  15. Yet it simulates an open world, npc behavior and dayly routines, wildlife behavior..all of these are simulations (even though some of them are poorly executed). The action greatly outweights the rpg elements in this game...but maybe you have some other version of the game that we do not know of, care to share ?
  16. 1-10. Todd Howard: ("What would happen if we gave our team a free hand.."), please replace this one with someone who realizes that letting your team being creative, is a vital part in the process of making a fun game, thank you. There was already a thread about this and many people were raging what the game could have been, many took it as trolling from beths side, to show us what we never going to get.
  17. I dont understand why it is so hard for some people to realize that males are attracted to females, i find it actually odd that you find it odd. Why in the world would i play a hairy dude when i can play a beutiful girl, im not that focused on my male ego that i have to play a dude to remember myself of my male-ness.(not talking about you OP or anyone, just saying). As an artist i adore the female look, body, shapes. You basicaly put out a question and then answered it yourself...its a personal taste, how is that hard to understand.
  18. My first problem is, its fps..i never cared about these types of games...no matter how much abilities they put in, its still just an fps to me. Second problem...premade protagonist, i guess that speaks for itself. So far i dont really care about this game.
  19. We do seem to have created a generation with a lot of misogynists, I don't know what's happened, it's quite a recent thing. My better half isn't a gamer at all but thought she'd give Playstation Home a try, I won't go into detail with happened but that was her first and last interaction with online "gaming". I don't understand why Sony and others don't take this issue more seriously, there must be a large number of potential customers out there who won't use their products because of the abuse and perverts. I think its because their parents dont have any time to properly educate them, they are working their butts off so they can feed them and pay bills, they are happy if they have them off the back. They rather buy them some game to make them busy and since most of the games are pretty violent, ego fights everywhere, not to mention the internet being an oase of porn sites, plus the anonymity it offers, everyone playes a hero...no wonder they dont have any values and when they grow up... Sony probably couldnt care less as long as the coins roll. Yeah im avare of that but the way this vocal minority uses all these threats is absolutely sick. I have played Aion for some time and met a nice person there wich was really good in pvp, i wasnt aware that it was a girl playing that character, she was that good. I asked why she said, she is a male, the reason was simple, she was afraid of being harassed, so we kept it a secret. I spent a lot of time laughing behind the backs of these vocal maniacs who never knew who is kicking their butts.
  20. Sometimes im ashamed i have the same gender as these kids. Its like with each new male generation their minds are more and more degenerated, i wonder where is this going.
  21. I think its just about the priorities, so far in all of their games they followed the same old pattern...make a big explorable world, quickly put some generic items in, junk that noone cares about, wich makes them loose time, set up generic quests, then guild quests, make basic combat and animations and let the modders do the rest and carry their game for another 4-5 years. That way they dont have to put much effort for combat/companion system, balance, interaction etc...they do the core elements and the rest finish modders. Some people think they do us a favor by porting skyrim to pc, but they know very good that modders will carry their game, making it sell even after many years, while they can continue focusing on consoles...its a good strategy.
  22. I dont think thats the problem here in my opinion...this is about the combat being only on a basic level, there is no deep character developement. Basicaly the combat feels the same, there is nearly no difference if you are lvl 1 or lvl 60 because it feels all the same,you hack&slash or cast spells. The combat would require more depth to it then just this, more balance and interesting class develepoment prior to abilities that makes it interesting and fun to mix, many of the perks are just there fo show and the whole thing feels very shallow, wich buffles me the most since skyrim is so action oriented, one would think they would take more time in creating combat. The freedom of choosing anything you want at any time in combat is only a trick to hide the weak uncreative class system this game has, by making you think there is so many possibilities. No matter how many mods you put in, the core stayes always the same, shallow and basic and while it is fun to roam arround and kill everything, it can last only for so long untill you dont start to wish for more interaction, more depth..such beautiful, but static world basicaly asks for more then just this.
  23. I dont know if i could consider myself a die-hard fan of them, i did spent immense time playing their games, but i had always mixed feelings about their priorities. There werent any other games that would be moddable to such extent with open world. Long story short, to me no, skyrim is basicaly oblivion even more simplified, with bether graphics, but thats just my opinion.
  24. You do have a point, the problem is, while beth cant do a game that would please everyone, they do try to cater to a wide audience as much as possible and that is also the problem why their games are being more and more simple with each release and why people ask them selfs, whats wrong. Everytime someone asks why is the game getting so dumbed down, someone answers with "they cant please everyone", yet they are forgetting that its actually this fact that they try to cater to a wider audience thats dumbing the game down. Also i find it a bit too much to acuse people from having pirate versions of the game just because they have problems, a large part of these problems is caused by the fact that many of them are new to the series and lack the knowledge how to properly install and troubleshoot the mods. Also skyrim workshop isnt helping this either, people just download and install mods without knowing they could conflict with eachother and then they come running to nexus, with threads "my game isnt working HALP".
  25. I can't say i know about how these makeups were in such old times, but logically humans knew about making colors, mixing them from different plants, they used them for many things, especially in battles or to protect their skin from insects, but i think also to make them look attractive, however, the way colors were applied to the face and what they found attractive was a lot different from today's beauty standard's i think. I dont have problems with that though, im not really that of a lore fanatic, since i have character's who have makeup.
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