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Everything posted by Shivala

  1. Hey enjoy your new rig, about the CTDs, I like to chip in that Convenient Horses has given me nothing but trouble. I switched to the much lighter Immersive Horses, I argue that is better too.
  2. If you have a lot of gamesaves (say over a 1000) this can happen. But also gamesave bloat can be a cause. Check your savefiles first, normal save files go from 7000Kb beginning of the game to 25000Kb if you've done a ton of quests and so on. If you have many savefiles, just drop the older 800 files in a backup directory.
  3. I had the pleasure of having an ENB at max, at 1fps or so before it crashed, but wow was it glorious. Just have to wait till I can get a new rig. Enjoy your setup StackEmHigh
  4. Have you looked for mods that simply move the merchant chests to places where they can be accessed normally? I would expect a few thief-oriented mods to have done that but have never gone looking for it myself. The merchant containers are linked through the faction system which also controls which NPCs offer services. I found the Accessible Merchant Storage mod, which does move it to a chest. The only downsides are that most merchants' chests require you to find a key and use it, but I want it to be added to the actor's inventory itself. Thanks for the search prompt though, I've been searching for mods that used the inventory and never thought to broaden my horizons. I'll poke about in CK with this and see if I can't change it up a bit. EDIT: It looks like it only moves the chests themselves from below the ground, it doesn't add factions or scripts. Not to nag, whatever floats your game, but wouldn't it be unimmersive if one shopkeeper has 20 armors and 15 Meads in his pocket? A chest is more believable... Instead why not pickpocket the -key- from the shopkeeper. Place that in his inventory. And have a guard near the chest or something...
  5. Arissa is awesome. Amalee from 3DNPCs is great as well as you get go on her quests.
  6. I hardly used Frostfall either, but I did set the settings to mild when I did have it on. You never die, just an inconvenience... . I do have Campfire 1.6, which allows me to roleplay the cold and allows me to setup tent and get warm anywhere...
  7. Try turning off all graphic enhancements (textures and new models overhauls) and see if there is a difference.
  8. You can use Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer to have different 'profiles' these profiles is what allows you to have different mods activated/deactivated from game to game. Mod Organizer is a bit better with truly keeping games apart, including savegames, but Nexus Mod Manager is nice, and also a bit easier to use if you are a first timer to all of this.
  9. Normally now, I am just saying that I had a problem in First Person (stuttering) and in the Third Person everything was silky smooth. If there is a difference, you could be looking at the mouse stuttering problem. Otherwise it could be memory throughput difficulties. Then you should check the above commenters question, to check what ENBlocal is doing...
  10. Are you sure it's memory? I had stuttering because the mouse was interfering. Check if there is a difference between third person and first person, if there is, it is probably the mouse...
  11. One I really like as well is Mammoth Manor http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52460/? at lake Inalta. It has so much : it's secluded, the lake, the house has been crafted with great detail...
  12. There must be mods, because you can change the colour is the Creation Kit. I am sure people have done it. Also use something like Imaginator to give your world more saturation in colour.
  13. Hey, I got a laptop i7 - 8Gb - Radeon HD 5xxxx series as well, but 2Gb and I run Performance XP with ENB 0.113. I tried tons of ENBs and this one is the least intensive, while still have the best things from ENB. So try http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53083/? with ENB 0.113. Because I have a laptop I use the Injector. It adds a few FPS...
  14. Cool checking it out, any more highlights / favourites? Love to hear :D
  15. Do you run an ENB? There are several fixes for this I do know. ENB is usually the first culprit, but there are several ways of fixes I remember. I just returned after a hiatus so I cant give anything more specific.
  16. Hi All, After a break of a year I decided to reinstall Skyrim, are there any cool mods I might have missed? I focus mostly on Immersion, New Quests... Graphics depends, my system isn't the fastest on the block any more. But I do like overhauls on characters and voiced followers. Love the People of Skyrim for instance. Let me hear it ;-) Thanks, for Skyrim!
  17. I would think you would need Tes5Edit for that.
  18. Maybe try the guy who makes BodySlide he is pretty active at times.
  19. Not totally sure, but try the Cowl of Nocturnal
  20. You asked me if I knew this outfit, unfortunately I do not. I know quite a few outfits, but this one doesn't ring a bell. It looks like a conversion of sorts from another game.
  21. The latest racemenu allows you to rotate the character around with the WSAD keys. Go to the 'camera' tab.
  22. Welcome to Skyrim Mods! You use racemenu for that, read the instructions *CAREFULLY* http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/? By default you can go to console with the ~ key and type "showracemenu" This brings up your initial character selection. If you change the race mid-game, you might lose stats or so I heard.
  23. Sorry, just clarifying. Are you looking for an armour/clothing mod that has multiple parts/options available? If so you could try this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54967/? Yeah yeah yeah! Mod detectives save the day again, thanks Laereal!
  24. I do know there is a mod that let you bury a dead one.
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