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Everything posted by Shivala

  1. Hey everyone, looking for clothing/armor for female follower that has just a dress/skirt/pants (so basicaly multiple parts) for CBBE...does anyone know of such combination? I already use TRISS armour, but I hope there is more out there!
  2. I turned off ENB AA and Skyrims default AA, and I let my videocard handle it. It seems to give the best performance on my setup, with an AMD card. ENBs AA seemed slower than Vanilla AA.
  3. No, but you can copy a face with the mod NPC transfer visuals using TESEdit.
  4. You mean the Dragonborn stops Alduin? That was totally predicted and the Scrolls play the greatest part in any ES game. Only Akatosh can stop the scrolls from working I think (since he masters/created time) , which is highly unlikely. If I remember lore correctly, the scrolls are part of creation itself, so creation has to go with the scrolls if you want to destroy them I think.
  5. I use an older ENB on a laptop, it's amazing, I can still have decent performance and enjoy better shadows, lighting and so on. The trick was to use ENB 0.113 -injector- and the Performance XP preset. Also capping fps in ENBseries.ini helped a strange stutter bug in 1st person.
  6. What I learned from a few modders is that a lot of mess has to do with script processing or memory filling up. With more grids loading, your machine has to do more, and if the scripts can't be handled correctly you can get savegame bloat and/or memory is full and you get CTD. There was a definite correlation for instance with CTDs and savegame bloat when I used ugrids on 7 or 9 and using convenient horses (script heavy when I used in January) So I always check if mods are lean in that sense.
  7. Add a card mini-game, it's fun.
  8. Yes. A charcter key on the keyboard was getting stuck/unstuck (w) , so I had to fix the keyboard. If anyone should come upon this thread in the future...
  9. Also seems to happen in Space Engineers, really weird. So it's maybe related to Windows / DirectX or some other problem :/
  10. Weird glitch, whenever I move (also on a new install) my character sometimes, but not all times, stays moving for a bit and then holds. Naturally I checked Q/Caps button, but auto walk/run is not enabled. I have no controllers installed. I do have a wacom, but it is unplugged and I don't thinks the driver runs when it is unplugged. It's hard to Google for this problem...any help?
  11. Great to hear, one of these little trinkets that are good to know. SkyTweak is also great for this, for instance, you can decrease or increase the distance that NPCs will talk to you. At some point I found it odd that -everyone- was talking to me in the bigger cities (with extra NPCs it becomes ludicrous) so you actually have to walk up to someone.
  12. Not sure, but SkyTweak ...maybe. Look under dialogue padding...
  13. I do think Legacy means just that, and in most cases there won't be any upgrades anymore. Hopefully you'll be able to upgrade sometime with your computer. Unfortunately there are lifecycles with every PC, XP is a great Windows version. Windows 7 is really nice as well. Crossing fingers for Windows 10. Mod Organizer has profiles, maybe even a version for Windows XP since they only recently abandoned XP. You can run both MO and NMM, so little to lose.
  14. I love too Fus-Ro-Dah Delphine of that temple mountain top when she asks me to kill dear Paarthu. Characters in the game seem to forget you are Dragonborn when it doesn't suit them (anymore). I *love* to remember them.
  15. Not sure, *maybe maybe* in your Skyrimprefs.ini (sorry can't be of more help)
  16. Took me ages to get ENB to run on my laptop reliably and smoothly, but it is worth the hassle. You need the injector for sure on a laptop with dual graphics. I use Performance XP presets with ENB 1.13.
  17. What ENB are you using? The latest ENBs have ENBoost incorporated, so you don't need it. Also, FXAA injector and SMAA seem unnecessary, becuase ENB has that covered as well (and turn off anti-aliasing etc in SkyRim splashscreen (options) Just a tip : I was able to fix one really bad stutter in first person by applying the fps-limiter in my ENB ini file, but then I use an older ENB. Check if 3rd person is different from 1st person stuttering wise. Otherwise it sounds like scripting is going haywire, since things seem to accumulate over time. Are you using Mod Organizer? It makes it much easier to troubleshoot since you can use profiles and all.
  18. Well, they can have fast travel markers if a city becomes to big/inconvenient. Like when you become friends with a Jarl, you can fast-travel directly to the palace.
  19. Found a few that might fit what you are looking for: Viktor - Psychotic Imperial Guard Tank http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61127/? Voiced Loki from Thor http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58640/? Lord Scatsbury - Custom Voice http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66390/?
  20. Having looked at the trailer again, and if it is indeed in-game footage, the textures and objects look really detailed. The dog looks a bit out of place, I suspect he was comped in actually! (in post) Also, from the looks of it the cities look like actual cities, sprawling. Hopefully this means things are not so compressed as in Skyrim.
  21. Here is something : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37042/? Could be mixed with a dreaming mod perhaps...
  22. To offer another opinion : One might hope that the new Radiant AI is so wickedly awesome that they can't allocate more resources to GFX.
  23. ty I have that mod, but are you sure she isnt a wee bit too nice ? :o Could be, I thought she was crazy. I mean the whole story while you find her caged? :blink: Otherwise the only real alternative is to force follow Lord Harkon. He def is not a nice guy. fair enough ty anyways, I remember seeing once a really bitchy woman mod mod, she was a complete *censored* towards you and was like "dont be Fing looking at me >.> lol, I dunno what she is called though, any idea ? lol Try the mod detectives thread : http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/485981-skyrim-mod-detectives-thread/ These peeps know mods inside out.
  24. ty I have that mod, but are you sure she isnt a wee bit too nice ? :o Could be, I thought she was crazy. I mean the whole story while you find her caged? O_o Otherwise the only real alternative is to force follow Lord Harkon. He def is not a nice guy.
  25. Would be probably be best if you ramp up the stats of all NPCs, so it becomes really ---really--- difficult to slay everyone. Like in real life. SkyTweak is the easiest for that.
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