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Drakefell01 last won the day on September 7

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About Drakefell01

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    my channel link: https://www.youtube.com/@Drakefell
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    skyrim special edition and youtube

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  1. Fortnite, I used to like the creative part but it was always one disappointment after another, especially when UEFN came out I just quit, then I found skyrim modding instead, it was nice and I did not have to worry about any disappointments. Now I have decided to quit video games for the most part and focus on improving my financial situation.
  2. I suppose my Face is a good thing to wear, otherwise I think it would be a bit freaky to see my flesh, As a person from Celtiberian decent I am known to be clumsy, here's hoping I don't end up losing my face, try explaining that to a doctor. Doctor: "Why are you... Oh my god! where is your face?" Me: "Muffle muffle muffle(What I was trying to say is, I had a bad fight with a guillotine, it only got me by the face.) Then I plop it on. "I feel like wearing it today, would you like to sow it on for me?"
  3. I guess I have never met someone from the Us then, because canada is really bad, everyone is out to get you.
  4. I don't ban anyone this post, I just wanted to say, its not everyone, it's just very hard to find people with a similar thought process to me on this half of the world, not saying everyone is like that, because I have met few I can get along with, but canada is known for having aggressive people.
  5. I ban Pagafyr because I can't just answer his question normally: Only US citizens can't get citizenship, this was put into motion in 2024, but Canada is yet to piss off spain so it's still possible for a canadian to get Spanish citizenship. How the US pissed off spain: Lots of propaganda forums that make spain look bad that are paid for by the US government, The fact they stole the Movie industry from spain's Los Angeles Movie industry even though Spain had the original, also the US does not support Spain as an ally, but Spain does back Canada therefore if there ever was a US - Canada war Spain would be on Canada's side. Also Spain is happy with Canada because they get given a lot of war defences from Canada who manufactures them but never uses them for themselves.
  6. I ban Pagafyr for posting that 'incorrect fact' the happiness rate in spain is over 90% and they have nobody in spain wanting to leave to Canada or obviously the US which they hate in Spain and don't even allow Americans to get spanish citizenship.
  7. I Ban Pagafyr because I find North American girls in gen Z to be repulsing, that is why I want to move to Europe because I find European girls to be kind and not rude, what is it with these gen Z North American girls and their attitude? Its unbearable! I ban anyone who won't take me on a boat in a crate to Spain.
  8. I ban North American girls from attempting to go out with me, sorry only people from spain are permitted. (Only one attempt has been done on me by a person who does not meet the criteria, and that was many years ago.)
  9. No just be nice, listen to her, complement her, and she will like you. And why have I never been in a relationship even though people call me a romantic?
  10. I don't really know why it says that I have more than 100 on this forum. I ban nexus for incorrectly calculating my post count.
  11. Some days I wonder if everyone is insane... Today is one of those days.
  12. I ban Pagafyr for waking me up And I ban RedeadAngel for committing plagiarism, only I ban people for double banning. (LOL I just double banned)
  13. AaronOfMpls were in the underworld have you been? You were AFK for so long people forgot about you, I declare that a felony. Yo gano por ahora.
  14. A: A north american obviously, it's no better than deep fried butter. Q: If pigs fly why don't pigs have wings?
  15. Out: Hugh Jackman (Actor of Wolverine) In: A used tissue.
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