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Drakefell01 last won the day on February 18

Drakefell01 had the most liked content!

Nexus Mods Profile

About Drakefell01

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
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    my channel link: https://www.youtube.com/@Drakefell
  • Favourite Game
    skyrim special edition and youtube

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Mentor (12/14)



  1. Damn you Pagafyr for making a point that I should keep up with my YouTube. Your a Damn n'wah!
  2. Impatient... okay I will make a video! Just give me like 4 or so days tops... so impatient! You're a damn n'wah it's proven!
  3. Hmm, I'm sorry, I don't recall speaking English... what did you say?
  4. Yes it is, I could be a hobbit in New Zealand (LOL) I would love to see the Canterbury bays and the Marlborough Sounds.
  5. I think I would love to see New Zealand, it's a wonder of terrain.
  6. (Or perhaps with that weak of bite you may just be a cute and cuddly bunny, because a true battle bunny would never make such a lame roast. )
  7. I've been working on practicing with Japanese structures for my next Minecraft build, patience! You impatient lazy follower!
  8. Or perhaps with that weak of bite you may just be a cute and cuddly bunny, because a true battle bunny would never make such a lame roast.
  9. And you are the one who doesn't have any fingers, you are just a rabbit!
  10. This is a debate about dwarf planets, silly comments are allowed, no hate speech (Nexus rules not mine). So you explain your point of view and why you believe certain planets are dwarf planets and why certain dwarf planets are really planets.
  11. I ban Pagafyr for plagiarizing.
  12. LOL, (Banned for being creative)
  13. I ban both of you because your initials put together are OP and that stands for Overpowered, that means you have been banned for cheating end of question! (LOL)
  14. I ban vanishing, it makes no logical sense.
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