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Everything posted by OpheliaNeoma

  1. You might want to check out http://www.gimp.org to edit textures, and http://registry.gimp.org/node/70 for the .dds plugin to edit view and save the type of textures that bethesda games use but you won't be able to get that helmet into Fallout 3 since they're different games
  2. I say go for it, especially with the silver weapons and trolls.
  3. There's a mod I've planned to make, and this is one of the issues that I can't seem to figure out by searching, for a custom book cover, would I just copy the model and texture and apply it in NifSkope like I would with other items, along with editing the texture as I see fit? But the bigger issue is adding pictures and text on the same page - not a 'watermark' style picture for every page, i.e; a picture book with a small amount of text describing the picture - how would I go about doing that? Not many tutorials are on books and with what I found only seem to be showing how to copy a book and type text into them. Any help?
  4. I'm guessing there's some maintenance going on?
  5. "The IP.Chat room limit has been reached. You will not be able to join the chat room until some users first leave." There's only 4 people?
  6. It's planned to eventually be released on the next gen consoles, that's why I posted it here.
  7. So last weekend I went to Comic-Con and saw this booth where a bunch of people had computers and posters and stuff set up. I spoke to them about what they were doing and we were talking for a good ~25 minutes talking about their game that they were working on. I told them some of my ideas and ask them questions about nearly everything so that they think of even more things for their game. I found their Kickstarter, and I mentioned that I would help spread the word of their game, so here you guys go! I hope the Nexus can help out a bit. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aharon/ambrov-x-a-sime-gen-roleplaying-game
  8. Not just ignore other opinions - people like to call out and absolutely condemn anything that's even slightly different from their own.
  9. I guess Valve made it so that only mine gets locked after two weeks, then. Every time I go offline for more than two weeks. And I mean NO connection period - not just being connected and setting it to offline. I moved into a new house and after two weeks without having internet installed Steam locked me out of every game, even if I tried to run NV or Skyrim through the script extenders, FOMM or NMM. And this was recently too. Happened to me in July, and I always update Steam whenever there is one. It's been like this ever since I used Steam back in 2009. Even on 4 different computers (and I always set it to offline mode if I know I won't have internet for quite awhile) The error:
  10. inb4 elitist Phone users - "iPhone 6? You should build your own"
  11. Yet in Fallout 3 the quests had an impact on the NPCs and the environment, the ghouls aren't even spoken about outside Novac.
  12. I don't do my own voice, but I can whip up a pretty killer evil robot if anybody is interested. https://soundcloud.com/cytogasm/robot That one is a test run I did.
  13. To an extent maybe Skyrim is an actual place ;)
  14. Yes, I have, but now I can actually join, so whoever cleared it up, thanks.
  15. After getting the Bloodskal Blade and 'test driving' it, that's not exactly the effect I'm looking for. I don't want any special magic projectiles, just motion lines.
  16. @bben46 I know about the rules in the chat and the red text, but that has nothing to do with what it seems like I was banned for - it was during the time of 502 and 504 errors in June and I said (not meant to be taken seriously) "There should be a filter that censors when people mention 502 errors' because there were quite a few people asking about them (and asking the same question after people already explained to them what happened) I still am not sure why this is a bannable offense. After reading the rules both in the forum and chat, I still don't know where this is covered. That's why I'm confused. Sorry if asking this on the forum also against the rules. If I could get any help through a PM or something then cool. @Hypermouse: It wasn't a short ban for a minor offense, I'm not sure if this is even a minor or a major offense. It was a permaban (I still can't get in the chat). I also mentioned that when I tried to ask the moderator that banned me as to why I was banned, they left the PM conversation without responding.
  17. I wonder what would happen if we end up being visited by an ET that was biologically the same as us, I mean if science is based around replicating the right conditions for something to happen, and we obviously exist so there could be another planet out there with 'humans' on it. I put humans in quotes because they probably would consider themselves some other word. Unless... The conditions for events to happen were identical to ours all the way to the creation of the solar system, and also being so ideal that the entire shape and makeup of the third planet were the same as Earth's, and then the history of everything that habitats just so happened to be the same history as ours.. I'm sure that this is possible, but this also brings the question "Which Earth are we?" What if we discover a 'second earth', where it even has the same landmasses, then years later we end up sending a probe, only to find out that it's much much older than our home? Would we consider us to live on the 'second Earth'? What if the dominant sentient animal there had a different ancestry then us? Instead of being a primate, what if it wasn't even a mammal? What if instead of killing off the other sentient animals, they evolved alongside one another? Just some things I was wondering.
  18. Thor, you can't play Steam games offline after two weeks of no connection. After those two weeks you need to connect to the internet and restart Steam to play again.
  19. Right now I'm trying to make an Earth element, just with it's own versions of the vanilla spells. I modeled a rock in 3DS Max, but I have no idea how to turn that into a projectile. I've looked all over the place and can't find anything other than making a spell from pre-existing things in the CK, so I'm at a loss as to what I should be doing.
  20. Hoof gets what I'm saying. In FO3, you can ruin or save the wasteland, destroy a town, replace an entire community with it's enemy, fortify or wipe out a settlement, etc etc etc. In New Vegas, you can do a huge amount of quests, but there is no large outcome, unless you have the final DLC and
  21. I'm having the same issue as GlitchGirl, I even contacted the one that kicked me wondering why I was banned, and they left the conversation without responding. Still kind of confused.
  22. The reason they wouldn't bother with telling anyone is because they can fix it, if it was an issue that they couldn't fix at all, they legally have to let the people that spent money on the product know that they will be getting a refund.
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