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Everything posted by Naktis

  1. Welcome aboard, josh! Great character sheet. :thumbsup: I guess people just dislike Spellplague that much. :laugh: This RP is also set before Spellplague.
  2. Great character sheet, Flipout. Welcome aboard! :thumbsup:
  3. Nawen heard Rhaine saying something about traps and by the looks of it, Xallistine already found one. She wondered if the traps can be disabled but unfortunately she was able to disable the most primitive bear traps. Her guardian had taught her how to disable them so she could free the animals trapped with them but other than that she knew nothing of traps. The only thing she could do was to walk carefully to avoid them. "Do we even know where in these ruins Miora or whatever is left of her is?" She asked. Once they stopped Nawen noticed the portraits as well. She wondered how could someone change so much and from someone innocent turn so vile. She said nothing on the subject and silently looked at the paintings. "Finally." Aedan commented, as he watched Ravenna putting on the golden relic. Just in case he stayed at a safe distant. As powerful as the witch is, Sune is still a goddess and a greater one at that.
  4. @Tokyo, like everyone said, no worries. :thumbsup: Yeah, don't worry about your posts being dull, because they are not. I wish I could write posts like you do. :teehee: Anyway, we're here to have fun and that's all that matters. :thumbsup:
  5. Nawen followed the rest of her companions silently. She was horrified to see how many corpses just lay there, left to rot. Ravenna and their former companions must be stopped. Who knows how many more innocent people might suffer because of them. She had her duskwood bow ready, just in case. "More words like these and I'll start crying." Aedan replied to Ravenna's speech. He couldn't care less about letting other people built their own futures or better lives without having to fear being stuffed in the Wall of Faithless afterwards. He was out for himself and didn't care about anyone else. The Fallen looked around the temple, for some valuables while Ravenna bled the life from priestesses of Sune. He wondered how big the bowl was if she needed to kill all the women inside. He then decided to wait for Sune to show up as he had never seen a real deity in his life as a Fallen.
  6. "I don't suppose this Miora will tell us willingly where Ravenna is." Nawen said as she stared at the piles of ashes where undead used to be. "You need blood to summon Sune? That is... odd." Aedan said. "I thought she was different kind of deity." He added. The Fallen was getting tired of this adventure and hoped it will end soon. As he walked, Aedan rolled a coin across his fingers. He picked a few useful items for himself when they were in the banshee's cave. A coin was one of them.
  7. Nawen watched the undead horses and the carriage driver. "I really need to get a horse myself." She thought and quickly added, "alive one." She wondered why the undead? Was it to frighten everyone who caught a glimpse of the carriage or just a wish to stand out? She glanced at the elven ruins wondering what kind of elves used to live in here, how magnificent this place used to be once. "Valendil would love to see this." She thought but there was no time for such things. She looked at the Doomguide, her blade ready.
  8. And I ruined it just by writing his name. :laugh: Please, pretend that Nawen was lucky enough to pronounce his name without breaking her tongue. :tongue: Edit: Sorry for the teeny tiny post. Didn't know what to post. :psyduck:
  9. "A pleasure to meet you, Tak'we." Nawen said and shook his hand. It was good to know his name even if they still didn't know what he is. She was happy to hear that he's going to join them. They need every ally they can get.
  10. @tokyo, that was awesome. :laugh: @GrueMaster, you do? Awesome! You're going to be our lore master. :thumbsup:
  11. Nawen almost fell when the insect like being quickly jumped to his feet. Apparently Aricia's spell was quite enough at least for a moment. She gathered her healing salves and bandages and slowly stood up. "Because you needed help. We couldn't leave you like this." She said. "I'm not like the other Drow." She added once he called her dark softskin. She was used to suspicion whenever she helped someone. They always thought that her showing some kindness is a part of some great and evil plan. "I hope so too." Aedan replied. "I'm itching for some action." He added and for a moment remained silent. "So, is this dagger the only thing you need or are we going to stride through jungles again?"
  12. Nawen could tell that the poor creature was afraid of her, most likely of them all. While Echo picked the lock to free him from the chains, the ranger looked for some healing salves and bandages in her bag. As a ranger she could cast a few spells but for some reason she preferred not to and not only because the availability of the spells was very limited. Her guardian taught her how to heal injured people and animals without magic. "Used something?" She asked and for a brief moment inspected the wound without trying to get too close to him. He was already scared as it is. "He was stabbed, most likely with the poisoned weapon. " The drow glanced at Rhaine as well as the others. "The only thing I can do is to clean the wound and bandage it." "Do you know any spells to cure poison? I don't want to do anything without knowing the type of poison."
  13. Nawen left the cave as quickly as possible. Even from inside she could hear fighting. Quickly, she drew her blade and ran outside. A group of men were attacking a strange insect like being. She also heard the word slaver... was this poor creature an escaped slaved they were trying to capture? Luckily the slavers left, leaving the injured being alone. She heard Rhaine's question and approached the injured being to have a better look at him. "He seems somewhat familiar but even if I knew what he was I'm afraid I can't remember." She knelt beside him to take a closer look at his injuries. "We're not going to harm you. I just want to see if there's any way we can help you." She said to him calmly. Aedan watched Ravenna's fit of anger. He could also tell that someone has been in the cave recently. He was hoping they will follow the Doomguide and the rest of her band of good doers but was surprised and disappointed that Ravenna chose a different path. "We could take the missing piece from them, you know." He said as he followed her.
  14. Aww yiss... evil characters! :dance: And chaotic evil no less. :teehee: Awesome sheets, tokyo and Auri. :dance:
  15. Nawen smiled warmly at both Echo and Mahira. She had hesitated to show herself to them because she was unsure how they're going to react to her being a drow, one of the most infamous and cruelest races in Toril but she was relieved that neither of them seemed bothered by it. She was truly lucky to have met so many kind and accepting people. "It was nothing." She said in reply to Mahira's words. "I couldn't leave her behind. And please, just call me Nawen." She added. Hearing them calling her lady was... strange. She was no lady just a simple ranger. She had also noticed Ianthe's hamster jumping onto her leg. "Why hello there, little one." She said to him warmly but he was later picked up by Ianthe again because Rhaine's eagle had returned. "I am sorry for leaving and not helping you fight." Nawen said as she heard Rhaine welcoming her and Echo back. She felt guilty for leaving her friends and wanted to apologize, she'd feel bad is she didn't. "I misplaced my enchanted earplugs and banshee's wail led me away from the cave." She glanced at the pile of treasure in the cave from which she took some gold coins and a beautiful hunting knife. She turned to look at her friends when she noticed Aricia. "It is good to see you too, Lady Aricia." She mumbled something under her breath. The ranger had no idea how to address someone so noble like Aricia.
  16. Nawen smiled slightly. "I am glad you are with me too." She said and continued walking down the same path she had intended to go before meeting Echo. They didn't have to walk very far, the cave was closer than Nawen thought. For a brief moment the drow stood in front of the entrance and looked around listening just in case someone or something hostile was nearby. She couldn't hear anything and went inside. As a drow she could see in the dark so the darkness didn't bother but unfortunately her hood did. She took off her hood and glanced at Echo. "Do you remember where you fought the banshee?" She asked.
  17. Fantastic character sheet! Welcome again. :thumbsup:
  18. Nawen stopped walking. She turned around to face the halfling. Echo's voice sounded somewhat strange so she squat down beside her, placing her hands on the halfling's shoulders comfortingly. "There is nothing wrong with being afraid, Echo. I know you feel guilty for leaving but trust me, everyone will be alright and they will understand." She tried to sound as comforting as she could. The drow felt just as bad for leaving, she wasn't afraid of the banshee nor the dark caves and shadows but there were plenty of things she was terrified of and she knew how Echo felt. She then stood back up again. "Now let's go and find our friends, shall we?"
  19. Nawen lowered her bow as soon as she saw the halfling. Sighing with relief that it was only Echo and not some monster she put the arrow back into the quiver. "Yes. I think I know the way back." She said and started walking. "What about the others? Is everyone alright?" She asked glancing at Echo. Aedan was surprised how angry Ravenna got just hearing Sune's name. He was faithless himself and in his second life as a Fallen he had never worshiped a God. He loathed each and every one of them, good or bad, lesser or greater; all of them and to worship one just seemed pointless to him. He had done well for himself without them and he will continue to do so. "I always thought that worshiping a God is pointless, especially when you get nothing in return when you're alive." The Fallen said.
  20. Nawen made her way back to the banshee's cave. She feared for her friends well being but at the same time she feared to make a lot of noise by running straight to the cave. Who knows how many minions Maraiel had. If any of them discovered her she'd bring even more danger to others. The drow stopped for a moment to listen if anyone was out here. Silence. She waited for some more until she heard the sound of footsteps. The sound was so quiet that she began to think that it was her own mind playing tricks on her but just in case she drew her duskwood bow and notched an arrow. "One cannot be too careful." She thought and continued listening. "Who goes there?" She asked. "I have a bow and I know how to use it." The ranger added. "Well that's good." Aedan said as he followed the witch to wherever she went. After a brief moment of silence he asked again. "Why Sune? There are much more powerful Gods."
  21. Aww... I'm as always late to join the lovely discussions. :ohdear: I'm so happy to be a part of this RP. Tales of Faerun has to be the best RP ever. :laugh:
  22. Thank you very much! *happybounce* It sure can do a lot. :laugh:
  23. Indeed. I really like your post. :thumbsup: :dance: Sorry for the enormous post. Got carried away. :blush: And I also wanted to say that the amulet Fenmarel Mestarine had given to Nawen isn't some Godly compass or anything. I was thinking that maybe it has some Amulet of Natural Armor enchantment and that's it. The amulet just granted some confidence to Nawen and she's finding the right path on her own. :hurr:
  24. The sound of crunching leaves brought Nawen's attention. "Someone's approaching." She thought as her hand slowly moved to her blade, laerothil. The crunching sound stopped; it was quiet again. "Who are you?!" Nawen quickly jumped to her feet with her blade pointing at the Eladrin in front of her yet even with a blade pointed at him he did not seem scared. His attire was a mixture of leaves and scraps of clothing and his skin was of light grey color. "You have excellent senses, ranger. I am impressed." The strangely dressed man spoke and stepped closer. Nawen stepped back. "Who are you?" She repeated the question. "Is this man a banshee?" She thought. "Can a banshee change forms?" "I am not a banshee." The elf said. His eyes focused on the drow. "You called for help and I answered. I must admit I did not expect to see a Drow." There was a hint of bitterness in his voice. Especially when he addressed her by her race. "I'm not like the others." Nawen replied both surprised that he could somehow tell and annoyed that the only person who came to the clearing obviously hated her kind. "We shall see." The elf said as he looked at Nawen's blade as if showing that there is no reason for her to feel threatened by his presence. Not yet, at least. The drow sheathed her blade but still watched the Eladrin cautiously. She didn't trust him. Just because he doesn't look hostile at the moment, that doesn't mean he won't attack her at all. "Can you at least tell me who you are?" Nawen asked again. "Fenmarel Mestarine; or rather the avatar of The Lone Wolf, if you wish more details." Her mouth opened. She tried to say something but couldn't find any words fitting for this moment. She had heard of this name before. Her guardian, Calendil once bought her a book about the deities of Faerûn. Fenmarel Mestarine is the deity of feral elves and outcasts but why would he show himself to her of all people? "I've heard about your hatred towards my people. Why would you care what happens to me?" Nawen finally spoke. "I don't." He replied. "Give me the reason to care, prove that you are worthy." There was a long pause after his words. Nawen again did not know what to say while the avatar of Fenmarel simply stared at her, patiently waiting for her to say something. "How?" She asked. "Through simple tests." He said. "Inside the banshee's cave your friends are fighting Maraiel. You said you are not like the most of your kind, prove to me that it is not a mistake to trust you. Go and help your friends; this is going to be the first test." "But I can't even escape this damned clearing! How am I suppose to find my way back to the cave?" The Eladrin extended his hand. An oval shaped pendant with a pair of elven eyes and a simple leather strap lay in his palm. "Take this. It will show you the way." Nawen took the amulet and with that The Lone Wolf disappeared. She quickly put the amulet on and started walking. She did not know what kind of enchantment the amulet had but it felt as if she was walking down the road she walked many times before. Now, Nawen knew exactly where she's going.
  25. Nawen reached the small clearing from where the cries were coming from. The clearing was empty. "Should have known better." The drow said as she looked around. Thick cobwebs were stretched from branch to branch with huge trees looming threateningly in front of her. A shroud of thick fog concealed everything outside the clearing. As keen as her senses were Nawen could not see anything through the fog. As she ran here, the drow paid so little attention to her surroundings that she could not remember where the banshee's cave was nor from which direction she came. For the first time in her life, Nawen was lost. At first she tried to remember the path which later turned into guesses. No matter which direction she went Nawen always came back to the same empty clearing. She tried to escape the foggy woods for what it seemed like hours but it was merely minutes. The maddening laugh of someone or rather something followed her around. It didn't take long for Nawen to finally give up. She felt exhausted and scared. "It was a mistake coming here." She thought as she sat down on the ground with her back against one of the trees. She should have known better but the cries were so real that she simply could not ignore them. The drow felt guilty for leaving her friends to deal with the banshee alone. She had plenty of opportunities to see how skilled each and every one of her friends were and she had no doubts that both Echo and Mahira were just as able but still... what if they get lost? She was the scout of the party... "a scout that got lost in woods." She reminded herself. If something happened to any of them she would never forgive herself for leaving, even if she was sure that somebody was in dire need of help. Just like she was... "Somebody, help..." She tried to scream but only a whisper escaped her lips.
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