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Everything posted by Naktis

  1. July watched the demons fighting as she slowly walked towards the window, but that's when Jennie showed up again. "Go outside! Now!" She shouted hoping that the girl will understand. They were all leaving the room and even if the girl is kind of annoying she still felt that she should warn her. The huntress peeked through the window outside and noticed that Amy was already on the ground. Good She thought and started climbing down as well.
  2. I have decided to drop Thomas out of the RP because he isn't my main character not only in the RP but also in Dragon Age universe in general. Besides I really have no idea what he should say or do most of the time. :wallbash:
  3. Illadriel listened to everyone's opinions and glanced at Hinuf. "We're ready to leave?" The dwarf laughed while stroking his well kept brown beard and nodded. "Aye. Let us leave this human city." He gestured to the mercenaries to start moving. The men started pulling the wagon. Hinuf made his way towards the exit of Kirkwall. Finally. The elf thought and caught up with the dwarf. They had quite a few things to discuss after all.
  4. "Whatever." Aedan mumbled and continued walking as he just started walking and was heading into the right direction anyway. Sefris' constant reminder of her demonic origins was beginning to annoy her and he could see that she was by some point annoyed by him too which he didn't care at all. The Fallen used to made deals with demons and in the end he always won. He held himself higher above demons and everyone else. Nawen glanced at her arm. Rhaine was more seriously injured thus she completely forgot about her own injury. "Nothing a little cure for poison potion wouldn't fix." She reassured the Doomguide and walked up to her things and started rummaging through her bag. She could already feel the effect of poison taking effects but the ranger said nothing.
  5. July said nothing. She just stared at the two demons. Now would be a perfect time to escape. They don't stand a chance against a yellow-eyed demon. The huntress pulled Raven's sleeve slightly and gestured to the window hoping that Vance didn't see her doing this.
  6. July only rolled her eyes at Jennie's outburst. Some things she said were downright hilarious to her but she didn't laugh, she didn't even smiled. The huntress just kept shooting demons to nonlethal body parts so it wouldn't kill a possessed person but stop a demon. She glared at the man in the suit. A yellow-eyed demon. That's exactly what they needed. "How about you shut up and go back to hell?" The huntress mumbled to the demon.
  7. July shot a few demons that came through the door. One way or another they will have to leave the hotel. She only hoped that they leave before the cops showed up because surely someone called them already. Two more demons came through the door and July shot them too. "How many of them are here!?" She shouted watching the door. She hated to be stuck in this hotel room. Too small no quick way to escape if needed.
  8. Illadriel was about to say something to an elf but then he started talking with Cyhran. She sighed and looked around the market again. "By the stone! You stupid nug licker! The crate is going to fall off!" She suddenly heard a dwarf cursing. Soon after the angry looking dwarf approached the wagon and noticed the Dalish Warden as well as the others. "Finally you lot showed up. I was beginning to worry that we'll have to venture to the Deep Roads without you." The dwarf mumbled and patted the Warden's arms. He either couldn't or simply didn't bother to reach her shoulders. "It is good to see you too Hinuf." Illadriel said and smiled warmly to the dwarf and then turned to the others. "This is Hinuf, he's going to travel with us into the Deep Roads." The dwarf grinned from ear to ear showing his white teeth, some of them were missing. "Aye. So you lot ready to go or not?"
  9. Nawen whipped the blood off her shortswords and went to pick up her bow. She was lousy with a bow but at least some arrows hit the creature. She wanted to extract something from the beast before they left. Someone would pay a lot of gold for the ingredients. Hydra's are not exactly easy to defeat but at this time Rhaine needed help. She approached the Doomguide, the look of concern on her face. "Is there anything I could do to help?" She asked and looked at Xallistine. Aedan walked around in the fort, looking for Ravenna. He hated this place, they should burn it to the ground when they'll do whatever they suppose to do here.
  10. It was fun to have you with us, Mythic. :thumbsup: Members leave, RP's dies there's nothing we can really do about it. :unsure:
  11. Illadriel watched the neat little trick that the elf did. "Very nice." She said with the slight smile on her face. The elf had a good eye and quick reflexes. That will certainly prove useful in their expedition. "Welcome aboard then. Illadriel of the Grey Wardens, pleased to meet you." She said and extended her hand. They still had to wait for a certain dwarf as he refused to lend his precious wagon and not tag along with them. Apparently he also knows the area well and for a 'small' fee agreed to lead them to the entrance of the Deep Roads.
  12. Or you could come straight from Evereska. It's closer to the forest. xD
  13. Aedan frowned. I'll show you squeamish. He thought but said nothing. "If you're done... enjoying your drink I'd suggest we follow Ravenna." The Fallen suggested as he cleaned the bloody blade of his weapon to one of the corpses that lay nearby. When he was done with the blade he went to look for the witch. The beast was now noticeably weakened, thus attacking it was much easier. Nawen slashed the hydra's back with her shortswords, blood pouring out of the wound.
  14. July aimed her pistol to the door. Damn. I should have brought another one. The huntress thought as she watched Jennie running into the room. She watched the girl as she drew the devil's trap. That would have been a good idea if there was a carpet or something to cover it up. She couldn't care less about that demon outside thus she didn't check to see if she's really there. For all they know maybe she's the one involved with Raven's... situation. "If you had hunted before you'd know that you can never trust a demon!" July mumbled watching the door, her gun loaded and ready to shoot whatever will come through.
  15. Illadriel stood beside the statue looking around for something or someone when an elf approached her. "It is. Interesting in joining?" She asked as she eyed the elf curiously. He seemed capable enough. Thomas was chatting with one of the mercenaries hired for an expedition when he noticed the elven male from the tavern chatting with Illadriel. What does he want from us? He thought.
  16. July read the next message and frowned. That Jennie girl would be a terrible hunter if she's so quick to believe in demon's lies. Never trust a demon. She thought as she texted back the address of Raven's hotel. If some demons are really after them, it would be a perfect opportunity to exorcise the 'good' one as well. The huntress loaded her gun with salt-packed bullets and glanced at Raven. "Last-minute? Nothing." July approached the window and stared outside hoping to see some way to get on the ground if they need an escape.
  17. It would be sad to see you go but do what you think is best.
  18. July was about to put her phone away when yet again someone texted her. What the hell? She thought and read the message. "Something's coming our way it seems." She said after she replied to the text message with 'Care to elaborate?'
  19. No images in the RP thread, please. Thank you.
  20. July felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. She pulled it out and checked who texted her. "Whistler's niece Jennie texted me, asked me to pass her number to you guys and if we're gonna go after the demon we could sure use some help." The huntress suggested as she listened to Amy. "I think we should summon the demon and interrogate it, then for the hell of it exorcise it."
  21. And white-eyed demons are not allowed because even Ruby's knife didn't kill Alastair, and they're quite OP. In Brutii's Slenderman's case the powers were toned down.
  22. July listened to Raven's story, not wanting to skip a word. That's one hell of the mess she has gotten herself into. Though Raven didn't exactly had a say in this. "Okay. I will help. Got any leads?" July was staying for over the week in New York and found no jobs. Maybe monsters prefers smaller towns or maybe the city is full of hunters.
  23. Brutii, change the appearance thing and everything will be fine. I somehow skipped the part of the sheet, sorry about that. True form of the demons as it is displayed in the series is black smoke, nothing in the series looks like Slenderman.
  24. It's great! No worries, I like your long and awesome posts. :biggrin: After long an boring discussion with myself (don't judge me!) I've decided to switch back to the old name. So let's pretend that July is still July. It's not like that her real name or anything. xD
  25. I can only echo both LeoXaladin and Alaylyne, Wind is a great character! :thumbsup: And personal quests are fine and well as long as they don't take a lot of time... or should I say pages? :laugh: I'm sure that other RP'ers have some personal quests of their own. :laugh:
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