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Everything posted by xXHertzyXx

  1. Honestly, I could care less about Bethesda's DLC (note:mod)....why? Because, literally, and I'm not even joking here, almost every single player created "DLC" I have ever played was SO much more fun and engaging..were they perfect in how they were implemented? Maybe not. Maybe they could use some more NPCs, or some more of this or that somewhere..but, in the end..I've played some fantastic DLCs. From Tamriel Rebuilt, to Falskaar, to A World of Pain and many more... ...Players actually care about fun and adventure and actual roleplaying in our games...not giant companies who cater to the dollar. I'll buy Bethesda games, but only for the game engine and platform, the rest is modders. And the best part? They know this. That's why we will always have Beth games because they only have to do part of the work. So my vote is for the next great mod someone makes on the nexus.
  2. I'm starting with this rifle, because its been a couple years since i did this, to just get back into the swing of things. The next thing will be practice on a WW2 Helmet, just to get the process down for clothing items since they are a bit different. After that i will be doing all kinds of military related things. modern and past type of stuff (weapons, armor, misc items, possibly companions, maybe a quest mod in the distant future). Nothing too futuristic though, i do like a sense of lore balance to mods. The m2216 is a variant of the early M16 versions, so it is a bit different than an M4. Also, ported mods aren't allowed on the nexus as it is against copyright and the ToS of the nexus. (for example copying items from CoD and putting them on the Nexus will get you in big trouble.) That is why there is not many on the nexus.
  3. Actor Info: Age: 23 Active Member: yes Gender: Male Race/Nationality: 3rd Gen German/French-American Accent: Northern/Midwestern American, Can also do varying silly accents, alongside hit or miss accents of europeans and other nationalities Pallet: Active military, so the gruff low voice comes natural. Also, can do higher more tenor like sounds. Maybe, higher but haven't pursued. Skills: Basically, a jack of all trades in terms of modding. Can do amateur sound editing, create .wav files, self-teach myself creation kits etc., 3D modeling, basic texturing, I write my own quests/stories and create my own dialogue/backgrounds for NPCs. Very little knowledge in animation/scripting, but i have dabbled with it. Experience: Have created personal mods for myself and friends. Have never released anything big or small to the nexus yet... I am willing to help with any voice acting as long as I can claim credit for my part so i can add something to my "experience:" section lol :tongue:
  4. These aren't bad ideas, as there is no such thing..but, good god, they should be implemented for use with power armor. The MK19 is primarily a vehicle mounted weapon in real-life. When I shot it, it was pretty awesome, but, i could never imagine hand carrying it lol :dance: In terms of sniper rifles, those are some big ****ing rifles. No mobilty at all, unless you were setting up an ambush somewhere. But, hey. More guns are always useful and we always need new mods :thumbsup:
  5. Normally, from my past experience, no you won't be able to see why or who removed it. It normally happens when the mod uploader has some sort of discrepancy with the nexus, be it their account was banned or they took it down to fix something..could be anything really..
  6. Yah, this video is from NCRvet who uses Video Game Ungerground (or as they are known now, GunNetwork.org)..they host a lot of ported mods unlike nexus, so those wouldn't be allowed on the nexus.. unless someone remade from scratch all of those guns. (Idk if those guns shown are ported but i do know the rest of the content is, i.e. the outfit he's wearing in the video is from BF4)
  7. Right? The fact that the pipe rifle makes up a majority of the NPC weapons is amazing too....they talked about all those mods, and you can't even turn the any of the weapons into grenade launchers. Hardly comparable. FNV devs had a lot of time when they already have textures, meshes, scripts and other assets ready. Compare it FO3. Ok, couldn't the same be said about Fallout 3 than? They had the assets...Heck, they even had a grenade launcher in the cut content for FO3. FO3 had many more base weapons, with 40 or so unique weapons..Base weaponry in F4 is pretty low, with some mods. Then they have legendary weapons which are just base weapons with different stats, making up a good portion of the other guns you will see. Lastly, unique guns which are actually different than the base/legendary guns. All-in-all, F3 did have more weapon variety. Meaning, Fallout 4 is still pretty lackluster in this regard.
  8. This is in fact a Marine helmet, but when I'm done with my rifle I'm working on I'll take a shot at this. (I've never really worked with outfit items so it could be a while for me to get it right)
  9. I thought this was meant to be a weather type of nuclear weathers...
  10. Right? The fact that the pipe rifle makes up a majority of the NPC weapons is amazing too....they talked about all those mods, and you can't even turn the any of the weapons into grenade launchers.
  11. I agree with being tired of skimpy mods and the female oriented mods. I'm currently making a custom AKM (re-learing is occuring), and after that i plan on making more military oriented mods.
  12. Maybe the Institute just wanted to turn your synth component off for testing purposes.... :whistling:
  13. Well, we all pay money to make Bethesda rich, so... I don't see the problem with OP's standpoint. We pay to get a product that produces at a certain level, that which is on par with what we expect in return. I've been modding since Morrowind, the CK (or as it was called back then, the Construction Set), was packaged with the game on the disc. Every game since has had a CS with it, and every game it takes longer to release. Putting pressure on large companies who take advantage of the "casual gamer" stance is exactly what produces low-quality, low-effort, cash cow type of games. If you want to wait to buy the game until there is modding tools, that's your prerogative. I for one, agree with you. I wish more people took their purchases more mindfully in this regard.
  14. This gun is OP in real life. As well as the M1A. Which is by far one of my favorite rifles.
  15. ^- In reference to this. I'm an active duty Marine, and I can most assuredly tell you that, our average gear (non-combat) is about: 40-50lbs. Flak with mags, kevlar, cammies, boots and rifle. Now a combat load. We are talking...rations, ammo, full protective gear, rifle, field gear is in all about 80 to 100+ lbs. Just so you know constant stress in the form of packs on your back from loads of 50+ lbs are guaranteed to give you nerve and spinal damage as well as bad knees and ankles. Primarily, because that weight is supported by your hips. If the OP wanted to keep it real like. I advise you can run with 50-80 lbs, but after that, reduce character speed and at 120 completely stop movement. anyhow, just my two cents. I wasn't talking about combat loadouts, I meant what the average joe takes with him on his daily drive to his white collar job where he sits at a desk all day. I was aware. In the fallout universe many outfits would weigh as much as our non-combat loadout i would imagine. I was primarily pointing out that unless your character trained, going from carrying 10 lbs to 80+ lbs wouldn't necessarily just make them stronger.
  16. Holy.. Its a cool concept but, that grip needs to be straightend out more. It's not that the mags in the wrong place so much as it is the grip is angled FAR too back.
  17. More helmets as well. I feel like i can count on my hands and toes how many there are.
  18. +1 for giving me a *ping*.. If someone could make this..and so kindly make a riot shield as well that either gives high Damage protection or stops bullets. With or without also wielding a weapon. I would be the most thankful person on the nexus.
  19. So, I realize it's been a while since i posted here. Ironically, I was stationed in the Pacific and had some deployments to do! Hah! Anyhow. I was able to read all the replies as i returned and they were truly insightful. First off, I have no clue how i missed the desert ranger armor being the issued armor for Marines. Probably because no Marine would wear a trench coat and unbloused boots as a uniform, especially into combat. Funny thing about the Benji Montgomery wiki is that the Marines don't have airbourne paratroopers. And they reference the Army a bit. So, they must be talking about him being a Soldier? I know the saying on Vickers helmet is actually more than likely referencing a Marine Corps cadence we sing. Meaning he was a Marine. Also, denoted by his rank and the tally of kills (synonymous with Marines.) Interesting fact.. Marines have been stationed in Japan and Guam pretty much since close to the end of WW2. This would mean, Unless Okinawa and the Japanese territories were obliterated the USMC would have fully stocked and functioning bases. More than likely even 200 years later. Another interesting fact. Aircraft carriers that carry Marines and Sailors have cargo ships that follow them that carry literally TONS of food and supplies to resupply ships for long periods of time. (I helped restock the ship) Which means the survivability of the USMC, even if its a few..is pretty dang likely
  20. Hey, I see you mentioned needing a modeler for this in another thread. Anyhow, I'm kind of rusty on my modeling skills (I also am learning on new software :/) But, I think this would be a great project for me to practice on. Ill try to get more suited on my skills this week and if no one comes along beforehand and makes it I would like to have this done this weekend :P
  21. Hey, thought I would throw in my two cents. First off, I would love an inventory overhaul like you are suggesting. As an avid ARMA and DayZ player..and most every other "hardcore" game kind of player, I respect a good level of realism in my games. When I polish up my skills I plan on releasing military oriented mods to the nexus. So these realism changes (inventory, bullet damage, sleeping/eating req. mods) will be quite useful. In terms of the junk and ammo it is quite a predicament. But, if I recall correctly, in New Vegas there was a mod that made bullets weigh something but they weighed just little enough to not slow you down and kept you reasonably stocked (note: not 1000 .50bmg rounds). So this can be done for that aspect. The Junk is another problem. Obviously, there is too much. The only way i see a work around for this is to have followers or something that can "hold" or "teleport" gear for you. I'll leave the creativity of that idea to someone. But, i have few ideas. ^- In reference to this. I'm an active duty Marine, and I can most assuredly tell you that, our average gear (non-combat) is about: 40-50lbs. Flak with mags, kevlar, cammies, boots and rifle. Now a combat load. We are talking...rations, ammo, full protective gear, rifle, field gear is in all about 80 to 100+ lbs. Just so you know constant stress in the form of packs on your back from loads of 50+ lbs are guaranteed to give you nerve and spinal damage as well as bad knees and ankles. Primarily, because that weight is supported by your hips. If the OP wanted to keep it real like. I advise you can run with 50-80 lbs, but after that, reduce character speed and at 120 completely stop movement. anyhow, just my two cents.
  22. Technology moves fast. Does anyone have good 3DS Max 2016 tutorials for weapon-making/armor-making? I found Millenia's, but it is for 2012 3DS. Also, if you could post what you find, I plan on compiling the info into a more up-to-date standalone guide for simple to use instructions. Thanks.
  23. Hello. Posting this as a request and as a personal reminder. I don't mind Dogmeat, but I would much rather he be a Doberman Pinscher....I can model and texture my own weapons and do dialogue and voice stuff..but, for the love of God, I cannot figure out rigging and the such. So if someone could replace Dogmeat that would be fantastic. Thank you. If not I guess I'll need to keep trying. :P
  24. I would personally say that both Freedom Fighters and Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction were by far 2 of my favorite games. They were both quite fun games to play. And although they were simple in design, I feel a remake or a sequel to either would be great. Freedom Fighters i absolutely loved the art design of the game. And the complex dilemma of an invading force into America..Plus the gameplay was down right fun in my opinion. Think Red Dawn kind of plot, except inside of Boston. The concept was fun, and they had an alright design for that era. Too bad there was never anything afterwards :? Mercenaries was tons of fun. Explosions, vehicles, gunplay..i think it was ahead for its time. I don't know if you could call it underrated but it certainly didnt seem very popular at the time. Although the Mercenaries sequel was good that came out it felt hyped for me..and the studio that made Freedom Fighters, never made a sequel. I think they maybe got disbanded :/
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